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Michelle and Obama kids spend Spring Break in Bahamas and Sun Valley
Sorry, this thread should have gone in the Politics and Current Events forum. I would appreciate it if an Admin or moderator would move it there. Thanks.

Obama girls and their mom vacation on $ki trip to Sun Valley, the second leg of the Spring Break. Last week, the girls were in the Bahamas. As always, the royal family was surrounded by Secret Service agents. Meanwhile, thousands of American school children are unable to tour the White House because money is not available to pay for security and guides.

Would it be unreasonable to expect President Obama and his family to vacation together to save taxpayers enough money to keep "the people's house" open for tours? Of course, the real reason for shutting down the tours was purely political, but does Obama really need to be getting private golfing lessons from Tiger Woods while his family is on a trip somewhere else, with a completely separate security detail?

[YOUTUBE="Moochelle & girls go $kiing"]OhUrSiH5WLM[/YOUTUBE]
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Obama girls and their mom vacation on $ki trip to Sun Valley, the second leg of the Spring Break. Last week, the girls were in the Bahamas. As always, the royal family was surrounded by Secret Service agents. Meanwhile, thousands of American school children are unable to tour the White House because money is not available to pay for security and guides.

Would it be unreasonable to expect President Obama and his family to vacation together to save taxpayers enough money to keep "the people's house" open for tours? Of course, the real reason for shutting down the tours was purely political, but does Obama really need to be getting private golfing lessons from Tiger Woods while his family is on a trip somewhere else, with a completely separate security detail?

Hoot, for all those who refuse to see the hypocrisy of this administration across the board and their delusions of thinking they are 'special' by comparison to the rest of America, well it just has to be a choice, even if it is in the face of glaring reality. I really believe the situation is a case where the have nots realize they suddenly have the opportunity to level the field and get even with the rich folks. And like looters after a disaster, they're giving it their all. The disaster being the last election, LOL.

Can anybody truly say they understand the ramifications to the health of this nation by redistributing the wealth of all those who have done it the right way and earned it, to those who did not?
Don't just about all previous Presidential kids go on big vacations? Obama is paying for their vacation.
Quote:But here's how presidential vacations work: presidents pay for their vacations, taxpayers pay for security like Secret Service protection, just as they do if the President stays home at the White House. In 2009, the Obama family vacationed in Martha's Vineyard and rented a home that cost $35,000 a week which, according to NBC News, they paid for. This is the way it goes for President Obama, has gone for past presidents, and will go for every American president.
TheRealVille Wrote:


At least use a source other than Yahoo. The liberal media can't get all that Obama semen out of their stomachs and will defend him to any cause.

If George Bush were in this scenario, no doubt he would be getting torn to shreds by the media.
WideRight05 Wrote::thatsfunn

At least use a source other than Yahoo. The liberal media can't get all that Obama semen out of their stomachs and will defend him to any cause.

If George Bush were in this scenario, no doubt he would be getting torn to shreds by the media.

Didn't bush spend like 20 million on just travel to Texas?

He spent like 1.3 million of taxpayer money last year.
WideRight05 Wrote::thatsfunn

At least use a source other than Yahoo. The liberal media can't get all that Obama semen out of their stomachs and will defend him to any cause.

If George Bush were in this scenario, no doubt he would be getting torn to shreds by the media.

George Bush went on 1020 vacation days, did you bitch about that?

Quote:Calls to several Presidential libraries reveal that President Obama’s predecessor, George W. Bush, was on vacation more — 1,020 days — than any U.S. President since Herbert Hoover and possibly more than any other President in history.

Even President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was in office 12 years from 1933 to 1945, was on vacation less days than President Bush at 958 days. Calls to several Presidential Libraries reveal that no President can come close to Bush’s 1,020 days on vacation in an 8 year period. Even Lyndon Johnson, who spent 484 days at his ranch in Texas and at Camp David during his presidency, came in under Bush’s vacation time. Some claim the cost of Bush’s frequent trips to Crawford, Texas cost taxpayers upwards of $20 million, but the numbers are hard to confirm.

A recession started in 2001 as Bush took office after 22 million jobs were created during the Clinton Administration from 1993 to 2000. Bush began wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and presided over the loss of 4 million jobs. The debt when Bush left office was $10.6 trillion. In 2005, the Washington Post noted President Bush’s frequent vacations in a piece titled Vacationing Bush Poised to Set a Record as Bush took the longest single vacation — 5 weeks — of any President in 36 years.

