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New Hampshire GOP Pushing for Laws to Keep College Students From Voting
Quote:It seems that Republicans are determined to antagonize every demographic except conservative white males and the elderly. Do they think they will be able to win consistently this way?

New Hampshire's new Republican state House speaker is pretty clear about what he thinks of college kids and how they vote. They're "foolish," Speaker William O'Brien said in a recent speech to a tea party group.

"Voting as a liberal. That's what kids do," he added, his comments taped by a state Democratic Party staffer and posted on YouTube. Students lack "life experience," and "they just vote their feelings."

New Hampshire House Republicans are pushing for new laws that would prohibit many college students from voting in the state - and effectively keep some from voting at all...
#2 :please:

While what the GOP Speaker said was absolutely true (with a very few exceptions), I doubt that Republicans will ever be able to pass a law to keep students from voting. College students do tend to be uninformed and easily manipulated by liberal politicians. After graduation, most gradually become more conservative as they gain experience in the real world. (Not so of the professors that they leave behind.)
Hoot Gibson :please:

While what the GOP Speaker said was absolutely true (with a very few exceptions), I doubt that Republicans will ever be able to pass a law to keep students from voting. College students do tend to be uninformed and easily manipulated by liberal politicians. After graduation, most gradually become more conservative as they gain experience in the real world. (Not so of the professors that they leave behind.)
Man you are something else. I guess Conservative politicians stay away from the student vote.

What the GOP speaker said may have been true to an extent. Yes students may not have the life experience but that doesnt mean they are unitelligent and unaware of the world.
Amun-Ra Wrote:Man you are something else. I guess Conservative politicians stay away from the student vote.

What the GOP speaker said may have been true to an extent. Yes students may not have the life experience but that doesnt mean they are unitelligent and unaware of the world.
Ignorance and lack of intelligence are not the same thing. College students tend to be ignorant of the real world because of their lack of real world experiences and their immersion in the left wing ideology of most college professors.

This is one reason why college students sometimes turn out in fairly big numbers for elections every four years but rarely show up for elections in significant numbers for other elections. It's not that they are stupid. They are preoccupied with other activities that are higher priorities for them at that point in their lives.

The best thing for conservative candidates to do where college students are concerned is to honestly explain the damaging effects that irresponsible fiscal policies and job-killing regulations will have on their lives. Most will still vote for liberal Democrats while they are in school but many will begin to question their own political beliefs when they enter a dismal job market. Pandering to college students by imitating Democrats will get Republicans nowhere with college-aged voters.
Everytime I read one of your post hoot I move a little further left. Your so caught up in your conservative dream world u don't recall why the country was in such bad shape when obama took over.

There is many thinhs obama has done to make things worse especially for this part of the country.

But geez? Your defending someone who wants to take voting rights away? Why not just pass a law saying only white male god fearing christians can vote?

Your so full of it. You sound like one of those fox news commentators who claim we owe these ceos this money but don't owe teachers anything.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Ignorance and lack of intelligence are not the same thing. College students tend to be ignorant of the real world because of their lack of real world experiences and their immersion in the left wing ideology of most college professors.

This is one reason why college students sometimes turn out in fairly big numbers for elections every four years but rarely show up for elections in significant numbers for other elections. It's not that they are stupid. They are preoccupied with other activities that are higher priorities for them at that point in their lives.

The best thing for conservative candidates to do where college students are concerned is to honestly explain the damaging effects that irresponsible fiscal policies and job-killing regulations will have on their lives. Most will still vote for liberal Democrats while they are in school but many will begin to question their own political beliefs when they enter a dismal job market. Pandering to college students by imitating Democrats will get Republicans nowhere with college-aged voters.
The same can be said for the older generations in this world Hoot, its not fair to point fingers and cry witch. American's are no longer free thinkers for the most part their idea derive from their selection of Mass Media. To many American's are lost in the ideas of Glenn Beck and Racheal Maddow to fully comprehend there OWN ideas needless to say a prominent political figures.
Does this age group really vote in any numbers?
Hoot Gibson :please:

