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Democrats stealing election thread
Friday afternoon at an early polling place located at 6719 W. Montgomery Road in Houston, NAACP members were seen advocating for President Barack Obama according to volunteer poll watchers on location at the time.

According to Eve Rockford, a poll watcher trained by voter integrity group True the Vote, three NAACP members showed up to the 139 precinct location with 50 cases of bottled water and began handing bottles out to people standing in line. While wearing NAACP labeled clothing, members were "stirring the crowd" and talking to voters about flying to Ohio to promote President Barack Obama.

After watching what was occurring, Rockford approached Polling Supervisor Rose Cochran about what she was seeing.

"I went to the polling supervisor and let her know that it was not appropriate that they were in the building handing out water. She ignored me. I repeated my statement. She told me that she would handle it. She did nothing. I then went to the assistant supervisor and he stood up, walked over to another table and then sat down. I then walked into the waiting room and they were reloading another dolly with more cases of water," Rockford said in a True the Vote incident report.

After handing out water and advocating for President Obama, the NAACP members started handpicking and moving people to the front of a long voting line inside the polling place according to the incident report. After multiple complaints from voters about the line cutting, Rockford received a phone call from downtown telling her to “stand down.”

“All of the sudden one of the clerks, Dayan Cohen, said that someone wanted to speak to me on the phone. It was someone from downtown. I got on the phone and she said she was from downtown and that I needed to stand down and that it was okay for the NAACP to be within 100 ft. and they could hand out water. I told her that the NAACP was inside the building, wearing the NAACP clothing and caps and were handing out water and moving people from the back of the lines to the front of the lines,” Rockford said.

At this point, NAACP members were instructed to turn their clothing inside out, which they refused to do and said they weren’t going to stop their actions inside the polling place. Their behavior and actions to move people to the front of the line continued for the rest of the evening. Texas State Representative Sylvester Turner, a former Texas NAACP leader, was also seen outside the building talking with voters.

“The NAACP basically ran this poll location and the judges did nothing about it,” Rockford said
I call bullshit on this one.
TheRealVille Wrote:I call bullshit on this one.

Who cares? They can bring in all these troublemakers that they want. Texas isn't going to the dark side.
North Carolina voters who went to vote for Mitt Romney complained electronic voting machines recorded votes for President Barack Obama instead.
According to MyFox8 in North Carolina, the problems occurred at the Bur-Mil Park polling location in Guilford County.

Voter Sher Coromalis told the station she cast her ballot for Romney, but the machine entered a vote for Obama on two straight occasions.

“I was so upset that this could happen,” Coromalis said, noting the machine correctly recorded her vote on the third attempt.

Guilford County Board of Elections Director George Gilbert told MyFox8 that such problems arise every election and can be resolved after machines are re-calibrated.

“It’s not a conspiracy it’s just a machine that needs to be corrected,” Gilbert said.

Early voting in North Carolina ends November
Early voting problems in the key battleground state of Ohio are fueling concerns in the final days until Election Day, with the national race essentially tied in the latest Fox News poll.

After several early voters in North Carolina said last week they cast ballots for Mitt Romney but the electronic ballot machine logged their pick as President Obama, similar problems have popped up this week in Ohio.

Voters said they selected Romney on the touch screen but an Obama vote was logged instead
The Fix is in.....
Just having a little fun with someone on here.
Stardust Wrote:The Fix is in.....
Looks like the republicans are already looking for excuses, and blames.
You want to know how I know republicans are desperate today? They are posting articles like you are posting, and they are still flying around from state to state campaigning. Historically, candidates don't campaign on election day. You think one of the candidates is desperate?
TheRealVille Wrote:You want to know how I know republicans are desperate today? They are posting articles like you are posting, and they are still flying around from state to state campaigning. Historically, candidates don't campaign on election day. You think one of the candidates is desperate?