President Bush spent 32% of his presidency on vacation.

Bush passed Reagan in total vacation days in 2005 with three and a half years left in his presidency. Reagan spent all or part of 335 days in Santa Barbara over his 8 year presidency. Bush spent 487 days at Camp David during his presidency and 490 days at his Crawford, Texas ranch, a total of 977 days.

When you add the days President Bush spent at Kennebunkport, Maine, he spent a total of 1,020 days away from the White House — close to 3 years. At 1,020 days, Bush was close to being on vacation more days than President John F. Kennedy’s total days in office (1,036). Representatives at the Nixon and Johnson Libraries indicate those two Presidents were on vacation less than 1,000 days during their terms.

President Obama has been on vacation 78 days from 2009 to 2011. At the three year mark into their first terms, George W. Bush spent 180 days at his ranch in Crawford, Texas and Ronald Reagan spent 112 vacation days at his ranch in California. Of course, staff was around all three Presidents on vacations and all White House aides argue that the commander-in-chief is never “out of touch” with work.

Calls to the Eisenhower and Truman Libraries reveal that those Presidents were not on vacation for more than 1,020 days. Eisenhower was on vacation for 456 days during his 8 years in office. When asked on whether President Herbert Hoover’s vacation days could be over 500 for 4 years a historian at the Hoover Library said, “No chance. Everyone agrees he was a grinder — he was the kind of guy for whom a vacation was rare — his vacation days were less than 50.” Hoover was in office from 1929 to 1933. Frequently Hoover either drove himself on brief trips or was driven by a military attachment or took the train.

President Obama was on vacation for 26 days during his first year in office (2009). Ronald Reagan spent 42 days on vacation during his first year in office (1981). President George H.W. Bush was on vacation less than his son, 40 days, in 1989, his first year in office. President Obama was on vacation less in his first year in office than the previous three Republican Presidents.

No President since Reagan was on vacation less than Bill Clinton. Presidents Clinton and Carter vacationed the least of any of the last seven chief executives.

BTW, you better watch that "laugh" icon, TRT get's upset when people use it a lot. No......wait..... scratch have the same politics, he'll give you a free ride.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Didn't bush spend like 20 million on just travel to Texas?

He spent like 1.3 million of taxpayer money last year.
We werent in the worst DEPRESSION since 1929 and kids could still tour the white house then.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
We werent in the worst DEPRESSION since 1929 and kids could still tour the white house then.
We aren't now, either.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Didn't bush spend like 20 million on just travel to Texas?

He spent like 1.3 million of taxpayer money last year.

Bush had his share of spending, but the amount of spending from Obama (especially in this situation) is ridiculous. He has been probably the laziest president we have had.

As to the 1.3 million, like you had mentioned in a previous thread, Bush II will likely lead the spending for retired presidents, then Clinton, Bush I, going on back. Obama will lead once he retires, then his successor will lead, and so on.

TheRealVille Wrote:

George Bush went on 1020 vacation days, did you bitch about that?

BTW, you better watch that "laugh" icon, TRT get's upset when people use it a lot. No......wait..... scratch have the same politics, he'll give you a free ride.

:hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious:

I probably shouldn't have said anything. Should have known more liberalism would have been spewed my direction.
TheRealVille Wrote:We aren't now, either.

I honestly dont understand how even the most liberal of democrats could think this country is in good shape right now.
Its mind blowing that liberals like you can think were headed in the right direction. What is better about today than 08?
Every single thing is worse.

If this was a repub, i would be pissed at him as well. Complete failure from this administration.
WideRight05 Wrote:Bush had his share of spending, but the amount of spending from Obama (especially in this situation) is ridiculous. He has been probably the laziest president we have had.

As to the 1.3 million, like you had mentioned in a previous thread, Bush II will likely lead the spending for retired presidents, then Clinton, Bush I, going on back. Obama will lead once he retires, then his successor will lead, and so on.

:hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious:

I probably shouldn't have said anything. Should have known more liberalism would have been spewed my direction.

Obama makes Jimmy Carter look like the best president this nations has ever had.
TheRealVille Wrote:

George Bush went on 1020 vacation days, did you bitch about that?

