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After Obama's weak debate performance, all eyes on Danville
Who could have guessed that President Barack Obama would suddenly be depending on Vice President Joe Biden's communications skills to get his re-election campaign back on track? That's right, the same Joe Biden who has an uncanny ability to say the wrong thing in the wrong place at the wrong time.

But that's the way it is as Centre College in Danville plays host Thursday to Campaign 2012's next big event: the only vice presidential debate between Biden and his Republican challenger, U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin.

Centre was already feeling good about having been chosen to host the veep debate for the second time in a dozen years. Now, thanks to Obama's feeble performance last Wednesday in his first debate with Republican nominee Mitt Romney, even more attention will be focused on Danville.

"The interest and the contacts have really picked up in the past few days," said Centre spokesman Michael Strysick.

More than 3,200 media credentials have been issued for the debate, including 600 to international journalists and broadcast technicians from 40 countries.

Credentialing closed a couple of weeks ago, but interest was already strong because of Ryan's selection for the GOP ticket. It raised hopes that this would be more than the usual vice presidential debate — a sparring match between two people whose election is of no real consequence unless something happens to the president.

When Biden faced off four years ago in St. Louis against Sarah Palin, much of the anticipation focused on whether she would be able to convey a coherent thought.

But Ryan is the anti-Palin: smart and articulate, with a strong command of policy and data. He is one of conservatism's rising intellectuals. Among many GOP faithful, especially Tea Party types, Ryan is more popular and respected than Romney.

During 14 years in the House, Ryan has become a leader in developing and proposing conservative fiscal policies. He is most famous for his draconian budget plan that would cut $5 trillion in government spending over a decade.

While Biden is an experienced legislator who campaigns with a man-of-the-people folksiness, he has never been considered a thought leader. House Speaker John Boehner predicted this summer that the Ryan-Biden debate could be "the greatest show on the planet."

"With these two on the same stage," Village Voice political blogger John Surico wrote last week, "we have a situation that is akin to a Thanksgiving Dinner where the dorky cousin is trying to outsmart the drunken uncle."

But if Biden can avoid his gift of gaffe, he has a chance do well on Centre's stage. That is because televised debates are more about performance than policy. They favor showmen over wonks, which is a big reason that Romney came off looking so much better than Obama did last Wednesday night.

Obama didn't make mistakes; he just missed opportunities. He rambled while Romney was crisp. He was passive while Romney was assertive. Romney's sudden shift from right-wing rhetoric to moderate reason seemed to throw Obama off balance. Romney looked straight into the camera when he spoke; Obama's eyes were too often focused elsewhere.

The single vice presidential debate is particularly well-suited for sharp elbows. The debaters often can get away with saying meaner things than the top guys on the ticket. Both Ryan and Biden are likely to spend more time going after the presidential candidate who isn't there than the guy across the stage.

Debates tend to favor challengers, because incumbents have a record to defend. But, in this case, Biden has an opportunity to make hay by attacking Ryan's radical proposals for reshaping the federal budget and Medicare.

Ryan is coming to Danville to attack the Obama administration's record, but also to try to sell his and Romney's ideas.

Biden's challenge will be to defend the administration's record and explain why Romney and Ryan are wrong. He must show more passion and energy than Obama did last week. But here's the question: Can Biden go on the offensive without being offensive?

Kentucky's moment in the campaign spotlight should be a good show.

Read more here:

I can't wait. This will be entertaining to watch.
It stinks that this event is 25 minutes from my house/parsonage but obviously I cannot get in. The debate festival might be neat but I will record it and watch it later. My church is still in revival on that night.
LWC Wrote:It stinks that this event is 25 minutes from my house/parsonage but obviously I cannot get in. The debate festival might be neat but I will record it and watch it later. My church is still in revival on that night.

That's a shame LWC. You're going to miss some pretty intense stuff...

Biden: You're wrong!
Ryan: No, you're wrong!

(actual future footage of the debate) --> :argue:
I just put a romney Ryan 2012 sign up in the yard.

I honestly feel that he wants to move the country in the direction it needs to flourish again. Less regulation. Less government interference.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I just put a romney Ryan 2012 sign up in the yard.

