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Somebody is hiding something
Here we go again. Representative Issa and Senator Grassley try to get to the bottom of the so called Fast and Furious debacle. Here is the link showing two letters written (1) to Michelle Leonhart by Darrell Issa and (2) Eric Holder by Chuck Grassley.

We're all supposed to believe that nobody knows how the operation involving gun sales to Mexican Drug Cartel members happened or, who authorized same. Lies, subterfuge and innuendo, the three pillars on which the liberal faith is based. :please:
I have been following this scandal pretty closely. History has shown that trying to cover-up screw-ups as big as this one is futile. I suspect that Fast and Furious (a/k/a "Gunwalker") will eventually force Eric Holder to resign. You do not have to be much of a conspiracy theorist to connect the dots here.

The Obama administration has been pushing for stricter gun control laws in the border states to keep guns out of the hands of the Mexican drug cartels. Their argument is that stricter gun control laws will reduce the level of gun violence in Mexico. But our own government actually encouraged gun dealers in the southern states to sell guns illegally to Mexican citizens, guns which were used in dozens of Mexican murders and the killing of an American federal border agent.

The question Issa really wants answered is what the federal government was trying to accomplish by opening the spigot of illegal guns into Mexico. He is also demanding to know who knew what when, but he may already know the answer.
If there has been anybody in this 'comedy of errors', that passes for an administration, who has demonstrated a more patent approach to betray the people's law enforcement system I don't know who it would be. We're talking about the HEAD of the US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. A better characterization would be the dept of injustice (failure to investigate the black panther voter intimidation scandal) and the dept of miscarriage of justice (failure to prosecute known war criminals by military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay)
It looks like this scandal is beginning to sprout legs. The answer to the question, "What did the White House know and when did it know it?", seems to be a bit closer this morning.

Quote:ATF Manager says he shared Fast and Furious Info with White House

At a lengthy hearing on ATF's controversial gunwalking operation today, a key ATF manager told Congress he discussed the case with a White House National Security staffer as early as September 2010. The communications were between ATF Special Agent in Charge of the Phoenix office, Bill Newell, and White House National Security Director for North America Kevin O'Reilly. Newell said the two are longtime friends. The content of what Newell shared with O'Reilly is unclear and wasn't fully explored at the hearing.
It's the first time anyone has publicly stated that a White House official had any familiarity with ATF's operation Fast and Furious, which allowed thousands of weapons to fall into the hands of suspected traffickers for Mexican drug cartels in an attempt to gain intelligence. It's unknown as to whether O'Reilly shared information with anybody else at the White House.

Congressional investigators obtained an email from Newell to O'Reilly in September of last year in which Newell began with the words: "you didn't get this from me."

"What does that mean," one member of Congress asked Newell, " 'you didn't get this from me?' "

"Obviously he was a friend of mine," Newell replied, "and I shouldn't have been sending that to him."

Newell told Congress that O'Reilly had asked him for information.
The cover-up expands...

Quote:FBI report at odds with ATF claim on weapons
A copy of the FBI document shows ballistics tests did not rule out the Fast and Furious guns in the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian A. Terry.

Reporting from Washington— The claim by senior ATF officials that none of the weapons lost in the botched Fast and Furious sting operation were used in the shooting of a Border Patrol agent is not supported by FBI ballistics tests, according to a copy of the FBI report on the shooting.

Last week, spokesmen Scot Thomasson and Drew Wade of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives told The Times that the FBI had assured them that neither of the two Fast and Furious weapons found at the scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian A. Terry's death were the ones that killed the agent.

"We're not aware of any forensic evidence that would link these guns to the homicide," they said.

A copy of the FBI report obtained by The Times' Washington bureau shows ballistics tests did not rule out the Fast and Furious guns.


Sen. Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, wrote to the ATF in January about allegations that Fast and Furious weapons had been "used" to kill Terry. A week later, senior Justice Department and ATF officials told their supervisors that they had "sent a written response to Sen. Grassley, advising him that these allegations are not true."

The response did not acknowledge that two of the lost weapons had been recovered at the scene.

The ATF defended the answer as accurate because officials saw a distinction between guns being found at the scene and "used" in the killing
Who knew and when did they know must be found out in this. Those responsible NEED to be prosecuted and punished. Selling guns to drug cartels, Who in the right mind thinks this is a good idea. I would love to hear someone in the administration defend this.
Why isn't the media all over this also? oh yea ........never mind must still have that tingling feeling running up their collect legs
^ Hoot, here is an excerpt from the link you provided that I find to be standard operating proceedure for the left and their sacrificial lamb du jour; (please note that there were only 2 F&F guns found at the scene of Terry's death.)

"We're not aware of any forensic evidence that would link these guns to the homicide," they said.

A copy of the FBI report obtained by The Times' Washington bureau shows ballistics tests did not rule out the Fast and Furious guns.

Experts went to work on tests on Dec. 17, three days after Terry was killed, FBI records show. On Dec. 23, the FBI's "Report of Examination" said the fatal bullet came from a semiautomatic rifle, but that "due to a lack of sufficient agreement in the individual microscopic marks of value" on the weapons, "it could not be determined" which gun fired it

Paul Charlton, a former U.S. attorney in Phoenix now representing the Terry family, was outraged that the ATF statement distorted the FBI findings. "For them to say that is a lie," Charlton said in an interview. "It's a gross inaccuracy. It's yet another example of the ATF misleading the nation and the family on what actually happened to Agent Terry."

It means nothing to these people to lie. They will all lay down in front of the reaper rather than implicate the higher ups. The left continually slams the right wingers and belittle them for any claim to religious faith they may have and yet, these same lefties are the ones who are every ready to march into the killing fields for their faith. Whether the subject is health care, budget, debt ceiling, or global warming. Their approach to the issues is far better described as faith based rather than fact based.

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