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Hillary Clinton Treated for Concussion

Secretary of State Clinton has reportedly been advised to cancel her entire work week due to a weakened physical condition from dehydration and possible residual side effects from a slight concussion suffered from a fall.

It would appear that she will not be able to testify on Thursday as planned, regarding the Benghazi fiasco.
well that's one way of getting out of testifying
I heard that Hillary is going to have a brain transplant due to the concussion from the fall. Apparently, it is the only hope left for her, and this procedure is only experimental and very risky. The doctor told her that she could pay a hefty sum to receive the brain of a liberal, or a small amount to receive the brain of a conservative from the transplant. When she asked the doctor why the amount for a liberal's brain was much higher, the doctor explained, "It's just standard pricing procedure. We have to price the conservative brains a lot lower because they're used."
WideRight05 Wrote:I heard that Hillary is going to have a brain transplant due to the concussion from the fall. Apparently, it is the only hope left for her, and this procedure is only experimental and very risky. The doctor told her that she could pay a hefty sum to receive the brain of a liberal, or a small amount to receive the brain of a conservative from the transplant. When she asked the doctor why the amount for a liberal's brain was much higher, the doctor explained, "It's just standard pricing procedure. We have to price the conservative brains a lot lower because they're used."

Old one but a good one
Hillary's only problem is that she has Avoid Testifying Disease. She will be fine once the impotent Republicans decide not to call her to testify.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Hillary's only problem is that she has Avoid Testifying Disease. She will be fine once the impotent Republicans decide not to call her to testify.

Hillary and Billy Boy have a long history of defying lawmakers and the law in general. From White Water to the Monica Lewinsky scandal, and now the Beghazi scandals, the Clintons first demonstrated how run over the law during the years of their administration and they have gotten better at it since then. I sincerely doubt Hill is suffering from a recent concussion but, it really doesn't matter. John Kerry is not about to go after her, and we can look forward to more of the same when he is confirmed as the new Secretary of State.

That's not to say I am in any way suggesting that she is not confused.
It depends on what your definition of "IS" is.
Granny Bear Wrote:Hmmmmmm
It depends on what your definition of "IS" is.

LOL, that's why I always gag when the left speaks in glowing terms about the Clinton legacy. He came close to receiving his just recompense, when he was impeached, fined and disbarred. The liberal spin doctors have since managed to rehabilitate his image to near godhood, when a good tarring and feathering would have been a much more apt response. The level of guile and mitigation of those days served to set the stage for the wave pathological lies emanating from DC in present day. The Clintons showed them all how to do it.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Hillary's only problem is that she has Avoid Testifying Disease. She will be fine once the impotent Republicans decide not to call her to testify.

At first I would have thought she bumped her head under bill's desk. Then I remember that Bill is probably the one taking the cigar now.
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
Appears that this is a little more serious that initially thought.
^Hopefully if something happens to one of us on the board, the conservatives here will have a little more compassion than they normally show, like on this thread.
TheRealThing Wrote:LOL, that's why I always gag when the left speaks in glowing terms about the Clinton legacy. He came close to receiving his just recompense, when he was impeached, fined and disbarred. The liberal spin doctors have since managed to rehabilitate his image to near godhood, when a good tarring and feathering would have been a much more apt response. The level of guile and mitigation of those days served to set the stage for the wave pathological lies emanating from DC in present day. The Clintons showed them all how to do it.
To get where you got in the trade, you had to lose that gag reflex long ago.
TheRealVille Wrote:^Hopefully if something happens to one of us on the board, the conservatives here will have a little more compassion than they normally show, like on this thread.

I haven't read anything on this thread that would indicate that anyone would want Hillary to actually HAVE a blood clot.
TheRealVille Wrote:To get where you got in the trade, you had to lose that gag reflex long ago.

TheRealThing was expressing his opinion regarding the Clinton "legacy".

He did not go where you took this conversation, nor did he make any thinly veiled inuendos about you.

What do you do, RV....stay silent for a while then swoop in when you think you can take a shot at somebody?
Granny Bear Wrote:TheRealThing was expressing his opinion regarding the Clinton "legacy".

