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I would hesitate to call a 4-3 win a proper one CB. The 27 Yankees lost every now and then and as we have always done for everyone in Tombstone the previous 125 times that we have won, we look forward to a rematch. OHHHHH it's gonna be here before you and the Rifleman know it. Sad to hear about Liberty being on the disabled list.
Heard that Curly Bill was gunned down by The Judge twice yesterday. I guess Curly forgot to mention the shootout.
You all still playing? Where is MR. J..
"Wyatt Earp" Wrote:Heard that Curly Bill was gunned down by The Judge twice yesterday. I guess Curly forgot to mention the shootout.

Yea, is dueling season still in? :twisted:
I know Ashland still plays Pickleball in gym class. Wasn't my favorite game in gym, that would have to VOLLEYBALL PDT_002
The Judge and myself have unknowingly been playing the game with broken paddles. Luckily two were delivered just the other day. Target practice has begun and Curly Bill and The Rifleman are the guiena piglets. It's a new day in the streets of Tombstone.
Pickleball is back.
Now we get to hear Wyatt's stories again...
Yay. 8)
You've got that right, Wyatt's full of stories!!!
Yes I am and then some eh Ringo.
Can't wait to hear them.
We're baaaack!How about a game of pickleball today cowboys? Oh nevermind....me and CB will take a win anyway we can get it ...CSF to JRB and Wyatt, thanks guys...maybe we'll be able to play Saturday. If not I guess that's another CSF!

"Johnny Ringo" Wrote:We're baaaack!How about a game of pickleball today cowboys? Oh nevermind....me and CB will take a win anyway we can get it ...CSF to JRB and Wyatt, thanks guys...maybe we'll be able to play Saturday. If not I guess that's another CSF!


I would imagine Wyatt is questionable for the next showdown. While sightseeing the streets of Bristlebuck, it seems he took a pretty good fall when his horse threw him off unexpectedly. If he's a no-show, will it be a forfeit?
Ive never heard of it before
Well Bomber.... Wyatt hasn't been so quick to draw on anyone since CB and the Rifleman shot them down on the main streets of Tombstone. If you notice he hasn't been running his mouth so wreckless for a couple of months now after using "broken paddles" for an excuse. Where ever he is I'm calling him out and if he doesn't show..... CSF!!!.....you know the rulez!!:rules:
Doc paid a visit to his old friend Wyatt and I must say it appear that his steed must have bolted at the smell of something in season from the look of things.
Give it time and I am sure he and his band of immortal shall ride again.
i myself have moved on to greener pasture searching fro a perfect release and pocket shot.
I would rather nurse a bottle and well ........................
I shall try to restrain myself as lo0ok to the future for new challenge
That's fortuitous Doc.
I am rolling............
So does this mean you're retiring Doc?
Hell no Im in my Prime it's just that I have found a more enjoyable way to pass the time.
I challenge the likes of Curley Bill and High strung Johnny Ringo to play over the break against me and the Hangin Judge. Wonder if Washington Generals would want to donate some games? Rifleman may want a dose, good and proper.
Well, Wyatt I didn't think you had it in you....sure I'll play if it's at a proper time.
Never heard of it.
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