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Barack Obama Elected 44th President of the United States
Well now the democrats and MSNBC, NBC, CBS< and ABC have noone left to blame. Hopefully this will only last 2 years, Germany and France were set back 40 years economically after installing the same policies Obama, Pelosi, and Reed are going to put in.

Atleast McConnell won. He will get us Billions for the state over the next 6 years. Now they will be able to finish that Riverside park in Ashland.
"So this is how liberty dies.....with thunderous applause"
All the Conservatives on here that are whining and sore losers need to chill and get behind the next president of our country...No one is blaming the state that the country is in right now on all republicans like someone said before on here, people are blaming the Bush Admin. To bad McCain had to lose but he couldn't have lost to a more classy opponet(sp?) IMO..great speech by Obama and McCain. Great day for America. We all need to come together and get behind the new leader of the free world.
I think President Obama is going to be fantastic. I think he will truly begin the change in direction we need. So exciting to see people from so many countries around the world cheering because of his victory. It's very uniting. I love it!
Sorry, your not going to see very many conservatives get behind Obama and the Dems policies. I funamentally disagree with everything they are doing.

Heck Dem policy is why our economy is in the toilet right now.
Fannie and Freddie, NAFTA + the highest business tax in the world, and we wonder why jobs are gone? Companies have to compete in a world market, and we expect them to stay here and pay 3,4, or even 5 times the taxes, plus higher wages and cover health insurance. Be prepared to see alot of people lose alot of jobs.
Now all we have to do is just sit back and wait for our checks to arrive!
There goes my dream of buying my own plumbing business.
Yup I'm quitting my job today.

Why bother working, when I can get just as much if not more from the govt. Plus free healthcare. Actually Im glad Obama won. Now I can sit at home and play xbox everyday.
You guys need to get behind our president...this crap is ridiculous. We all need to come together and try to make this country better, no matter who is Commander in Chief.
vundy33 Wrote:You guys need to get behind our president...this crap is ridiculous. We all need to come together and try to make this country better, no matter who is Commander in Chief.

Nope I will funamentally oppose legislation that is going to destroy the foundation of this country.
vundy33 Wrote:You guys need to get behind our president...this crap is ridiculous. We all need to come together and try to make this country better, no matter who is Commander in Chief.

I couldn't agree more.

and yes, it was bullet proof glass
vundy33 Wrote:You guys need to get behind our president...this crap is ridiculous. We all need to come together and try to make this country better, no matter who is Commander in Chief.

Just lilke you guys got behind Bush? How quickly we forget. Four years ago, the Dems were singing the same song. I am one who does not vote for the pocketbook. I base my vote on who opposes abortion, gay rights, and just being so liberal it is scary. And before you jump on the wagon of everybody has a choice, just remember that God destroyed countries years ago for the same reasons. This country has become a country of do whatever you want to. Historically, whenever a country turns its back on God, they get a whipping. Mark my words, we have one coming. Not just because of Obama, but because of the Kennedys and all the people who are as liberal as they are. I just can't understand for the life of me how people call themselves Christians and support abortion and gay rights. I don't even have the choice of not wearing my seatbelt, but people can kill an innnocent unborn child. But smash the egg of an eagle, and you will get jail time. Can't people see that this country's priorities are all in the wrong place? For a candidate to say, "I am against abortion, but it is the choice of the woman" is riding the fence. Jesus said, "Let your yea be yea and your nay be nay." The things this country supports now would make our forefathers turn over in their graves. Don't get me wrong, this is a great country, I love it. But we are too liberal for our own good. I hope Obama does a good job, I really do, we all have our futures at stake. But I just think this is a risky time for an inexperienced man on the job. With that being said, don't hate on the McCain supporters, because the Gore/Kerry supporters did the same thing four and eight years ago.
Shady Grady Wrote:Just lilke you guys got behind Bush? How quickly we forget. Four years ago, the Dems were singing the same song. I am one who does not vote for the pocketbook. I base my vote on who opposes abortion, gay rights, and just being so liberal it is scary. And before you jump on the wagon of everybody has a choice, just remember that God destroyed countries years ago for the same reasons. This country has become a country of do whatever you want to. Historically, whenever a country turns its back on God, they get a whipping. Mark my words, we have one coming. Not just because of Obama, but because of the Kennedys and all the people who are as liberal as they are. I just can't understand for the life of me how people call themselves Christians and support abortion and gay rights. I don't even have the choice of not wearing my seatbelt, but people can kill an innnocent unborn child. But smash the egg of an eagle, and you will get jail time. Can't people see that this country's priorities are all in the wrong place? For a candidate to say, "I am against abortion, but it is the choice of the woman" is riding the fence. Jesus said, "Let your yea be yea and your nay be nay." The things this country supports now would make our forefathers turn over in their graves. Don't get me wrong, this is a great country, I love it. But we are too liberal for our own good. I hope Obama does a good job, I really do, we all have our futures at stake. But I just think this is a risky time for an inexperienced man on the job. With that being said, don't hate on the McCain supporters, because the Gore/Kerry supporters did the same thing four and eight years ago.
Perfect statement.
DevilsWin Wrote:I'll buy your ticket Looser!:p

