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Death tax petition
Everyone needs to go to:

And sign this petition!!

Living The Dream!!

I ended up signing ALL of them!

Good so did I!!!

Living The Dream!!
You guys do realize that the death tax was suspended, until the republican sequester, right?
Maybe you guys should rethink who you voted for, they caused this.
TheRealVille Wrote:You guys do realize that the death tax was suspended, until the republican sequester, right?

As you've been told by at least 3 posters on here, nky, myself and Hoot Gibson, the sequester was the brain child of Barack Obama. He didn't think the Republicans would call his bluff but, like so many things and thanks to the miracle of video tape, he was demonstrably wrong.
TheRealThing Wrote:As you've been told by at least 3 posters on here, nky, myself and Hoot Gibson, the sequester was the brain child of Barack Obama. He didn't think the Republicans would call his bluff but, like so many things and thanks to the miracle of video tape, he was demonstrably wrong.
It doesn't matter who thought it up, republicans pulled the trigger on Americans with it. Sequesters date back to the 1980's. Six days before the sequester idea was brought to republicans, they had passed a house bill that had a sequester included in it. It wasn't some new "Obama idea". It doesn't matter who owns the gun, the one that pulls the trigger is at fault.
Does that mean that you don't believe in gun control??

Also, unlike you, I do not care about the party affilliation; if it's wrong it's wrong!!
(think Benghazi)
TheRealVille Wrote:It doesn't matter who thought it up, republicans pulled the trigger on Americans with it. Sequesters date back to the 1980's. Six days before the sequester idea was brought to republicans, they had passed a house bill that had a sequester included in it. It wasn't some new "Obama idea". It doesn't matter who owns the gun, the one that pulls the trigger is at fault.

Yes it does matter who thought it up. The Republicans are trying to get a handle on what will likely be a 22 trillion dollar national debt at the departure of this President which will mark a 12 trillion dollar increase overall. A President BTW who called a 4 trillion dollar increase over the 8 years of the Bush administration "unpatriotic" and "irresponsible."

I doubt the US will ever be able to pay their debts simply because of the enormity they pose. But, Dems are more concerned about staying in office and vote buying so in a political strategy that was designed to transfer blame, they proposed the sequester thinking that the Republicans lacked the courage to "pull the trigger," rather than risking the ire of voters who would have been denied benefits with responsible budget cuts. Republicans shocked the Dems who thought they had them panted into a corner by taking them up on their proposal. You can't have it both ways. It certainly is not "the Republican sequester", your words and the idea is your man's.
TheRealThing Wrote:Yes it does matter who thought it up. The Republicans are trying to get a handle on what will likely be a 22 trillion dollar national debt at the departure of this President which will mark a 12 trillion dollar increase overall. A President BTW who called a [B]4 trillion dollar increase over the 8 years of the Bush administration "unpatriotic" and "irresponsible." [/B]

I doubt the US will ever be able to pay their debts simply because of the enormity they pose. But, Dems are more concerned about staying in office and vote buying so in a political strategy that was designed to transfer blame, they proposed the sequester thinking that the Republicans lacked the courage to "pull the trigger," rather than risking the ire of voters who would have been denied benefits with responsible budget cuts. Republicans shocked the Dems who thought they had them panted into a corner by taking them up on their proposal. You can't have it both ways. It certainly is not "the Republican sequester", your words and the idea is your man's.
Maybe the republicans should have thought of that before they crashed the economy, and put 2 wars on a credit card. Obama had his hands full stopping a looming depression caused by Bush2. We had a helluva hole to dig out of, but we are on our way. Bush added more debt than Obama has. Let's wait until the 8 years are up, and then tally it up. FTR, Bush 2 added 6 trillion, a 101 % increase over what Clinton left him.
TheRealVille Wrote:Maybe the republicans should have thought of that before they crashed the economy, and put 2 wars on a credit card. Obama had his hands full stopping a looming depression caused by Bush2. We had a helluva hole to dig out of, but we are on our way. Bush added more debt than Obama has. Let's wait until the 8 years are up, and then tally it up. FTR, Bush 2 added 6 trillion, a 101 % increase over what Clinton left him.

You have to be one of the few who can find positive things to say about the fairy Obama.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:You have to be one of the few who can find positive things to say about the fairy Obama.
If he had been left an economy in good shape, I might not be happy with him. Given the republican disaster he was left with, I'll take the progress. We were lucky he got things back on track, or we were heading to another depression. He stopped the bleeding.
TheRealVille Wrote:Maybe the republicans should have thought of that before they crashed the economy, and put 2 wars on a credit card. Obama had his hands full stopping a looming depression caused by Bush2. We had a helluva hole to dig out of, but we are on our way. Bush added more debt than Obama has. Let's wait until the 8 years are up, and then tally it up. FTR, Bush 2 added 6 trillion, a 101 % increase over what Clinton left him.

