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Election night coverage
Didn't know how the results were going to be reported, but figured I would make this thread to talk about the different elections.

To start, right now it looks like McConnell is winning big over Grimes early on.
CNN has already declared McConnell as the winner, with a commanding 57-40% margin after 12% in.
^ Wow, this early.
Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott from South Carolina have won their seats back.
Voting was very light in my very blue precinct this morning, which I took as a good sign that even Virginia liberal Democratics have been demoralized. Gillespie will probably lose but the race is still too close to call and he was down by about 20 points just a couple of weeks ago.
The governor races are what I'm concerned about.
Shelley Moore Capito just won WV!

(Could a mod please change nigh to night in the title...thanks!)
So far, The only happiness for Dems has been upsetting Corbett in PA for Governor.

What about Virginia? No doubt Warner will probably win because of the fake residents in Fairfax who work in D.C., but it has to be a good sign.
Tom Cotton has just flipped Arkansas
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:So far, The only happiness for Dems has been upsetting Corbett in PA for Governor.

What about Virginia? No doubt Warner will probably win because of the fake residents in Fairfax who work in D.C., but it has to be a good sign.
It seems like returns from this area come in later than most of the state. There was no line when I voted in Fairfax County this morning and that is the first time that has happened for me.

If I were betting, I would still put my money on Warner to win, but it just all depends on turnout in northern Virginia, IMO. This county has a population of more than a million, and Arlington, Alexandria, and Falls Church adjoin or are surrounded by Fairfax County but not part of it. That is a lot of potential Democratic votes.
Shaheen is projected to defeat Brown in New Hampshire.
Mike Rounds win South Dakota.
Abbott projected to win Texas governor.
There will be a runoff in LA.

Good news is the Republican looks much better.
FNC has declared Republican Corey Gardner the winner in the Colorado Senate race over Democrat Mark Uterus.
Tillie and Hagan are soooo close.
Montana Senate seat goes to Republicans. Net gain for Republicans stands at +5.
So if Republicans win the Senate does McConnell become Senate Majority Leader?
LWC Wrote:So if Republicans win the Senate does McConnell become Senate Majority Leader?
Probably. I would love to see somebody else win the position but McConnell is the overwhelming favorite.
While it'd be nice to have a southern Conservative become Senate leader, McConnell has already sealed the deal. No serious challenge exists. Having said that, having the majority leader be a Kentucky Senator is a dream come true for most kentuckians, and its economy. When the news reports the 6th seat (it'll be 7-8, maybe 9 before its over), kentucky will nearly instantly get a rather large boost in funding from the feds.
What a great night for America.

Go check out Virginia though.... 4000 votes seperating them out of 2 million+ cast. King George county --- over 4000 votes for the libertarian that likely would have went to the republican without him. Sad... we could have won virginia, and turned it back red again. Sooo close.
FNC declares Republican Pat Roberts the winner in Kansas. Republican seats stand at a net gain of +6 - their magic number.

Also, Scott Brown is disputing the call of New Hampshire for Democratic Jeanne Shaheen.
I am so sick of watching Karl Rove's self promotion on Fox News. IMO, whoever made the decision to let Dick Morris go and kept Rove deserves an early and immediate retirement. I prefer FNC to the other cable news channels but I wish that the would stop hiring potential presidential candidates and political hacks like Rove to do political analysis.

I think the Democrats Trippi, Caddell, and Schoen all do a more professional job analyzing elections than Rove does. Rove is an embarrassment and his gig at Fox is the epitome of conflict of interest.
ronald reagan Wrote:What a great night for America.

Go check out Virginia though.... 4000 votes seperating them out of 2 million+ cast. King George county --- over 4000 votes for the libertarian that likely would have went to the republican without him. Sad... we could have won virginia, and turned it back red again. Sooo close.
Gillespie ran a great race and put himself in pretty good position to run for governor when McCauliffe runs for reelection. Sadly, NOVA becomes more blue every day.
Fox just called Georgia for Perdue over Nunn. Not a gain, but a loss would have hurt Republicans.
Fox News has just reported that Republicans will control the senate.

They are currently at 51 with 4 more democratic seats left on the table.
Fox just called Iowa for Republican Ernst. Republicans will gain control of the U.S. Senate!

It looks like Republicans might end the night with as many as 53 seats, with a possible 54th seat pending a Louisiana run-off election in January. Obama's days as an outlaw president should be over by the time of his next State of the Union Address.
Thank God the American people have put an end to this disaster, at least for now.

Republicans have work to do and they better get to it. Gaining these other few seats are critical in keeping the senate come next election when blue states galore start popping up.

Compromise, talk, do whatever you can. Keep in mind the people of the country and always remember that JOBS and the ECONOMY are the most important things.

As I type this Tillis has just beaten Hagan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fox calls NC for Thom Tillis. Republicans are at +7 seats.
Let me add that for the first time since 2008, Im actually excited about the future.

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