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Conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart dies in LA
I remember the AG Commissioner(Sherrod) edited video being posted here by someone.

Quote:LOS ANGELES (AP) — Andrew Breitbart used the Internet relentlessly to ignite political scandal and expose what he saw as media bias, even if he sometimes had to edit the facts to do it.
The fiery online publisher and blogger who collapsed and died Thursday at 43 relished public combat with liberals — a YouTube clip last month shows him bellowing at Occupy Wall Street protesters, "Stop raping people, you freaks!" Yet the conservatives and tea party activists who loved him said he exposed corrupt leaders and what he called the hopelessly liberal "old media guard."
The converted Hollywood lefty who partied his way through Tulane University was also a soft-spoken father of four. The conservative warrior chose to live on enemy turf, Brentwood, the tony Los Angeles enclave favored by the Hollywood elite he so often mocked.
Breitbart used his website to promote a hidden-camera video with actors posing as customers that led the downfall of the liberal Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN. He posted explicit photos of former Rep. Anthony Weiner that caused the New York congressman to resign in a sexting scandal, and an edited video that caused former U.S. Agriculture Department official Shirley Sherrod to resign over since-reversed perceptions she was a racist.
In a new media age, Breitbart argued that anyone with a laptop could reshape public discourse. He used his skills at sites like Big Journalism and Big Government and his takedown of Weiner established him as a conservative media star.
He was filled with contradictions. A self-avowed enemy of the mainstream media, he loved to eyeball photos from afar from the venerable Associated Press, to which he subscribed. "It's a love-hate relationship," he confided at a quiet moment. He pleaded with conservatives to drive relentlessly forward — walk into the line of fire, he would say — yet the final sentence from his prolific and often caustic voice on Twitter was, ironically, an apology for calling a follower a "putz," just in case he misunderstood a message to him.
His business partner and lifelong friend, Larry Solov, once said Breitbart had two speeds: lighthearted jokester and fiery culture warrior. "They flip back and forth," Solov said. "And there is not that much in between."
Breitbart died after collapsing shortly after midnight during a walk near his home. He was rushed to the emergency room at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center.
Breitbart suffered heart problems a year earlier, but his father-in-law, actor Orson Bean, said he could not pinpoint what happened. Larry Dietz, watch commander at the Los Angeles County coroner's office, said an autopsy was likely.
"It's devastating," Bean told the AP.
Breitbart leaves behind his showcase, a family of websites that waged daily war with what he considered liberal bias in the media, on college campuses and in the entertainment industry. Joel Pollak, an editor, said Breitbart was planning to launch a retooled version, and those plans would go forward.
"The core of what Andrew did was bring new citizen journalists into the new media," Pollak said. It "was, and still is, what we do."
It wasn't immediately clear who would take over the company, which once ran out of Breitbart's basement and now employs about a dozen people.
His anchor site,, was visited by 1.7 million people in January, according to website tracker comScore Inc. Though other political sites are far larger — his mentor, Matt Drudge, attracted more than 4 million visits that month — his profile was elevated by public appearances and relentless speechmaking, particularly at tea party rallies, where he was a favorite.
Republican candidates for president were quick to offer praise and condolences after learning of his death. Newt Gingrich tweeted: "Andrew Breitbart was the most innovative pioneer in conservative activist social media in America. He had great courage and creativity."
He played by his own standards. He faulted what he called the mainstream media for all manner of shoddy work and bias, but his aim could go off course, too.
Sherrod, who is black, was ousted from her job as the USDA's state rural development director for Georgia in July 2010 after an edited video surfaced of her making what appeared to be a racist remark. She is seen telling an NAACP group that she was initially reluctant to help a white farmer save his farm more than two decades ago, long before she worked for USDA.
Missing from the clip was the rest of the speech, which was meant as a lesson in racial healing. Sherrod told the crowd she eventually realized her mistake and helped the farmer save his farm.
Once the entire video surfaced, Sherrod received numerous apologies from the administration — including President Barack Obama — and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack asked her to return to the department to work on civil rights issues.
She declined Vilsack's offer but later sued Breitbart, his employee, Larry O'Connor, and an unnamed "John Doe" defendant for defamation. A lawyer for O'Connor said Thursday it's not clear whether the case will proceed against the other two defendants, who were seeking to dismiss the case in federal court.