I believe i would wait awhile before i would say anything about being a loser i think ever one in the good ole U.S.A lost last night. Give it about 6 months or a year and then say that but of course then you will say you voted for Mccain. Loser.
vundy33 Wrote:You guys need to get behind our president...this crap is ridiculous. We all need to come together and try to make this country better, no matter who is Commander in Chief.

I will pray for Obama but I cannot, will not, get behind a man whose policies support, murdering the unborn, infanticide, redistributing wealth, etc. I will pray for him, like I said, but unless his policies change drastically---I won't get behind him. The change he is speaking of is not going to be good for our country. Go ahead and watch from your rose colored glasses. The media has given him a honeymoon. Now that he is elected you will see what he really intends by change. And in probably less than a year - - - I, and many other conservatives, will be saying . . . "I told you so."
countryfrist Wrote:I believe i would wait awhile before i would say anything about being a loser i think ever one in the good ole U.S.A lost last night. Give it about 6 months or a year and then say that but of course then you will say you voted for Mccain. Loser.
Get the Ef OUT!
BIGREDDAWG Wrote:I will pray for Obama but I cannot, will not, get behind a man whose policies support, murdering the unborn, infanticide, redistributing wealth, etc. I will pray for him, like I said, but unless his policies change drastically---I won't get behind him. The change he is speaking of is not going to be good for our country. Go ahead and watch from your rose colored glasses. The media has given him a honeymoon. Now that he is elected you will see what he really intends by change. And in probably less than a year - - - I, and many other conservatives, will be saying . . . "I told you so."
I am praying for you. Ethnocentrism is not the American Way!
Conservatives are being whiny little babies and that's a fact.

I've heard complaints that "you all didn't give Bush a chance, so we're not giving Obama one." That's B.S.

I gave Bush 4 years, I didn't vote for him in 2004, but I gave him 4 years.

You say you won't get behind Obama because you fundamentally disagree with Democrats, well BIG SURPRISE. Democrats have not agreed with Bush for the last 8 years.

Bottom line is that you all need to get over it. We have a President-elect who is willing to bring this country together and try and make it better. However, some of you refuse to even give him the tiniest of chances. But that's no surprise, because it wouldn't matter who would've won last night, if it wasn't a Republican you still wouldn't give them a chance.

As for the "give me my check" "I'm going to quit my job and wait on my check" comments, you all need to seriously grow up and look at Obama's policies. Stop listening to the lies and hate of people like Sean Hannity.

There is a serious revolution that needs to occur in the Republican party. They are driving away members (many turning to Libertarianism) and running off of moral issues and nothing else, that's why McCain lost. Yes, McCain is pro-life, that's great, but if his campaign had spent more time talking about and trying to fix the economy and less time trying to call Obama a big meany who hangs out with people they don't like, then McCain would have had a better chance.

