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States say its time to rethink medical marijuana

Opinions on this?
I'm all for the legalization of marijuana, medical or otherwise.
^I'm with ya! 53% of the American public laying around in a drugged/drunken stupor is unacceptable, let's run that number up to around 85 or 90%. The same morons that vote that into law can create another entitlement for those who can't afford it.
So true.
I am in favor of legalizing all drug use for American adults but only if: 1) the prison space that legalization would be freed up is used to put criminals who commit crimes while under the influence of drugs away for much longer sentences; and 2) no tax money is used on rehab programs from the rich and famous. In other words, let addicts kill themselves if they want but lock them up for long periods of time when they prove that they cannot kill themselves without harming other members of society in the process.

As long as legalizing drugs would not include companion legislation that would protect non-users from addicts better than our current system does, I am opposed to legalization. However, I would immediately end all federal programs that funnel money to foreign governments to combat drug cultivation or send Americans to foreign countries to poison drug operations. The problem with drugs in this country is that there is a large demand for the product. Destroying some poor poppy farmer's cash crop is not going to solve that problem it only provides price support for the drug lords and generates cash for bribes.
TheRealThing Wrote:^I'm with ya! 53% of the American public laying around in a drugged/drunken stupor is unacceptable, let's run that number up to around 85 or 90%. The same morons that vote that into law can create another entitlement for those who can't afford it.
Who's to say that if people had the opportunity to smoke their herb, a product that is very safe to use, there wouldn't have been much less pill, meth and other drug use. I would say the percentage of Americans using drugs wouldn't change one bit. If marijuana had been legal 40 years ago, the drug problem we have now might not exist to anywhere near where we are today. The video below dispels a lot of myths that people use against marijuana legalization.
The above video is long, close to two hours, but it is a very informative video. You will be surprised at some of the lies the government has told, in their effort to keep this drug illegal. Whether for or against, people need to know the truth.

Responses like yours above TRT, is why I vote against candidates that go with the "Christian right". You all try to legislate morality, just like prohibition, and it never works out good for anybody.
I am all for reducing the ridiculous prison sentences given to drug sellers. However, legalizing the drugs that police have been fighting for years is silly.

I will say this. Either tighten up the laws against first-time offenders and pour more money into catching every person that lights up a joint or legalize it and have the government with complete ownership of a VERY weak version of the product. IF the weaker version is legalized and distributed by the government, then ANY person that sells it otherwise needs a SEVERE penalty that must include prison.
LWC Wrote:I am all for reducing the ridiculous prison sentences given to drug sellers. However, legalizing the drugs that police have been fighting for years is silly.

I will say this. Either tighten up the laws against first-time offenders and pour more money into catching every person that lights up a joint or legalize it and have the government with complete ownership of a VERY weak version of the product. IF the weaker version is legalized and distributed by the government, then ANY person that sells it otherwise needs a SEVERE penalty that must include prison.
I respectfully disagree, LWC. The government has no business engaging in business of any kind, including the drug business. I do not believe that the government should be in the business of protecting individuals from the consequences of their own self-destructive behavior but they should also not be engaged in actively promoting those behaviors. (Have you ever read about a survivor of a suicide attempt being prosecuted for his or her crime?)

What success has government in general and police forces in particular had in combating drug use. On my visits to Kentucky, it always amazes me to read about the latest major drug bust in Johnson County, an area with a population of approximately 20,000 people. There seems to be an inexhaustible supply of drug dealers and users, along with no shortage of front page photo ops for the local sheriff's department and police department. Dope prices remain high, usage remains high, and burglaries and other crimes have increased to allow addicts to feed their habits. I can't believe that people who really want to use drugs are deterred by the current system.
TheRealThing Wrote:^I'm with ya! 53% of the American public laying around in a drugged/drunken stupor is unacceptable, let's run that number up to around 85 or 90%. The same morons that vote that into law can create another entitlement for those who can't afford it.

RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
So true.

LWC Wrote:I am all for reducing the ridiculous prison sentences given to drug sellers. However, legalizing the drugs that police have been fighting for years is silly.