BTW, you better watch that "laugh" icon, TRT get's upset when people use it a lot. No......wait..... scratch have the same politics, he'll give you a free ride.

Karl Rove responded to the George W Bush vacation schedule slander on air a couple of days ago. According to him this is another lie ala the one Reid told about Mitt Romney supposedly not paying any income tax for an entire decade. It's another absurdity in a long line of absurd statements made by the left. And, it's laughable. After four plus years in office, Obama et-al are still blaming George W.. Now we're blaming him for Obama's excessive self indulgences and that of his family. I can just imagine the howling that would have ensued from the left had W flown Air Force One to play golf, buying the services of an entire golf course for the day and rub elbows with Phil Mickelson or the like.

Obama's behavior is indefensible in light of the shenanigans he has pulled to substantiate the gross exaggerations and felonious claims of impending doom resultant from the sequester.

Land on the LMAO icon button all you want but, what you really need is a dodge ball icon. :biggrin:
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:We werent in the worst DEPRESSION since 1929 and kids could still tour the white house then.

I know we wasnt. THATS WHAT GOT US THERE!
TheRealThing Wrote:Karl Rove responded to the George W Bush vacation schedule slander on air a couple of days ago. According to him this is another lie ala the one Reid told about Mitt Romney supposedly not paying any income tax for an entire decade. It's another absurdity in a long line of absurd statements made by the left. And, it's laughable. After four plus years in office, Obama et-al are still blaming George W.. Now we're blaming him for Obama's excessive self indulgences and that of his family. I can just imagine the howling that would have ensued from the left had W flown Air Force One to play golf, buying the services of an entire golf course for the day and rub elbows with Phil Mickelson or the like.

Obama's behavior is indefensible in light of the shenanigans he has pulled to substantiate the gross exaggerations and felonious claims of impending doom resultant from the sequester.

Land on the LMAO icon button all you want but, what you really need is a dodge ball icon. :biggrin:
It's a matter of record.
It is a matter of record that much of the "vacation" time that Bush took was spent at his ranch in Crawford, Texas. It is also a matter of record that Bush conducted important business at his ranch, including hosting meetings with many world leaders, including Vladimir Putin, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, and President Vicente Fox of Mexico.

Does anybody think that it is easier (i.e., cheaper) to provide security and communications to a president and his family rubbing elbows with celebrities in multiple public locations like golf courses and ski resorts than it is to provide the same level of communication and security at a frequently visited and stationary ranch?

Obama routinely skips daily national security briefings when he is at the White House. Does anybody think that he does much work while he is on his numerous vacations?

Finally, does anybody - even you liberal Obama apologists - believe that Obama is a hard worker? Jimmy Carter was an extremely bad president but nobody questioned his work ethic. Likewise, Bill Clinton is not a good man, but there are too many accounts of his strong work ethic as a governor and president to doubt it.
vector Wrote:just the FACTS




yes, the fact's certainly show that obama sucks don't they
might want to learn how to post a picture
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It is a matter of record that much of the "vacation" time that Bush took was spent at his ranch in Crawford, Texas. It is also a matter of record that Bush conducted important business at his ranch, including hosting meetings with many world leaders, including Vladimir Putin, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, and President Vicente Fox of Mexico.

Does anybody think that it is easier (i.e., cheaper) to provide security and communications to a president and his family rubbing elbows with celebrities in multiple public locations like golf courses and ski resorts than it is to provide the same level of communication and security at a frequently visited and stationary ranch?

Obama routinely skips daily national security briefings when he is at the White House. Does anybody think that he does much work while he is on his numerous vacations?

Finally, does anybody - even you liberal Obama apologists - believe that Obama is a hard worker? Jimmy Carter was an extremely bad president but nobody questioned his work ethic. Likewise, Bill Clinton is not a good man, but there are too many accounts of his strong work ethic as a governor and president to doubt it.
Add up how much it cost him to fly back and forth to Crawford.
I think the main difference is that other Presidents were not standing before Americans acting as if doomsday sequestration cuts were going to starve children, cause mass chaos and end Whitehouse tours...all while vacationing like the rich and famous on tax payer dollars.

