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What needs to stop.
I can't blame her. its the system that is corrupt.
As is usually the case, she doesn't look like she has missed any meals.
THIS is what pisses me off more than anything.
Even more than the flamers.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:THIS is what pisses me off more than anything.
Even more than the flamers.

i bet she has a free cell phone too.
Hey now, have you forgotten that America is the home of Freedom?

It would nice if I could experience some of those freedoms...

This is why Florida should be cut off from the rest of North America and floated away...
Natural born Democrat.
jetpilot Wrote:Natural born Democrat.
NO! NO! bought and paid for democrat.
The IRS may offer her a job.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:The IRS may offer her a job.

From the looks of the "dance party" she would fit right in with the rest of them.
Even worse, our young ( uninformed ) people of today are being indoctrinated by public and higher education to accept and believe that this is the " New Norm ". If you feel otherwise, you are heartless and a hater.
Walleye Wrote:Even worse, our young ( uninformed ) people of today are being indoctrinated by public and higher education to accept and believe that this is the " New Norm ". If you feel otherwise, you are heartless and a hater.

Absolutely true. The downfall of this country will come from the usually subtle indoctrination of the government schools with their "edited" history books and "everything goes" social science books and lemming teachers spouting the liberal line forced upon them in the various and sundry government colleges of education.

Of course, they can't read, write, or count but they are "educated" in that "modern" manner. And, lest we forget, they do have an abundance of self esteem and feeling of entitlement.
From a young age, they are also taught the modern doctrine of "situational, non-judgmental ethics". In other words, any belief (or lack thereof) or conduct is acceptable. Where are the parents? Well, they are a generation that is completely uneducated or, at least, under educated. They are far too busy entertaining themselves with "Dancing with the Stars" and Jerry Springer. They, of course, leave the "raising" of their children, including establishment of basic beliefs, to those government schools.
Older people have been bitching about the "younger generation" for years and years and years. As I'm sure your elders did about yourselves when you were our age. It's not the end of the world people.

I like how we're so often criticized about the bad things my generation does, yet the good things are never mentioned. Fine with me though, it's the way of the world.
vundy33 Wrote:Older people have been bitching about the "younger generation" for years and years and years. As I'm sure your elders did about yourselves when you were our age. It's not the end of the world people.

I like how we're so often criticized about the bad things my generation does, yet the good things are never mentioned. Fine with me though, it's the way of the world.

I think that each generation is more permissive than the generation before it. This results in each generation becoming less and less in step with traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs and accepted standards of conduct. Therefore, each generation sees the younger generation as moving further and further from accepted norms of behavior.

Nonetheless, whether one thinks it is good or not, the fact is clear that each new generation is less acceptable of the past.

As for all the "good" done by the younger generation that is overlooked by the older generation, give us a list. Often, what the younger generation sees as "good" is seen by older individuals as an affront to the traditional beliefs and accepted rules of life. Thus, "good" is usually in the eyes of the beholder.
Well, one thing that comes to mind is fighting the longest war in American history, and Iraq. You'd probably give that credit to the General officers that are your age though, hahaha.
vundy33 Wrote:Well, one thing that comes to mind is fighting the longest war in American history, and Iraq. You'd probably give that credit to the General officers that are your age though, hahaha.

All who participated in the war you mention did so of their own will. None were, as in past wars, drafted by the government. Now, that is not to disparage their service but it is a significant fact.

Although some may have served out of love of country, I suspect that the large majority did so because they had few or no other employment or education options and, by serving, many doors would be opened for them for benefits of various types. If there were other options open to them, I suspect they would have so chosen. Sometimes the truth can be blunt and not politically correct.

Nonetheless, for whatever reason, they served and many were killed or permanently injured. I salute them for their service.

How about some concrete examples of the "good" provided by the younger generation that are, possibly, less melodramatic?
You have to give the younger generation credit for wanting marriage equality!!!!!!

RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
You have to give the younger generation credit for wanting marriage equality!!!!!!


