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A Very Special Thread Dedicated to Wildcat23-"Syrian WMDs Came From Iraq"
As the regime of Bashar Assad disintigrates, the security of his chemical arsenal is in jeopardy. The #2 general in Saddam Hussein's air force says they were the WMDs we didn't find in Iraq.

I know that some of you all may think that Widcat23 is just a giant 6 foot parrot who only knows one phrase. "Aukk, It's Bushes fault, Aukk, It's Bushes fault". Not so. Not even close. WC has diligently been persuing the real truth of what ever happened to all those WMDs that US intelligence reported the Hussein regime as having stockpiled. So strong was the evidence that almost every member of Congress was convinced that we should take the brutal leader out of commission and dismantle his deadly arsenal. Of course we all know how that story played out. Now with this new explanation of what happened to Saddam's treasure chest, I am sure that WC is anxiously awaiting the opportunity to apologize to those he vehemently contradicted. Why you ask? Oh that's simple. Because that's just the type of guy he is.:biggrin:
^Seems like I remember George W saying the WMD's were hiden in Syria by Sadam. And you are exactly right, there was strong support from both sides of the aisle, and that includes Senate and House leadership.
TheRealThing Wrote:^Seems like I remember George W saying the WMD's were hiden in Syria by Sadam. And you are exactly right, there was strong support from both sides of the aisle, and that includes Senate and House leadership.

Is this also the same Russia that was helping Saddam both acquire and then move WMD, that Obozo was caught off-mike with assuring even more US concessions when the next election was over? Naw, couldn't have been. That Russia is a peace loving, fun bunch of fellas.
Why is this not getting the media coverage that it should? This should be highlighting every episode of the news!
Stardust Wrote:Why is this not getting the media coverage that it should? This should be highlighting every episode of the news!

It very well should be, but we all know why the liberaly dominated media will never acknowledge this. It's also the very same reason why Wildcat will never acknowlege he didn't know what he was talking about
There were reports years ago of large truck convoys moving something from Iraq to Syria but there was no way to confirm what the trucks had carried off without invading Syria. By that time, liberals were too busy shouting, "Bush lied, people died" for the mainstream media to give much attention to alternative scenarios. It was very logical to assume that the Syrian Ba'ath Party cooperated with the Iraqi Ba'ath Party to help hide WMD from Americans, and to keep them out of the hands of the Iranians. Logic has never been a strong suit of liberals and it never will be. That is why they are liberals.
Were the WMD's ever found? Any proof they went to Syria? If the Syrian government has them, why aren't they using them against the rebels?One good look at that site, and one knows it's a far right wing site. Got anything else? Nuff said............
Right wing media.
TheRealVille Wrote:Were the WMD's ever found? Any proof they went to Syria? If the Syrian government has them, why aren't they using them against the rebels?One good look at that site, and one knows it's a far right wing site. Got anything else? Nuff said............
If the United States really has nuclear weapons, why have we not used them against terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Pakistan? Using your "logic," the fact that we have not used any such weapons is proof positive that we, in fact, no longer possess any nukes. Apparently, Obama has ordered all of our nuclear arsenal dismantled. Confusednicker:
TheRealVille Wrote:Right wing media.
I was unaware that former Iraqi General Georges Sada was a member of the right wing media.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If the United States really has nuclear weapons, why have we not used them against terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Pakistan? Using your "logic," the fact that we have not used any such weapons is proof positive that we, in fact, no longer possess any nukes. Apparently, Obama has ordered all of our nuclear arsenal dismantled. Confusednicker:

if there was any truth this it would be all over FAUX
vector Wrote:if there was any truth this it would be all over FAUX
Sarcasm is not your strong suit, huh?
vector Wrote:if there was any truth this it would be all over FAUX

someone made a faux pas. Do you mean "Fox" news?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If the United States really has nuclear weapons, why have we not used them against terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Pakistan? Using your "logic," the fact that we have not used any such weapons is proof positive that we, in fact, no longer possess any nukes. Apparently, Obama has ordered all of our nuclear arsenal dismantled. Confusednicker:
Just because you, and the other right wing nut jobs say the WMD's were there, doesn't make it so. Prove they were there, then we can talk.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Sarcasm is not your strong suit, huh?

I refuse to even acknowledge he exists.
TheRealVille Wrote:Just because you, and the other right wing nut jobs say the WMD's were there, doesn't make it so. Prove they were there, then we can talk.

