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Is It Time To Start Profiling?
With the shooting at Fort Hood and now the incident with the underware bomber, I think the time now come to forget about being politically correct and start profiling potential terrorists.

Your thoughts?
Interesting that you started this thread. I was getting ready to do that very thing.
9/12 was the day that terrorist profiling should have begun. If you attend a radical mosque, then your mode of transportation should be limited to what God gave you - your feet. No driver's licenses, no plane tickets, and definitely no airplane tickets. In other words, it is time to return the Wahhabis to the rocks from whence they crawled. Wahhabi imams should be immediately banned from "preaching" in American prisons.
Agreed. The 14th amendment protecting everyone is one thing, but when national safty is a concern there has to be something done.
It is way past time to start profiling! I agree with you HG. The whole world is NOW paying for what could have been taken care of through profiling. Today, milblogger Michael Yon was 'arrested' at Seattle Airport. His crime was refusing to answer the question, "What is your income?" Joan Rivers was refused access to a flight back to the United States because she had her name on her passport as Joan Rosenberg, aka Joan Rivers. A young caucasian child's playdoh was confiscated by the TSA because it could possibly have plastic explosives in it. (By the way, Playdoh is not on the security list for confiscation.) If 'white' 60 year-old males were trying to blow us up because they are 'Radical Christians' you can bet your butt they would profiled. The video below says it all!

[ame=""]YouTube- An American Carol - Rosie O'Donnell[/ame]
Works for the Israeli's, when is the last time they had a terrorist on a plane???????
Via Orange County Register

Free speech's survival is at stake at UC Irvine. Its fate is in the hands of UCI Chancellor Michael Drake.

On Monday night there was an assault on this most treasured principle of Americans. Michael Oren, a respected academic and Israel's ambassador to the United States, attempted to make a presentation to about 500 students, faculty and community members about U.S.-Israeli relations. A raucous group of protesters time and again interrupted his effort to create a bridge of understanding over the contentious issue of the Middle East. The protesters screamed and shouted attempting to drown out the ambassador. One of one, they were removed by security officials who stood on the perimeter of the UCI Student Center

[Editor's note: UCI officials said Tuesday that of 12 people arrested, nine were UCI students, and three were students at UC Riverside. UCI police initially refused to release the names of the arrestees, who were cited for disrupting a public event.]

After repeated interruptions, Oren stepped out. In a side room, officials from the university, the Jewish community and the Israeli Consulate were questioning if the ambassador should continue. The real question was would the university be a place for an exchange of ideas or one where totalitarianism and verbal violence would hold sway.

The ambassador told Chancellor Drake, "It's not about me speaking, it's about the right of academic freedom on campus." I told Drake that it was time for him to consider suspending or expelling students who believe they can use violence and intimidation to impose their views on others.

[ame=""]YouTube- Uncivilized Tactics at UC Irvine in HD[/ame]

After repeatedly heckling the Ambassador, at the 8 minute mark, at least 50 primarily muslim students stand up and noisily exit the room. It was a well orchestrated display of contempt for Israel but even worse, for free speech. These people are extremely scarey...and nuts...I definitely think anyone that fits the mold, should be profiled!!!
Joe Friday Wrote:Via Orange County Register

Free speech's survival is at stake at UC Irvine. Its fate is in the hands of UCI Chancellor Michael Drake.

On Monday night there was an assault on this most treasured principle of Americans. Michael Oren, a respected academic and Israel's ambassador to the United States, attempted to make a presentation to about 500 students, faculty and community members about U.S.-Israeli relations. A raucous group of protesters time and again interrupted his effort to create a bridge of understanding over the contentious issue of the Middle East. The protesters screamed and shouted attempting to drown out the ambassador. One of one, they were removed by security officials who stood on the perimeter of the UCI Student Center

[Editor's note: UCI officials said Tuesday that of 12 people arrested, nine were UCI students, and three were students at UC Riverside. UCI police initially refused to release the names of the arrestees, who were cited for disrupting a public event.]

After repeated interruptions, Oren stepped out. In a side room, officials from the university, the Jewish community and the Israeli Consulate were questioning if the ambassador should continue. The real question was would the university be a place for an exchange of ideas or one where totalitarianism and verbal violence would hold sway.

The ambassador told Chancellor Drake, "It's not about me speaking, it's about the right of academic freedom on campus." I told Drake that it was time for him to consider suspending or expelling students who believe they can use violence and intimidation to impose their views on others.

After repeatedly heckling the Ambassador, at the 8 minute mark, at least 50 primarily muslim students stand up and noisily exit the room. It was a well orchestrated display of contempt for Israel but even worse, for free speech. These people are extremely scarey...and nuts...I definitely think anyone that fits the mold, should be profiled!!!