In a statement Thursday, Sherrod said she was surprised to hear of Breitbart's death. "My prayers go out to Mr. Breitbart's family as they cope during this very difficult time. I do not intend to make any further comments."
Breitbart was skilled at finding issues that pushed conservative buttons while pulling Internet traffic to his websites.
"I do what I do because the mainstream media chooses not to do it," Breitbart said in a 2010 interview. "The game of the left controlling the narrative ... is ending."
Condolences also came from liberal critics.
"We've disagreed more than we've found common ground, but there was never any question of Andrew's passion for and commitment to what he believed," said Ari Rabin-Havt of Media Matters, a liberal watchdog group and frequent Breitbart nemesis.
The 2009 hidden-camera video that eventually brought down ACORN showed staffers offering advice on taxes and other issues to actors posing as a prostitute and pimp -- a technique that would be frowned on in journalism schools. Some employees appeared willing to support illegal schemes involving tax advice, misuse of public funds and illegal trafficking in children. A Government Accountability Office report cleared ACORN of criminal activities.
Even so, public pressure led Congress to block previously approved funds from going to ACORN and to stop future payments. Roughly 10 percent of ACORN's funds came from federal grants and the group eventually disbanded.
Weiner's downfall began on May 28 when Breitbart's website posted a lewd photograph of an underwear-clad crotch and said it had been sent from Weiner's Twitter account to a Seattle woman.
Initially, Weiner lied, saying his account had been hacked. But he pointedly did not report the incident to law enforcement — a step that could have led to charges of wrongdoing far more serious than mere sexting. At one point, he told an interviewer that he could not "say with certitude" that he wasn't the man in the underwear photo.
Weiner's spokesman said the photo was just a distraction and that the congressman doesn't know the person named by the hacker.
The congressman denied sending the photo and said he had retained an attorney and hired a private security company to figure out how someone could pull off such a prank.
But Weiner dropped that story line on June 6, offering a lengthy public confession at a Manhattan news conference, acknowledging to online activity involving at least six women.
One of two adopted children, and the son of a Santa Monica restaurateur, he traced his conservative conversion partly to the 1991 Senate hearings on Clarence Thomas' nomination to the Supreme Court, which he considered unfair. Before rising to prominence, he was a long-serving underling at the Drudge Report, and was also there during the formative days of the Huffington Post.
Breitbart seldom showed restraint with critics and seemed to relish the negative attention his antics earned him. He once told reporters from the stage at a tea party convention, "It's not your business model that sucks, it's you that sucks."
After Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts died in 2009, Breitbart tweeted, "Rest in Chappaquiddick" and called him "a special pile of human excrement." When critics questioned his tone, he tweeted they "missed my best ones!"
Breitbart is survived by his wife, Susannah Bean Breitbart, and four children.
This is a great loss to the country. He was the person most responsible for getting ACORN defunded.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:This is a great loss to the country. He was the person most responsible for getting ACORN defunded.
And caused an innocent woman to have to resign because of his lies. His remarks about Ted Kennedy stick out to me the most. Did karma get him?
TheRealVille Wrote:And caused an innocent woman to have to resign because of his lies. His remarks about Ted Kennedy stick out to me the most. Did karma get him?
She was not an innocent woman. She was a racist who admitted abusing her power in the federal government to discriminate against somebody because of the color of their skin. If you think that she was unfairly treated, then maybe your ire should be directed against the Obama administration, which pressured her into resigning. I say good riddance.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:She was not an innocent woman. She was a racist who admitted abusing her power in the federal government to discriminate against somebody because of the color of their skin. If you think that she was unfairly treated, then maybe your ire should be directed against the Obama administration, which pressured her into resigning. I say good riddance.
The part of the video he didn't show was where she went on to talk about racial healing and was using her comments to show that as an example. Your comments only pertain to the edited part. She told the story of 20 years before.

