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Cousins/Swopshire Incident
leecoukfan Wrote:Well he IS a hot head but you can't call him a thug for getting kneed in the head and retaliating if thats what you want to call it. To me it looked like he was just trying to maintain possession of the ball.

I was calling Cousins a THUG before this incident. Swopshire's leg came up while rolling on the floor, there was no intent. There was obvious intent with Cousins' elbow to the head.

I'm more of a UK fan than I am a Louisville fan, so you can't say I'm bitter about a lose.

You UK fans (most of you anyway) getting on here trying to justify this is pathetic. If Cousins was playing for someone else and did that to a UK player you would be on here wanting him banned from college basketball. :please:
ImagineThat! Wrote:I was calling Cousins a THUG before this incident. Swopshire's leg came up while rolling on the floor, there was no intent. There was obvious intent with Cousins' elbow to the head.

I'm more of a UK fan than I am a Louisville fan, so you can't say I'm bitter about a lose.

You UK fans (most of you anyway) getting on here trying to justify this is pathetic. If Cousins was playing for someone else and did that to a UK player you would be on here wanting him banned from college basketball. :please:

Am I saying ban Swopshire for kneeing Cousins in the head?
You guys go on and believe what you want. I'm not stooping down to your level and playing childish games with you. Have a nice night. lol
I've watched the video several times, and it's clear to me that Swopshire's leg was a deliberate motion. He rolled over and then his leg traveled vertically. It was not a "natural" movement unless we live in some kind of alternate dimension. His body was already on the ground and then his leg traveled upwards toward Cousins.

With that said, the knee to the head is what I believe caused Cousins to elbow him in the face, MMA style. Am I condoning it? No. Cousins should have realized the time to be a thug was over when he put on that blue and white jersey.

Does that mean Cousins should be suspended? No, not IMO. Would I be fine with a 1 to 5 game suspension? Yes, I would actually, but that's not up to me. I would rather Cousins be suspended than for Kentucky to have a "thug" reputation.

Have any of you read the latest blog on KSR, describing the pre-grame activities by UofL?

Here are some excerpts:

During warmups, as both teams did their layup lines, there was a lot of talking from the UL side to the UK guys. Edgar Sosa, Jerry Smith and Reginald Delk were yelling at various UK players, specifically Bledsoe and Cousins, and letting them know that they would be ready to play. Smith even had a couple of instances in which he would run around and through the UK line in order to get into the UL line.

After the national anthem, both teams jawed a bit and a couple of the UL players walked by Cousins and “rubbed” their shoulders against him. The last UL player to do it got a little shove from Cousins and that was that.

I did not see this, but a couple of people have reported that there was some jawing between the two teams behind the scenes right before the introductions. Calipari referred to it a bit in his press conference and Mary Jo Perino said in a Tweet that the Louisville players were screaming “We are Bad M’Fers” in the hallway.

During introductions, the Louisville players didnt “run out” as usual, but stayed in a huddle while their names were called. As both teams came on the floor for the tip, Smith, Sosa, Wall and Bledsoe had some nice words for each other.

After the first little incident with Bledsoe and Delk, people didnt see on television that Edgar Sosa looked towards the UK crowd and started waving at the fans and telling them to “bring it on”, while Bledsoe said some things to Delk that likely werent fit for print.

As they have said on KSR and I have said on here, I do not condone Cousins' actions, but you have to also take into consideration the intensity of the game.
Yes the Swopshire knee to the head was a deliberate act to get Big Cuz off of him Big Cuz just happen to retaliate but IMO both should have been ejected and there would not be all this controversy...
I know I'm beating a dead horse, but I just don't see how some of you believe that the knee from Swopshire wasn't intentional.
Quote:I know I'm beating a dead horse, but I just don't see how some of you believe that the knee from Swopshire wasn't intentional.

No bad intentions but just it's just the way I see it, people just see some things different.
PC_You_Know Wrote:Am I saying ban Swopshire for kneeing Cousins in the head?

Thats exactly what i was going to say!
im glad cousins is rough and this so called "thug". i love it. but he doesnt do it unless its done first. which is how anyone in life is. if someone physically touches you or says something then you should do it back. swopshire is an idiot for tryin to hurt him anyway, that guy doesnt weigh 100pds soakin wet. cousins would tear his head off.
Let's just settle a few things right now.

1. Biased UK fans will say Cousins got kneed in the head and Cousins should have choked the life out of him.

2. Most unbiased UK fans and basketball fans alike would say this whole incident was started by Swopshire. The emotions were high. Swopshire kneed Cousins, Cousins slammed down an elbow, then Swopshire retaliated with a swing as Cousins walked away to the bench.