I will say this. Either tighten up the laws against first-time offenders and pour more money into catching every person that lights up a joint or legalize it and have the government with complete ownership of a VERY weak version of the product. IF the weaker version is legalized and distributed by the government, then ANY person that sells it otherwise needs a SEVERE penalty that must include prison.

These are clearly the posts of people who have little to no experience with the drug. You think because it's illegal, that it's the worst thing on earth, and those who use it are the same. You believe every bad thing anyone says against it.

TheRealThing is especially showing his lack of knowledge about the the number of people who are in a "drugged/drunken" up to 85 or 90%?? Do you even know ANYTHING about marijuana?! "The same morons that vote that into law can create another entitlement for those who can't afford it." So, what other, legal the two that's worse on your health than Marijuana, Alcohol and cigarettes..have entitlements for those who can't afford it? Please, enlighten me.

Marijuana is a great drug, especially when used in the medical field. I've experienced it's help medically first hand. It has by far the least amount of side effects and negative effects of any other drug, including those of which that are already legal. It doesn't kill people, make them rape, doesn't poison kids and adults alike if you smoke to much of it.

Heck, the negative effects can even be bypassed. The few that there is, which originate from the harshness of the smoke, can be simply bypassed by the use of a Vaporizer. Simple as that. Also, marijuana smoke does have more cancer causing agents than cigarette smoke. But, at the same time, those cancer-causing agents are in much smaller doses than those in cigarette smoke, and take much, much longer to take hold. You can minimize that harshness by smoking out of a pipe or any way that excludes paper...or, if you'd like to get rid of the risk completely, use a vaporizer. Not to mention that it's not addictive.

Weed has helped my mind and body after it got jacked up. I have some severe memory problems as a result of a head injury, but I haven't experienced any sort of memory problems from marijuana use that is noticeable. That could be because I haven't smoked it enough these days for it to do that, but I think it's because the effect of marijuana on your memory is way, way over-stated.

I don't want marijuana completely legalized...I would like to see it used for medical purposes everywhere though, and if it's going to be legalized, do it slowly, limit it, and tax it in a way that it will benefit state government, but that same tax doesn't need to be as high as cigarette and alcohol taxes, to reflect the noticeable difference in negative effects from alcohol and cigs and to encourage the use of marijuana as an alternative to smoking and drinking.

Like I said, it would need to be introduced as a legal product slowly...and, the strains would need to be monitored so recommendations can be made on what kinds would be good for different levels of users. Marijuana comes in two basic types, and then hundreds of strains are derived from those two types and a mix of them both. Sativa is good for energy and muscle function and is great for for illnesses that have negative effects related to those, as well as illness-related depression. It usually has higher THC content. Indica is better for relaxation, stress, insomnia and good with overall pain-reliefe, like Sativa is. It's also the type that gives you the most powerful munchies, so it's good for patients with illnesses that take away their appetite, or patients with severe injuries who are on alot of pain medication, which is why I smoked it. It also helps with normal bowel movements, which are also really screwed up by pain medication.

Before anyone makes a judgement, they need to inform themselves of both the positives and the negatives of marijuana, instead of saying things like "However, legalizing the drugs that police have been fighting for years is silly.". That doesn't mean a thing, just makes it sound like you're more about saving face than helping people. If marijuana would do anything to society, it would help it. So many people would quit other drugs that are much more powerful and harmful in favor of legally smoking...most drug addicts don't want to be addicts, but they feel as if they can't cope with normal life unless they have their drug of choice to help them get through. I know, I've been there. Memories and stress were to overwhelming, and before I knew it, I needed pills to be and feel normal and feel like I could make it through the day without falling apart and ripping heads off. I didn't have the help of pot to get myself off the stuff, and I wasn't as addicted as alot of people around home, but I was enough to make it very, very hard. I just used will-power, which alot of people don't have. Addiction is one of the most powerful forces on earth, and it's tough to beat. Marijuana would give addicts and users, from the most hardcore addict to the 20 year old who gets some coke or E every now and then to part a bit, an alternate avenue that isn't addictive or even close to as damaging.

