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Racism Clarified?
Herman Cain has been ridiculed and vilified ever since he became a factor in the presidential race. Yet I have heard no charges of "racism" being charged against his opponents. This is particularly interesting when we consider that one of his main attackers is MSNBC.

On the other hand, any adverse comments of any nature about Obama bring immediate cries of "racism" from the usual liberal sources- like MSNBC.

Now, if we want to look at the facts, we know that Cain's ancestors included slaves. Obama's did not. Cain came from humble roots and had to work himself through school and to battle for his success. Obama has somehow avoided all of this adversity and somehow has, all along the way, "fallen into" his "success".

Thus, we can conclude that "racism" only applies to negative statements made about minority liberals.

We all suspected that that is how the hypocritical process worked. Now we know it for a fact. Is anyone surprised?
Truth Wrote:Herman Cain has been ridiculed and vilified ever since he became a factor in the presidential race. Yet I have heard no charges of "racism" being charged against his opponents. This is particularly interesting when we consider that one of his main attackers is MSNBC.

On the other hand, any adverse comments of any nature about Obama bring immediate cries of "racism" from the usual liberal sources- like MSNBC.

Now, if we want to look at the facts, we know that Cain's ancestors included slaves. Obama's did not. Cain came from humble roots and had to work himself through school and to battle for his success. Obama has somehow avoided all of this adversity and somehow has, all along the way, "fallen into" his "success".

Thus, we can conclude that "racism" only applies to negative statements made about minority liberals.

We all suspected that that is how the hypocritical process worked. Now we know it for a fact. Is anyone surprised?

I like this post and didn't know this. I can't say much though because anything negative towards Obama I know isn't racism and negativity towards Cain is racism in my eyes. I'm not necessarily for Cain, but I realize I'm somewhat biased against liberals.
Truth Wrote:Herman Cain has been ridiculed and vilified ever since he became a factor in the presidential race. Yet I have heard no charges of "racism" being charged against his opponents. This is particularly interesting when we consider that one of his main attackers is MSNBC.

On the other hand, any adverse comments of any nature about Obama bring immediate cries of "racism" from the usual liberal sources- like MSNBC.

Now, if we want to look at the facts, we know that Cain's ancestors included slaves. Obama's did not. Cain came from humble roots and had to work himself through school and to battle for his success. Obama has somehow avoided all of this adversity and somehow has, all along the way, "fallen into" his "success".

Thus, we can conclude that "racism" only applies to negative statements made about minority liberals.

We all suspected that that is how the hypocritical process worked. Now we know it for a fact. Is anyone surprised?
Great post. Liberals want us to think that all racists occupy the right side of the political spectrum but nothing could be further from the truth. Herman Cain is what liberals fear most - an intelligent, articulate, and black conservative. In the liberals' vision of the world, such people do not exist. The only answer liberals have for people like Cain is to wage smear and fear campaigns like the one that we are witnessing now. It didn't work against Clarence Thomas and hopefully it won't work against Cain.

The same people who are smearing Cain with unattributed sexual harassment charges are those who defended Bill Clinton, who was accused publicly by alleged victims of rape, sexual abuse, and sexual harassment. Liberal hypocrisy is never displayed better when they apply double standards to tarnish the reputation of conservative black Republicans.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Great post. Liberals want us to think that all racists occupy the right side of the political spectrum but nothing could be further from the truth. Herman Cain is what liberals fear most - an intelligent, articulate, and black conservative. In the liberals' vision of the world, such people do not exist. The only answer liberals have for people like Cain is to wage smear and fear campaigns like the one that we are witnessing now. It didn't work against Clarence Thomas and hopefully it won't work against Cain.

The same people who are smearing Cain with unattributed sexual harassment charges are those who defended Bill Clinton, who was accused publicly by alleged victims of rape, sexual abuse, and sexual harassment. Liberal hypocrisy is never displayed better when they apply double standards to tarnish the reputation of conservative black Republicans.
He's a sexual harasser, who although denies he did it, had settlements paid to the women in question on his behalf. They might be unattributed to you, but the women got paid off for some reason, and had to sign a paper that says they wouldn't ever bring up the details again. Smear campaigns are only true if it's on liberals, right Hoot?
TheRealVille Wrote:He's a sexual harasser, who although denies he did it, had settlements paid to the women in question on his behalf. They might be unattributed to you, but the women got paid off for some reason, and had to sign a paper that says they wouldn't ever bring up the details. Smear campaigns are only true if it's on liberals, right Hoot?
Bill Clinton was directly accused of rape by Juanita Broderick. He was directly accused of forcibly fondling Kathleen Willy, a Democratic supporter, as he "comforted her" following the death of her husband. Clinton was sued by Paula Jones for allegedly exposing himself to her.