3. Biased UK haters will say Cousins is a thug and continue to DENY the FACT that Swopshire started this mess with an INTENTIONAL knee to the head.
This should be a non-issue. The game is over. It doesn't matter anymore.
outdoorsman43 Wrote:This should be a non-issue. The game is over. It doesn't matter anymore.

It should be a non-issue, but for the UofL fans it is not. This will be their gripe for the next few weeks and many will keep screaming that Cousins should have been suspended as if the outcome would have gone in their favor had Cousins been out.

There are two things I wish had happened during this game.

1) I wish Cousins would have gotten thrown out, just so this would have never been an issue or complaint.

2) I wish UK would have blown UofL so far out of the water that it wouldn't have mattered if Cousins had been in the game or not.

Those two things didn't happen, so we now have to live with the UofL fan's complaints, etc. It will all be water under the bridge in the near future, but you can bet, this will continue to be an issue for some during this coming week especially as post game analysis continues on the internet and radio.
It was a chippy, physical basketball game where tempers flared for 40 minutes. Get used to it, because as long as Pitino and Cal face off every January it will be a war and I for one cannot wait to see this matchup over and over for the next several years.
I feel like Swoopshire's knee wasn't intentional, and it looks like it barely grazed Cousin's head if it did at all. Cousin's elbows were rediculous and very deliberate. The dude has a horrible attitude.
I love the hatred between these two programs and fan bases it is truly wonderful.

We all just need to move on from this, Swopshire obviously did knee Cousins in the head (intentional or not) ramifications for that could have still been in place. Cousins retaliating could have had its own ramifications. Both were subject to ejection but were not and I think that came down to it being a rivalry game that was not even 1 minute into the game. Its over and done with let it go. One thing I do want to point out to you Ville and others you call Cousins a thug I want to make you aware that Swopshire did jump up and throw a closed fisted punch and Cousins did not react (now that is keeping your cool) a thug would have decked Swopshire.
Yeah, I agree calling Cousin's a thug is a bit too far even though I don't like him. He does however have a very bad attitude in my book.
outdoorsman43 Wrote:Let's just settle a few things right now.

1. Biased UK fans will say Cousins got kneed in the head and Cousins should have choked the life out of him.

2. Most unbiased UK fans and basketball fans alike would say this whole incident was started by Swopshire. The emotions were high. Swopshire kneed Cousins, Cousins slammed down an elbow, then Swopshire retaliated with a swing as Cousins walked away to the bench.

3. Biased UK haters will say Cousins is a thug and continue to DENY the FACT that Swopshire started this mess with an INTENTIONAL knee to the head.

Very good point! I totally agree with you!
Wuzza Bear Wrote:Yeah, I agree calling Cousin's a thug is a bit too far even though I don't like him. He does however have a very bad attitude in my book.
And I can agree with you on that WB, however I must admit I would have and have done the same thing. Sometimes it is just a natural reaction based on emotions. For that I can understand it but do not condone it and I am embaressed at some of the things I have done. The thing is you learn from these situations, move on from them and grow as a person.
outdoorsman43 Wrote:This should be a non-issue. The game is over. It doesn't matter anymore.

I agree with you but what is going to happen is that if one side drops it the other side is going to bring it back up just to get it going again because hardcore UK fans like to get under the skin of Lousiville fans and hardcore Louisville fans like to get under the skin of Kentucky fans! So essentially and unfortunately its kind of a never ending issue until they play eachother next season!
both should have been tossed,was un callled for by both...
Exactly 15th. I'd say that Calipari will shape Cousins up during his stay at UK.
Wuzza Bear Wrote:Exactly 15th. I'd say that Calipari will shape Cousins up during his stay at UK.

From my understanding per associates of Cals and the University Cal has really taken Cousins under his wing since September and Cousins has taken a likeing to Cals son so much of his off time is spent in Cals home. So I can agree with you that he will grow up alot throughout the year and hopefully he stays one more year to grow a litle bit more. When I watch him I see a 15 year old boy playing like an NBA star. Many of you compare him to Rashed but I see a kid more like Rodman
leecoukfan Wrote:I agree with you but what is going to happen is that if one side drops it the other side is going to bring it back up just to get it going again because hardcore UK fans like to get under the skin of Lousiville fans and hardcore Louisville fans like to get under the skin of Kentucky fans! So essentially and unfortunately its kind of a never ending issue until they play eachother next season!

you nailed that one on the head
leecoukfan Wrote:I agree with you but what is going to happen is that if one side drops it the other side is going to bring it back up just to get it going again because hardcore UK fans like to get under the skin of Lousiville fans and hardcore Louisville fans like to get under the skin of Kentucky fans! So essentially and unfortunately its kind of a never ending issue until they play eachother next season!