LOL, you might as well make up your own stats to go with the talking points. But yeah, let's wait till the full 8 year nightmare is over with, obviously we have two more years to suffer and Oblame-a ain't about to shoulder any responsibility.

TheRealVille Wrote:If he had been left an economy in good shape, I might not be happy with him. Given the republican disaster he was left with, I'll take the progress. We were lucky he got things back on track, or we were heading to another depression. He stopped the bleeding.

Man you must really be living in a dream world. His Obama care is going to sink this country worst than ever. It has already cost thousands of people their jobs or have had their hours cut all because of this. And anyone that has a job and their hours got cut can't afford any of this over priced so called insurance any way.
You keep believeing and the rest of the country will keep bleeding.

Living The Dream!!
Granny Bear Wrote:^
Does that mean that you don't believe in gun control??

Also, unlike you, I do not care about the party affilliation; if it's wrong it's wrong!!
(think Benghazi)

Think Weapons of Mass Destruction...4500 to 4, and yes the four are a shame but 4500 not even close!
panther nation Wrote::hilarious:

Man you must really be living in a dream world. His Obama care is going to sink this country worst than ever. It has already cost thousands of people their jobs or have had their hours cut all because of this. And anyone that has a job and their hours got cut can't afford any of this over priced so called insurance any way.
You keep believeing and the rest of the country will keep bleeding.

I agree we should have gone to a Single Payer System.
Hey, see what compromises gets you!
tvtimeout Wrote:Think Weapons of Mass Destruction...4500 to 4, and yes the four are a shame but 4500 not even close!

No thanks. WOMD is a little old to be hashing out here, and besides that I still believe they were there. Carted off to Syria when things got hot!! Let's talk about a more current issue, Benghazi. After all, it could be Hillary's down fall if the media can locate their balls in time to start reporting facts and not just their "interpretation" of them.

To be honest with you, I cannot fathom why the cover story was created about Benghazi. If I was going to create a devious lie to cover my own incompetence, it would've been far more believable than the garbage thrown out there about the video. LOL

They really dropped the ball on that cover story. Now Hillary is trying to distance herself from Obama! What a joke.
If they were there... don't you think ISIS would have used them by now?
We are still in Iraq, that is pretty current! The debt that we have suffered from the war pretty current.
Exactly! But after you spend a trillion or two, you sort of become acclimated to incredible debt.
lol! IMO we need to get rid of the Miltary industrial complex
IMO we need to fix ours'....then damn well support it.
I am with you. I think that spending 10 billion dollars on an airplane is about as pointless as the bridge to no where though. Companies all the time are on the wel-fare check and cost ten times as much as the food stamp program. I am all for inovation but to throw money away is wrong on either side of the aisle.
So when did we lose the common sense?
Is all politics boiling down to a ginormous pissing contest with no winners but blind support of one's party to the point of economic meltdown?
I think so, that is why I am in favor of term limits. Also limiting the contributions of corporations. Human nature is all about greed in my opinion. There are some great folks out there but survival says look out for number 1. We as a people have looked out for number 1 but it used to be the understanding that the only way I am going to be successful is by my neighbor being successful, it would add to the quality of my life. Now it is trying to just "get mine" and forget everything else. I personally feel bad for folks that live in southerrn Kentucky. I think that there is so much more to life and so much more to be had for everyone. I think Southern Kentucky needs help, a change, just because I don't like what I see. I have rambled on and on... but to answer your question yes until our people demand better.
The death tax has been and always will be one of the most ridiculous things ive ever seen done.
TheRealThing Wrote:LOL, you might as well make up your own stats to go with the talking points. But yeah, let's wait till the full 8 year nightmare is over with, obviously we have two more years to suffer and Oblame-a ain't about to shoulder any responsibility.
Thanks to these guys, we have stats a plenty, and they might tell you something, if you look.
Statistical Abstract of the United States; 1992-2011 Economic Reports of the President, Congressional Budget Office, Bureau of Labor Statistics, all data since World War II.


This data is compiled by offsetting a President's Administration by a year to account for the fact that the Federal budget for any given fiscal year is drafted and passed in the previous calendar year. For example, 1993's budget was drafted and passed in 1992, during the Bush administration, so that year is ascribed to President Bush, even though President Clinton was in office in 1993.

