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News Corps hacking phones?
NEW YORK (AP) - The FBI has opened an investigation into allegations that media mogul Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. sought to hack into the phones of Sept. 11 victims, a law enforcement official said Thursday.

The official spoke Thursday to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly.

New York City-based News Corp. has been in crisis mode.

A rival newspaper reported last week that the company's News of the World had hacked into the phone of U.K. teenage murder victim Milly Dowler in 2002 and may have impeded a police investigation into the 13-year-old's disappearance.

More possible victims soon emerged: other child murder victims, 2005 London bombing victims, the families of dead soldiers and former Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

The FBI's New York office didn't immediately comment Thursday. There was no immediate response to messages left for News Corp. and the U.S. attorney's office in Manhattan.

On Thursday, Murdoch caved in to pressure from Britain's Parliament as he and his son James first refused, then agreed, to appear next week before lawmakers investigating phone hacking and bribery by employees of their newspaper empire.

Murdoch began his media career in Australia in 1952 after inheriting The News newspaper after the death of his father, and he has built News Corp. into one of the world's biggest media groups. Assets include Fox News, the 20th Century Fox movie studio, The Wall Street Journal, the New York Post and three newspapers in Britain - down from four with the death of the News of the World.

(Copyright 2011 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
Fair and balanced. They hacked everybody's phones. Class and professionalism at its finest.
^ LOL, Classic
Neither the "concerned" Democrats nor the "indignant" media have any honest interest in any of this other than using it to hurt Murdoch in general and Fox in particular. If they were truly concerned with media practices, they would have come down hard on the New York Times long ago.

Fox News destroys the Obama media in all aspects of number of listeners, integrity, etc. The losers cannot compete so, like a little boy who can't hit the ball off the tee, they will try to destroy their superior by taking their ball and going home to pout. The ball is, of course, their ever-willing gopher, Eric Holder.

In the end, it's all politics and will be used for political advantage.
It's nice to see the New York Times, the newspaper that covers all the fake news that's fit to print, take the lead on this issue. I expect to see the same people who defended the New York Times' past decisions to publish stolen classified information and place the lives of CIA undercover agents and informants at serious risk and to inform terrorists of covert actions that its own government was taking to dismantle terror networks, to condemn Murdoch's entire organization over a scandal that most likely was limited to a few people working for one News Corp. subsidiary.

People who hack into private phone conversations should be jailed - just as Democratic US Senator, James McDermott, should have been jailed for releasing tapes of a conference call involving John Boehner and several other well known Republican Congressmen - a call that he knew had been illegally recorded. McDermott was eventually fined $600,000 for his crime, but he continues to "serve" his constituents in the US House of Representatives.

Murdoch should have dumped his tabloid operations long ago but the tactics that were allegedly employed at News of the World are not much different than those used at the New York Times. One allegedly hired a shady consultant to gather dirt and the other one proudly confessed to publishing stolen top secret documents that damaged US national security.
^ Lol, You guys crack me up.

It's all the democrats fault!
Wildcatk23 Wrote:^ Lol, You guys crack me up.

It's all the democrats fault!

I believe they're pointing out the practice of media bias in favor of any and all things liberal. It took irrefutable evidence to get the main stream media to even mention the incident with Anthony Weiner. They look like their main focus is the advancement of the liberal agenda, not the good of the United States and all it's citizens.

And, there is one inescapable truth that is seldom mentioned. Even the though the ratio is, and this statistic is beyond question, 21% liberal and everybody else 69%. The main streamers still keep pushing the liberal agenda as if the numbers were reversed. They are forced to fudge to truth all the time to give the appearance that dems are better than they really are and, of course, make republicans look worse than they really are. Like biased score keepers they continually doctor the score book. Errors on the defense become hits and and their batting average isn't all it's cracked up to be.
TheRealThing Wrote:I believe they're pointing out the practice of media bias in favor of any and all things liberal. It took irrefutable evidence to get the main stream media to even mention the incident with Anthony Weiner. They look like their main focus is the advancement of the liberal agenda, not the good of the United States and all it's citizens.

And, there is one inescapable truth that is seldom mentioned. Even the though the ratio is, and this statistic is beyond question, 21% liberal and everybody else 69%. The main streamers still keep pushing the liberal agenda as if the numbers were reversed. They are forced to fudge to truth all the time to give the appearance that dems are better than they really are and, of course, make republicans look worse than they really are. Like biased score keepers they continually doctor the score book. Errors on the defense become hits and and their batting average isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Well put. By the NYT's tally, Obama is still working on a no-hitter and he has homered on every at bat. Even with the hurricane winds of the New York Times and every other liberal media outlet at his back, Obama's approval numbers have sunk to 42 percent of American voters.

There is a limit to what favorable media coverage of an incompetent president can do. That is why Obama's fund raising target is $1 billion for 2012. He will need every penny to get elected to a second term.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Well put. By the NYT's tally, Obama is still working on a no-hitter and he has homered on every at bat. Even with the hurricane winds of the New York Times and every other liberal media outlet at his back, Obama's approval numbers have sunk to 42 percent of American voters.

There is a limit to what favorable media coverage of an incompetent president can do. That is why Obama's fund raising target is $1 billion for 2012. He will need every penny to get elected to a second term.
Let us hope as we've never hoped before that it doesnt happen again.
Obama and Rupert both need to be put out to pasture.

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