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Barack Obama
I ran across this site and thought that some may find it interesting, while not much is known about Obama and I don't know how accruate this site is, but I think it's worth taking a look see.
I'm a Republican, but I want to know, if it's all such a big deal, why wasn't all this brought up when he was just a Senator? Because it's made up, a bunch of mumbo jumbo, you can't read any magazine with any presidential thing in it around election time because people in the mags. only write what will sell, and of course people saying Obama is trying to take down our country is what people want to read.
I would be very careful accepting anything on that site at face value. Obviously whomever runs and operates that site has a clear agenda. So you have to consider the bias.

The truth is you can distort almost anything into a negative and there are people with very strong negative views on all of the candidates -on both sides Right and Left.
The new buzz about Obama...
**Send me a pm if you have any questions or comments**

PikevilleGuy82 Wrote:I would be very careful accepting anything on that site at face value. Obviously whomever runs and operates that site has a clear agenda. So you have to consider the bias.

The truth is you can distort almost anything into a negative and there are people with very strong negative views on all of the candidates -on both sides Right and Left.

No doubt that the site is clearly against Obama, but how much truth are in the stories....some, none or are they mostly true, or should it even be considered at all?
I'm not voting for Obama or Hillary, but I will say this. All this crap Hillary is trying to pull to make Obama look bad is getting ridiculous and makes her look worse than him.
Hillary's a desperate broad, thats why she's doing that. She knows shes getting her *** kicked, and now shes slinging mud as far as she can sling it. ****, I despise Obama, and in no way am I taking up for him (**** hasnt frozen over yet), but hopefully Hillary will learn her lesson and never run again. And hopefully McCain will teach this punk a lesson and whip his *** in November, and he wont run again either.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Hillary's a desperate broad, thats why she's doing that. She knows shes getting her *** kicked, and now shes slinging mud as far as she can sling it. ****, I despise Obama, and in no way am I taking up for him (**** hasnt frozen over yet), but hopefully Hillary will learn her lesson and never run again. And hopefully McCain will teach this punk a lesson and whip his *** in November, and he wont run again either.

I hope McCain's *** kicking stops with Huckabee, I don't want another 4 years of the same BS.
To reply to the topic on the thread, Im with pikevilleguy82, this site has a clear agenda, and I dont think you can take anything posted on that seriously.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Hillary's a desperate broad, thats why she's doing that. She knows shes getting her *** kicked, and now shes slinging mud as far as she can sling it. ****, I despise Obama, and in no way am I taking up for him (**** hasnt frozen over yet), but hopefully Hillary will learn her lesson and never run again. And hopefully McCain will teach this punk a lesson and whip his *** in November, and he wont run again either.

Do you despise Obama the man, who I seriously doubt you know... or his policy positions? By "punk" I guess you mean young and inexperienced... well, incumbents always win, gain experience, then get us where we are now.
I despise anybody with the record he has on voting for gun rights alone (or lack thereof) no, I dont personally KNOW Barack Obama, but it wouldnt matter. I dont buy his bull**** "vote for change!", which he hasnt given two sentences for what "change!" he's trying to make. But I researched his gun record, and that alone, among the other crap Ive heard, and seen pictures of (turning his back to the flag, not saying the pledge, taking his oath on the Qu'ran when he's supposed to be a Christian, etc), makes me not like Barack Obama. You go ahead and believe his garbage, but I dont, and will gladly cast my vote for John McCain.
HOGWOLLOP Wrote:Do you despise Obama the man, who I seriously doubt you know... or his policy positions? By "punk" I guess you mean young and inexperienced... well, incumbents always win, gain experience, then get us where we are now.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:I despise anybody with the record he has on voting for gun rights alone (or lack thereof) no, I dont personally KNOW Barack Obama, but it wouldnt matter. I dont buy his bull**** "vote for change!", which he hasnt given two sentences for what "change!" he's trying to make. But I researched his gun record, and that alone, among the other crap Ive heard, and seen pictures of (turning his back to the flag, not saying the pledge, taking his oath on the Qu'ran when he's supposed to be a Christian, etc), makes me not like Barack Obama. You go ahead and believe his garbage, but I dont, and will gladly cast my vote for John McCain.