I'm not worried about the machines, but to your point of campaigning on election day, Biden landed (in Air Force Two) in Ohio right behind Romney.
TheRealVille Wrote:You want to know how I know republicans are desperate today? They are posting articles like you are posting, and they are still flying around from state to state campaigning. Historically, candidates don't campaign on election day. You think one of the candidates is desperate?

Truth be known, there is some desperation in both camps TRV. If the polling data is weighted correctly, this thing is close!
SKINNYPIG Wrote:Truth be known, there is some desperation in both camps TRV. If the polling data is weighted correctly, this thing is close!
I believe this one is the closest that I ever remember. Like I repeated the other day that the guy on CNN said, "When races are this close, it only proves that America doesn't want either candidate."
A Pennsylvania judge has ordered Republican election officials be reinstated at Philadelphia polling sites after they were allegedly forcibly removed or denied entry by Democratic officials, Fox News reported.

The Philadelphia Republican Party said in a memo obtained by the Washington Examiner that several of its polling inspectors were thrown out by Democratic head election judges and replaced with Democrats.

Each political party is permitted to have on-site election monitors. According to Fox News, one female GOP inspector was allegedly shoved, laughed at and told to leave.

The Philadelphia sheriff’s office said it will have deputies available to protect polling site inspectors, Fox reported.
FAUX NEWS :hilarious:
I thought that Fox was the only network with the balls to report this but you can actually find several links to it, if you really want to see them.
Granny Bear Wrote:I thought that Fox was the only network with the balls to report this but you can actually find several links to it, if you really want to see them.

#17 has just received confirmation that a voter in Las Vegas tried voting for Governor Mitt Romney but the machine automatically checked “Obama” multiple times instead.

Our source said:

“Yesterday I went to an early voting site at Centennial Center in Las Vegas, NV. I went with my 19 year old son who was a first-time voter. I went to an open machine and inserted my card. When the selections came up, all of the candidate pairings were listed and I touched the box for Romney/Ryan. The checkmark appeared next to President Obama’s name. I touched the check mark removing it and touched the box next to Romney’s name again. Again, the checkmark appeared next to Obama.
Read more:
Documents detailing multiple legal threats from the AFL-CIO and Florida Democratic Party operatives indicate a new effort to keep citizens from acting as election observers and assisting in the maintenance of their local voter rolls.
Two Florida voters were in receipt of a letter last week threatening legal action should they “frivolously” challenge voter registration records, or as election workers in the polls. Unfortunately for the union, no justification for the threats could be given. Worse, Florida election code and federal law gives clear guidance for citizens to offer challenges to voter rolls keeping dead, duplicate, or ineligible ballots from being cast. Further, Florida code states, “[E]lectors or poll watchers shall not be subject to liability for any action taken in good faith and in furtherance of any activity or duty permitted of such electors or poll watchers by law.”

The AFL-CIO and Florida Democratic Party operatives’ attempt to intimidate voters from executing their rights to uphold election integrity could not be more blatant.

This recent threat is not unique, however. The Maryland Branch of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) recently began efforts to interrupt the removal of dead and duplicate voters that were originally discovered by citizen researchers. On September, 9 progressive groups threatened counties cooperating with True The Vote to maintain voter rolls after studies found evidence of more registered voters than living and eligible in counties.

The letter’s author, Alma R. Gonzales, is listed as Special Counsel to AFSCME Florida Council 79 and the Florida AFL-CIO’s Director of Voter Protection. In addition, she serves as the Treasurer for the Florida Democratic Party and is a voting member of the Democratic National Committee.

While it is unfortunate to witness national labor unions and interest groups using member dues and tax-deductible donations to intimidate citizens from engaging in the democratic process, election integrity efforts continue to grow.
therealville Wrote:you want to know how i know republicans are desperate today? They are posting articles like you are posting, and they are still flying around from state to state campaigning. Historically, candidates don't campaign on election day. You think one of the candidates is desperate?

