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Once And For All, Pres. Biden is No Threat to Anyone's Children. STOP THE LIES !
(07-31-2021, 11:23 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(07-30-2021, 01:58 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(07-30-2021, 12:47 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(07-30-2021, 07:22 AM)vector#1 Wrote:
(07-29-2021, 11:56 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: If Trump runs in 2024 unless Dems have totally solidified Maduro style power,  it likely will be the biggest turnout in history, past present or future. Supposedly there are were 158 million registered voters in the US as of last November. Trump got 74 million and with Biden's reported 81 million; 155 million are supposed to  have voted.

Dems are not about to allow any state to clean up voter rolls as long as they're in power, so who knows how many of Biden's 81 million were even breathing last Nov 3rd? And Dems are not about to endorse voter ID either. So  how many illegal aliens can be packed into swing states between now and Nov 5, 2024 remains to be seen. But it's a safe bet most of them won't bother to sign their ballots, much less register. That way the outcome is never in doubt--- only the final tally.
"Supposedly there are were 158 million registered voters in the US as of last November" Quoted from lying TRT

"in 2020, there were 168.31 million people registered to vote in the United States. This is a significant increase from the previous election, when 153.07 million people were registered to vote."

• Number of registered voters in the United States 1996-2020 | Statista

RT if your Typing your Lying

(07-29-2021, 09:46 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: Thousands of supporters recently welcomed Biden to Pennsylvania. The bad news for Biden is that nearly all of them were Trump supporters. When politics works, we end up with honest elected officials who do the jobs for which they ran. When politics fails, we end up with crooks like Joe Biden in positions of power. There will be enough forensic audits to prove that there was widespread election fraud in 2020. Now is not the time for me to produce anything because the investigations have barely begun. Wisconsin is the latest state to jump on the forensic audit bandwagon and there will be more states to join soon.
Quooter has it ever occurred to you that Democrats work and the Trumpsters don't that's why the King draws big crowds.  I mean the numbers show that if you go by the blue and red states.
If the size of Biden's audience is an indicator of Democrat employment, then Democrats were 100 percent employed under Trump's administration and remained employed all through the pandemic. Biden's approval rating is nosediving, despite the near unanimous support of the Democrat media. Face it, Biden supporters are the least enthusiastic any president has ever had. I remember LBJ drawing a huge crowd in Paintsville when I was a young boy and Johnson County was overwhelmingly Republican at the time.

Democrats thought that the could rig the election for Biden and then slip Kamala Harris into the White House but she has turned out to be much more unpopular than he is. They are going to need another pandemic to use as an excuse to hide their 2024 nominee in a basement while their election fixers try to work their magic again.
Quooter when they change the constitution that crowd size is what decides the winner then maybe you just might have a point maybe. But as of right now the one who gets the most electoral votes is the winner Congratulations Joesph Biden.
The ends will never justify the means when the means is election fraud, Welfare King.
Quooter it's been almost 9 months since your President Biden's Victory you and your twin TRT still have NO PROOF of any kind of FRAUD. Quooter you and your Twin TRT would be better off trying to find Bigfoot the odds are better at that than any election fraud.
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RE: Once And For All, Pres. Biden is No Threat to Anyone's Children. STOP THE LIES ! - by vector#1 - 07-31-2021, 11:29 AM

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