Quote: She is seen telling an NAACP group that she was initially reluctant to help a white farmer save his farm more than two decades ago, long before she worked for USDA.
Missing from the clip was the rest of the speech, which was meant as a lesson in racial healing. Sherrod told the crowd she eventually realized her mistake and helped the farmer save his farm.
Once the entire video surfaced, Sherrod received numerous apologies from the administration — including President Barack Obama — and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack asked her to return to the department to work on civil rights issues.
TheRealVille Wrote:The part of the video he didn't show was where she went on to talk about racial healing and was using her comments to show that as an example.
MSNBC's Chris Matthews disagrees with your version of what Breitbart made available. You may not be aware of this fact, but clips from long videos are often shown on TV. You are ignoring my question. Do you blame the Obama administration for forcing Sherrod to resign? Do you really think that they should have done so without giving her due process?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:MSNBC's Chris Matthews disagrees with your version of what Breitbart made available. You may not be aware of this fact, but clips from long videos are often shown on TV. You are ignoring my question. Do you blame the Obama administration for forcing Sherrod to resign? Do you really think that they should have done so without giving her due process?
I blame them for not looking into it further, and blame him for the lies. After the truth came out, they tried to get her to come back, but she did not. BTW, you didn't ask that question until this post. There wasn't a question to ignore. Not really an honest man are you?
TheRealVille Wrote:I blame them for not looking into it further, and blame him for the lies. After the truth came out, they tried to get her to come back, but she did not. BTW, you didn't ask that question until this post. There wasn't a question to ignore. Not really an honest man are you?
I'm sorry. I punctuated a sentence with a period instead of a question mark. My mistake. Yes I am an honest man who admits his mistakes but then you already know that. You said that Breitbart edited the tape to give a false impression. Who is lying you or Chris Matthews. Or were you simply mistaken?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I'm sorry. I punctuated a sentence with a period instead of a question mark. My mistake. Yes I am an honest man who admits his mistakes but then you already know that. You said that Breitbart edited the tape to give a false impression. Who is lying you or Chris Matthews. Or were you simply mistaken?
I'm not lying. She admitted that she was, 20 years earlier, going to deny him her help, and then realized she was wrong. Her story to the NAACP was meant to be a lesson against racism. Your guy edited it to make it look like she didn't help him. If you want to discuss the whole original video without anybodies input, post it and we will talk about it.

Show me the question that you missed punctuation on?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:She was not an innocent woman. She was a racist who admitted abusing her power in the federal government to discriminate against somebody because of the color of their skin. If you think that she was unfairly treated, then maybe your ire should be directed against the Obama administration, which pressured her into resigning. I say good riddance.
Do you think his Ted Kennedy remarks came back to bite him?
I'll post it, go ahead.

[YOUTUBE="Shirley Sherrod NAACP video"]E9NcCa_KjXk[/YOUTUBE]
TheRealVille Wrote:I'm not lying. She admitted that she was, 20 years earlier, going to deny him her help, and then realized she was wrong. Her story to the NAACP was meant to be a lesson against racism. Your guy edited it to make it look like she didn't help him.

Show me the question that you missed punctuation on?
The punctuation made it a statement. I admitted that it was not a question.

So, from your answer, Matthews must be lying or mistaken.

Breitbart did no worse than what you are trying to do to Rush Limbaugh. You and your friends at Media Matters take political satire and treat it as if Limbaugh seriously suggested that recipients of free contraceptives post sex videos on the internet.

This is clearly another case of the pot calling the kettle black.
From what I can find out Mrs Sherrod was hardly the victim here.

Pigford v. Glickman was a class-action lawsuit brought in 1997. The suit, in which farmer Timothy Pigford sued then-Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman, resulted in a court-approved agreement in 1999 to settle claims of discrimination that occurred between 1983 and 1997. But tens of thousands of black farmers missed the deadline for filing claims. Congress took testimony on complaints that inadequate notice and poor legal representation were to blame for the late claims and passed a law in 2008 that gave the late filers the right to have their cases heard on the merits. The 2008 law provided $100million to settle the additional claims. Congress in 2010 appropriated another $1.15 billion. The second settlement came to be known as Pigford II.

The family of Shirley Sherrod, a former USDA official in the Obama administration, "received the highest single payout (approximately $13 million)." The $13 million went to several families, including the Sherrods, who owned a cooperative farm called New Communities. In addition to their share of the New Communities settlement, Sherrod and her husband were awarded $150,000 each for pain and suffering.

Now, nobody wants to see any black farmers get run over here but, the Obama administration expedited legal actions that supported all this. The whole mess has been characterized by gross over reaction by the Obama administration in that they have allowed black folks even loosely associated with the farming industry across America to jump on board the farm lottery, making payouts funded by the American taxpayer.