Unfortunately, the younger generation has been brainwashed by the government schools- from kindergarten to college. Sadly, they really support these abominations. I wouldn't call these positions to be "good" for the future of the country. An organized society cannot function in chaos.

This liberal line applied as they mean it that "diversity is our strength" is, to anyone with a scintilla of intelligence, ridiculous. Of course, most of the younger generation lacks intelligence.

I got another fine bumper sticker. It says "I think, therefore I am overqualified". I believe it applies mainly to government workers and college students.
There are many more young conservatives than you think, and college kids are revolting from the old school liberal ideas preached by the professors.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:There are many more young conservatives than you think, and college kids are revolting from the old school liberal ideas preached by the professors.

I hope you are right. So far, I don't see much of it.
vundy33 Wrote:Older people have been bitching about the "younger generation" for years and years and years. As I'm sure your elders did about yourselves when you were our age. It's not the end of the world people.

I like how we're so often criticized about the bad things my generation does, yet the good things are never mentioned. Fine with me though, it's the way of the world.

Right you are. Older folks complained about things like the nefarious on-stage antics of Elvis Presley, rock and roll music, smoking, and the destructive effects of alcohol when I was growing up. As it turned out their complaints were not entirely without merit.

In this day in time the older folks complain still about the younger generation. The nature of the activities being complained about have evolved somewhat however. Topping the list these days are young people's reluctance to go to work to earn a living, (as evidenced by an entire sub-culture of junkie zombie killers, propped up by caffeine laced soft drinks and twinkies) The mass murder of kindergarteners and innocents in all walks of life. Ambushed in various 'soft target' venues from elementary schools and churches to movie theaters. The exponential, taxpayer funded proliferation of illegitimate children and the subsequent government sanctioned horror of the millions who have fallen victim to infanticide. Along with general disdain for anything which calls for personal responsibility in one's dealings and pursuits.

That certainly doesn't mean all young folks act irresponsibly. There are many thousands of special youth out there who deviate from the path of self indulgence and on whom most of us will rely to lead our nation in the years to come. And yet, we see that the ranks of those whose beliefs are padded with the assurance that government assistance will go on forever and, who falsely believe they won't have to worry, continuing to swell in sufficient numbers so as to threaten the survival of our nation.
Like PTF said, there's many more young Republicans than people think. Especially in the South. I think a big reason why is younger republicans are looked over because they tend not to let everyone know what they believe like younger liberal's do.
vundy33 Wrote:Like PTF said, there's many more young Republicans than people think. Especially in the South. I think a big reason why is younger republicans are looked over because they tend not to let everyone know what they believe like younger liberal's do.

I'd like to think he is right. It wouldn't be good for the country to go too far to the left, or to the right. To me the best scenario is when the two ideologies have their say in the halls of congress and, as a result, governance tends to fall somewhere in the middle.

Conservative principles are what America leaned on in the times of her greatest trouble, as well as some of her grandest economic booms. During the dark days of WWII, you can bet the pews were full in churches across this land, as folks looked to their Creator for deliverance from the evil of the axis powers. And, the great economic awakening of the Reagan era, fueled America's surge into world superpower dominance. We therefore need clear minded conservatives to keep us true to our core values.

The presence of serious threat to our country, foreign and domestic, is what tends to cause us as a people to relearn the lessons of freedom and liberty. The denial from the left that threats exist makes me wonder if they are capable of recognizing reality at any time of history. When we fought our desperate struggle against Hitler and Emperor Hirohito, liberals cried continually for us to make unrealistic concessions to try to buy them off. Decrying our decision to make war with them as the end of us all. Actually the reverse of which would have been true. Liberals haven't changed much since that time, as was in evidence when our State Department chose to become vulnerable in the face of threat in Libya, when we tried to prove to them our desire to be friends. Like Hitler, they see such concessions as being weak. Kissing up to one's enemies or buying them off, (appeasement) has never worked and will never replace a willing and superior fighting force as a deterrent.
If the current democratic administration keeps doing what there doing, even the most liberal or liberal student will soon be conservative republicans. You can only blame past presidents and cabinet members for so long until you see the truth for yourself.

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