Obama never took his oath on the Qu'ran, I dont know where you got that from. As for the pledge issue, he didnt put his hand over his heart during the pledge which lead conservatives on a massive smear campaign. As far as gun rights, he got a 100% rating from the gun owners of America in 2006, from 2004 - 2006 he only voted on 3 issues regarding guns. He voted yes to prohibit the government from confiscating legal firearms, no to protecting gun manufacturers from liability of injuries caused by their products, and voted yes to require manufactures the import guns to have a child lock.
So I think that shouldn't be an issue for gun owners.

It seems you just buy into the BS fed to you from the conservative smear machines and don't actually look into issues from the candidates.
McCains voting record on Gun issues is almost identical to Obama's so I don't see why your complaining.

Links to candidates voting records

John McCain

Hillary Clinton

Barack Obama
Obama regularly supported gun-control measures, including a ban on semiautomatic "assault weapons" and a limit on handgun purchases to one a month.

He also opposed letting people use a self-defense argument if charged with violating local handgun bans by using weapons in their homes. The bill was a reaction to a Chicago-area man who, after shooting an intruder, was charged with a handgun violation.

Supporters framed the issue as a fundamental question of whether homeowners have the right to protect themselves.

Obama joined several Chicago Democrats who argued the measure could open loopholes letting gun owners use their weapons on the street. They said local governments should have the final say, but the self-defense exception passed 41-16 and ultimately became state law.

"It's bad politics to be on the wrong side of the Second Amendment come election time," said Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the National Rifle Association. "It will certainly be talked about. You can take that to the bank."

On the other hand, Obama parted company with gun control advocates when he backed a measure to let retired police officers and military police carry concealed weapons.

Obama occasionally supported higher taxes, joining other Democrats in pushing to raise more than 300 taxes and fees on businesses in 2004 to help solve a budget deficit. The increases passed the Senate 30-28.
Here's the link; And no, its not from Fox Big Grin

Read the whole thing. You can call it "smear tactics", whatever you want, but your a typical new age democrat. And you would eat **** from the hands they put in front of your face. And it is widely RUMORED, that he took his oath on a qu'ran. I never said it to be fact. And another thing, I never said I liked McCain. This is truly an election to where you dont pick the best candidate, you pick the least worst. I was a Fred Thompson man, but he was the only, and I repeat, the ONLY candidate I LIKED. I dont like McCain, but I'd rather have him in there than somebody who stands shoulder to shoulder with such garbage as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:Obama never took his oath on the Qu'ran, I dont know where you got that from. As for the pledge issue, he didnt put his hand over his heart during the pledge which lead conservatives on a massive smear campaign. As far as gun rights, he got a 100% rating from the gun owners of America in 2006, from 2004 - 2006 he only voted on 3 issues regarding guns. He voted yes to prohibit the government from confiscating legal firearms, no to protecting gun manufacturers from liability of injuries caused by their products, and voted yes to require manufactures the import guns to have a child lock.
So I think that shouldn't be an issue for gun owners.

It seems you just buy into the BS fed to you from the conservative smear machines and don't actually look into issues from the candidates.
As far as Barack and Hillary goes, here's some reading entertainment for you as well..
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:Obama never took his oath on the Qu'ran, I dont know where you got that from. As for the pledge issue, he didnt put his hand over his heart during the pledge which lead conservatives on a massive smear campaign. As far as gun rights, he got a 100% rating from the gun owners of America in 2006, from 2004 - 2006 he only voted on 3 issues regarding guns. He voted yes to prohibit the government from confiscating legal firearms, no to protecting gun manufacturers from liability of injuries caused by their products, and voted yes to require manufactures the import guns to have a child lock.
So I think that shouldn't be an issue for gun owners.

It seems you just buy into the BS fed to you from the conservative smear machines and don't actually look into issues from the candidates.
There are a lot of rumors about Obama that aren't true. All those chain letters/emails about him being Muslim and all that have been debunked over and over again.

Personally I like Obama. I do like Clinton as well, but feel I couldn't vote for her in the primary because of her vote for the war.

