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Predictions for National Champs
Early predictions for National Champions?? Mine I think is LSU, to tough of a defense to be stopped and a good run game with a nasty blocking scheme but to meet them in the national championship game would have to be USC.
Go Vols!
By the way Im a College Football Freak and A die hard Tennessee fan, Go Vols!
My preseason pick is out there but I'm going to say Georgia if they can win the SEC championship. They won't have to play neither LSU or Bama in the regular season and their schedule isnt as hard as most in the SEC but it's never easy to run the table in the SEC. My pick, UGA vs Southern Cal.
I'm going with SD. Southern Cal. I hear they expect a big season from Former Boyle County LB Lamar Dawson
Strikeout King Wrote:I'm going with SD. Southern Cal. I hear they expect a big season from Former Boyle County LB Lamar Dawson

Lamar wears the number 55 at USC. That alone says they expect huge things from him
The winner of the Oklahoma/WVU game on 11/17 will have the inside track.
USC is my early pick
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Well we know there will be atleast one SEC team in it, maybe two Confusednicker:

I'm going LSU/Pac12 Team
I hope Lamar Dawson has a big year for USC. He is a beast. That being said, what all do they having coming back next season?

I don't really have a pick right now...but I would put my money on someone like LSU or Bama from the SEC.
LSU or Bama
Oregon will beat USC. (Mark my words). The Trojans will be in a BCS Bowl but it wont be the championship game.
I'd bet anything on it.

Championship game=Oklahoma vs LSU

The SEC is still the best football conference, but I think USC wins it. They're loaded with talent in a conference that lost a ton of talent. It wouldn't surprise me if Georgia or LSU won it though
Nice predictions guys but now that I think of it Im almost sold that USC may go to the Rose Bowl instead of the Natl. Championship because Oregon could trip up USC even though Oregon lost QB Darron Thomas and RB LaMichael James but ATH DeAnthony Thomas is a gamechanger
LOFlashPride Wrote:Nice predictions guys but now that I think of it Im almost sold that USC may go to the Rose Bowl instead of the Natl. Championship because Oregon could trip up USC even though Oregon lost QB Darron Thomas and RB LaMichael James but ATH DeAnthony Thomas is a gamechanger

I agree that USC will not be in the championship game, I do not feel that they are there just yet. Although I think Oklahoma may get to the national championship game, IMO LSU will take it next year.
USC vs. LSU with the Trojans winning it all.
USC takes it.
USC Trojans
dangerousdaneerfan Wrote:The winner of the Oklahoma/WVU game on 11/17 will have the inside track.

I don't know if any team from the Big 12 will make it. That conference is loaded and you know each team will beat each other up. If WVU can survive the mid to late season stretch against KSU, TCU, Ok State, and Oklahoma, then they'll have the best shot. Good news for the Mountaineers is OU, TCU, and KSU come to Morgantown.

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