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Election Coverage Discussion
We are all watching, might as well talk about it.
Anyone else suprised obama got 40% of kentucky?
What started out encouraging is getting ugly. Florida is an Obama lean right now at 7:53 PM, 52-48 with 36% reporting and North Carolina is 52-47 Obama leaning with 15% reporting.

Romney does have a popular vote lead and leads 33-3 in the Electoral votes so far.
Kentucky, West Virginia, Indiana and South Carolina have been declared to Romney. Vermont has been declared for Obama.
CNN online has Obama leading Ohio 52-47 with 2% in.
^Make that 51-48 with 2% still. One percent shift, lol.
Virginia is looking more and more red with every precinct that reports. Right now Romney leads 59-40 with 8% reporting!
Sorry LWC, I was looking at something wrong.
CNN just gave Oklahoma to Romney.
Obama gains Illinois, Massachutsets, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maine, Maryland and DC.
Electoral count stands at 64-40 Obama's lead.
Romney still dominating Virginia, has a small lead in North Carolina, Obama just took a massive lead in Ohio.
Update: Obama only got 3/4 Electoral votes for Maine. Romney got one.
This is going to be close.
^Maybe, maybe not. If Obama wins Florida it is game over. It may be game over if he wins Ohio too.
How was the election line today lwc?
Right now CNN scores it 64-40 Obama, Fox News scores it 79-71 Obama.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:How was the election line today lwc?

Piece of cake. There were 8 people in front of my wife and me. Two of them were actually at the correct precinct, lol.

How was it for you?
CNN just gave Georgia to Romney. Fox News already had.

CNN's Electoral score changes to 64-56 Obama's lead.
In huge news, Romney takes the lead in Florida. However, Obama takes the lead in North Carolina. If Romney holds on to Florida, we have a ballgame!
Fox News declares Tennessee for Romney.
Fox News has the score at 82-79 Romney's lead.

CNN says that Romney extends his Florida lead to 3% with 57% reporting and retakes the North Carolina lead with 34% reporting.
LWC Wrote:Piece of cake. There were 8 people in front of my wife and me. Two of them were actually at the correct precinct, lol.

How was it for you?

I barely made it to the precinct in time. There was no one in front of me. Worked all day and got lucky my last job cancelled.

But easy voting line. Ill upload a picture of a text my girlfriend sent me in a few seconds. Cracked me up.

Romney opens a very big but VERY early lead in Pennsylvania.
Obama FL and OH in an early lead. Crucial.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I barely made it to the precinct in time. There was no one in front of me. Worked all day and got lucky my last job cancelled.

But easy voting line. Ill upload a picture of a text my girlfriend sent me in a few seconds. Cracked me up.

They are required by law to give you time to vote.
Fox News had it 88-78 Romney right now.

I really think we can take this. It's been a while since I cared this much about anything political besides Afghan. Lets go Romney/Ryan2012!
not gonna lie im sweatin it out lmao

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