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With economy improving, Obama would beat Romney: Poll
Quote:(Reuters) - President Barack Obama - bolstered by a stronger economic outlook and recent job growth - would win in a match-up against the two leading Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich, a poll on Monday showed.

A Washington Post-ABC News survey of 1,000 adults found that, for the first time, Obama's prospects have brightened against his potential rivals as his overall job approval rating climbed on his handling of the slowly recovering economy.

If the election were held now, Obama would win 51 percent of the vote compared to 45 percent for Romney, the former Massachusetts governor and current Republican frontrunner, according to the poll. He would win with 54 percent compared to 43 percent for Gingrich, the former speaker of the House of Representatives who has vowed to continuing seeking his party's nomination.

The poll, conducted by telephone from February 1 through February 4, showed Obama won higher marks than Romney when it comes to protecting the middle class and taxes. Those polled also said they trusted Obama more to handle international affairs and terrorism.

But Obama and Romney tied when it came to creating jobs and more of those surveyed said they trusted Romney to handle the economy and the federal budget deficit.

In a statement, the Romney campaign's polling strategist, Neil Newhouse, said the survey was flawed and "introduced specific negative information about Governor Romney immediately prior to asking the ballot match-up against President Obama."

The president's job approval rating rose to 50 percent, according to the survey, which has a sampling error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

When asked if Obama deserved a second term as president, 49 percent said yes and 49 percent said no.

In an NBC interview Sunday, Obama said he deserved another term when Americans vote in November. A jobs report on Friday showed the U.S. economy created jobs at the fastest pace in nine months in January. The unemployment rate unexpectedly dropped to 8.3 percent, its lowest level in three years.
Quote:Republican infighting during the primary campaign and President Obama's election-year reset appear to have boosted the incumbent's standing with voters, particularly independents, a new Washington Post/ABC News poll finds.

The president's job approval rating has hit 50% for the first time since just after the killing of Osama bin Laden, representing an 8-point rebound from his October low point.

Voters are still evenly divided on the question of whether Obama deserves a second term, as he argued Sunday night that he did. Fifty percent say he does while 48% say he does not. At a similar point in Bill Clinton's first term, 47% said he did while 49% said he did not.

But Obama has opened up a 51% to 45% lead over front-running Republican Mitt Romneyamong registered voters in a hypothetical general election matchup; Romney had a 2-point lead just three weeks ago.
Do you want President Obama to win reelection, TRV?
vundy33 Wrote:Do you want President Obama to win reelection, TRV?
I'm just posting an article. I'm really indifferent. I do know that Obama is friendlier to my trade. I don't think Romney would hurt me that much if he get's it, so I wouldn't die if he won. I've decided that I might have to do what I see the republicans saying they will do with their candidate, hold my nose and vote for my party's candidate.
Just checking where you were...

Definitely glad jobs are on the rise though. But of course, hardcore conservatives will deny that, lol.
vundy33 Wrote:Just checking where you were...

Definitely glad jobs are on the rise though. But of course, hardcore conservatives will deny that, lol.
I'm not really decided, I am just going to listen to Romney after he gets the nomination and see what he has to say.
On the contrary, Obama is completely destroying jobs in my profession.
It's sad to think that any president can let the EPA do instead of helping the people that have to deal with these assholes on a daily basis.

To be quite honest, for me, I hate liberals because of the far lefts stance on things from the enviroment, to homosexuality, to immigration.
Radical America as i call it.

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