TheRealVille Wrote:Looks like the republicans are already looking for excuses, and blames.

Excuses and blames for what?
SKINNYPIG Wrote:I'm not worried about the machines, but to your point of campaigning on election day, Biden landed (in Air Force Two) in Ohio right behind Romney.
Biden is not a Presidential candidate the last time I checked.
Benchwarmer has just received confirmation that a voter in Las Vegas tried voting for Governor Mitt Romney but the machine automatically checked “Obama” multiple times instead.

Our source said:

“Yesterday I went to an early voting site at Centennial Center in Las Vegas, NV. I went with my 19 year old son who was a first-time voter. I went to an open machine and inserted my card. When the selections came up, all of the candidate pairings were listed and I touched the box for Romney/Ryan. The checkmark appeared next to President Obama’s name. I touched the check mark removing it and touched the box next to Romney’s name again. Again, the checkmark appeared next to Obama.
Read more:
In all these threads you are making, why don't you post one from a reliable source?
TheRealVille Wrote:I call bullshit on this one.

You need to get out more.
Granny Bear Wrote:I thought that Fox was the only network with the balls to report this but you can actually find several links to it, if you really want to see them.
So you trust these links? Confusednicker:
A member of the New Black Panther Party who was charged with voter intimidation in the 2008 election for standing outside a Philadelphia polling site was back Tuesday morning – in an official capacity.

Jerry Jackson, who was charged in the 2008 case along with Minister King Samir Shabazz, but later saw charges dropped by the Department of Justice, was seen early Tuesday outside a North Philadelphia voting site wearing the group’s trademark black beret, combat-style uniform and heavy boots. Fox News confirmed he is a designated poll watcher.

“No comment,” Jackson said when approached by a reporter at 1221 Fairmount Ave., in the city’s 14th Ward, where he lurked on Election Day in 2008.

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One voter who didn't mind Jackson's presence was Robin Spriggs, 50.

"We need it," she said. "It doesn't matter the color, the creed or anything like that. They protect everyone."

There were also reports of New Black Panther Party members at polling sites in Cleveland, Ohio, where they have also maintained a presence at early voting sites. Critics complain that they are an intimidating presence and could discourage white voters, who may be more likely to vote Republican, from entering polling sites.

Unlike in the 2008 election, members of the organization labeled as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center were not wielding billy clubs or forming clusters. In 2008, members of the New Black Panthers wore black paramilitary garb and stood in front of the doors leading to a polling place in Philadelphia. In that case, the Department of Justice later narrowed the charges against Minister King Shabazz and dismissed the charges against the party and Jackson.

Take your best shot at predicting the final electoral map for the 2012 Presidential Election

Dismissal of the charges prompted critics to complain that Attorney General Eric Holder and the Obama administration showed racial bias. Christian Adams resigned from the department in 2010 in protest of the administration's handling of the case.

Holder has rejected claims that his department considered the race of white alleged victims of voter intimidation in dropping the charges. The case and its handling by the Department of Justice is currently being investigated by the United States Commission on Civil Rights.

Shabazz said in September that the New Black Panthers, who have called for the killing of whites and Jews, might monitor polling places again in 2012. But he said they would not carry night sticks or billy clubs.

Which states have Obama and Romney visited the most? Check our Candidate Tracker to find out

“But whatever we will do, it will be legal and lawful under the Constitution of the United States," Shabazz told “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.”

A group of retired Navy SEALs and other former special ops service members vowed to counter any attempt to intimidate voters by sending teams to sites in Philadelphia, Cleveland, Miami and Las Vegas. Former Navy Capt. Benjamin Brink told Philadelphia radio station IQ 106.9 FM more than a hundred former SEALs, Army Rangers, Delta Force operatives and Green Berets volunteered for the job. But he said his men will not provoke confrontation, but rather "watch for intimidation, videotape it, if possible, and report it to the proper authorities.”

