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Answers in Genesis
There are many answers that can be found in the book of Genesis as well as the rest of the Bible. The site has already been posted many times and can be found accurately by seaching the google button. Many of life's questions can be found by searching for the truth in the Bible, and from scholarly men who conduct an exegesis of the Bible.

There are some who think I have broken rules, and I apologize for that. I was only abiding by what an administrator instructed me to do with posting information. However, I hold tight to my findings. Evolution that teaches we evolved from primordial soup is wrong and leads to many things that are not good. There is a difference in this type of evolution I have explained and the fact that animals and populations can adapt. That is observable, but there is no evidence for Darwinian evolution.

I expected to be challenged on these views, and it has been great to discuss, but I didn't expect someone may completely try and wipe out these threads by saying they are false information. None of the information I posted was wrong or misleading. The guys who came up with the posted website did so because they wanted to tell the world that we're being led astray by our own thinking and not following the Word of God. I have found that to be very true among many posts I have seen here.

So I challenge anyone who wants to discuss any of these current events concerning intelligent design vs. evolution to google information about it and be open minded taking in information from all angles. I urge you to think of the basis for your beliefs, and hope you discover the truth.
BaseballMan Wrote:There are many answers that can be found in the book of Genesis as well as the rest of the Bible. The site has already been posted many times and can be found accurately by seaching the google button. Many of life's questions can be found by searching for the truth in the Bible, and from scholarly men who conduct an exegesis of the Bible.

With this, my final word on the subject will be for those of you who have been following these topics and websites to visit

That is the link to Answers in Genesis Busted.
ComfortEagle Wrote:With this, my final word on the subject will be for those of you who have been following these topics and websites to visit

That is the link to Answers in Genesis Busted.

Please check out this site that has been posted. But do it with an open mind. Then check out the site I have posted. See where the true evidence lies. See whose information is more credible. Discover where the real lies are coming from.
ComfortEagle Wrote:With this, my final word on the subject will be for those of you who have been following these topics and websites to visit

That is the link to Answers in Genesis Busted.

IMO someone shouldnt have to visit this site to know that a lot of information given by AIG is mostly crap. They use statements from scientist, and scientific facts and manipulate them in order to fit their agenda (They would make great politicians). They try to make it seem that science and religion cant mix, and because of people and sites it's been a struggle to get people to see things with an open mind. Everything in science does not challenge god, and IMO a lot of science just shows evidence that god must exist.
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:IMO someone shouldnt have to visit this site to know that a lot of information given by AIG is mostly crap. They use statements from scientist, and scientific facts and manipulate them in order to fit their agenda (They would make great politicians). They try to make it seem that science and religion cant mix, and because of people and sites it's been a struggle to get people to see things with an open mind. Everything in science does not challenge god, and IMO a lot of science just shows evidence that god must exist.

Actually, you must have never read the site. They never once say science and religion can't mix. As a matter of fact, they always use science to support their information. Go read for yourself. You'll see this. I've never posted anything that even says science challenges God, but everything is completely opposite. So who has the real agenda here?
BaseballMan Wrote:Actually, you must have never read the site. They never once say science and religion can't mix. As a matter of fact, they always use science to support their information. Go read for yourself. You'll see this. I've never posted anything that even says science challenges God, but everything is completely opposite. So who has the real agenda here?

Ive read every article you have posted from that site. I guess you could say they use science, but I think the more appropriate world we be manipulate. They take things that are known in science and twist and distort that information in order to make their views seem correct. On many of your articles they use false information to convey their views.

When you completely distort evolution, and lie about scientific findings, it makes it seem that science and religion can't mix because they seem to be on opposite ends of the spectrum, which isnt true in all situations. I have no agenda, and frankly dont care what AIG, or any other site of the sort has to say. I dont need someone to read the bible for me, and I don't need someone to tell me what is true in science (Im a biology major). Taking information and changing it to fit your idea seems like an agenda to me.
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:Ive read every article you have posted from that site. I guess you could say they use science, but I think the more appropriate world we be manipulate. They take things that are known in science and twist and distort that information in order to make their views seem correct. On many of your articles they use false information to convey their views.