The Republicans were set up to fail this year. Bush 43 is one of the most disliked Presidents and that was going to be a big stumbling block for them to get over in this election. Even though McCain did a decent job of separating himself from Bush, some people were still going to associate McCain and the Republican party with Bush.

I still believe that Sarah Palin is a big reason this campaign failed as well. It really was a poor choice by McCain. Can you imagine if McCain had picked Romney? This election would have been a whole different story. If Romney had been chosen for VP the McCain camp. would have won in a landslide because Romney was always seen as the Rep. candidate with the best economic experience.

Instead of picking someone to help McCain deal with the economic fiasco, McCain picked a gimmick candidate to try and steal away angered Hillary supporters. It didn't work.
ComfortEagle Wrote:Conservatives are being whiny little babies and that's a fact.

I've heard complaints that "you all didn't give Bush a chance, so we're not giving Obama one." That's B.S.

I gave Bush 4 years, I didn't vote for him in 2004, but I gave him 4 years.

You say you won't get behind Obama because you fundamentally disagree with Democrats, well BIG SURPRISE. Democrats have not agreed with Bush for the last 8 years.

Bottom line is that you all need to get over it. We have a President-elect who is willing to bring this country together and try and make it better. However, some of you refuse to even give him the tiniest of chances. But that's no surprise, because it wouldn't matter who would've won last night, if it wasn't a Republican you still wouldn't give them a chance.

As for the "give me my check" "I'm going to quit my job and wait on my check" comments, you all need to seriously grow up and look at Obama's policies. Stop listening to the lies and hate of people like Sean Hannity.

There is a serious revolution that needs to occur in the Republican party. They are driving away members (many turning to Libertarianism) and running off of moral issues and nothing else, that's why McCain lost. Yes, McCain is pro-life, that's great, but if his campaign had spent more time talking about and trying to fix the economy and less time trying to call Obama a big meany who hangs out with people they don't like, then McCain would have had a better chance.

The Republicans were set up to fail this year. Bush 43 is one of the most disliked Presidents and that was going to be a big stumbling block for them to get over in this election. Even though McCain did a decent job of separating himself from Bush, some people were still going to associate McCain and the Republican party with Bush.

I still believe that Sarah Palin is a big reason this campaign failed as well. It really was a poor choice by McCain. Can you imagine if McCain had picked Romney? This election would have been a whole different story. If Romney had been chosen for VP the McCain camp. would have won in a landslide because Romney was always seen as the Rep. candidate with the best economic experience.

Instead of picking someone to help McCain deal with the economic fiasco, McCain picked a gimmick candidate to try and steal away angered Hillary supporters. It didn't work.

Republicans are no more whiny babies that the dems four years ago. I remember hearing Alec Baldwin saying he would leave the country if Bush won. Just remember back four years ago. You are right in the fact that Palin was not a smart choice, and McCain just didn't run a good campaign. But you cannot say that Obama wants to bring this country together. He may say that and he may want that, but his actions will speak differently. If the dems want to bring everyone together, why didn't they do a better job the last four years, while they controlled Congress. When the dems are in complete control, they want people to come together. When the GOP is in the white house, where is that reaching across the aisle? It simply doesn't exist. And as for the check comments, just look at history. The dems are tax and spend. It is so easy to get on the check with tax and spend. If the wealthy get tax breaks, at least they are working. I would rather give a tax break to someone who works everyday instead of people who are just too lazy to get a job. I know them and you do to. But hey, like someone else posted, I will pray for him to do a good job. But I still disagree with his proposed policies. I just pray that God will give him wisdom to do what's right. But my prediction is that with Obama, Pelosi, and co., we will be more liberal. Within four years, gays will be allowed to marry in over 50% of the states. If that happens, it is just wrong. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the same reasons. I didn't vote for Obama, I voted for McCain, but God puts people in power and he takes them out. Always has, always will. He is in control. And when this country gets evil enough, we will see that to be true.
DevilsWin Wrote:Get the Ef OUT!