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Zack Stalberg, president and CEO of the Committee of Seventy, a Philadelphia government watchdog group, said his group had received no complaints as of midday Tuesday regarding the presence of New Black Panther Party officials at polling stations.

Since TRV does not like FOX news here is another site.
TheRealVille Wrote:You want to know how I know republicans are desperate today? They are posting articles like you are posting, and they are still flying around from state to state campaigning. Historically, candidates don't campaign on election day. You think one of the candidates is desperate?

Just because you say something with authority doesn't mean you know what you're talking about. Both sides campaigned on election day in '04 and '08.
One of my dad’s favorite sayings was, “Live fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse.”

How about a corpse that can vote?

An outfit called Project Veritas – run by James O’Keefe, who made the videos that brought down ACORN – ran a little experiment in New Hampshire Tuesday and found that without voter ID requirements, dead people were offered a rare opportunity to participate in the political process.

Because you see, Mssrs. Obama and Holder, states want voter ID laws not to prevent minorities from voting, but to PREVENT THE DECEASED FROM VOTING.

Attorney General Eric Holder has been waging an increasingly aggressive campaign of late against state mandatory voter ID laws.

Because he’s concerned about discrimination. Against zombies.

Dead people have long been a major Democratic constituency, given that Democrats mostly control the big cities where such voter fraud – and other types – tends to occur.

Now, if Republicans could somehow swing some of the dead people vote their way, everything might equal out in the end. But it’s just statistically inescapable that since the population tends to be more concentrated in Democratic urban strongholds, the cemeteries have a greater population of fresh corpses as well.

Check out this revealing video
TheRealVille Wrote:Biden is not a Presidential candidate the last time I checked.

He doesn't know the difference
Conservative Refocus Notes: You will note that in the story below, Democrats are not specifically identified as being the responsible party within the dead voter rolls.

It should be noted, however, that I was just applying simple logic in a "dead reckoning" of the most accurate title available based upon past experience. any Liberal, or otherwise, who can definitely prove me wrong is welcome to angle for a retraction, with the proper proof of any error.

PJ Media

by J. Christian Adams

I have learned that Florida election officials are set to announce that the secretary of state has discovered and purged up to 53,000 dead voters from the voter rolls in Florida.

How could 53,000 dead voters have sat on the polls for so long? Simple. Because Florida hadn’t been using the best available data revealing which voters have died. Florida is now using the nationwide Social Security Death Index for determining which voters should be purged because they have died.

Here is the bad news. Most states aren’t using the same database that Florida is. In fact, I have heard reports that some election officials won’t even remove voters even when they are presented with a death certificate. That means that voter rolls across the nation still are filled with dead voters, even if Florida is leading the way in detecting and removing them.

But surely people aren’t voting in the names of dead voters, the voter fraud deniers argue. Wrong.

Consider the case of Lafayette Keaton. Keaton not only voted for a dead person in Oregon, he voted for his dead son. Making Keaton’s fraud easier was Oregon’s vote by mail scheme, which has opened up gaping holes in the integrity of elections. The incident in Oregon just scratches the surface of the problem. Massachusetts and Mississippi are but two other examples of the dead rising on election day.

Florida should be applauded for taking the problem seriously, even if Eric Holder’s Justice Department and many state election officials don’t.
Raleigh-based group devoted to reducing the potential for voter fraud presented the N.C. Board of Elections on Friday with a list of nearly 30,000 names of dead people statewide who are still registered to vote.

The Voter Integrity Project compiled the list after obtaining death records from the state Department of Public Health from 2002 to March 31 and comparing them to the voter rolls.

“Mainly, what we’re concerned about is the potential [for fraud],” said project director Jay DeLancy. “Since there is no voter ID law in North Carolina, anybody can walk in and claim to be anyone else.”

DeLancy said his group has found evidence to suggest voter fraud in these numbers, but will not quantify how much until he is able to do more analysis

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