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Merry Christmas from the Cruz family
Best political ad so far in the GOP campaign, IMO.

[YOUTUBE="Cruz Christmas Classics"]e3hB3iOQKjY&[/YOUTUBE]

This faux ad will air during Saturday Night Live tonight.
^This video is also being aired during tonight's Democratic debate. Not many people will see it then, but it probably is not costing Cruz much money to run it.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Best political ad so far in the GOP campaign, IMO.

This faux ad will air during Saturday Night Live tonight.

I gotta say that is one of the most clever ads I have seen. I don't remember ever seeing a Christmas ad before, but then I don't ever remember a Presidential campaign where the Republican base was lit up to the extent this one is either. We've seen more interest, and more questions, and more vetting before Christmas Day, than we did in the entire election season last time around.

Frankly, owing to the cartoonish presentation, I would bet the message of Cruz's ad will hit home pretty hard among the low information crowd.
I loved every second of this.
Youd be surprised at how far this will go in making Cruz look good to those who don't like him.

VERY smart move IMO. I can see the butthurt liberals now.
I loved it!!

It is past time for Republicans (taxpayers) to wake up. Fight just as dirty as necessary to win. Leave no unused bullets in your guns (so to speak). I'll guarandamntee you the Democrats, with their suckling media, will do so.
Truth Wrote:It is past time for Republicans (taxpayers) to wake up. Fight just as dirty as necessary to win. Leave no unused bullets in your guns (so to speak). I'll guarandamntee you the Democrats, with their suckling media, will do so.

Agree. Right now we have only one candidate willing to step up and do as you suggest. He's taking on the politically correct crowd, he would like to take on the cop killers, he's calling out the liars, the abortionists, and the establishment on both sides of the aisle. He would rebuild our military, repatriate trillions of dollars laying offshore and make business welcome once more in a land that is supposedly financed by a system of FREE enterprise. He wants to lower taxes and put people back to work. And, he's promising to deal in straightforward honesty with the nations. In addition, he would end the insanity where it comes to illegal immigration. I mean, if we applied the rationale the gang of eight used to justify rewarding millions of illegal's with amnesty, to the crime of robbery for example. Once the robbers stole their money and were enjoying their lifestyle, we would just let them keep the loot because after all, are we just going to callously take food out of the mouths of their wives and children, and kick them out of their ill gotten Shangri la?

And because he is speaking plainly and devoid of political subterfuge, everybody, and I mean everybody, is dog piling on him like he is the biggest liar of all time. Meanwhile, willingly and with expressions of rapture on their faces, these same geniuses embrace Hillary Clinton as if she were so pure that sugar would not melt in her mouth. :igiveup:
I agree with Truth.

If the Democrats take the white house again with a woman who should be in prison, people should just stop paying taxes. She'd either resign or send the military out to collect until she realized they were converging on her.
Trump is going to appear on several news programs today to answer Hillary's statement that he is ISIS best recruiter.

I was tempted to stay home!!
Granny Bear Wrote:Trump is going to appear on several news programs today to answer Hillary's statement that he is ISIS best recruiter.

I was tempted to stay home!!
A video has turned up that ISIS is using for recruiting purposes. It features or former president and fornicater-in-chief, William Jefferson Clinton. :-)
Are you serious??!!

I did not have serial relations with that goat - jihadi john
Granny Bear Wrote:^
Are you serious??!!


Quote:ISIS Video Featuring Obama, Bush, and Bill Clinton (link to video is included in the article)

A four-minute video released by ISIS last month, entitled “No Respite,” includes an image of Bill Clinton, who is called a “fornicator” — a reference to his affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, among many others.

The propaganda piece also shows President Obama and former President George W. Bush, who is called a “liar.” The terror group asserts in the high-quality short that the U.S. military, though large in number, is ineffectual against Muslim armies.
This video confirms what I knew to be the truth, the Islamic State has it's flames of contempt for the US fanned by our own media, which air our dirty laundry across the globe every day. Not only that, between the constant defending of Muslims and the left's confusing conflation with regard to the teachings of the Quran, it's no wonder they are up on their high horse. I mean, if there were any doubts about how far we will stoop to give them their way, the Iran Nuclear Deal should have dispelled them completely. The Ayatollah is shooting off ICBM's like a teenager with a box of bottle rockets, and we're still laying down for him.

I understand there are good Muslims, that's not the issue. The issue is that violence against infidels/gentiles and Jews, is a bonafide tenet of that religion. The apologists are coming out saying Islam is in the throes of reformation, and even though the extremists refuse to allow themselves to be 'moderated' by the reformationists, they're getting carte blanch anyway. The left would extend an umbrella of tolerance, which is supposedly validated by the mild behavior of the good Muslims, to the extremists even though said extremists for hate's sake, reject the efforts being put forth by liberals to help them in the first place. At any rate, we are in the process of proving our sincerity to them in much the same way we proved our sincerity to the good folks of Libya. And as in Libya, we will suffer the fate of those stricken with terminal stupidity.

Just like Obama thinks he should rename ISIS ISIL, the left think they will win Radical Islam over with compromise, and capitulation. In other words, though jihad has been going on for centuries without end, liberals believe those gone on just did not kiss up with the proper level of earnest. And by all appearances, they may have the kiss up market cornered. The liberals will never learn and they will never change.

Anybody other than me find it astonishing that Hillary would again make world news ballyhooing and making false statements about a VIDEO?

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