Try to see where I'm coming from. Alot of you associate pot smoking with the trailor-trash dope heads around home that go and sell cases of pop they purchased with their food stamps for cash so they can get them an Oxy or any of the shitload of other pills our region's not that way everywhere, it's the very small minority. Most smokers are law-abiding citizens, not addicts, not hippies...and drug addicts away from our region are addicted to more powerful and serious drugs, like Meth, Heroin, Crack/coke. It's different, ALOT different. Marijuana would do wonders if utilized in clinics the same way Methadone and Suboxen are now. Suboxen and Methadone are dangerous, Methadone especially dangerous and addictive...if they can use that drug to get people off of more serious drugs, and use it as a substitute, why not marijuana, which is absolutely perfect for that? It doesn't even have to be smoked if that doesn't look "professional" enough, or like I mentioned before, want to bypass the smoke. Vaporizers and food do the trick perfectly fine. Our region, with time, would be a much better place to live and raise a family if marijuana was used instead of Suboxen and Methadone...all you'd have to do is go into the doc once a week/month and pick up your prescribed amount..or, if people are afraid of patients selling it to make a quick buck, they can just make cookies or brownies. They work perfectly fine, and they don't last forever, so people would have a limited amount of time to distribute them. But, if clinics do a good enough job of sorting out who is there to abuse the system and who is there to get help, that risk will be small enough to cancel itself out.

As you can see, I have alot of opinions on this subject, lol. Try to atleast educate yourselves on the drug instead of saying stupid stuff about something you know nothing about. Wink
^ Great post. Add to all that, that the regulators of marijuana, at the present time, are the drug dealers that will sell to anybody, even children. You are 100% correct, the three posts you highlighted know zero about marijuana use. These people, and just about everybody else that is against it, merely want to legislate what they think is morally wrong. People that intend to use marijuana will find a way to get it and use it, those that don't, won't. They are content with letting the dealers regulate who get's it and who don't, which is everybody that wants it.
Taking a page from the famous Dangerousdanfan, ill give you a famous oxymoron.

Durg Addicts=Disease

lol it cracks me up that people will use this line. Exactly how does anyone addicted to drugs get that way without making there own choice to use? Unlesss you were born that way, nobody forced you to use drugs, thus not making it a disease such as cancer.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Taking a page from the famous Dangerousdanfan, ill give you a famous oxymoron.

Durg Addicts=Disease

lol it cracks me up that people will use this line. Exactly how does anyone addicted to drugs get that way without making there own choice to use? Unlesss you were born that way, nobody forced you to use drugs, thus not making it a disease such as cancer.

What the heck is a Durg Addict? Is that something only in West Virginia....:1:
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Taking a page from the famous Dangerousdanfan, ill give you a famous oxymoron.

Durg Addicts=Disease

lol it cracks me up that people will use this line. Exactly how does anyone addicted to drugs get that way without making there own choice to use? Unlesss you were born that way, nobody forced you to use drugs, thus not making it a disease such as cancer.

Who the hell said that? And who the hell is comparing it to cancer or even calling it a damn disease?
legalize it, regulate it, tax the crap out of it
That's essentially what I am saying.

For the record, I would be happy if nobody ever uses it. What is medicinal marijuana used for? Glaucoma? I have family that have that disease and they give her medicine that show no side effects in her. There is a reason that mary-jane is illegal.

Legalizing this drug creates a slippy slope. If a very weak version is legalized, people will want a much stronger version, and someone will be willing to make it. THEN we have the problem of legal AND illegal marijuana being on the market.

Can someone answer me why marijuana is illegal, yet tobacco is legal. Why pot is illegal yet alcohol is legal? There has to be a reason. Using that logic, marijuana must be a worse substance that the other two. I have seen the stats that show that tobacco and alcohol kill more than pot. If that is the case, why are they legal?
LWC Wrote:That's essentially what I am saying.

For the record, I would be happy if nobody ever uses it. What is medicinal marijuana used for? Glaucoma? I have family that have that disease and they give her medicine that show no side effects in her. There is a reason that mary-jane is illegal.

