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Such a lewd uncooth word.
But Wyatt is my friend.
Are we cross, I don't think I dont think I could bear it if we were not friends. I play only gentlemenly games such as poker, of tiddly winks.
I know how about a spelling test?
"Doc Holliday" Wrote:Such a lewd uncooth word.
But Wyatt is my friend.
Are we cross, I don't think I dont think I could bear it if we were not friends. I play only gentlemenly games such as poker, of tiddly winks.
I know how about a spelling test?

We may both lose at that Doc ol' friend #-o
How about a game of Farro gentlemen. I just acquired us a table at the Oriental. Oh I forgot Ringo you can't keep up with your losses on the pickleball court. How could you possibly play cards. How about a game of Old Maid between you and one of our pencil pushers. Curley Bill could possibly want some of the action. By the way has anyone seen Marshal Dillion and his little buddy Chester?
Cards?? Keep it up Junior & I'll blast you right up that wildcats :-# .. Make no mistake gentlemen, I will get my revenge

Posted Thu Jan 27, 2005 3:34 pm:

By the way ol' friend, I haven't seen either of those guys.
I saw calamity Jane and Annie oakley on the front row tonight
I saw them too
You gentlemen sure do a lot of talking, but I have not seen any action. As a matter of fact, it has been told that some of you gentlemen are not around to back up the sass!
"Liberty Valance" Wrote:You gentlemen sure do a lot of talking, but I have not seen any action. As a matter of fact, it has been told that some of you gentlemen are not around to back up the sass!

For a man that don't go heels you sure run your mouth kinda reckless don't you Liberty?? :lol:
If they were on the front row they had a free pass because they sure are o tight to buy a ticket.
"Doc Holliday" Wrote:I saw calamity Jane and Annie oakley on the front row tonight
It appears that the duo of AO and CJ have new friends in the likes of Johnny Ringo and Liberty Valance and Curly Bill. Maybe the group can come up with a formative team and bet a caravan to see who would win. I need a caravan for me ma. Hope for a snow day boy's and girl's and then show up. Proper!!!
Indeed sir!!! Let the games begin
"The Pikey" Wrote:So thats the way it's gonna be. Challenge accepted on the pickleball court.

Pikey, It is time to take off the kid gloves and allow you to experience some real humiliation. On the court. IT'S ON!!! :lol: :lol:

Posted Fri Jan 28, 2005 4:58 pm:

"The Pikey" Wrote:It appears that the duo of AO and CJ have new friends in the likes of Johnny Ringo and Liberty Valance and Curly Bill. Maybe the group can come up with a formative team and bet a caravan to see who would win. I need a caravan for me ma. Hope for a snow day boy's and girl's and then show up. Proper!!!

That duo does not appear to need any friends However, I must concede that you are correct indeed. Maybe a friendly wager could be placed on this ferocious pickleball rivalry. Maybe a case of athletic tape and prewrap or boatload of Icy Hot. Anything that will help the losers recover in time to play again before spring. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Spring has sprung and the odds are definitely in our favor. You boy's will go limping home.
Weeell Wyatt, what are you doing up so late??? Speaking of limping home, how's that bad ankle coming along from the last showdown???
I see Ringo you must have stayed up later than the kids in order to participate in our games.
You boys from tombstone are slow (like your guns)and can not play. And who shot Liberty in the knee? He needs to be glue like his horse.
This suddenly got interesting. We were in Tombstone, then out of nowhere came Billy the Kid wistling a tune.
He might of seen there where no true gun slingers (pickleball players) on here. Curley Bill, Liberty and a Doc that has lost his touch.
Well William Bonney, I didn't know you were coming to town. Who's gonna show up here next Pat Garrett? John Wayne? the Cantons or the MacLaureys? It appears this town is booming gentlemen, you know what else this town could really use is a race track, just to show we're moving up!!!

Posted Sat Jan 29, 2005 1:51 pm:

Correction....I meant the Clantons
"William Bonney" Wrote:You boys from tombstone are slow (like your guns)and can not play. And who shot Liberty in the knee? He needs to be glue like his horse.

Actually I think Liberty has a broke down old cougar.
I knew their was something broke, Johnny Ringo I think it has a race track at the top end of the town cause thats where I saw that borke down Liberty tring to run.
I'll be ready to play boys. I'm as solid as an OAK.
Saying that Liberty Valance is a false remark indeed. I fight to the bitter end. I don not run when wonded, and will call-out anyone that says different.
I'd just like to get on the court & settle this issue, I'm getting pretty tired of all this talk...blah blah blah....that's all I hear. Lets do it....Come on!!!

Posted Sun Jan 30, 2005 12:52 pm:

Did you get mt message Doc??
I got the keys to the lock at the OK Corral. Lets meet down there today.
"Wyatt Earp" Wrote:I got the keys to the lock at the OK Corral. Lets meet down there today.
Let's do it!!
I remember playing that game during my gym classes back in the day. It was great, my team usually won but I never got the oppertunity to play it after the 8th grade. If there were any place around here to play I'd probably go, but until then I'm just remembering the good ole days.
We usually fight it out up at Boot Hill.
Maybe we could have a tournament in the near future and settle this feud
You have a problem Ringo with your partner being unable to draw with a pin in his thumb. How can a tournament be played and the rifleman out of action? He never saw a shot he didn't like. Annie Oakley and Calamity won't play either because of lame excuses.
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