One exception has been made: 2009's ARRA was drafted and passed by the Obama administration, creating $114 billion of Federal outlays for 2009. That amount has been subtracted from President Bush II's 2009 budget/deficit total and added to President Obama's.

Since World War II . . .

Almost twice as many jobs are created per year under Democratic Presidents than Republican Presidents (1.8 million jobs under Democratic Presidents versus one million jobs under Republican Presidents.)
The deficit under Republican Presidents has been more than twice as large as the under Democratic Presidents. In dollars, Republican Presidents have contributed nearly $4 trillion more to the national debt than Democratic Presidents.
GDP growth has been 52% higher under Democratic Presidents.
Business Investment Growth has been 165% higher under Democratic Presidents.
Unemployment has been 23% higher under Republican Presidents.
Average increase in weekly earnings have been 107.5% higher under Democratic Presidents
Nine of the last ten recessions have occurred under Republican Presidents (
Democratic Presidents have created 17.5 million more jobs than Republican Presidents, and jobs have grown nearly twice as fast under Democratic Presidents as under Republican Presidents.
Total jobs created under Democratic Presidents: 55,794,000
Total jobs created under Republican Presidents: 38,256,000
Average jobs gained per year under Democratic Presidents: 1,830,000
Average jobs gained per year under Republican Presidents: 1,063,000

Real Gross Domestic Product growth under Democratic Presidents has been 52% higher than during Republican Presidents.
Average real GDP growth under Democratic Presidents: +4%
Average real GDP growth under Republican Presidents: +2.63%

Real business investment growth under Democratic Presidents has been 165% higher than under Republican Presidents.
Average growth under Democratic Presidents: +6.3%
Average growth under Republican Presidents: +2.76%

Federal budget deficits under Republican Presidents are 100% higher than under Democratic Presidents (as a percentage of GDP, Republican Presidents have been 90% higher than Democratic Presidents).
Total Democratic Budget Deficit: $3,887.6 billion
Total Republican Budget Deficit: $7,807.2 billion
Average deficit under Democratic Presidents: 2.1% of GDP
Average deficit under Republican Presidents: 3.98% of GDP

Unemployment under Republican Presidents has been 23% higher than under Democratic Presidents.
Average unemployment under Democratic Presidents: 5.06%
Average unemployment under Republican Presidents: 6.23%

Federal Spending has increased twice as fast under Republican Presidents than under Democratic Presidents
Democratic Presidents' annual spending increased by an average of $35.3 billion per year
Republican Presidents' annual spending increased by an average of $70 billion per year

Trade deficits under Republican Presidents have been 116% higher than under Democratic Presidents.
Total trade deficit under Democratic Administrations (in millions): $2,695,994
Total trade deficit under Republican Administrations (in millions): $5,828,385

The Stock Market under Democratic Presidents has grown 200% faster under Democratic Presidents than under Republican Presidents.
Average yearly growth in Stock Market returns under Democratic Presidents: +1.92%
Average yearly growth in Stock Market returns under Republican Presidents: +0.64%
For more detailed information and specific sources, click on the topics above. You can download the full document here. Footnotes for all documents can be downloaded here.

Most Sources from: Statistical Abstract of the United States; 1992-2011 Economic Reports of the President, Congressional Budget Office, Bureau of Labor Statistics, all data since World War II.
tvtimeout Wrote:Think Weapons of Mass Destruction...4500 to 4, and yes the four are a shame but 4500 not even close!

Please remember this post when you tout Hillary in a couple of years. She voted for it.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Please remember this post when you tout Hillary in a couple of years. She voted for it.
I thought the buck stopped with the president? Truth is, Bush and his evil twin sold congress a lie. With the Iraq war, and the damage he did to the nation's economy, Bush will without a doubt go down in history as the nation's worst President. But, it takes time for history to tell the story of Presidents.
TheRealVille Wrote:Thanks to these guys, we have stats a plenty, and they might tell you something, if you look.
Statistical Abstract of the United States; 1992-2011 Economic Reports of the President, Congressional Budget Office, Bureau of Labor Statistics, all data since World War II.


"How to Lie With Statistics" by Darrel Huff, you should read it. In any event, thanks to the present "guys" we are floundering in a labor participation rate of 62.8%. "At 62.8 percent, the so-called participation rate matches the lowest since March 1978."

Now, I realize you don't want to talk about the new formula Obama uses to calculate the unemployment rate so I won't belabor that point again. However, I would expect that the formula to calculate the Labor Participation Rate will undergo a similar "transformation" so as to make the economy seem better than it is, is.

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