Legalizing this drug creates a slippy slope. If a very weak version is legalized, people will want a much stronger version, and someone will be willing to make it. THEN we have the problem of legal AND illegal marijuana being on the market.

Can someone answer me why marijuana is illegal, yet tobacco is legal. Why pot is illegal yet alcohol is legal? There has to be a reason. Using that logic, marijuana must be a worse substance that the other two. I have seen the stats that show that tobacco and alcohol kill more than pot. If that is the case, why are they legal?

Because before it was against the law, huge companies didn't make it like they did and do cigs and alcohol. Also, go to Wikipedia and search "Reefer Madness". People went crazy in the 30's, saying marijuana was responsible for everything from breaking and entering to rape and murder. It was outlawed, simple as that.

Also, a "weak version" just doesn't make sense. You're kind of speaking too simple for the subject at's not as easy as making a weak strain and legalizing that. Because if I want a stronger strain, all I have to do it is use a couple of the leftover seeds, breed them together and grow and harvest them the right way, and strong as I want it. And there will always be a black market for every drug, no matter if they are legalized or not. Of course it will take a big hit, but there will still be some of it going on.

Marijuana is prescribed for countless illnesses and injuries, to many to name. The state will issue license to growers, and they will grow the pot that is harvested and sent to Medical Marijuana shops. It's a pretty simple process and it works great in California, and starting to take hold in Ohio and a few more states it hasn't been used for medical purposes.
^Wait, are we talking about legalizing the use of a drug IN ITS PRESCRIBED MANNER and/or THE WAY IT IS PURCHASED? As far as I know, it is a crime to incorrectly take a prescribed medicine. It is hard to legislate, but to my understanding, you must take medicine as prescribed. And you certainly, cannot make, cultivate, etc.. your own medicine. (For example, if you are given a 30 day supply of drugs, you can get no more until the 30 days has expired, so if you take two doses instead of one, you cannot get more. ). So, legally, you could not take the extras, breed them, etc...

Also, I am assuming that if legalized, they will find a different way to use pot. I doubt, if legalized, that doobies will be handed out across the nation. They will find other methods of giving it out. Find some way to take the medicinal value of it and put it in capsule or some other form, to where it cannot be as easily tampered with. As silly as it sounds now, if it was made wide-spread and completely legal, other measures would be taken.

I guess the pain-reliving that it gives is a major attraction.

Seriously, because of something in the 30's is the ONLY reason it is illegal? Come on, there have to be medicinal reasons, or side effects, or something. If it was so easy to make it legal and NO REASON for it not to be legal, wouldn't it already be legalized?
Stardust Wrote:What the heck is a Durg Addict? Is that something only in West Virginia....:1:

That would be *Drug
vundy33 Wrote:Who the hell said that? And who the hell is comparing it to cancer or even calling it a damn disease?

Hell man, its all the damn people on tv. Damn Dr Drew. Hell Damn fire damn hell you know.
TheRealVille Wrote:The above video is long, close to two hours, but it is a very informative video. You will be surprised at some of the lies the government has told, in their effort to keep this drug illegal. Whether for or against, people need to know the truth.

Responses like yours above TRT, is why I vote against candidates that go with the "Christian right". You all try to legislate morality, just like prohibition, and it never works out good for anybody.

So, the anti-logic I'm reading here is that profitable productive citizens are LOADED citizens. I've read how vodka reduced productivity among the working class in Russia to the point where the Kremlin decided to step in. I've seen documentaries about opium turning the masses of China into mindless mushrooms. I studied history in college and learned how drink and other social decadence contributed in no small amount in helping to bring down Rome. I can't think of a single civilization which has benefited from the wdespread use of drugs and alcohol.

Almost everybody that uses marijuana wids up dealing at one time or another because that's the easiest way to finance their own drug usage. The problem with drugs and alcohol is that most people can't just dabble, they wind up addicted. People that smoke marijuana every day have it in their system ALL THE TIME. Thusly living in a state of continual impairment. It is for safey sake OSHA monitors the industrial workforce by random drug testing. Drug users are a threat to the safety of themselves and all they work with. Alcohol and drug addiction costs the American taxpayer billions each year. The notion that legalizing drug use will in any way lessen the problems we experience as a society or a nation is absurd on it's face. Further, marijuana is a gateway drug, and, in many cases leads to crack and heroine addiction.