When you completely distort evolution, and lie about scientific findings, it makes it seem that science and religion can't mix because they seem to be on opposite ends of the spectrum, which isnt true in all situations. I have no agenda, and frankly dont care what AIG, or any other site of the sort has to say. I dont need someone to read the bible for me, and I don't need someone to tell me what is true in science (Im a biology major). Taking information and changing it to fit your idea seems like an agenda to me.

Could it be said that evolutionists distort evidence to fit their theory? I think so. And there are many instances to provide evidence of such. I have seen where many scientists take the evidence found and try to fit a square peg into a round hole. At least these scientists at AiG use the same evidence to prove their point that it holds true to the biblical account of creation. Their agenda is to show that God's Word in Genesis is literal and true. Evidence strongly supports their claim. Darwinian evolutionists have an agenda of proving the world evolved from primodial soup. They have the same evidence, but have to keep changing their story to fit the evidence every decade or so.

I'm glad you don't need someone to read the bible for you. But you should study the bible to show yourself approved. That's the command for followers. Because you're a biology major doesn't mean anything other than you've been taught evolution from a one-sided stance. Take the same evidence, go to the site with an open mind, and see if it fits. Then go study Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek and study from the original texts of Scripture. The fact remains: If you believe the book of Genesis is not literal, then you undermine your own proclaimed faith in Jesus. It is because of the fall, the sin of Adam and Eve, that death entered the world. That is the same reason Jesus came to die to save your soul. If you take away the first, then the latter is useless. If dinosaurs lived and died before humans ever came about, then death was already in the world, and therefore God is a great deceiver and Christianity is nothing more than a myth. And when you study Hebrew correctly, and understand what the words mean, then you see that God didn't mean thousands or millions of years when Moses wrote about how He made the world in Genesis 1. Therefore, you either believe the the scriptures of God mean what they say, or you undermine your own faith and don't really know what you believe in.
Scientists lie, AIG lies, everyone is lying. Maybe life is a lie. Maybe it is all a dream????
Amun-Ra Wrote:Scientists lie, AIG lies, everyone is lying. Maybe life is a lie. Maybe it is all a dream????

John 8:31-32 (ESV)
31To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

Maybe there is the truth, and maybe some are afraid that it may be the truth so they choose to think it is all just a dream. Not a very good or effective philosophy to think a chair is not a chair, but its just all in your mind. Besides, if you actually have anything solid to share, then do so. Your sarcasm is refreshing, but nonetheless, ineffective in sharing any knowledge you have.
I can tell you all one thing - if anyone believes that they evolved from some lesser species or that the earth and all of the perfect parameters necessary for its existence just evolved; then you are living in a fantasy land. I have read the Bible and I can't say that I have all of the answers, but I don't personally think it necessary to even know about the Bible to know that we didn't just evolve and end up here on perfect life sustaining planet Earth. As for the Bible, it gives as good an explanation as any other. I prefer to stick with my faith. Evolution makes no sense IMO!
EKY Sportster Wrote:I can tell you all one thing - if anyone believes that they evolved from some lesser species or that the earth and all of the perfect parameters necessary for its existence just evolved; then you are living in a fantasy land. I have read the Bible and I can't say that I have all of the answers, but I don't personally think it necessary to even know about the Bible to know that we didn't just evolve and end up here on perfect life sustaining planet Earth. As for the Bible, it gives as good an explanation as any other. I prefer to stick with my faith. Evolution makes no sense IMO!

Christoper Hinchens, Stephen Hawking et. al. make a considered, thoughtful case for the evolutionary process. Why is it necessary in order to demonstrate one's own faith to invalidate someone else's beliefs? If one is secure in what they believe, they are not threatened to the point of inflammatory rhetoric in defense of their own faith/beliefs.
Hey to each their own! But they better hope they are right! That's all I'm going to say on it. At least I don't have any worries!
EKY Sportster Wrote:Hey to each their own! But they better hope they are right! That's all I'm going to say on it. At least I don't have any worries!