I honestly feel that he wants to move the country in the direction it needs to flourish again. Less regulation. Less government interference.

Confusedinglepar Confusedinglepar Confusedinglepar

I was wondering when I saw that Romney/Ryan sign in your sig the other day. I thought maybe you lost a bet lol.
WideRight05 Wrote:Confusedinglepar Confusedinglepar Confusedinglepar

I was wondering when I saw that Romney/Ryan sign in your sig the other day. I thought maybe you lost a bet lol.

I have defended Obama to the point that I could not defend him anymore . I was speaking to dusty in the phone the other day and was telling him I just had no way of defending him. An would be voting for romney. I think he really will get this area going again. The EPA restriction on coal fired power plants is really crippling the coal companies chances of competing with gas companies.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I have defended Obama to the point that I could not defend him anymore . I was speaking to dusty in the phone the other day and was telling him I just had no way of defending him. An would be voting for romney. I think he really will get this area going again. The EPA restriction on coal fired power plants is really crippling the coal companies chances of competing with gas companies.
Not coal prices? Your not going to have kids, that will have kids for thousands of years?
Better to worry about the here and now.
If our kids are as smart as past generations have been, they will have settled somewhere else in this universe by the time all of these resources are gone.

Im all for a brighter future, but i dont want to spend my entire life in a shitty hell hole to make that happen.
TheRealVille Wrote:Not coal prices? Your not going to have kids, that will have kids for thousands of years?

Ludacris, as far as man has come to date in dealing with industial pollutants and you doubt his ability to make even more startling advances? Energy sources in existence now will evolve into the cleaner and more efficient energy sources of the future. Only man's imagination and will to achieve will inhibit further advances to this end. The earth will be fine, the sky isn't falling.
TheRealThing Wrote:Ludacris, as far as man has come to date in dealing with industial pollutants and you doubt his ability to make even more startling advances? Energy sources in existence now will evolve into the cleaner and more efficient energy sources of the future. Only man's imagination and will to achieve will inhibit further advances to this end. The earth will be fine, the sky isn't falling.
Is it EPA's restrictions on coal fired plants, or natural gas prices, and the price of coal that is hurting coal fired powerplants? WK23 blows whichever way the wind blows in politics, that is to be expected, but you are surely wiser with age, and knowledge of coal power houses. Do you know for a fact that the "sky isn't falling", and scientists are wrong about global warming? More and more evidence says it's a true fact. Did you learn all that in Boyd county?
TheRealVille Wrote:Is it EPA's restrictions on coal fired plants, or natural gas prices, and the price of coal that is hurting coal fired powerplants? WK23 blows whichever way the wind blows in politics, that is to be expected, but you are surely wiser with age, and knowledge of coal power houses.

Not true! You are a defining example of that.
WideRight05 Wrote:Not true! You are a defining example of that.
Oh yes, that is what gives me the edge in knowing the spin of politicians. Something you haven't figured out yet, undoubtably.
TheRealVille Wrote:Oh yes, that is what gives me the edge in knowing the spin of politicians. Something you haven't figured out yet, undoubtably.

An edge? More like you're about to fall off the edge from constantly getting torn up on here. :lmao:
TheRealVille Wrote:Is it EPA's restrictions on coal fired plants, or natural gas prices, and the price of coal that is hurting coal fired powerplants? WK23 blows whichever way the wind blows in politics, that is to be expected, but you are surely wiser with age, and knowledge of coal power houses. Do you know for a fact that the "sky isn't falling", and scientists are wrong about global warming? More and more evidence says it's a true fact. Did you learn all that in Boyd county?

Natural gas prices not withstanding, it costs money to convert to gas and why do that when the darn coal fired plant is already practically built on top of a mountain of coal? Obama's war on coal has effectively killed the industry. Haven't you heard him say "If someone wants to build a coal fired plant they can--, it's just that it will bankrupt them?" The EPA regulations and restrictions are most of the problem with coal prices.

What does where I live have to do with the fact that the data supporting global warming is flawed and contrived?
TheRealVille Wrote:Is it EPA's restrictions on coal fired plants, or natural gas prices, and the price of coal that is hurting coal fired powerplants? WK23 blows whichever way the wind blows in politics, that is to be expected, but you are surely wiser with age, and knowledge of coal power houses. Do you know for a fact that the "sky isn't falling", and scientists are wrong about global warming? More and more evidence says it's a true fact. Did you learn all that in Boyd county?