Yes she changed her mind but she did go along with Congress to vote to authorize the war.

However if it came down to it I would vote for her over McCain.
More interesting reading about Obama.

In a January 21st Article in the Jerusalem Post, Caroline Glick claims the following:
- George Soros [billionaire Obama supporter] 'has devoted himself to replacing politicians who support fighting the forces of global terror and supporting Israel with politicians who support appeasing jihadists and dumping Israel.'

- Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., Obama's church leader and spiritual advisor, 'has called for divestment from Israel and refers to Israel as a "racist" state.'

- Obama supports Kenya's opposition leader Odinga who 'referred to Islam as the "one true religion" and scorned Christians as "worshipers of the cross." '

- 'In forming these views, he is assisted by his foreign policy team which includes Zbigniew Brzezinski, Mark Brzezinski, Anthony Lake, Susan Rice and Robert Malley. All of these people are known either for their anti-Israel views or their pro-Arab views - or both.'
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Obama regularly supported gun-control measures, including a ban on semiautomatic "assault weapons" and a limit on handgun purchases to one a month.

He also opposed letting people use a self-defense argument if charged with violating local handgun bans by using weapons in their homes. The bill was a reaction to a Chicago-area man who, after shooting an intruder, was charged with a handgun violation.

Supporters framed the issue as a fundamental question of whether homeowners have the right to protect themselves.

Obama joined several Chicago Democrats who argued the measure could open loopholes letting gun owners use their weapons on the street. They said local governments should have the final say, but the self-defense exception passed 41-16 and ultimately became state law.

"It's bad politics to be on the wrong side of the Second Amendment come election time," said Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the National Rifle Association. "It will certainly be talked about. You can take that to the bank."

On the other hand, Obama parted company with gun control advocates when he backed a measure to let retired police officers and military police carry concealed weapons.

Obama occasionally supported higher taxes, joining other Democrats in pushing to raise more than 300 taxes and fees on businesses in 2004 to help solve a budget deficit. The increases passed the Senate 30-28.
Here's the link; And no, its not from Fox Big Grin

Read the whole thing. You can call it "smear tactics", whatever you want, but your a typical new age democrat. And you would eat **** from the hands they put in front of your face. And it is widely RUMORED, that he took his oath on a qu'ran. I never said it to be fact. And another thing, I never said I liked McCain. This is truly an election to where you dont pick the best candidate, you pick the least worst. I was a Fred Thompson man, but he was the only, and I repeat, the ONLY candidate I LIKED. I dont like McCain, but I'd rather have him in there than somebody who stands shoulder to shoulder with such garbage as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

Pretty good article, offers positives and negatives on Obama.

OBama is widely known as just being moderate on Gun Control issues, I believe the NRA gave him an F grading, and McCain got a C, so it seems both leading candidates aren't overly friendly to gun owners. Ron Paul got a B grading, but we dont see gun owners running out in droves to vote for him. Obama has got a very limited voting record, and I think that reflects his bad rating from the NRA. But the NRA gives everyone that doesn't vote exactly how the like a bad rating.

IMO The first issue of banning semi-automatic weapons and limiting gun purchases to one a month wouldn't really affect most gun owners. Trying to keep semi-automatic weapons off the streets of Chicago could possibly lead to less crime, so I could see why he would vote that way.

I dont fully understand the self defense issue, and I don't know what bans they would be violating, so I'll have to look that up before I respond to it.

Lets not forget that during his term as a state senator he was under a republican controlled senate, so things passed during that time where do to republicans, and not a crazy, gun hating liberal. And from reading the article it seems people respected him.

Here is a couple quotes from the article:

"He was looked upon by members of both parties as someone whose view we listened carefully to," said Republican state Sen. Kirk Dillard from Hinsdale, Ill.

"He always wants to understand an issue and think it through," said Roberta Lynch, deputy director for Council 31 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. "You have to make your case no matter who you are."

Even when he was in the political minority, Obama sometimes played a critical role. He helped write one of the rare ethics laws in a state known for government corruption and worked on welfare reform with Republicans.

I think it would be great to have someone who is known to cross party lines. So far Obama has really done very little that could be used negatively against him, so people are digging deep and resorting to smear tactics to make him look bad.