Marijuana, heroine, cocaine, meth, hash, lsd, and the like were the recreational drugs of choice during my days in the service. Many of my friends succumed to the dark side of the force and decended into addiction. So, I am intimately familiar with the effects of drug usage and, I can tell you this, once addicted ALWAYS addicted. Addiction is a life long overlord for the rest of one's life. That's why God says it's wrong, because it is a destroyer of mankind, not a help. And mark me down as one who will always vote against candidates who would lean towards legalization of drugs.
lol man..

Of course there's laws against taking prescription meds incorrectly. But do you have any idea how many people break that law each day? All they do is take their entire prescription in a short time, and get none until their next due date. That's when they run out, and the addiction and buying/selling of drugs come in. At least that's the majority of the people addicted to prescription meds.

Of course there's medicinal reasons. I mentioned a couple that I immediately thought of...the number of cancer-causing agents, harshness of the smoke. But I gave the counter to that, that the they're in smaller doses. Their may be more reasons, but none prevalent enough to effect your health like those. From a health standpoint, I really believe pot to be the safest, I guess, out of the three.

I don't know where you get that it'd be easy to legalize, because I don't believe that, or that there's "NO REASON" to keep it legal. As with everything, it has it's limits. If used liberally and not abused, like not smoking an ounce of pot every day or two for years, the positives for alot of people definitely outweigh the negatives.

It's not the pain-relieving that makes it wanted, it's the high's effects. It's really hard to judge that if you've never smoked.
Heres an idea, lets do away with all drugs and deport everyone who sells them to Mexico. Never to return to this country again, on the first offense.
Sounds good to me
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Hell man, its all the damn people on tv. Damn Dr Drew. Hell Damn fire damn hell you know.


Seriously, if you're going to talk about how horrible it is, something you admittedly know nothing about, at least have a reason for it.
LWC Wrote:That's essentially what I am saying.

For the record, I would be happy if nobody ever uses it. What is medicinal marijuana used for? Glaucoma? I have family that have that disease and they give her medicine that show no side effects in her. There is a reason that mary-jane is illegal.

Legalizing this drug creates a slippy slope. If a very weak version is legalized, people will want a much stronger version, and someone will be willing to make it. THEN we have the problem of legal AND illegal marijuana being on the market.

Can someone answer me why marijuana is illegal, yet tobacco is legal. Why pot is illegal yet alcohol is legal? There has to be a reason. Using that logic, marijuana must be a worse substance that the other two. I have seen the stats that show that tobacco and alcohol kill more than pot. If that is the case, why are they legal?
If you will watch that video I posted, a lot of questions you have will be answered, and a lot of the myths you believe will be dispelled.
TheRealThing Wrote:So, the anti-logic I'm reading here is that profitable productive citizens are LOADED citizens. I've read how vodka reduced productivity among the working class in Russia to the point where the Kremlin decided to step in. I've seen documentaries about opium turning the masses of China into mindless mushrooms. I studied history in college and learned how drink and other social decadence contributed in no small amount in helping to bring down Rome. I can't think of a single civilization which has benefited from the wdespread use of drugs and alcohol.

Almost everybody that uses marijuana wids up dealing at one time or another because that's the easiest way to finance their own drug usage. The problem with drugs and alcohol is that most people can't just dabble, they wind up addicted. People that smoke marijuana every day have it in their system ALL THE TIME. Thusly living in a state of continual impairment. It is for safey sake OSHA monitors the industrial workforce by random drug testing. Drug users are a threat to the safety of themselves and all they work with. Alcohol and drug addiction costs the American taxpayer billions each year. The notion that legalizing drug use will in any way lessen the problems we experience as a society or a nation is absurd on it's face. Further, marijuana is a gateway drug, and, in many cases leads to crack and heroine addiction.