You really trust the EPA? They got caught last year faking one of those Match Tests. Lighting what was supposed to be ground water saturated with natural gas resultant of fracking the shale deposits there by a company called Range Industries. The folks doing the fake test were employees of the EPA. They had piped in gas from a tank to make it look like there was natural gas in the ground water. The EPA fined Range and tried to shut them down.

You really telling me that you can't read the tea leaves RV? It's the green goons in action and the war on coal will escalate into the war on fossil fuels. Oil, natural gas, and coal, ironically partially formed from the remains of dinosaurs are on the endangered species list.
The only way Biden avoids completely humiliating himself is by wearing a paper bag over his head for the debate.
WideRight05 Wrote:An edge? More like you're about to fall off the edge from constantly getting torn up on here. :lmao:
According to the republican model? :hilarious::hilarious:
TheRealVille Wrote:According to the republican model? :hilarious::hilarious:

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious: :Shaking: :Shaking: :Shaking: :Shaking: :Shaking: :Shaking:
Better watch out the Democrats are going to release the mad dog Joe Biden
Since Romney wants to kill off Big Bird the rest of the Muppet's have Joe's back
TheRealVille Wrote:Is it EPA's restrictions on coal fired plants, or natural gas prices, and the price of coal that is hurting coal fired powerplants? WK23 blows whichever way the wind blows in politics, that is to be expected, but you are surely wiser with age, and knowledge of coal power houses. Do you know for a fact that the "sky isn't falling", and scientists are wrong about global warming? More and more evidence says it's a true fact. Did you learn all that in Boyd county?

WK23 has decided to vote for a Candidate that i think is better for the country. Hell i have defended obama for 4 years in a lot of cases where there was little to defend. Just because you vote on the other side of the isle doesnt make you one of them. It just means there candidate is better fit for the job.
nky Wrote:Since Romney wants to kill off Big Bird the rest of the Muppet's have Joe's back
A 100 million dollar cut? What is he really going to do to help the country? Where is his 5 trillion coming from?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:WK23 has decided to vote for a Candidate that i think is better for the country. Hell i have defended obama for 4 years in a lot of cases where there was little to defend. Just because you vote on the other side of the isle doesnt make you one of them. It just means there candidate is better fit for the job.

Welcome to the land of self awareness. You have looked past the smoke and mirrors of the dem's talking points and seen reality, congratulations. In just one decision you have managed to intellectually eclipse the 43% who will vote for Obama. Romney is 100 fold the better candidate. BTW, there ain't no 5 trillion tax cut.
Congratulations Wildcat. Seriously, For a younger person to step forward and take control of what they've been told vs. what they actually think is a huge step. It's the person, before the party.
I just don't see how Romney could screw this up. He's a money guy...that is the best thing we could possibly have right now. I can't wait to see what he does if he's elected.
vundy33 Wrote:I just don't see how Romney could screw this up. He's a money guy...that is the best thing we could possibly have right now. I can't wait to see what he does if he's elected.

it will be like going back to the regan and bush 2 policys but on steroids
I applaud Wildcatk23 as well, he seems a lot like me: someone who is willing to step across party lines and vote for the best candidate. These are the candidates for president that I have supported in my cognitive lifetime: Clinton, Clinton, Gore, neither, neither, Romney. Only one Republican for president, but in years that I did not support a candidate, I did not fall in line like a whipped puppy and support the party.
TheRealVille Wrote:A 100 million dollar cut? What is he really going to do to help the country? Where is his 5 trillion coming from?
100 million here, 100 million there soon it adds up to real moneyConfusedhh:
TheRealThing Wrote:Welcome to the land of self awareness. You have looked past the smoke and mirrors of the dem's talking points and seen reality, congratulations. In just one decision you have managed to intellectually eclipse the 43% who will vote for Obama. Romney is 100 fold the better candidate. BTW, there ain't no 5 trillion tax cut.

Even some of Obama's spinmasters have come out in the last few days and admitted that there is in fact not one that was actually proposed by Romney....

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