Shirley Sherrod, who is black and a former farmer, was active in the Pigford I case prior to working at the USDA. She, along with others at the Rural Development Leadership Network, helped organize black farmers to file claims in the original Pigford suit. And she was USDA’s Georgia state director of rural development for one year, from July 2009 until July 2010. Mr Obama, played a prominent role in funding Pigford II. His administration agreed to settle the claims that were now allowed to proceed as a result of the 2008 farm bill. In the meantime, there are now tens of thousands MORE waiting to join the class action claimants of Pigford II, with concevably no end in sight. The whole thing is likely a contrived fabrication. The only one willing to admit having erred by denying an applicant to the USDA based on skin color I have seen in all this is Sirley Sherrod herself, who was taped making the admission while speaking publicly.

There is a lot to all this but, Mrs Sherrod no doubt didn't feel compelled to return to her post in Georgia's USDA due to the settlements in hand compliments of the US taxpayer. Ain't life grand?
TheRealThing Wrote:From what I can find out Mrs Sherrod was hardly the victim here.

Pigford v. Glickman was a class-action lawsuit brought in 1997. The suit, in which farmer Timothy Pigford sued then-Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman, resulted in a court-approved agreement in 1999 to settle claims of discrimination that occurred between 1983 and 1997. But tens of thousands of black farmers missed the deadline for filing claims. Congress took testimony on complaints that inadequate notice and poor legal representation were to blame for the late claims and passed a law in 2008 that gave the late filers the right to have their cases heard on the merits. The 2008 law provided $100million to settle the additional claims. Congress in 2010 appropriated another $1.15 billion. The second settlement came to be known as Pigford II.

The family of Shirley Sherrod, a former USDA official in the Obama administration, "received the highest single payout (approximately $13 million)." The $13 million went to several families, including the Sherrods, who owned a cooperative farm called New Communities. In addition to their share of the New Communities settlement, Sherrod and her husband were awarded $150,000 each for pain and suffering.

Now, nobody wants to see any black farmers get run over here but, the Obama administration expedited legal actions that supported all this. The whole mess has been characterized by gross over reaction by the Obama administration in that they have allowed black folks even loosely associated with the farming industry across America to jump on board the farm lottery, making payouts funded by the American taxpayer.

Shirley Sherrod, who is black and a former farmer, was active in the Pigford I case prior to working at the USDA. She, along with others at the Rural Development Leadership Network, helped organize black farmers to file claims in the original Pigford suit. And she was USDA’s Georgia state director of rural development for one year, from July 2009 until July 2010. Mr Obama, played a prominent role in funding Pigford II. His administration agreed to settle the claims that were now allowed to proceed as a result of the 2008 farm bill. In the meantime, there are now tens of thousands MORE waiting to join the class action claimants of Pigford II, with concevably no end in sight. The whole thing is likely a contrived fabrication. The only one willing to admit having erred by denying an applicant to the USDA based on skin color I have seen in all this is Sirley Sherrod herself, who was taped making the admission while speaking publicly.

There is a lot to all this but, Mrs Sherrod no doubt didn't feel compelled to return to her post in Georgia's USDA due to the settlements in hand compliments of the US taxpayer. Ain't life grand?
Obama and his supporters (accomplices) are robbing the rest of us blind. It is amazing that there are white people who support and defend this racist administration.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:This is a great loss to the country. He was the person most responsible for getting ACORN defunded.

To his wife and children, definitely. To the country? Nope.
The conspiracy theories from conservatives will start. The Obama Boogerman got him.
OrangenowBlue Wrote:The conspiracy theories from conservatives will start. The Obama Boogerman got him.
I agree with you. The "Who Killed Andrew Breitbart" conspiracy theory has all of the elements to give it legs for many years. Within the next few days, videos showing Obama during his college years will be made public. It was the project that AB was working on the night that he died. Undoubtedly, there will some people who will be convinced that the most damaging videos disappeared that same night. Obama's lawless nature and refusal to honor his oath to uphold the Constitution will add the the credibility of the conspiracy theories.