While what the GOP Speaker said was absolutely true (with a very few exceptions), I doubt that Republicans will ever be able to pass a law to keep students from voting. College students do tend to be uninformed and easily manipulated by liberal politicians. After graduation, most gradually become more conservative as they gain experience in the real world. (Not so of the professors that they leave behind.)
What's Alternet got to do with it Hoot? It's just the first site I clicked on, of many, that report the same thing. New Hampshire House Republicans are trying to pass bills about this. These sites are just reporting it.
[YOUTUBE="College voters"]B8tqpBzLNzE[/YOUTUBE]
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:The same can be said for the older generations in this world Hoot, its not fair to point fingers and cry witch. American's are no longer free thinkers for the most part their idea derive from their selection of Mass Media. To many American's are lost in the ideas of Glenn Beck and Racheal Maddow to fully comprehend there OWN ideas needless to say a prominent political figures.
Apathy is a problem at all ages in this country but older adults are much more likely to vote in off-year elections than college-aged students and they are more likely to understand how our political system works and therefore be more skeptical of the promises that politicians make during every election cycle.

I did not intend my comments to be an insult to college kids but just a summary of factual trends. There are many well informed college students that vote regularly and buck the trends.
TheRealVille Wrote:What's Alternet got to do with it Hoot? It's just the first site I clicked on, of many, that report the same thing. New Hampshire House Republicans are trying to pass bills about this. These sites are just reporting it.
Just pointing out the obvious bias of the website. I read regularly but if I posted a link to a post there, you would be right in pointing out its heavy right wing bias. The fact that the opinion was based on a Washington Post article does not make the opinion any more valid.

I read the WP article and it is very vague on specifics. Hundreds, if not thousands, of nutty bills are proposed in state legislatures around the country that never even reach the floor for a vote. There is no nationwide groundswell of GOP opposition to college students voting.

The other thing wrong with the article is the assumption that the author makes that bills to require photo IDs would somehow discriminate against college students, African-Americans, and every other Democratic constituency. The leads me to believe that at least some (probably most) of the 30+ states that are considering imposing restrictions on voting rights of college students are considering no such bills.
There's noway this can go through.
This country has been going down hill since we adopted universal suffrage. I'm calling for no representation without taxation, or if you have to pay federal income taxes you should be able to cast two votes.
Hoot is right in his observation with respect to the fact that vast majority of college profs are left wingers and the impact they have on students.

I can recall vividly the feeling of enlightenment associated with attending college. When my profs spoke I had an overwhelming acceptance of what they said during lectures or any time they spoke. In fact out of all my classes the one and only time I doubted what the prof was laying down was in Anthropology when supposedly man was in 5 different levels of developement in the evolutionary grand surmise but none the less all made the jump to cro magnon at the same time. The point is students to a large degree are mere putty in these guys hands. That is unless the student is very well grounded in his beliefs.

The seperation between the Obama White House and the majority of Americans to me is the culmination of the Uber Left secular humanistic ideology Obama and his cabinet members and Czars have picked up in their university days. The perfect marriage of lawyers and the Social Justice agenda espoused by those,profs, who don't think Americans can really govern themselves as the founding fathers envisioned. We actually did rather well until the last decade I thought.

That being said, it seems like the left would kiss the devil full on the mouth if he could help expand their voter base. All the democrats need to do to be back in favor is to stop the shenanigans. Kentucky has a credo on the state flag, "UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL". To me it has become clear that if anything can in fact bring down this great nation, other than turning our backs on God, it is the division which has overtaken the federal and state legislators. There is a great gulf between the two parties and if things keep heading down the road they're on I believe we are doomed as a nation. How can any one be expected to have respect for their fellows if the best example we have is the one we see in Washington?
In the eastern parts of kentucky they are more well informed college students than "Older Folk"
Wildcatk23 Wrote:In the eastern parts of kentucky they are more well informed college students than "Older Folk"

Thank you sir, for demonstrating my point with rapier eloquence.
TheRealThing Wrote:Thank you sir, for demonstrating my point with rapier eloquence.

Thats a very nice Vocabulary you have there sir. We college kids don't understand the big words so please keep us from having to use google.
Sounds like the GOP is utilizing their own "selective big government" in making more useless laws. Hypocrisy as usual.
TheRealThing Wrote:Hoot is right in his observation with respect to the fact that vast majority of college profs are left wingers and the impact they have on students.

I can recall vividly the feeling of enlightenment associated with attending college. When my profs spoke I had an overwhelming acceptance of what they said during lectures or any time they spoke. In fact out of all my classes the one and only time I doubted what the prof was laying down was in Anthropology when supposedly man was in 5 different levels of developement in the evolutionary grand surmise but none the less all made the jump to cro magnon at the same time. The point is students to a large degree are mere putty in these guys hands. That is unless the student is very well grounded in his beliefs.