How is the behavior of these students different from those who shouted down Congressmen and others who disagreed with them on healthcare reform? Why, on the one hand, are the healthcare hecklers viewed as champions of democracy, while these are viewed as "scarey and nuts"?
Mind you, I'm not advocating this type of behavior, only asking for a differentiation.
Joe Friday Wrote:Via Orange County Register

Free speech's survival is at stake at UC Irvine. Its fate is in the hands of UCI Chancellor Michael Drake.

On Monday night there was an assault on this most treasured principle of Americans. Michael Oren, a respected academic and Israel's ambassador to the United States, attempted to make a presentation to about 500 students, faculty and community members about U.S.-Israeli relations. A raucous group of protesters time and again interrupted his effort to create a bridge of understanding over the contentious issue of the Middle East. The protesters screamed and shouted attempting to drown out the ambassador. One of one, they were removed by security officials who stood on the perimeter of the UCI Student Center

[Editor's note: UCI officials said Tuesday that of 12 people arrested, nine were UCI students, and three were students at UC Riverside. UCI police initially refused to release the names of the arrestees, who were cited for disrupting a public event.]

After repeated interruptions, Oren stepped out. In a side room, officials from the university, the Jewish community and the Israeli Consulate were questioning if the ambassador should continue. The real question was would the university be a place for an exchange of ideas or one where totalitarianism and verbal violence would hold sway.

The ambassador told Chancellor Drake, "It's not about me speaking, it's about the right of academic freedom on campus." I told Drake that it was time for him to consider suspending or expelling students who believe they can use violence and intimidation to impose their views on others.

After repeatedly heckling the Ambassador, at the 8 minute mark, at least 50 primarily muslim students stand up and noisily exit the room. It was a well orchestrated display of contempt for Israel but even worse, for free speech. These people are extremely scarey...and nuts...I definitely think anyone that fits the mold, should be profiled!!!
:Thumbs: I agree and will go a step further. If any of the Islamic fascists who were disrupting the ambassador's speech are here n visas, expulsion from school falls far short of the action needed. They should be deported immediately following a brief hearing.

I would also identify all members of the Wahhabi sect of Islam and bar them from using any form of public transportation in this country. Those who are not citizens would receive one last plane ride to their country of origin.
thecavemaster Wrote:How is the behavior of these students different from those who shouted down Congressmen and others who disagreed with them on healthcare reform? Why, on the one hand, are the healthcare hecklers viewed as champions of democracy, while these are viewed as "scarey and nuts"?
Mind you, I'm not advocating this type of behavior, only asking for a differentiation.

I'll tell you how. It's very plain and simple. It's very blunt, but it's also very true.

One group champions themselves as the "opposition" simply set on seeing that healthcare reform is not inacted. The other group champions themselves as simply just the "opposition" that wants this guy dead.

I lived in Houston in the early 1980's amid a group of anti-Zionists, and I'll tell you exactly how it was. They were "scarey" and most certainly they were "nuts".

And dont kid yourself CM. Seeing that you are an American, they truely want you just as dead as they do any Isreali. Deny that all you want, but those are the facts.
thecavemaster Wrote:How is the behavior of these students different from those who shouted down Congressmen and others who disagreed with them on healthcare reform? Why, on the one hand, are the healthcare hecklers viewed as champions of democracy, while these are viewed as "scarey and nuts"?
Mind you, I'm not advocating this type of behavior, only asking for a differentiation.

[COLOR="Teal"]Let's start with the Muslim hecklers. Universities are a place for an exhange of ideas. Ambassador Oren was invited to speak at UCI. Their behavior was arrogant and boorish. The Muslim students should have shown common courtesy and respect for the others in the audience and either held their protest outside or listened to the Ambassador and made their statement or asked questions after he finsihed speaking. Their intent was to stop him from speaking - period.

Town Hall meetings are held by OUR Representatives to discuss issues and answer to their constituents who, as taxpayers, pay the Representatives and finance every thing they do. Many of the constituents we saw on various news videos had emailed or called their Representatives to express their dissatisfaction with the way 'they' were handling the Health Care issue. So, what did the democratic Representatives do? THEY IGNORED THEIR CONSTITUENTS! So, they lined up for hours in order to see their Representatives face-to-face to express their outrage.

The Muslims only believe in free speech for themselves and want death and destruction to the Israelis (and all infadels for that matter - US) and the tax paying opponents of health care exercised their right to free speech by letting their elected representatives know that they would use their vote to peacefully 'FIRE' them if they did not start representing the majority of their constituency instead of following the party line.

There are many examples on You Tube of the Town Hall meetings; however, two came to mind of just how obviously these representatives are not listening to their constituents!

[ame=""]YouTube- Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee talks on the phone as a woman asks a question at a town hall event[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube- Crowd Explodes When Arlen Specter Urges That We "Do This Fast"[/ame]
Profiling is an essential tool of law enforcement if we are to remain safe.

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