Believing in evolution and believing in Christ are two different things. Who's to say God doesn't use evolution? We don't know, we may never know.
ComfortEagle Wrote:Believing in evolution and believing in Christ are two different things. Who's to say God doesn't use evolution? We don't know, we may never know.
Doesn't sound to me like he used evolution when you read about Adam and Eve.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Doesn't sound to me like he used evolution when you read about Adam and Eve.

Maybe not, but we have evolved since then and other animals have evolved over time as well. Why is it such a bad thing? God gave us the ability to adapt to different situations, lifestyles, habitats, etc. then why reject it?
thecavemaster Wrote:Christoper Hinchens, Stephen Hawking et. al. make a considered, thoughtful case for the evolutionary process. Why is it necessary in order to demonstrate one's own faith to invalidate someone else's beliefs? If one is secure in what they believe, they are not threatened to the point of inflammatory rhetoric in defense of their own faith/beliefs.
I agree with that statement.
ComfortEagle Wrote:Maybe not, but we have evolved since then and other animals have evolved over time as well. Why is it such a bad thing? God gave us the ability to adapt to different situations, lifestyles, habitats, etc. then why reject it?

It is a different type of evolution that you are speaking of however. Yes, we adapt to our environments, and animals adapt to their environments, but that in no way proves or shows that we evolved from primordial soup because of our environments.

Darwinian evolution is a bad thing mostly because it was given as an alternate view to creation. Darwin himself denounced his faith and gave this idea from his studies. Although Darwin was very intelligent, he was also biased in his theories.

God is the one who divided us at the Tower of Babel. It is because of Him that we speak different languages, live all over the world, etc. The humans defyed the command of God to multiply and fill the earth. Humans decided to glorify and worship their own minds and abilities (sound familiar). It still happens today.

The only thing I reject is the fact that Darwinian evolution dismisses the God of the Bible, and it rejects the historically reliable fact that Jesus died and resurrected to defeat death which entered the world through the fall of Adam and Eve. Instead, it pushes that death and decay were part of the world for millions of years, and then humans came at some point, but it isn't because of their sin that death entered the world. It's just like that, so essentially the entire orthodoxy of christian belief becomes invalid. However, it is not historically reliable.
BaseballMan Wrote:It is a different type of evolution that you are speaking of however. Yes, we adapt to our environments, and animals adapt to their environments, but that in no way proves or shows that we evolved from primordial soup because of our environments.

Darwinian evolution is a bad thing mostly because it was given as an alternate view to creation. Darwin himself denounced his faith and gave this idea from his studies. Although Darwin was very intelligent, he was also biased in his theories.

God is the one who divided us at the Tower of Babel. It is because of Him that we speak different languages, live all over the world, etc. The humans defyed the command of God to multiply and fill the earth. Humans decided to glorify and worship their own minds and abilities (sound familiar). It still happens today.

The only thing I reject is the fact that Darwinian evolution dismisses the God of the Bible, and it rejects the historically reliable fact that Jesus died and resurrected to defeat death which entered the world through the fall of Adam and Eve. Instead, it pushes that death and decay were part of the world for millions of years, and then humans came at some point, but it isn't because of their sin that death entered the world. It's just like that, so essentially the entire orthodoxy of christian belief becomes invalid. However, it is not historically reliable.

"We walk by faith and not by sight..." Digging through archaeological sights for the elusive ark and other such endeavors, then turning to a doubting or unbelieving world and saying, "See, see, we told you; we told you." I believe; therefore, evidence as the world counts it is non-essential. Flesh understands flesh; spirit understands spirit.
thecavemaster Wrote:"We walk by faith and not by sight..." Digging through archaeological sights for the elusive ark and other such endeavors, then turning to a doubting or unbelieving world and saying, "See, see, we told you; we told you." I believe; therefore, evidence as the world counts it is non-essential. Flesh understands flesh; spirit understands spirit.

2 Corinthians 5:6-10
6So we are always of good courage. We know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord, 7for we walk by faith, not by sight. 8Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord. 9So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him. 10For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.