The seperation between the Obama White House and the majority of Americans to me is the culmination of the Uber Left secular humanistic ideology Obama and his cabinet members and Czars have picked up in their university days. The perfect marriage of lawyers and the Social Justice agenda espoused by those,profs, who don't think Americans can really govern themselves as the founding fathers envisioned. We actually did rather well until the last decade I thought.

That being said, it seems like the left would kiss the devil full on the mouth if he could help expand their voter base. All the democrats need to do to be back in favor is to stop the shenanigans. Kentucky has a credo on the state flag, "UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL". To me it has become clear that if anything can in fact bring down this great nation, other than turning our backs on God, it is the division which has overtaken the federal and state legislators. There is a great gulf between the two parties and if things keep heading down the road they're on I believe we are doomed as a nation. How can any one be expected to have respect for their fellows if the best example we have is the one we see in Washington?

Excellent post.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Thats a very nice Vocabulary you have there sir. We college kids don't understand the big words so please keep us from having to use google.

Wildcat23 use google? Naw, never in a million years.:biggrin:
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Thats a very nice Vocabulary you have there sir. We college kids don't understand the big words so please keep us from having to use google.

LOL, please don't take offense. I'm sure we would get along well if you knew me personally. Listen, I love my country and respect the folks that live here. Just shinning the light on the ones who push a doctrine that differs from all the things that make us great. Regardless of the direction of the veer, we as a nation very likely are the best that's ever been or ever will be, any change in direction is a wrong turn. Isn't that what Obama said he would do? Fundamentally change the country.

What I would say to you personally is this. Life experiences have changed my wide eyed acceptance of the moral and social (message) delivered to me at college. Very likely the same will be true for you. By no means do I question your smarts. A lot of students, just accept what they hear at school. At least you seem to be interested in expanding your views.
Bob Seger Wrote:Wildcat23 use google? Naw, never in a million years.:biggrin:

Whats this google? I use Fox News only! This is the only Media Station that speaks the truth! .............:yawn:
TheRealThing Wrote:LOL, please don't take offense. I'm sure we would get along well if you knew me personally. Listen, I love my country and respect the folks that live here. Just shinning the light on the ones who push a doctrine that differs from all the things that make us great. Regardless of the direction of the veer, we as a nation very likely are the best that's ever been or ever will be, any change in direction is a wrong turn. Isn't that what Obama said he would do? Fundamentally change the country.

What I would say to you personally is this. Life experiences have changed my wide eyed acceptance of the moral and social (message) delivered to me at college. Very likely the same will be true for you. By no means do I question your smarts. A lot of students, just accept what they hear at school. At least you seem to be interested in expanding your views.

Believe me my views was made up due to the last president and the way the bush administration laid the path this country is still on today.
Quote:Whats this google? I use Fox News only! This is the only Media Station that speaks the truth!

At least you've finally got yourself on the right track.:biggrin:.

Quote:Believe me my views was made up due to the last president and the way the bush administration laid the path this country is still on today.
Personally, I was not a Bush fan myself, but if you thought about it for a moment, about how far back would you say that you can remember anything about what the policies that the Bush administration rendered were and really understood the impact of those policies? Just curious.
Bob Seger Wrote:[quote=Wildcatk23]

At least you've finally got yourself on the right track.:biggrin:.

Personally, I was not a Bush fan myself, but if you thought about it for a moment, about how far back would you say that you can remember anything about what the policies that the Bush administration rendered were and really understood the impact of those policies? Just curious.

You again....

Not so much with his first term as his second. But it was easier to understand the impact he had on the country when i discovered the fascinating art of GOOGLE! I understand better now of how bad he affected the country then what i did then. Its not what i knew then but what i know now.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:[quote=Bob Seger]

You again....

Not so much with his first term as his second. But it was easier to understand the impact he had on the country when i discovered the fascinating art of GOOGLE! I understand better now of how bad he affected the country then what i did then. Its not what i knew then but what i know now.
I was just wondering how at such a young age you were able to grasp as astutely as you have seemed to indicate.. According to your profile page during Bush's first term you would have been in the 9-13 year old range, and during the second obviously in the 13-17 year old range. I think most kids in that range are going from worrying about if they are going to get that GI Joe for Christmas during the first term years to worrying about who to ask to the junior prom during the latter years of the second term years. Anyway thanks for the clarification on how Google can enhance one's understanding of political and world affairs that one (self admittedly) was to young to comprehend just two short years prior to now. I think this may go along with the point the Hoot was trying to make about how college professors are way to the left with their teachings, that in latter years is commonly dispelled when one has a actual real world experience of issues that revolve around them. I think he was spot on with that statement and that he was certainly not trying to be insulting in any way. .