A lot of things are RUMORED, but all of these rumors on Obama have been debunked time and time again, and you would know that if you looked those issues up.

Regarding your comments to me, I really don't care what you think of my personal views, as we disagree on everything. Ive stated before and I will state it again, I don't listen to any political pundit, or take things face value from any candidate or party, I do my own research and have formed my views from that, if you don't like those views, then fine, thats your opinion.

Ive always been told to believe half of what you see, and none of what you hear.

Here is a pretty good article, with quotes from Obama, It gives you a looks at the issues of banning semi-automatic weapons, keeping guns out of the inner city, and other gun related issues.

To be fair, here is the same site with quotes from McCain.
Obama a moderate for gun rights? lol...that would be like me saying you are a moderate on strip mining...
TidesHoss32 Wrote:I despise anybody with the record he has on voting for gun rights alone (or lack thereof) no, I dont personally KNOW Barack Obama, but it wouldnt matter. I dont buy his bull**** "vote for change!", which he hasnt given two sentences for what "change!" he's trying to make. But I researched his gun record, and that alone, among the other crap Ive heard, and seen pictures of (turning his back to the flag, not saying the pledge, taking his oath on the Qu'ran when he's supposed to be a Christian, etc), makes me not like Barack Obama. You go ahead and believe his garbage, but I dont, and will gladly cast my vote for John McCain.

Your use of the word "garbage" shows you a reasoned and fair minded man.
Bill Cunningham: "Barack Hussein Obama"... "Barrack Hussein Obama"
then wonders why McCain "regretted" the rhetoric and "threw me under the bus." Whatever happened to civil discourse in political debate? Why can we not differentiate between the politiician the person and the policies of the politician? Because "I despise him/her" sells papers, makes radio shows popular, cranks up ratings for CNN and Fox News... because the American public is easily manipulated, prone to falling in the well of propoganda.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Obama a moderate for gun rights? lol...that would be like me saying you are a moderate on strip mining...

I'm just repeating what I've read. He hasn't voted on a lot of issues, so I think moderate would be a good term. But again, thats just my opinion.
Old School Wrote:No doubt that the site is clearly against Obama, but how much truth are in the stories....some, none or are they mostly true, or should it even be considered at all?

The site seems to be very quickly and poorly put together. It just offers small parts of much bigger stories to shine a negative light on Obama. All it offers are links to articles and reports about Obama, without really giving an opinion from the operator of the site. Although there may be truth in some of these stories, I wouldn't really take anything seriously from this site.
This is only one of the MANY despriate attempts by Camp Clinton to lie to the voters of America.
#1ukfan Wrote:This is only one of the MANY despriate attempts by Camp Clinton to lie to the voters of America.

She's just makin herself look dumb and pathetic..
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:The site seems to be very quickly and poorly put together. It just offers small parts of much bigger stories to shine a negative light on Obama. All it offers are links to articles and reports about Obama, without really giving an opinion from the operator of the site. Although there may be truth in some of these stories, I wouldn't really take anything seriously from this site.

There is an limited amout of information about Obama out there, Like I said, I don't know how true these stories are, but it's better than nothing.
Old School Wrote:There is an limited amout of information about Obama out there, Like I said, I don't know how true these stories are, but it's better than nothing.

I don't know, I really don't like site's like this no matter what candidate their about. There nothing more than one sided, cheap political jabs.
PikevilleGuy82 Wrote:There are a lot of rumors about Obama that aren't true. All those chain letters/emails about him being Muslim and all that have been debunked over and over again.

Personally I like Obama. I do like Clinton as well, but feel I couldn't vote for her in the primary because of her vote for the war.

Yes she changed her mind but she did go along with Congress to vote to authorize the war.

However if it came down to it I would vote for her over McCain.

If Obama isn't muslim, then why did his parents give him a muslim name??????
rosebud Wrote:If Obama isn't muslim, then why did his parents give him a muslim name??????

Are you serious???

He is named after his father based on what i've read.
PikevilleGuy82 Wrote:Are you serious???

He is named after his father based on what i've read.
Isn't his father muslim??

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