I can buy that.

I am done arguing about it though. Game is in the books.
BlackcatAlum Wrote:Okay, I closed the other thread because we where no longer discussing the game, so now I have a video taken by a fan at the game (whom had great seats BTW) and you may have seen it already but if not, here it is....

Okay, from what I notice from the video is that Swopshire is already on the floor and rolls over and DELIBERATELY knees Cousins in the head and he retaliates with an elbow. I also suggest you to watch the video at least 3 times before posting your opinion.

I see what your saying too. They both should have been ejected imo, rediculas behavior.
theVILLE Wrote:glad someone does because i dont see it deliberate...

It was defintely deliberate. He put more force with his knee than nessicary for it to be on accident.
I am a diehard UK fan, but I also call it like I see it:

1. Cousins should have been ejected and suspended for the Georgia game... the forearm was deliberate and an embrassment.

2. This goes back to the other thread...but the reason UK shot free throws is because there were two technicals on UL and only one on UK. Delk got a technical and so did Swopshire.

3. Speaking of Swopshire, he is every bit as much of a "thug" as Cousins for his actions. His knee came up twice and clearly made contact with Cousins head warranting a retalliation. The part EVERYONE OVERLOOKS, that to me is the worst part of all, is the fact that Swopshire threw a closed fist punch in Cousins stomach after Delk shoved him. It was an intentional swing, it was closed fist, and it was a sucker punch as everyone was focusing on seperating Cousins and Delk. You can see it clearly on this video at the :21 mark... Cousins' head is turned and Swop hits him in the stomach and then quickly backs away. A low down, dirty, sucker punch.

Swopshire should have also been ejected and suspended at least one game. The rule book doesn't single out excessive use of a forearm, but it does speak specifically at taking a swing and connecting.

UL fans think Cousins is the anti-christ... but IMO, Swopshire was the man who not only started the altercation, but also the last one to throw a drty shot in.
For SEVERAL years now, UK has taken these punches, not retaliated, lost their stature as one of the NCAAs elite programs, and it has sickened me. Every game, it seemed like somebody was throwing a shot and we wouldnt do anything about it. UK hasnt had toughness in a LONG LONG time. They havent had that "mess with me and you'll pay for it" enforcer since Magloire. Yeah Chuck Hayes was tough, but Magloire would flat punish you if you got around him. I LOVE Demarcus Cousins. Yeah I bet that little punk Swopshire from Loserville was wishing he hadnt thrown those knees when Cousins decided to go all Kenny Florian on him and dropped those elbows. Louisville would have gotten away with intimidating the Cats the past 6 or 7 years, but not this team. WE ARE THE BULLIES again. And it feels great to take the lunch money from everybody, including the lesser programs like yourself Card fans. Nobody is gonna punch this team in the mouth and walk away, I guarantee that. So do what you do best Loserville fans, whine and complain about not getting calls, blah blah blah. You started a fight against the bully, and you lost. Crybabies. Go wipe your tears with Clark Kellogg and Vern Lundquist.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:For SEVERAL years now, UK has taken these punches, not retaliated, lost their stature as one of the NCAAs elite programs, and it has sickened me. Every game, it seemed like somebody was throwing a shot and we wouldnt do anything about it. UK hasnt had toughness in a LONG LONG time. They havent had that "mess with me and you'll pay for it" enforcer since Magloire. Yeah Chuck Hayes was tough, but Magloire would flat punish you if you got around him. I LOVE Demarcus Cousins. Yeah I bet that little punk Swopshire from Loserville was wishing he hadnt thrown those knees when Cousins decided to go all Kenny Florian on him and dropped those elbows. Louisville would have gotten away with intimidating the Cats the past 6 or 7 years, but not this team. WE ARE THE BULLIES again. And it feels great to take the lunch money from everybody, including the lesser programs like yourself Card fans. Nobody is gonna punch this team in the mouth and walk away, I guarantee that. So do what you do best Loserville fans, whine and complain about not getting calls, blah blah blah. You started a fight against the bully, and you lost. Crybabies. Go wipe your tears with Clark Kellogg and Vern Lundquist.

Love it!
leecoukfan Wrote:Well i don't see how you get SuckyTucky out of a team that's ranked #3 in the nation and is undefeated but oh well. AND on another note that knee to the head an accident, cousins elbow looked more accidental than Swopshire's knee!

Well you all got Loserville when they were #1 in the nation and number one overall seed???Anyway it must be a kentucky fan thing...Everyone else agrees Cousins is a thug

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