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New York Times Rededicate to Honesty
"The publisher of The New York Times penned*a letter to readers Friday promising that the paper would “reflect” on its coverage of this year’s election while rededicating itself to reporting on “America and the world” honestly."

Isn't THIS what they are supposed to be doing anyway????
Granny Bear Wrote:"The publisher of The New York Times penned*a letter to readers Friday promising that the paper would “reflect” on its coverage of this year’s election while rededicating itself to reporting on “America and the world” honestly."

Isn't THIS what they are supposed to be doing anyway????


Yes that was their charter. The Times was at one point in their illustrious past referred to as "the news of record" owing to their strict adherence to high standards of reporting. They've recently become more the monkey puke of record as those lofty standards have deteriorated to the point of 'rag' status.
TheRealThing Wrote::please:

Yes that was their charter. The Times was at one point in their illustrious past referred to as "the news of record" owing to their strict adherence to high standards of reporting. They've recently become more the monkey puke of record as those lofty standards have deteriorated to the point of 'rag' status.

The National Enquirer is a Pulitzer winning publication compared to the NYT.
TheRealThing Wrote::please:

Yes that was their charter. The Times was at one point in their illustrious past referred to as "the news of record" owing to their strict adherence to high standards of reporting. They've recently become more the monkey puke of record as those lofty standards have deteriorated to the point of 'rag' status.

Are you aware that there is a place online where you can sign a petition calling for the Electorial College to change their votes to Clinton before casting them on Dec 15th?

I went there and read a bunch. They reportedly have 3.5 million signatures, and when that reaches 4.5 million, they will present it.

I spent a lot of time on that site, as well as two others, and believe it or not, I am surprised! LOL All it is, is a bunch of spoiled little brats who are pissed off because they don't have their way! They had a story about one professor cancelling classes for the rest of the week because his students were too upset and confused to attend class! He has also brought in grief counselors.

I just boggles my old mind!
Granny Bear Wrote:Are you aware that there is a place online where you can sign a petition calling for the Electorial College to change their votes to Clinton before casting them on Dec 15th?

I went there and read a bunch. They reportedly have 3.5 million signatures, and when that reaches 4.5 million, they will present it.

I spent a lot of time on that site, as well as two others, and believe it or not, I am surprised! LOL All it is, is a bunch of spoiled little brats who are pissed off because they don't have their way! They had a story about one professor cancelling classes for the rest of the week because his students were too upset and confused to attend class! He has also brought in grief counselors.

I just boggles my old mind!

And what is the foundation for every last word spoken and i dotted? The lie. The good prof believes the lie, has indoctrinated his students with it and propagated it through actions such as the absurdly asinine grief counseling of your mention. The riots and other movements and actions aimed at defrauding this great nation of their legitimate choice for President are based on lies, and the reactions to it by the left are all faked.

All of this stuff is straight out of the playbook of Saul Alinsky, there is nothing new here other than the scope. I said the citizenry of this land had better be vigilant until inauguration day, and it's looking like that is even more ominous than I thought.
Well, I am highly aggravated.

Any of you guys willing to give me an adult coloring book, a session with a counselor or a support puppy?? If not, think I'll burn down my house!

Granny Bear Wrote:Well, I am highly aggravated.

Any of you guys willing to give me an adult coloring book, a session with a counselor or a support puppy?? If not, think I'll burn down my house!


Donald Trump is the President Elect. The electoral college is part of our Constitution and respect for it is needed until and unless the Constitution is amended to remove it.

My hope is that PE Trump will take a "it was a tough campaign, and I understand the disappointment. After a time of having their say, I hope the protesters will give me a chance to be a President for all Americans."

But, don't be concerned, GB. President Elect Trump will be inaugurated and assume power because we are still a great Constitutional democracy, and the peaceful transfer of power is still a great statement and symbol to the world of that fact.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Donald Trump is the President Elect. The electoral college is part of our Constitution and respect for it is needed until and unless the Constitution is amended to remove it.

My hope is that PE Trump will take a "it was a tough campaign, and I understand the disappointment. After a time of having their say, I hope the protesters will give me a chance to be a President for all Americans."

But, don't be concerned, GB. President Elect Trump will be inaugurated and assume power because we are still a great Constitutional democracy, and the peaceful transfer of power is still a great statement and symbol to the world of that fact.

The last I heard, that was exactly what Trump was doing, and was extending a rather gracious invitation for the Clintonsters to get on board. It isn't Trump or his supporters that are making all the destruction and inciteful remarks.

And THAT is my concern Sombrero, not whether or not he gets inaugurated.
Granny Bear Wrote:The last I heard, that was exactly what Trump was doing, and was extending a rather gracious invitation for the Clintonsters to get on board. It isn't Trump or his supporters that are making all the destruction and inciteful remarks.

And THAT is my concern Sombrero, not whether or not he gets inaugurated.

PE Trump made any number of statements during the campaign designed to appeal to lowest common denominator elements within human nature. In so doing, he is no different that other candidates.

GB: did you "get on board" with President Obama? Suggesting that a newly elected President is actually not an American (PE Trump, and I suspect a large swath of those who voted for him) may not be smashing windows and turning over police cars, but it certainly is not "getting on board."

The utter blindness of the partisan never ceases to amaze.
Honestly it took me a while to accept Obama, but I did eventually. What else could you choose, he was our President. I can't say that I ever "got on board" with him because of his policies but I didn't actively protest him.

Even if I had actively protested, I wouldn't choose to destroy property, public or private.
Granny Bear Wrote:Honestly it took me a while to accept Obama, but I did eventually. What else could you choose, he was our President. I can't say that I ever "got on board" with him because of his policies but I didn't actively protest him.

Even if I had actively protested, I wouldn't choose to destroy property, public or private.

Bingo and I would have asked, did Obama ever get on board with the people? Trump has made it abundantly certain that he is the people's servant and that he will represent their interests.

Obama came in to transform us, not represent and serve us, or did I miss something? He rammed ObamaCare down our throats and now our health care outlays are many times what they were as of 2008. He used his precious super majority days to make sure he repealed DADT, and now just going by the rhetoric, one might think the US has accepted the homosexual lifestyle as normal from the days of her inception. We've retreated all across the globe and as of the present, due to China's sabre rattling we dare not try to traverse shipping lanes in the international waters of he South China Sea. Iran if not already, is assured soon to become nuclear, and they are sworn to reduce this nation to ashes. Meanwhile Benjamin Netanyahu can just go fish, and NATO can go with him I suppose.

On the domestic front we're seeing paid protestors and whoever writes their checks go nearly unchallenged, as they have and are in the process of destroying billions of dollars of property damage and increased security costs, all to be exacted from the pockets of taxpayers. BLM and other dark and nefarious groups are favored guests in the White House. The SC has taken a tenuous tack in the gray area between conservative reason and liberal fantasy. The EPA has waxed absurd and American industry is practically nonexistent. And the foregoing represents the most anemic of lists.

January 20 cannot come too soon to suit me. TongueirateSho Confusedinglepar

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