What does that mean?
DevilsWin Wrote:I am praying for you. Ethnocentrism is not the

American Way!

You need to be praying there devilswin it might do you good.
Left wingers: say something nice about George Bush.
Right wingers: say something nice about Barack Obama.

George Bush understands the role migrants play in the United States. In this, he is more insightful that those who use ethnic mistrust and anger to arouse the publics sentiments, Democrat and Republican.
Shady Grady Wrote:Republicans are no more whiny babies that the dems four years ago. I remember hearing Alec Baldwin saying he would leave the country if Bush won. Just remember back four years ago. You are right in the fact that Palin was not a smart choice, and McCain just didn't run a good campaign. But you cannot say that Obama wants to bring this country together. He may say that and he may want that, but his actions will speak differently. If the dems want to bring everyone together, why didn't they do a better job the last four years, while they controlled Congress. When the dems are in complete control, they want people to come together. When the GOP is in the white house, where is that reaching across the aisle? It simply doesn't exist. And as for the check comments, just look at history. The dems are tax and spend. It is so easy to get on the check with tax and spend. If the wealthy get tax breaks, at least they are working. I would rather give a tax break to someone who works everyday instead of people who are just too lazy to get a job. I know them and you do to. But hey, like someone else posted, I will pray for him to do a good job. But I still disagree with his proposed policies. I just pray that God will give him wisdom to do what's right. But my prediction is that with Obama, Pelosi, and co., we will be more liberal. Within four years, gays will be allowed to marry in over 50% of the states. If that happens, it is just wrong. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the same reasons. I didn't vote for Obama, I voted for McCain, but God puts people in power and he takes them out. Always has, always will. He is in control. And when this country gets evil enough, we will see that to be true.

I was thinking about moving to France, but then I thought why go to all of that trouble and expense when in two years France will be here. Smile
Will all of you nay-sayers eat crow when this country turns out just fine during an Obama presidency?
Shady Grady Wrote:Just lilke you guys got behind Bush? How quickly we forget. Four years ago, the Dems were singing the same song. I am one who does not vote for the pocketbook. I base my vote on who opposes abortion, gay rights, and just being so liberal it is scary. And before you jump on the wagon of everybody has a choice, just remember that God destroyed countries years ago for the same reasons. This country has become a country of do whatever you want to. Historically, whenever a country turns its back on God, they get a whipping. Mark my words, we have one coming. Not just because of Obama, but because of the Kennedys and all the people who are as liberal as they are. I just can't understand for the life of me how people call themselves Christians and support abortion and gay rights. I don't even have the choice of not wearing my seatbelt, but people can kill an innnocent unborn child. But smash the egg of an eagle, and you will get jail time. Can't people see that this country's priorities are all in the wrong place? For a candidate to say, "I am against abortion, but it is the choice of the woman" is riding the fence. Jesus said, "Let your yea be yea and your nay be nay." The things this country supports now would make our forefathers turn over in their graves. Don't get me wrong, this is a great country, I love it. But we are too liberal for our own good. I hope Obama does a good job, I really do, we all have our futures at stake. But I just think this is a risky time for an inexperienced man on the job. With that being said, don't hate on the McCain supporters, because the Gore/Kerry supporters did the same thing four and eight years ago.

Hey, chill, I'm a republican and I voted for McCain. Don't give me all that ****. I was just saying that Obama is the president now and there is nothing we can do it about it.
ComfortEagle Wrote:Will all of you nay-sayers eat crow when this country turns out just fine during an Obama presidency?

Will you eat crow if he doesn't do so well?
Old School Wrote:Will you eat crow if he doesn't do so well?

Old School Wrote:Will you eat crow if he doesn't do so well?
There ya go again Old School. Answering questions with questions.:Clap: Bravo!
My last post...gone for 9 weeks. Good luck on killing each other in this forum...hope you miss me!! lol..

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