Had a person on the left with Breitbart's reputation died at 45, do you doubt that there would be similar conspiracy theories born?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I agree with you. The "Who Killed Andrew Breitbart" conspiracy theory has all of the elements to give it legs for many years. Within the next few days, videos showing Obama during his college years will be made public. It was the project that AB was working on the night that he died. Undoubtedly, there will some people who will be convinced that the most damaging videos disappeared that same night. Obama's lawless nature and refusal to honor his oath to uphold the Constitution will add the the credibility of the conspiracy theories.

Had a person on the left with Breitbart's reputation died at 45, do you doubt that there would be similar conspiracy theories born?


^If one were to take Sherrod at her word, and accept the premise that everything she said in her speech at he NAACP was factual, I would still say the millions of dollars she had recieved would be payment enough. Aside from that, it is clear that she believes she is 100% spot on. The likelihood of that isn't very likely. According to her, the black man could recieve no justice in America in 1966. A position I believe is hard to defend. The sheriff of Baker county would have had to have been a complete lowlife to allow an innocent man to be murdered with no justice in response.

Given her freely admitted bias against "White Men", she should never have been in a position to effect policy and judgements for black people or white people. In her speech, she gave one example of bias against a white man, odds are there were more. And there was no getting even on her part for hundreds of thousands of black people she was instrumental in getting settlements for in the Pigford legal action? Maybe she is indeed the victim of white aggression her whole life as she claims or maybe she isn't. I noticed a website you can go to support [email][/email] I'm sure she can buy and sell you many times over but if you're that tore up about it, you have that option.
BillyB Wrote:This?

Breitbart promised videos (plural) at CPAC. But seriously, if Obama's associations with Jeremiah Wright, terrorists Bernadine Dohrn and Bill Ayers, and Father Pfegler failed to dissuade voters from voting for this socialist who is destroying this nation, I do not think more videos of Obama chumming around with more communists, socialists, and other anti-Americans will do so.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Breitbart promised videos (plural) at CPAC. But seriously, if Obama's associations with Jeremiah Wright, terrorists Bernadine Dohrn and Bill Ayers, and Father Pfegler failed to dissuade voters from voting for this socialist who is destroying this nation, I do not think more videos of Obama chumming around with more communists, socialists, and other anti-Americans will do so.

---WILLFULLY INGNORANT--- If the truth doesn't flip your switch, allow your hatred to cloud your mind and let lucid, responsible thought, go on an extended holiday! Bias exists in spite of the truth, and truth exists in spite of bias. Hatred breeds darkness, truth breeds light. Herman Melville's Moby Dick gives the perfect example of a man willing to destroy himself and all around for the sake of hate, as Melville wrote of Captain Ahab's quest to kill the white whale, "If his chest had been a cannon, he would have shot his heart upon it". But, one thing I just don't get. What's to hate about the greatest nation on earth?
TheRealThing Wrote:[/B]

---WILLFULLY INGNORANT--- If the truth doesn't flip your switch, allow your hatred to cloud your mind and let lucid, responsible thought, go on an extended holiday! Bias exists in spite of the truth, and truth exists in spite of bias. Hatred breeds darkness, truth breeds light. Herman Melville's Moby Dick gives the perfect example of a man willing to destroy himself and all around for the sake of hate, as Melville wrote of Captain Ahab's quest to kill the white whale, "If his chest had been a cannon, he would have shot his heart upon it". But, one thing I just don't get. What's to hate about the greatest nation on earth?
As Barry Goldwater once said, "Extemism in defense of liberty is no vice." The brand of extremism practiced by Dohrn, Wright, Ayers. Pfegler, and Obama is not what the former senator had in mind.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:As Barry Goldwater once said, "Extemism in defense of liberty is no vice." The brand of extremism practiced by Dohrn, Wright, Ayers. Pfegler, and Obama is not what the former senator had in mind.

So true, he meant extremism as in love of country. As it existed BTW, not some la-la liberal's imaginary perfect world of flowers growing in the oil fields.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Breitbart promised videos (plural) at CPAC. But seriously, if Obama's associations with Jeremiah Wright, terrorists Bernadine Dohrn and Bill Ayers, and Father Pfegler failed to dissuade voters from voting for this socialist who is destroying this nation, I do not think more videos of Obama chumming around with more communists, socialists, and other anti-Americans will do so.

Oh good, 'cause this one's a dud.
BillyB Wrote:Oh good, 'cause this one's a dud.
Yeah, a video of one racist liberal hugging another one is not likely to have any impact on the election.

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