Marijuana, heroine, cocaine, meth, hash, lsd, and the like were the recreational drugs of choice during my days in the service. Many of my friends succumed to the dark side of the force and decended into addiction. So, I am intimately familiar with the effects of drug usage and, I can tell you this, once addicted ALWAYS addicted. Addiction is a life long overlord for the rest of one's life. That's why God says it's wrong, because it is a destroyer of mankind, not a help. And mark me down as one who will always vote against candidates who would lean towards legalization of drugs.

You simply know nothing about this drug, or other drugs for that matter, and definitely nothing of their addictions besides what you have seen, not felt.
vundy33 Wrote:These are clearly the posts of people who have little to no experience with the drug. You think because it's illegal, that it's the worst thing on earth, and those who use it are the same. You believe every bad thing anyone says against it.

TheRealThing is especially showing his lack of knowledge about the the number of people who are in a "drugged/drunken" up to 85 or 90%?? Do you even know ANYTHING about marijuana?! "The same morons that vote that into law can create another entitlement for those who can't afford it."
So, what other, legal the two that's worse on your health than Marijuana, Alcohol and cigarettes..have entitlements for those who can't afford it? Please, enlighten me.Marijuana is a great drug, especially when used in the medical field. I've experienced it's help medically first hand. It has by far the least amount of side effects and negative effects of any other drug, including those of which that are already legal. It doesn't kill people, make them rape, doesn't poison kids and adults alike if you smoke to much of it.

Heck, the negative effects can even be bypassed. The few that there is, which originate from the harshness of the smoke, can be simply bypassed by the use of a Vaporizer. Simple as that. Also, marijuana smoke does have more cancer causing agents than cigarette smoke. But, at the same time, those cancer-causing agents are in much smaller doses than those in cigarette smoke, and take much, much longer to take hold. You can minimize that harshness by smoking out of a pipe or any way that excludes paper...or, if you'd like to get rid of the risk completely, use a vaporizer. Not to mention that it's not addictive.

Weed has helped my mind and body after it got jacked up. I have some severe memory problems as a result of a head injury, but I haven't experienced any sort of memory problems from marijuana use that is noticeable. That could be because I haven't smoked it enough these days for it to do that, but I think it's because the effect of marijuana on your memory is way, way over-stated.

I don't want marijuana completely legalized...I would like to see it used for medical purposes everywhere though, and if it's going to be legalized, do it slowly, limit it, and tax it in a way that it will benefit state government, but that same tax doesn't need to be as high as cigarette and alcohol taxes, to reflect the noticeable difference in negative effects from alcohol and cigs and to encourage the use of marijuana as an alternative to smoking and drinking.

Like I said, it would need to be introduced as a legal product slowly...and, the strains would need to be monitored so recommendations can be made on what kinds would be good for different levels of users. Marijuana comes in two basic types, and then hundreds of strains are derived from those two types and a mix of them both. Sativa is good for energy and muscle function and is great for for illnesses that have negative effects related to those, as well as illness-related depression. It usually has higher THC content. Indica is better for relaxation, stress, insomnia and good with overall pain-reliefe, like Sativa is. It's also the type that gives you the most powerful munchies, so it's good for patients with illnesses that take away their appetite, or patients with severe injuries who are on alot of pain medication, which is why I smoked it. It also helps with normal bowel movements, which are also really screwed up by pain medication.

Before anyone makes a judgement, they need to inform themselves of both the positives and the negatives of marijuana, instead of saying things like "However, legalizing the drugs that police have been fighting for years is silly.". That doesn't mean a thing, just makes it sound like you're more about saving face than helping people. If marijuana would do anything to society, it would help it. So many people would quit other drugs that are much more powerful and harmful in favor of legally smoking...most drug addicts don't want to be addicts, but they feel as if they can't cope with normal life unless they have their drug of choice to help them get through. I know, I've been there. Memories and stress were to overwhelming, and before I knew it, I needed pills to be and feel normal and feel like I could make it through the day without falling apart and ripping heads off. I didn't have the help of pot to get myself off the stuff, and I wasn't as addicted as alot of people around home, but I was enough to make it very, very hard. I just used will-power, which alot of people don't have. Addiction is one of the most powerful forces on earth, and it's tough to beat. Marijuana would give addicts and users, from the most hardcore addict to the 20 year old who gets some coke or E every now and then to part a bit, an alternate avenue that isn't addictive or even close to as damaging.