We walk by faith and not by sight is a present and future message. It means, as a believer, even though we don't know what will happen, even if it is hard, then we will go on. It means we are to do good in our earthly bodies because we know we will be judged. We will walk by faith, but not by which what we see. It has nothing to do with archaelogy or evolution.

Archaelogy has to do with historical things - things that have already happened. We can know that Jesus actually lived according to eyewitness biographies as well as secular documents. We can give great evidence for his resurrection according to minimal historical facts. We can also determine by scriptures that the world didn't evolve from primordial soup, and all the evidence - archeology, etc. - actually support a created young earth.

Evidence is essential, especially for historical claims. If there were no evidence for George Washington, then why we would teach he is our first president.
thecavemaster Wrote:
Christoper Hinchens, Stephen Hawking et. al. make a considered, thoughtful case for the evolutionary process. Why is it necessary in order to demonstrate one's own faith to invalidate someone else's beliefs? If one is secure in what they believe, they are not threatened to the point of inflammatory rhetoric in defense of their own faith/beliefs.

I don't doubt these men have made a long considered and thoughtful case for the evolutionary process. If it were not so, then it would have easily dwindled away.

It is necessary for you, if you claim to be a christian or a follower of Christ, to know that evolution describing the earth evolved from primoridal soup from a possible big bang in which life originated and then eventually let into smaller bacteria and into dinosaurs, monkeys, and eventually into humans in contradictory to the faith you would claim in Jesus as your Savior. Jesus could not have died to defeat death for you if yours sins were not the cause for death. If the fall of man did not let death enter the world, then the rest of the bible is pointless. Therefore, under close examination, you contradict your own faith by saying death was in the world millions of years before the first humans.

NO, if one is secure in their faith, then according to the words of Christ, we are to share that faith with the world and make disciples of all nations. And how are we to show that faith unless we can back it up with historical reliability. Why share what we believe to be true unless we can examine it closely to prove it above all other beliefs?

Romans 6:23
23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
BaseballMan Wrote:2 Corinthians 5:6-10
6So we are always of good courage. We know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord, 7for we walk by faith, not by sight. 8Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord. 9So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him. 10For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.

We walk by faith and not by sight is a present and future message. It means, as a believer, even though we don't know what will happen, even if it is hard, then we will go on. It means we are to do good in our earthly bodies because we know we will be judged. We will walk by faith, but not by which what we see. It has nothing to do with archaelogy or evolution.

Archaelogy has to do with historical things - things that have already happened. We can know that Jesus actually lived according to eyewitness biographies as well as secular documents. We can give great evidence for his resurrection according to minimal historical facts. We can also determine by scriptures that the world didn't evolve from primordial soup, and all the evidence - archeology, etc. - actually support a created young earth.

Evidence is essential, especially for historical claims. If there were no evidence for George Washington, then why we would teach he is our first president.

Are you suggesting that the historical evidence for jesus being born of a virgin et. al. is as documented, as verifiable, as unequivocal as that for George Washington? "Thou art a god who hidest thyself" ...prophet Isaiah...
thecavemaster Wrote:Are you suggesting that the historical evidence for jesus being born of a virgin et. al. is as documented, as verifiable, as unequivocal as that for George Washington? "Thou art a god who hidest thyself" ...prophet Isaiah...

No. And how you read that from my previous post, I don't understand. I am simply saying there is historically reliable evidence that Jesus was real, that He did what the Bible claimed He did, and that there was an uprising in faith after His resurrection. There are even secular documents that talk about the faith of the early believers, and how they were persecuted. There is evidence of Saul of Tarsus's conversion who persecuted the early church, and he later became the apostle Paul after his own eyewitness account.

Jesus was who He said He was. He did what He said He would. He said, "He who has seen Me has seen the Father." He is the image of God. He died for a reason, and did not resist it, but was led like a lamb to the slaughter. He did it to defeat death that entered the world through Adam which you can read about in Genesis. The answers are there to the origin of this world. The evidence is there for Jesus' account in history. The faith is real and it is separate from all other in the world. Jesus said, "No one can come to the Father except through Me." That means you abide by His teaching and His words that proclaim Him to be the Son of God, the only way to Heaven, or you don't go. That's His truth, That's His way, That's the life.
The reason for my sarcasm was due to the fact the all your posts are essientally the same and when people post their views, you shoot them down with some kind of novel. Only now you dont't post the link to the site you are reciting from.
And as for the knowledge I have, yes it is ineffective because the only thing you pay attention to is what you have to say.