As bad as what the Bush years may have been, dont you think that the current administration has magnified whatever damage Bush may have done several times fold? Does one being bad justify and excuse the latter for being worse? Do you feel that it will take another google session in two more years to understand the devastating consquences from this administration's policies that this country is facing in just the last two years alone, let alone combined with the next two? Hopefully it wont be too late when your google search enlightens you to that.
I noticed two of the bills mentioned in the articles, one would end election day registration, which IMO should be eliminated anyway.

Another bill would require students have permanent residency in their college town or they would have to vote in their home town, which could be done by absentee vote.

I really don't see how these two bills would be construed as taking away someones voting rights.
Bob Seger Wrote:[quote=Wildcatk23] I was just wondering how at such a young age you were able to grasp as astutely as you have seemed to indicate.. According to your profile page during Bush's first term you would have been in the 9-13 year old range, and during the second obviously in the 13-17 year old range. I think most kids in that range are going from worrying about if they are going to get that GI Joe for Christmas during the first term years to worrying about who to ask to the junior prom during the latter years of the second term years. Anyway thanks for the clarification on how Google can enhance one's understanding of political and world affairs that one (self admittedly) was to young to comprehend just two short years prior to now. I think this may go along with the point the Hoot was trying to make about how college professors are way to the left with their teachings, that in latter years is commonly dispelled when one has a actual real world experience of issues that revolve around them. I think he was spot on with that statement and that he was certainly not trying to be insulting in any way. .

As bad as what the Bush years may have been, dont you think that the current administration has magnified whatever damage Bush may have done several times fold? Does one being bad justify and excuse the latter for being worse? Do you feel that it will take another google session in two more years to understand the devastating consquences from this administration's policies that this country is facing in just the last two years alone, let alone combined with the next two? Hopefully it wont be too late when your google search enlightens you to that.

DO you think the last 2 years under any president would have been glory days?

YOu criticize Obama for totally different reasons why i criticize bush.

Yes the Debt had been took to a next level with the Obama administration.

I criticized bush for going to war with IRAQ with no evidence of anything while we was at war elsewhere.

And believe me i would trust google links to fact and detailed websites over any right winged lunatic on this website.
BTW were is this stats showing Professors being Left wings?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:BTW were is this stats showing Professors being Left wings?
You can trust this link. It was the top result from a Google search. I am sure that you can find additional evidence yourself.

Quote:College Faculties A Most Liberal Lot, Study Finds

By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer

College faculties, long assumed to be a liberal bastion, lean further to the left than even the most conspiratorial conservatives might have imagined, a new study says.

By their own description, 72 percent of those teaching at American universities and colleges are liberal and 15 percent are conservative, says the study being published this week. The imbalance is almost as striking in partisan terms, with 50 percent of the faculty members surveyed identifying themselves as Democrats and 11 percent as Republicans.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:[quote=Bob Seger]

DO you think the last 2 years under any president would have been glory days?

YOu criticize Obama for totally different reasons why i criticize bush.

Yes the Debt had been took to a next level with the Obama administration.

I criticized bush for going to war with IRAQ with no evidence of anything while we was at war elsewhere.

And believe me i would trust google links to fact and detailed websites over any right winged lunatic on this website.
Where else were we at war at when we went into Iraq?

George Bush went into Iraq with full blessing and encouragement from every major democrat player in Congress . Yeah that includes Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Teddy Kennedy, and the whole merry democrat band because they looked at the exact same Intelligence reports that Bush saw. It's very easy when you really dont have an answer and really dont understand yourself, to just blame Bush. And that is all you ever have to offer on anything on just about every subject that comes up. Bush, Bush, Bush. It's all you seem to know. Being Commander in Chief, he will always be officialy tagged with the call, but like I said he received full blessing and encouragement unilaterally from almost every left wing member of Congress. How about blaming them a little as well? As I have stated, I was and still am not a fan of Bush, but he cannot be totally blamed for that whole mess.

Come on, you are offering very little in defense or are able to show a real understanding despite your googling expertise here Wildcat.

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