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For those of you conservatives who are scared out of your minds about Obama...
“Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe” (Proverbs 29:25).

‘But whoever listens to Me will dwell safely and will be secure, without fear of evil.’ Proverbs 1:33

‘In God I have put my trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?’ Psalm 56:11

‘The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?’ Psalm 27:1

‘So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.’ Isaiah 41:10

So why are some of you still freaking out on an astronomical level?
Noone is afraid of Obama lol

We just know how terrible he is going to be.
Beetle01 Wrote:Noone is afraid of Obama lol

We just know how terrible he is going to be.

Your posts beg to differ.
ComfortEagle Wrote:Your posts beg to differ.

That's your opinion. They are like buttholes, everyone's got one.
Do you not think there is some hysteria on the parts of conservatives on here?
ComfortEagle Wrote:Do you not think there is some hysteria on the parts of conservatives on here?

Hysteria, no.

General concern for the direction of our country, yes.
Beetle01 Wrote:Hysteria, no.

General concern for the direction of our country, yes.

There are some who have threatened to move out of the country and that Obama is the that not hysteria?
ComfortEagle Wrote:There are some who have threatened to move out of the country and that Obama is the that not hysteria?

Its smart thinking.
Why live here if its ran by a bunch of libs who push their will onto people. With over the top federal control of our everyday lives, and taxes out the ying yang. Its already dropped to 120k, so when I'm done with school I'm outta here.
Beetle01 Wrote:No
Its smart thinking.
Why live here if its ran by a bunch of libs who push their will onto people. With over the top federal control of our everyday lives, and taxes out the ying yang. Its already dropped to 120k, so when I'm done with school I'm outta here.

And where would you go? Canada...yeah, they're more conservative. Rolleyes
I'm not hysterical or anything like that. I just hope he doen't ruin the coal industry like he has indicated he would. This country will make it, I know it will. We made it through Jimmy Carter, and I do believe Obama is more intelligent than Carter. I voted for Bush twice, and I was not totally satisfied with all his decisions, the ones concerning the war to be exact. No matter who is president, God is in control at all times. Sometimes he lets people have enough rope to hang themselves, but he is in control. I'm not worried, I'm not wringing my hands. But I do have concerns. I'm just a conservative at heart. I'm against abortion, against gay rights, and views that allow people to do whatever they want, as long as it feels good. But hysterical, no, not by any means. I will pray for Obama just as I did for Presidents Clinton and Bush.
Beetle01 Wrote:No
Its smart thinking.
Why live here if its ran by a bunch of libs who push their will onto people. With over the top federal control of our everyday lives, and taxes out the ying yang. Its already dropped to 120k, so when I'm done with school I'm outta here.

What is it, exactly, that you would like to be doing that the government won't allow you to do? Hunt, fish, go to public rallies? Argue like crazy on blogs and discussion forums? Right now, 11/06/2008, what is the government stopping you from doing?
ComfortEagle Wrote:There are some who have threatened to move out of the country and that Obama is the that not hysteria?

As many others did when Bush was elected twice, and when Clinton was electected twice and when about every other Presidnet was elected.
Old School Wrote:As many others did when Bush was elected twice, and when Clinton was electected twice and when about every other Presidnet was elected.

I never heard Bush called the "antichrist." Did you?
"I'll leave the country" is, to me, the equivalent of quitting the whiffle ball game because you don't get your way on where the homerun line is. Most of the time, love of the game means you don't really quit.
thecavemaster Wrote:What is it, exactly, that you would like to be doing that the government won't allow you to do? Hunt, fish, go to public rallies? Argue like crazy on blogs and discussion forums? Right now, 11/06/2008, what is the government stopping you from doing?

Keep the bulk of the $$$ that I earn and not give it away to those "less fortunate"!!!

And...what does being "fortunate" have to do with it ? I stayed in school, made grades, and work HARD. It was NOT luck. Why not give credit to people who do what it takes to earn a good living ?

I never EVER saw anyone become poor in the country through "bad luck". Not working is NOT "bad luck". If one applies himself to become competent in an in-demand profession/trade/vocation there's ALWAYS work to be found !!
thecavemaster Wrote:What is it, exactly, that you would like to be doing that the government won't allow you to do? Hunt, fish, go to public rallies? Argue like crazy on blogs and discussion forums? Right now, 11/06/2008, what is the government stopping you from doing?

Were not worried about today, we are worried about what happens after inaguration!!!
thecavemaster Wrote:I never heard Bush called the "antichrist." Did you?

Actually, I've said/heard that a number of times. Smile

He will have his work cut out for him, but if he is able to use the Democratic controlled Congress to his advantage, then maybe he could become one of the presidents because we are facing a financial situation that hasn't been seen since the Great Depression and I hope Obama can be like FDR and get this country running once again.
Oh the good old days
It took me a while to realize the first posts were 4 years old.
Now, I'm a little scared.
The Good ole days were when Ronald Reagan's crazy ass was running around posting just comedy gold.
Shady Grady Wrote:I'm not hysterical or anything like that. I just hope he doen't ruin the coal industry like he has indicated he would. This country will make it, I know it will. We made it through Jimmy Carter, and I do believe Obama is more intelligent than Carter. I voted for Bush twice, and I was not totally satisfied with all his decisions, the ones concerning the war to be exact. No matter who is president, God is in control at all times. Sometimes he lets people have enough rope to hang themselves, but he is in control. I'm not worried, I'm not wringing my hands. But I do have concerns. I'm just a conservative at heart. I'm against abortion, against gay rights, and views that allow people to do whatever they want, as long as it feels good. But hysterical, no, not by any means. I will pray for Obama just as I did for Presidents Clinton and Bush.