Now go ahead and post some scripture or something you got from your other site to make me look like a fool. Really I enjoy it.
BaseballMan Wrote:No. And how you read that from my previous post, I don't understand. I am simply saying there is historically reliable evidence that Jesus was real, that He did what the Bible claimed He did, and that there was an uprising in faith after His resurrection. There are even secular documents that talk about the faith of the early believers, and how they were persecuted. There is evidence of Saul of Tarsus's conversion who persecuted the early church, and he later became the apostle Paul after his own eyewitness account.

Jesus was who He said He was. He did what He said He would. He said, "He who has seen Me has seen the Father." He is the image of God. He died for a reason, and did not resist it, but was led like a lamb to the slaughter. He did it to defeat death that entered the world through Adam which you can read about in Genesis. The answers are there to the origin of this world. The evidence is there for Jesus' account in history. The faith is real and it is separate from all other in the world. Jesus said, "No one can come to the Father except through Me." That means you abide by His teaching and His words that proclaim Him to be the Son of God, the only way to Heaven, or you don't go. That's His truth, That's His way, That's the life.

"Evidence is essential, especially for historical claims" (your words)... followed immediately by a direct example/reference to George Washington. I would think it pretty clear how I took the inference.
Amun-Ra Wrote:The reason for my sarcasm was due to the fact the all your posts are essientally the same and when people post their views, you shoot them down with some kind of novel. Only now you dont't post the link to the site you are reciting from.
And as for the knowledge I have, yes it is ineffective because the only thing you pay attention to is what you have to say.

Now go ahead and post some scripture or something you got from your other site to make me look like a fool. Really I enjoy it.

My posts refer to a truth which is the same and has been the same since the beginning of time. There is no views that have invalidated it and therefore it sticks as the answer. If you wish to try, then go ahead. Investigate for yourself the truth of God, and I can assuredly tell you that you will discover it's true validity in the end under close examination.

As for my words, all have been my own. If I use something from somewhere else, I put it in quotes or site a reference.

Scripture has far more weight than any words I could come up with. They are the inspired, God-breathed, words of the Creator. It is very effective and has been affecting people's lives since the beginning.

Nothing I say makes you look like a fool. You do that all by yourself.
thecavemaster Wrote:"Evidence is essential, especially for historical claims" (your words)... followed immediately by a direct example/reference to George Washington. I would think it pretty clear how I took the inference.

Evidence is essential, especially for historical claims. If there were no evidence for George Washington, then why we would teach he is our first president.

That's what I said. It means that we know by close examination and written documentation that GW was our first president, and we know much about his life. By that same process, we know that Jesus lived, taught, and was crucified. By historically reliable documentation, we have references to his resurrection, over 500 eyewitness accounts, and radically changed lives who believed to the point of death under persecution.

We have more evidence for George Washington because it is closer to modern time, but we have a great deal of verifiable documentation for the life of Jesus as well - more so than Julius Caesar and many other great people of before Christ, and we write large sections about that smaller amount of information in our history texts.
BaseballMan Wrote:Evidence is essential, especially for historical claims. If there were no evidence for George Washington, then why we would teach he is our first president.

That's what I said. It means that we know by close examination and written documentation that GW was our first president, and we know much about his life. By that same process, we know that Jesus lived, taught, and was crucified. By historically reliable documentation, we have references to his resurrection, over 500 eyewitness accounts, and radically changed lives who believed to the point of death under persecution.

We have more evidence for George Washington because it is closer to modern time, but we have a great deal of verifiable documentation for the life of Jesus as well - more so than Julius Caesar and many other great people of before Christ, and we write large sections about that smaller amount of information in our history texts.