He did not go where you took this conversation, nor did he make any thinly veiled inuendos about you.

What do you do, RV....stay silent for a while then swoop in when you think you can take a shot at somebody?

It's what happens when some people find themselves in an awkward moment. It reminds me of a failed attempt at crude humor while in high school.

Maybe TRV just had an awkward moment...I wonder what it was.........?
SKINNYPIG Wrote:It's what happens when some people find themselves in an awkward moment. It reminds me of a failed attempt at crude humor while in high school.

Maybe TRV just had an awkward moment...I wonder what it was.........?
No, I'm just an ass to people that are asses to me. It's that simple. I don't play well with others that act the way he does.
Could it be that old age and that extra weight is catching up with her? Or, could it be something else entirely?
TheRealVille Wrote:No, I'm just an ass to people that are asses to me. It's that simple. I don't play well with others that act the way he does.

Don't get me wrong, I don't care what you post on here, just trying to figure out what triggered your response. Was he an ass to you in that post? I can see where WillyScum mat be a bit miffed, but you? Am I missing something?
TheRealVille Wrote:To get where you got in the trade, you had to lose that gag reflex long ago.

I love my country. I fought for America, and I like to champion traditional American views. I know I'm a burr under your saddle blanket because right is always right. God's word is real, and it never returns unto Him void. The liberal agenda is nothing more than the open expression of lost folks in rebellion against God. You're on board with the liberal movement because their agenda is one of contempt for the church and conservatives in general. Much less those with the courage to speak the truth. So be it, I'll never compromise what I know to be right. And, I will never subscribe to your attempts to skew the true meaning of our historical documents in light of the left's guileful doctrines which, are intended to sway the imaginations of the shallow. At the judgement, we'll see if the Lord thinks being a union member is on equal terms with Jesus's unspeakable gift to man on the cross or not.

In the meantime, I know your attitude is what seperates you from being able to accept the truth. That's why you so readily line up with the lies coming out of the left, and that is why no amount of evidence will ever convince you since yours is an 'acquired view'. I'm fine with that and I find your insults laughable. My career speaks for itself and don't have a thing to prove to a guy who most likely bought his book out of state.
TheRealVille Wrote:To get where you got in the trade, you had to lose that gag reflex long ago.

that's the best 1 I have heard of in a long time :hilarious:
I don't believe we had this much investigation when 911 happen over 3000 killed on our soil middle eastern men training to fly airplanes but didn't want to learn how to land them I think that was the intell bush's people got but ignore it
vector Wrote:I don't believe we had this much investigation when 911 happen over 3000 killed on our soil middle eastern men training to fly airplanes but didn't want to learn how to land them I think that was the intell bush's people got but ignore it

Sorry vector, I'm sure your feelings are hurt because I didn't mention you by name in my last post. Rest assured, anytime I discuss the loons from the left I always have you and others in mind. There, that make you feel better?

As for the intelligence failures of 9/11, they are a shame. However, politicians have always thought themselves wise enough to just blow off the warnings of the military and the intelligence community, which includes avenues of national intelligence. You probably weren't paying attention in school but, the same thing happened under FDR at Pearl Harbor, remember that one? One thing is sure, judging from the outcome of the Benghazi scandals, "your Obama boy", sure didn't learn the first darn thing from the failures of 9/11. So, don't come at me with that weak stuff.

On a side note. I can imagine how Hill getting dropped on her head would make you feel closer to her.
Boy what some people will do to get out of testifyingConfusednicker:
nky Wrote:Boy what some people will do to get out of testifyingConfusednicker:

that's your next president :Thumbs:
One thing is sure, judging from the outcome of the Benghazi scandals, "your Obama boy", sure didn't learn the first darn thing from the failures of 9/11. So, don't come at me with that weak stuff.

oh yes he did he got the guy who master mind 9/11 you do rember that :thatsfunn
vector Wrote:that's your next president :Thumbs:
if she survives or should I save if Obama lets her survive?
She's over 60 you know!! I understand that's the cut off age!
hope she doesn't rely on Obamacare..............those death panels may do her in:biggrin:
hope she doesn't rely on Obamacare..............those death panels may do her in:biggrin::notbad:

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