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My opinion on the election!
I just got done watching the election Tuesday and I've had a few days to think about it and I've come up with a few thoughts. 1st I think we need to come up with a nationwide election system. Every year we have problems with ballots and machines and every year we talk about it but nothing gets done. 2nd And I may be alone in this, but I think we need to either get rid of the electoral college or we need to make some changes to it. What is wrong with all the people in the country voting and then counting up all the votes and the man that gets the most nationwide wins. I think this would make everyone feel more like their vote counted. If you voted for Obama in Kentucky you can't tell me that you feel like your vote counted because it was lost in a sea of Romney votes and yes it did go toward the popular vote for Obama but the popular vote doesn't elect the president. If you voted for Romney you can't tell me you feel like your vote counted with the fact of how few electoral college votes kentucky has compared to other states. The 3rd thing is, like I said I am registered independent and I don't like all the fighting between Rep and Dem people because this never gets things done and I think this is a big part of what is wrong with this country today. I do however think it is necessary to have more then one party to balance things out and keep people honest but I believe we need a 3rd majore party because America is the country of choices and I think the more choices you have the better you are.
I also witnessed a few things from both sides that I don't like and this goes for people on tv and people that I know personally. Pepole on the Democrat side were acting and talking like the Republican party was done just because Obama got a 2nd term. We seem to have a very short memory in this country because just 4 short years ago we just got done with a 2 term Republican president. People are also wanting to think that in 4 short years we have had this huge shift in peoples views about things like abortion and same sex marriage and that the majority of people have the same views of the Democrat party but I don't think so. I don't think that most people vote for Obama because he is a democrat. I think they vote Obama because they like Obama and like his style and the have fell in love with the story that is Obama. I believe Obama would win this election if he was a Republican. I think you would be surprised if you took a pole in this country of all the people of voting age that the majority of people are still pro life and against same sex marriage and a lot of those people voted for Obama because they are a lot like me. I don't look a lot at the mans personal views on things, I like to look at what problems the country is facing and then pick the man who I think has the best skill set and knowledge to fix it and that is why I voted for Romney but I don't know for a fact that he would do a good job. I believe the people of this country will be just as willing to vote for a Republican in 2016 as ever especially if Obamas 2nd term looks anything like the 1st. As for the Republican side I was shocked to see people acting like they wanted Obama to fail. For you can say you were right. This is our country you are talking about and you should never want a president to fail because it is bad for you and me both and our kids and family. Tuesday night after Obama won I said a prayer for Obama and this country and I hope Obama has success and gets this country going better because nothing good comes out of Obama failing for me or you.

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