Josephus, al. men and women argue back and forth as to reliability, as to who knew what and to what degree of historical accuracy. Here is my point: if I read the Gospels, find there a figure that captivates my imagination, challenges my worldview, divides my prejudices, exposes my frailty, speaks to somewhere deep within me, then (personally) I don't need to find ancient artifacts to believe. A still, small voice witnesses to a truth no artifact can illuminate. The earliest believers had no such tome upon tome of voluminous verbage, yet they were burned in flames, devoured by lions. Love and gratitude produce a loyalty no book can fathom.
thecavemaster Wrote:Josephus, al. men and women argue back and forth as to reliability, as to who knew what and to what degree of historical accuracy. Here is my point: if I read the Gospels, find there a figure that captivates my imagination, challenges my worldview, divides my prejudices, exposes my frailty, speaks to somewhere deep within me, then (personally) I don't need to find ancient artifacts to believe. A still, small voice witnesses to a truth no artifact can illuminate. The earliest believers had no such tome upon tome of voluminous verbage, yet they were burned in flames, devoured by lions. Love and gratitude produce a loyalty no book can fathom.

I don't need ancient artifacts to believe either.

John 20:29 "... Blessed are those who have believed and not seen."

I did not start believing because of ancient artifacts or small voices in my head. God tugged at my heart and gave me the sense that what I was doing was right and true. He called me out of my sinful lifestyle and into an abundant life of love and goodness. Although I still mess up at times, my life is much better than it was. I have more character, am more confident, and have peace.

The reason I enjoy giving information about the historically reliability of Jesus and the answers in Genesis is because in the book of Timothy, Paul urges him to study to show yourself approved. And in so, it is more of all christians to study to show ourselves approved. It is good to take our beliefs under close examination and compare them to the worldviews and beliefs of others - wheter it be evolution, Islam, Sufi Mystics, or any other. And I have found through much study that Biblical Christianity surpasses all other worldviews and religions as to historically reliable evidence, artifacts, documents, etc. It makes sense and has logical and good explanations for our whole world and meaning. It doesn't make things too spiritual or anything else. When put to the test, the God of the Bible and His Son Jesus stand firm while all else seems to crumble around them.
BaseballMan Wrote:I don't need ancient artifacts to believe either.

John 20:29 "... Blessed are those who have believed and not seen."

I did not start believing because of ancient artifacts or small voices in my head. God tugged at my heart and gave me the sense that what I was doing was right and true. He called me out of my sinful lifestyle and into an abundant life of love and goodness. Although I still mess up at times, my life is much better than it was. I have more character, am more confident, and have peace.

The reason I enjoy giving information about the historically reliability of Jesus and the answers in Genesis is because in the book of Timothy, Paul urges him to study to show yourself approved. And in so, it is more of all christians to study to show ourselves approved. It is good to take our beliefs under close examination and compare them to the worldviews and beliefs of others - wheter it be evolution, Islam, Sufi Mystics, or any other. And I have found through much study that Biblical Christianity surpasses all other worldviews and religions as to historically reliable evidence, artifacts, documents, etc. It makes sense and has logical and good explanations for our whole world and meaning. It doesn't make things too spiritual or anything else. When put to the test, the God of the Bible and His Son Jesus stand firm while all else seems to crumble around them.

I cannot fathom a literal seven day event. However, I am deeply moved by a destitute beggar, used and ignored by this world, being carried into portals of bliss, within the consciousness of a proud and rich system where silver and gold count for more than flesh and blood: a parable illuminated by Revelation 18.
thecavemaster Wrote:
I cannot fathom a literal seven day event. However, I am deeply moved by a destitute beggar, used and ignored by this world, being carried into portals of bliss, within the consciousness of a proud and rich system where silver and gold count for more than flesh and blood: a parable illuminated by Revelation 18.

If you can fathom God as being the supreme creator as the bible proclaims Him to be, then it is not hard to fathom He made the world and everything in it in 7 literal days. He is much greater than us, His wisdom far outdoes ours, His works are far greater, His knowledge is supreme as he knows all and can be everywhere all at once. He is God, He is the Creator, He is the Judge. And since He is so wonderfully good, it is not difficult to believe His words and His works.

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