This is an amazing post. He has ruined the coal industry but, past that who would have dreamed he would come down on the existing coal fired generating stations like he did. When the president personally presides over the closing of over 120 electrical generating stations and then tells you he cares about the middle class above all, you know his actions belie his words. If he cared about the middle class he wouldn't be ending the careers of hundreds of thousands of folks who rely on the coal industry for their livelihoods. According to all I have read, coal is more than just a fuel source; it contains complex tars, oils, and gases that can be broken down into many useful products such as dyes, medicines, solvents, drugs and a host of other products. The middle class has not only suffered the loss of inumeral jobs, the cost of products, not the least of which are energy related, have soared as a result. Of course the biggest single expense to the American family are the "skyrocketing" bills for electricity. A rising cost in all our lives that Obama was happy to own even prior to his election in the pre November days of 2008. No, his primary concern is the environment as adjusted by the notions of social justice. He sees Americans as wasteful and is making corrections to all our lifestyles accordingly against our will. So much for the Republic and long live the King!

Other escalating costs directly attributable to decisions Obama has made include the costs associated with ObamaCare, (I can speak to this issue directly because since his assention to the throne my health insurance premiums have risen almost $2,500 dollars to the penny.) Remember he said under his program I would actually save that much, LOL. Then there is the Canadian pipeline he has personally vetoed, for lack of a better term. Anybody other than me bleeding out of their ears because it now takes slightly over a $100 dollar bill to fill up a pickup truck? Groceries, utilities, all life's fundamentals, called necessities have shot up since Obama took over with no end in sight. In fact, he has managed to nearly double out national debt for the first 236 years of our accumulated national debt which went from 10.6 trillion in early 2009 to 16 trillion as of early sept. 2012. His promise was to cut the deficit by one half in his first term, remember?

Frankly, all he has managed to accurately fulfill are the skyrocketing energy prices he predicted. A couple of posters from 4 years ago rightly recognized that Obama would enjoy a congress controlled exclusively by the dems during his first two years. He had two full years to fulfill his priorities list. Instead of dramatically cheaper health insurance and a federal budget slashed by half, we got the exact opposite. Only in America could one fail so miserably, and still come out in front of the presidential podium and launch political fireballs at those gone on before for his own failures. Take the jobless numbers, this month, despite the fact that over 360,000 folks just gave up and quit looking for work, the unemployment rate dropped from 8.3 to 8.1%. Of course, we all know that is due to the way statistics are calculated, which is government speak for (spun). To me a much more accurate way of looking at the real problem would be to just say it like it is. According to today's jobless numbers, 63% of the able bodied among us who want a job, are employed the rest are idle. So, you tell me, is the unemployment rate 8.1% as reported by your government or 37% which is the actual number left over from the 63%of people who actually have a job? No, what we got from his first two years was the repeal of don't ask don't tell, ObamaCare, and the stimulus of 2009. Not to mention a raft of regulations meant to curtail the industry of our land's productivety, in favor of deferrence to the environment, which was based entirely on the junk science of environmetalists gone amok.

BTW, I agree with Shady Grady, God is in control. He has allowed us to legislate gay rights and abortion rights in contradiction of His error free law book, the Bible. I would just point out, being free to mess things up doesn't include being free from the ramifications of doing so. In other words, the bible teaches suicide is wrong. That doesn't stop folks from exercising their own free will to put a gun to their head and pull the trigger. Dealing with the results of going against God's will for man brings forth agony and grief, just as it does when a loved one pulls that trigger. The other other side of the coin guarantees God's blessing for obedience sake. And for the sake of all who pray right now for God's forgiveness for the choices some are making, He is reluctant, (for lack of a better way to say it) to judge us fully, though we are beginning to suffer. The dems left God out of their platform and got called out for it. For anybody willing to see the truth, that was obvious by the voting delegates who by a clear majority voted against reinsering the language which included the words God and Jerusalem back into the democratic party platform for 2012.
i'll give it to you on that one therealthing that was a good post
Its no wonder why cavemaster is gone Confusednicker:
I'm certainly not scared of Kardashian. However, it is frightening that this country has so many freeloaders who will vote for him merely because he is promising them more free ice cream. Khrushchev said that we would be destroyed from within. He may well be right.
TRT, you rock man. Excellent post. I always enjoy reading your posts and have used the information you have given us on here in debates. It is well appreciated.
WideRight05 Wrote:TRT, you rock man. Excellent post. I always enjoy reading your posts and have used the information you have given us on here in debates. It is well appreciated.

Thanks, the feeling is mutual.

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