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Top 25 is a joke.......
One quality win over Syracuse and all of a sudden BC is world beaters....If they get a #1 seed, They will be the FIRST EVER #1 seed to lose to a #16 seed. It's a joke.

Also, The fact that dook has lost 4 out of the last 8 and Kansas has lost NOW 3 straight.....both still in the top 10 is a joke. UK loses 1 and we drop 2 spots....dook loses 4 out of 8 and drops 2....WHERE'S THE RESPECT ???????

The top 25 is a sham ! :roll: :roll: :roll:
I know where your coming from BP but it will all come out in the wash.
Duke is the AP polls
Like always.
I say BC deserves there respect because they've only lost once.
well hey belfry pride...ill bet u 1000 bucks they dont lose in the 1st round...put ur money where ur mouth is big boy...
well u drive a mercedes so u prob have the money haha ;-)

i think its fine how it is just to b honest i wish VIllanova was in it i think they have had alot of quality games this season
not really about the money, but this guy has the audacity to put down a team that has ONE LOSS this season...they play in the deepest conference, clearly this bafoon was intoxicated while typin that
Don't use personal attacks there FSU!
u have to look at the whole picture...not just go crazy over it cuz ur cats subjective not objective
"VonWafer_FSU" Wrote:well hey belfry pride...ill bet u 1000 bucks they dont lose in the 1st round...put ur money where ur mouth is big boy...

Please check your PM inbox...!

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"VonWafer_FSU" Wrote:well hey belfry pride...ill bet u 1000 bucks they dont lose in the 1st round...put ur money where ur mouth is big boy...

I think you need to read the rules before you post anymore :!:
Well, i think that the top 25 is not really a joke. BC has only lost one game. Thats not bad at all. I think UNC should be higher than what they are. Theres no way BC will get a #1 seed. Illinois is just dominate.
my bad belfry pride i got kinda crazy there, just tha statement u made was just crazy IMO so ill respect urs no matter how insane it how bout that bet?...lmao..j/k
I think the top 25 is where it needs to be with only a few i think BC is ranked too high they should be about 4 or 5 with wake at 3, but hey what do i know im not an AP dude
i think people need to realize is that these polls are so overrated rite now....if ur not a fan of them than just hold on, in a couple of weeks they'll get the rite teams where they need to be, just lets see how BC does in the big east tourney
altogh sometimes i dont agree with the rankings but i dont see them as a joke... yes sometimes they can be unfair but thats life
"VonWafer_FSU" Wrote:i think people need to realize is that these polls are so overrated rite now....if ur not a fan of them than just hold on, in a couple of weeks they'll get the rite teams where they need to be, just lets see how BC does in the big east tourney

They lose to WV in the quarterfinals. I think BC is slightly overrated but still are a fairly good team.
ahh Boston college has been disappointing at late, i still think there a good team when they play well, problem is when they dont play good
Poor BC.
the polls always lean towards ACC/Big East teams. thats a true story.
well those 2 conferences are the best in america, kentucky just plays in the second
mad cuz im right?
UK plays in the 3rd hardest conference. Florida, LSU, and Alabama are all talented teams.

I guess you could make a case that the Big Ten is 3rd toughest but I think the SEC is.
heres how the conferences go, the tuffest is the big east top to bottom, second is the acc, 3rd is the big 12, 4th is big 10, 5th is the pac 10, 6th is the missouri valley confernce, 7th is the west coast conference, and 8th is the

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