What you have posted, the "not an Obama supporter" that you claim to be, ( :hilariousSmile are unsourced allegations again Herman Cain. If these accusations are not politically and racially motivated, please post some links to posts where you condemned Bill Clinton for the much more substantial, serious, and better documented accusations against him. Are there any such posts?

The Obama campaign and its shady surrogates have launched smear campaigns against every Republican who has been identified as a front runner in this campaign. It is the only chance that Obama has to be reelected - make people believe that as bad as he is, his opponent is even worse. Smear and fear - Community Organizing 101.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Bill Clinton was directly accused of rape by Juanita Broderick. He was directly accused of forcibly fondling Kathleen Willy, a Democratic supporter, as he "comforted her" following the death of her husband. Clinton was sued by Paula Jones for allegedly exposing himself to her.

What you have posted, the "not an Obama supporter" that you claim to be, ( :hilariousSmile are unsourced allegations again Herman Cain. If these accusations are not politically and racially motivated, please post some links to posts where you condemned Bill Clinton for the much more substantial, serious, and better documented accusations against him. Are there any such posts?

The Obama campaign and its shady surrogates have launched smear campaigns against every Republican who has been identified as a front runner in this campaign. It is the only chance that Obama has to be reelected - make people believe that as bad as he is, his opponent is even worse. Smear and fear - Community Organizing 101.
Hell, you even went 8 years beyond Bush. Clinton wasn't President when BGR was started, I wasn't on here when Clinton was President. And as you all always say, this isn't about Clinton or Obama. This happened with Cain several years ago, and the women were paid off and had to sign papers to keep quiet. Stuff like this is only true when it's on a Democrat, huh Hoot? I can't wait to see your posts in November of 2012, when Obama gets his 2nd term.

Second bold: I don't remember anything on Romney.
TheRealVille Wrote:Hell, you even went 8 years beyond Bush. Clinton wasn't President when BGR was started, I wasn't on here when Clinton was President. And as you all always say, this isn't about Clinton or Obama. This happened with Cain several years ago, and the women were paid off and had to sign papers to keep quiet. Stuff like this is only true when it's on a Democrat, huh Hoot? I can't wait to see your posts in November of 2012, when Obama gets his 2nd term.

Second bold: I don't remember anything on Romney.
Don't worry, the Daily Kos gang will let you know when it is time to slime Romney, RV. Just be patient.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Don't worry, the Daily Kos gang will let you know when it is time to slime Romney, RV. Just be patient.
I don't read the Daily Kos, and haven't posted anything from it. Change the subject though Hoot, it's your style.
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't read the Daily Kos, and haven't posted anything from it. Change the subject though Hoot, it's your style.
Actually, you posted a video of a Daily Kos reporter just a few days ago. Is your memory that bad or are you simply having trouble keeping your stories straight? Confusednicker:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Actually, you posted a video of a Daily Kos reporter just a few days ago. Is your memory that bad or are you simply having trouble keeping your stories straight? Confusednicker:
But, alas, the video showed up in my Google news feed. I don't read the Kos.
TheRealVille Wrote:But, alas, the video showed up in my Google news feed. I don't read the Kos.
I don't believe you. But if you are telling the truth, good for you.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I don't believe you. But if you are telling the truth, good for you.
You don't have to believe me, I don't give a rats ass. It means nothing coming from a person like you, whether you believe me or not.
TheRealVille Wrote:You don't have to believe me, I don't give a rats ass. It means nothing coming from a person like you, whether you believe me. You are as low down as the rats ass I speak of.
Of course you care. You even offered to buy this website just to show how much you care. Confusednicker:

Please resume your smears against Herman Cain. I wouldn't want you to lose favor with the bozos who are giving you your writing assignments.

I do have a serious question for you, RV. Don't you think that voters are going to fall into the "boy who cried wolf" stage with all of these vicious attacks on whoever the Republican frontrunner of the day is? Maybe the Republican who ends up leading the pack with have some real ethical issues and nobody will believe the accusations of the liberal character assassins because you will have already exhausted your credibility months before the 2012 election. Are you the boy who cried wolf?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Of course you care. You even offered to buy this website just to show how much you care. Confusednicker:

Please resume your smears against Herman Cain. I wouldn't want you to lose favor with the bozos who are giving you your writing assignments.