Doesn't prove they are not there either. Prove they are not there. The #2 man in Iraq's air force says that's where they went and that's where they still are.
TheRealVille Wrote:Just because you, and the other right wing nut jobs say the WMD's were there, doesn't make it so. Prove they were there, then we can talk.
I never said they were there - but it takes an idiot to state categorically that the WMD was not moved from Iraq to Syria when the former #2 general in the Iraqi Air Force says that he helped move the weapons to Syria. Don't you get tired of climbing out onto limbs, only to have facts saw them out from beneath you? Confusednicker:
Bob Seger Wrote:I refuse to even acknowledge he exists.
Maybe he exists and his side kick doesn't. :biggrin:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I never said they were there - but it takes an idiot to state categorically that the WMD was not moved from Iraq to Syria when the former #2 general in the Iraqi Air Force says that he helped move the weapons to Syria. Don't you get tired of climbing out onto limbs, only to have facts saw them out from beneath you? Confusednicker:
When I see the facts that Iraq had the WMD's, I will say they had them. I won't take the word of some right wing rag, though. Show the solid proof, then we will talk. All I know is, they weren't found when the forces went in. Feel free to show the real proof that they went to Syria.
Bob Seger Wrote:Doesn't prove they are not there either. Prove they are not there. The #2 man in Iraq's air force says that's where they went and that's where they still are.
I don't have to prove anything. They weren't found in Iraq, so the burden of proof falls on you.
Bob Seger Wrote:Doesn't prove they are not there either. Prove they are not there. The #2 man in Iraq's air force says that's where they went and that's where they still are.
If they are in the hands of the Syrian government, why are the rebels kicking their ass?
TheRealVille Wrote:When I see the facts that Iraq had the WMD's, I will say they had them. I won't take the word of some right wing rag, though. Show the solid proof, then we will talk. All I know is, they weren't found when the forces went in. Feel free to show the real proof that they went to Syria.
I am not claiming that the WMD went to Syria. You are claiming that they did not. As the claimant, the burden of proof is yours.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I am not claiming that the WMD went to Syria. You are claiming that they did not. As the claimant, the burden of proof is yours.
The article you are quoting is saying that's where they went. I am not claiming they didn't go to Syria, via Iraq. I'm saying they weren't in Iraq, when we went to war because of it. They weren't in Iraq, and the war was a farce because of the lies about WMD's. Until they are proven to have been in Iraq, it was all a big lie.
December 15, 2005
Saddam Hussein moved his chemical weapons to Syria six weeks before the war started, Israel's top general during Operation Iraqi Freedom says.

The assertion comes as President Bush said yesterday that much of the intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction was incorrect.

The Israeli officer, Lieutenant General Moshe Yaalon, asserted that Saddam spirited his chemical weapons out of the country on the eve of the war. "He transferred the chemical agents from Iraq to Syria," General Yaalon told The New York Sun over dinner in New York on Tuesday night. "No one went to Syria to find it."

From July 2002 to June 2005, when he retired, General Yaalon was chief of staff of the Israel Defense Force, the top job in the Israeli military, analogous to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the American military. He is now a military fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. He made similar, but more speculative, remarks in April 2004 that attracted little notice in America; at that time he was quoted as saying of the Iraqi weapons, "Perhaps they transferred them to another country, such as Syria."
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't have to prove anything. They weren't found in Iraq, so the burden of proof falls on you.

I dont have to prove anything either. I just reported what Saddam's very own general stated. You need to direct your disbelief to him. I report, you
MustangSally Wrote:December 15, 2005
Saddam Hussein moved his chemical weapons to Syria six weeks before the war started, Israel's top general during Operation Iraqi Freedom says.

The assertion comes as President Bush said yesterday that much of the intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction was incorrect.

The Israeli officer, Lieutenant General Moshe Yaalon, asserted that Saddam spirited his chemical weapons out of the country on the eve of the war. "He transferred the chemical agents from Iraq to Syria," General Yaalon told The New York Sun over dinner in New York on Tuesday night. "No one went to Syria to find it."

From July 2002 to June 2005, when he retired, General Yaalon was chief of staff of the Israel Defense Force, the top job in the Israeli military, analogous to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the American military. He is now a military fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. He made similar, but more speculative, remarks in April 2004 that attracted little notice in America; at that time he was quoted as saying of the Iraqi weapons, "Perhaps they transferred them to another country, such as Syria."

When it comes to middle eastern intelligence , I have full confidence that Israeli Intelligence is probably the finest and most accurate in the world.
TheRealVille Wrote:The article you are quoting is saying that's where they went. I am not claiming they didn't go to Syria, via Iraq. I'm saying they weren't in Iraq, when we went to war because of it. They weren't in Iraq, and the war was a farce because of the lies about WMD's. Until they are proven to have been in Iraq, it was all a big lie.
What? If Iraq slipped the WMD into Syria for safe keeping, the war was a farce? So, if that is what happened to the WMD, then do you suspect that it is remotely possible that those same WMD would have been returned to Iraq had the US not toppled its Ba'ath dictator? This is the kind of faulty logic that results in a Kardashian presidency.
Bob Seger Wrote:When it comes to middle eastern intelligence , I have full confidence that Israeli Intelligence is probably the finest and most accurate in the world.
Mossad is part of the vast right wing conspiracy to make people like RV and Obama look silly. Confusednicker:
TheRealVille Wrote:The article you are quoting is saying that's where they went. I am not claiming they didn't go to Syria, via Iraq. I'm saying they weren't in Iraq, when we went to war because of it. They weren't in Iraq, and the war was a farce because of the lies about WMDs. Until they are proven to have been in Iraq, it was all a big lie.

:lame:Huh? who lied? because it was both Democrats and Republicans making the WMD claims including two different administrations
MustangSally Wrote::lame:Huh? who lied? because it was both Democrats and Republicans making the WMD claims including two different administrations

Right off the top of my head, I recall that those that were most adamant that we take him out went by names such as Nancy Pelosi, Teddy Kennedy, and Hillary Clinton.

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