Even those that have the koolaid running out of their ears can see the difference.
TheRealVille Wrote:Add up how much it cost him to fly back and forth to Crawford.
Does Obama fly to meet with Hollywood stars, Phil Mickelson, and Tiger Woods for free? What work does he do on his many vacations? Why does he skip so many intelligence briefings, even during crisis situations?

Do you want to dispute the fact that Obama is the laziest U.S. president in decades? Obama does less work when he is in DC than many presidents did on their vacations.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:I think the main difference is that other Presidents were not standing before Americans acting as if doomsday sequestration cuts were going to starve children, cause mass chaos and end Whitehouse tours...all while vacationing like the rich and famous on tax payer dollars.

Even those that have the koolaid running out of their ears can see the difference.
They can see the difference, they just are not honest enough to admit that they see the difference.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Does Obama fly to meet with Hollywood stars, Phil Mickelson, and Tiger Woods for free? What work does he do on his many vacations? Why does he skip so many intelligence briefings, even during crisis situations?

Do you want to dispute the fact that Obama is the laziest U.S. president in decades? Obama does less work when he is in DC than many presidents did on their vacations.
Obama is doing a lot of work, that ends up getting blocked by your party. This country is moving forward in it's economy, but the right won't admit it.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Does Obama fly to meet with Hollywood stars, Phil Mickelson, and Tiger Woods for free? What work does he do on his many vacations? Why does he skip so many intelligence briefings, even during crisis situations?

Do you want to dispute the fact that Obama is the laziest U.S. president in decades? Obama does less work when he is in DC than many presidents did on their vacations.

Hoot, I feel better knowing he is skipping these "intelligence" meetings. I doubt he has much to contribute to intelligence anyway.
TheRealVille Wrote:Obama is doing a lot of work, that ends up getting blocked by your party. This country is moving forward in it's economy, but the right won't admit it.

Don't even start with that crap, LOL. So what if Obama has more opposition than in 2008 when he had a super majority?

Let's look at Ronald Reagan's term...

The democrats controlled the house during both of Reagan's terms.

1980-82: Dems started out with a 243-192 advantage
1982-84: Dems held a whopping 269-166 advantage in the house
1984-86: Dems held a 253-182 advantage in the house
1986-88: Dems held a 258-177 advantage in the house

Now let's look at the senate...

1980-82: Republicans 54-46 advantage
1982-84: Republicans 53-47 advantage
1984-86: Democrats steal the house and have a 55-45 lead on seats.
1986-88: Same as previous two years.

Now let's look at the Clinton era...

The house:

1992-94: Democrats with a huge 258-167 advantage
1994-96: Gun control issue a major factor in democrats losing 54 seats - republicans have 230-204 advantage
1996-98: Republicans hold 228-204 advantage
1998-00: Republicans hold 223-211 advantage

The senate:

1992-94: Democrats 57-43 advantage
1994-96: Democrats 52-48 advantage
1996-98: Republicans 55-44 advantage
1998-00: Same as previous two years

I'm not even a Bill Clinton fan - but one thing I will give him credit for is a strong work ethic and that he was a much, much easier person to work with than Obama. Reagan is one of the best ever. Both Clinton and Reagan had more opposition than Obama, and at times had both the house and senate against them. But yet, they certainly got stuff done, Reagan especially.

I'm curious as to what your response will be - probably another duck and dodge. But to say that Obama can't get stuff done because of the republicans, especially when he had a 256-179 advantage in the house and a 57-41 advantage in the senate from 2008-2010 is just plain ignorant.
TheRealVille Wrote:Obama is doing a lot of work, that ends up getting blocked by your party. This country is moving forward in it's economy, but the right won't admit it.
So do you consider Obama to be a hard worker, or not? It is a simple question. Maybe you should read through his daily appointment schedule before you answer it.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:So do you consider Obama to be a hard worker, or not? It is a simple question. Maybe you should read through his daily appointment schedule before you answer it.
TheRealVille Wrote:Absolutely.

:biglmao: Ducks and dodges the bullet...again!
WideRight05 Wrote::biglmao: Ducks and dodges the bullet...again!
He asked me if I thought President Obama was a hard worker, I answered him.
TheRealVille Wrote:He asked me if I thought President Obama was a hard worker, I answered him.

You said that Obama is doing a lot of work that gets blocked by the Republican party, and I answered you. Certainly you would want to respond and not be embarrassed by the facts?

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