Try to see where I'm coming from. Alot of you associate pot smoking with the trailor-trash dope heads around home that go and sell cases of pop they purchased with their food stamps for cash so they can get them an Oxy or any of the shitload of other pills our region's not that way everywhere, it's the very small minority. Most smokers are law-abiding citizens, not addicts, not hippies...and drug addicts away from our region are addicted to more powerful and serious drugs, like Meth, Heroin, Crack/coke. It's different, ALOT different. Marijuana would do wonders if utilized in clinics the same way Methadone and Suboxen are now. Suboxen and Methadone are dangerous, Methadone especially dangerous and addictive...if they can use that drug to get people off of more serious drugs, and use it as a substitute, why not marijuana, which is absolutely perfect for that? It doesn't even have to be smoked if that doesn't look "professional" enough, or like I mentioned before, want to bypass the smoke. Vaporizers and food do the trick perfectly fine. Our region, with time, would be a much better place to live and raise a family if marijuana was used instead of Suboxen and Methadone...all you'd have to do is go into the doc once a week/month and pick up your prescribed amount..or, if people are afraid of patients selling it to make a quick buck, they can just make cookies or brownies. They work perfectly fine, and they don't last forever, so people would have a limited amount of time to distribute them. But, if clinics do a good enough job of sorting out who is there to abuse the system and who is there to get help, that risk will be small enough to cancel itself out.

As you can see, I have alot of opinions on this subject, lol. Try to atleast educate yourselves on the drug instead of saying stupid stuff about something you know nothing about. Wink

^I got the same education about drugs you did when I served and had a warzone understanding of drug use before you were born but, thanks for staightening me out on that. And as I have mentioned people who use Suboxen and Methadone likely started by smoking dope. Secondly, on the part I have bolded, you have heard of sarcasm, right? And finally, I have never opposed the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. I wouldn't hesitate to dump some burbon on a cut if I lacked an antiseptic, but I might stop short of drinking it. At any rate, Russian authorities didn't advocate the increased use of vodka because it was also good as an antiseptic.
TheRealThing Wrote:So, the anti-logic I'm reading here is that profitable productive citizens are LOADED citizens. I've read how vodka reduced productivity among the working class in Russia to the point where the Kremlin decided to step in. I've seen documentaries about opium turning the masses of China into mindless mushrooms. I studied history in college and learned how drink and other social decadence contributed in no small amount in helping to bring down Rome. I can't think of a single civilization which has benefited from the wdespread use of drugs and alcohol.

Almost everybody that uses marijuana wids up dealing at one time or another because that's the easiest way to finance their own drug usage. The problem with drugs and alcohol is that most people can't just dabble, they wind up addicted. People that smoke marijuana every day have it in their system ALL THE TIME. Thusly living in a state of continual impairment. It is for safey sake OSHA monitors the industrial workforce by random drug testing. Drug users are a threat to the safety of themselves and all they work with. Alcohol and drug addiction costs the American taxpayer billions each year. The notion that legalizing drug use will in any way lessen the problems we experience as a society or a nation is absurd on it's face. Further, marijuana is a gateway drug, and, in many cases leads to crack and heroine addiction.

Marijuana, heroine, cocaine, meth, hash, lsd, and the like were the recreational drugs of choice during my days in the service. Many of my friends succumed to the dark side of the force and decended into addiction. So, I am intimately familiar with the effects of drug usage and, I can tell you this, once addicted ALWAYS addicted. Addiction is a life long overlord for the rest of one's life. That's why God says it's wrong, because it is a destroyer of mankind, not a help. And mark me down as one who will always vote against candidates who would lean towards legalization of drugs.
You might can get addicted to the other drugs you name, but there is no addictive quality to marijuana. And no, it is not a gateway drug, as far as losing the high and getting a stronger drug to compensate. The only gateway quality it has to it, is since it's illegal, the drug dealers sell other drugs also and get people to try the stronger stuff. I know many people that smoke herb, and have never tried any other drug.

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