I do have a serious question for you, RV. Don't you think that voters are going to fall into the "boy who cried wolf" stage with all of these vicious attacks on whoever the Republican frontrunner of the day is? Maybe the Republican who ends up leading the pack with have some real ethical issues and nobody will believe the accusations of the liberal character assassins because you will have already exhausted your credibility months before the 2012 election. Are you the boy who cried wolf?
I'm just the boy that told what Cain said happened, and the ladies got paid money to keep quite about, is reporting. You see Hoot, this is where your hypocrisy comes in. Everybody on this site knows that if this had happened in the exact same way to Obama, as it happened with Cain, you would have ran with it like an antelope.
TheRealVille Wrote:I'm just the boy that told what Cain said happened, and the ladies got paid money to keep quite about, is reporting.
Get your facts straight. You did not tell what Cain said happened. He said that he was falsely accused of sexual harassment. That is quite different from your claim that he was guilty of sexual harassment.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Get your facts straight. You did not tell what Cain said happened. He said that he was falsely accused of sexual harassment. That is quite different from your claim that he was guilty of sexual harassment.
Yea, that's what they all say, right? Them getting paid off speaks volumes.
TheRealVille Wrote:Yea, that's what they all say, right? Them getting paid off speaks volumes.
Did you have ancestors in Salem?
Paying someone a settlement is not an admission of guilt. Maybe it was good business sense knowing that it would cost more to prove your innocence's that to pay out a settlement
nky Wrote:Paying someone a settlement is not an admission of guilt. Maybe it was good business sense knowing that it would cost more to prove your innocence's that to pay out a settlement
Is that why he is changing his story now, saying what he did could be construed by some as "crossing the line"?
This post is sadly true
Who knows? But I think it's odd that it's coming out now as he's getting traction.
The purpose of starting this thread was to point out that those who cry "racist" anytime anyone opposes anything concerning Obama are hypocrites. Their contrived ire has nothing to do with race and everything to do with political philosophy.

If Obama were accused of sexual harrassment or anything else negative for that matter, the accusers would be branded as "racists" as would anyone reporting the story. The gross overuse of term has always been Obama's main "weapon". And, from his sparcely reported "history", it would appear that he has always benefitted from his half-black heritage rather than ever being a "victim" of "racism". As stated before, unlike Cain, there are no slaves in Obama's family tree.
If I was running for a seat of power I would have enemies right off the bat. The easiest thing one of those enemies could smear me with would be a conversation with a woman from my past. A simple flirty conversation can now be misconstrued in sexual harassment. So instead of going through legal fees and time in court I would personally give someone some money to shut the hell up. Sexual harassment isn't quite rape.

But that's justhow I see it.
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
:trolldad2:I WOULD LIKE TO SEE CAIN'S Birth Certificate
I am just wondering how it is when a republican lies, it's ok, but when a democrat lies, Hoot is all over it.
I have never seen a democrat get in trouble for lieing
TheRealVille Wrote:I am just wondering how it is when a republican lies, it's ok, but when a democrat lies, Hoot is all over it.
There you go again, RV. If I was all over every Democrat who lies, I would not have time to get anything else done and some of us have to work for a living. It eats up enough of my time correcting the half-truths, the untruths, and misinformation that you post here. I don't have time to set the record straight every time that a liberal Democrat opens his or her mouth.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:There you go again, RV. If I was all over every Democrat who lies, I would not have time to get anything else done and some of us have to work for a living. It eats up enough of my time correcting the half-truths, the untruths, and misinformation that you post here. I don't have time to set the record straight every time that a liberal Democrat opens his or her mouth.
That's what I thought, it is different for Cain. You have nothing.
TheRealVille Wrote:Yea, that's what they all say, right? Them getting paid off speaks volumes.

Supposedly, all the 'payoff' amounted to, was a 3 month severance package for these fine ladies who had their delicate sensetivities bruised. Management considered it more than a bargain price to pay to end the matter and seperate forever the business, and the wounded visions of virture, that were his accusers. They were so reluctant to even bring the matter up.Confusednicker: And were it not for concern for other innocents that could have been injured in like manner, modesty would surely have keep their mouths closed.

:please: Comparing Cain to party icons such as Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, and dare I mention one of the sacred clan, Ted Kennedy, is like comparing Mother Terresa to Vlad the Impaler.
TheRealThing Wrote:Supposedly, all the 'payoff' amounted to, was a 3 month severance package for these fine ladies who had their delicate sensetivities bruised. Management considered it more than a bargain price to pay to end the matter and seperate forever the business, and the wounded visions of virture, that were his accusers. They were so reluctant to even bring the matter up.Confusednicker: And were it not for concern for other innocents that could have been injured in like manner, modesty would surely have keep their mouths closed.

:please: Comparing Cain to party icons such as Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, and dare I mention one of the sacred clan, Ted Kennedy, is like comparing Mother Terresa to Vlad the Impaler.
One years pay. It happened during a night of heavy drinking. One sexual harrasser is no different than any other. You really show what you think of women, in this post.

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