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Local Lunsford campaigners don't turn in registered voters
My brother who in early August when school began, was approached by two Lunsford and DNC campaigners at school who were there registering kids who were 18 to vote. It appears those who registered as Republicans did not get their forms turned in. The 2 guys are also former Russell graduates, who I know very well, and I am so very disappointed in them. I don't know if Ive ever been so disappointed in someone in my life.

My brother who thought he was going to get to vote for the first time this year, will now not be allowed to do so.
Beetle01 Wrote:My brother who in early August when school began, was approached by two Lunsford and DNC campaigners at school who were there registering kids who were 18 to vote. It appears those who registered as Republicans did not get their forms turned in. The 2 guys are also former Russell graduates, who I know very well, and I am so very disappointed in them. I don't know if Ive ever been so disappointed in someone in my life.

My brother who thought he was going to get to vote for the first time this year, will now not be allowed to do so.
I think I know who you're talking about and 1 of them I know for sure is an idiot that owes me money from the 2007 UK vs UL football game.Cool
Do you have proof that they didn't turn them in or is this just your opinion?
DevilsWin Wrote:I think I know who you're talking about and 1 of them I know for sure is an idiot that owes me money from the 2007 UK vs UL football game.Cool

Yeah, bball cost me a bet to him last year.

I think I know exactly who you are now.

Especially since I believe you once corrected me on the spelling of your last name lol, when I mentioned your bro once.
Beetle, this happened in Pike County, also.
Beetle01 Wrote:Yeah, bball cost me a bet to him last year.

I think I know exactly who you are now.

Especially since I believe you once corrected me on the spelling of your last name lol, when I mentioned your bro once.
DevilsWin Wrote:I THOUGHT YOU KNEW ALL ALONG.....:lmao:

I was about 99.9% sure.

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