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Tim Tebow Closes National Prayer Breakfast in Prayer
Tim Tebow Closes Prayer Breakfast in Prayer, But Obama Leaves

by Steven Ertelt Editor
February 4, 2010

Washington, DC ( -- The following is the text and video of pro-life college football player Tim Tebow closing the national prayer breakfast in prayer. Tebow appeared at the event in an ironic contrast to pro-abortion President Barack Obama as the nation awaits a Super Bowl story about how his mother spared him from abortion.
Tebow was introduced by Senator Johnny Isakson, of Georgia, as "a role model for the youth of America."
He joked that he found it funny a fan of the University of Georgia would invite a former member of the Florida Gators to present the prayer.
Tebow joked, "It is rather incredible that a Georgia Bulldog invited a Florida Gator, so you can see the hand of God here."

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who also attended the event, spoke of her own preference of adoption over abortion and told the story of opening a home for the children of unwanted pregnancies after a visit from Mother Teresa.

Reports indicate Obama left shortly beore Tebow's prayer -- and the video of his prayer shows Tebow not mentioning Obama.

Tebow's prayer included his most recent eye black verses worn in the Senior Bowl game, James 1:2-4.
Dear Jesus, thank you for this daytoday. Thank you for bringing together so many people that have a platform to influence people for you.
Lord as we disperse today, let us be united in love, hope, and peace. Lord, let us come together as one and break down all the barriers in between us that separate us. Lord you came to seek and save that which is lost, and we thank you for that. Lord we don't know what the future holds, but we know who holds the future, and in that there is peace, and in that there comfort, and in that there is hope.
Lord we pray for the people all over the world that are hurting right now.
The verse that comes to mind is James 1: 2-4, "Consider it all joy, my brethren, whenever you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing."
And we pray for the people in Haiti right now Lord, that you make them perfect and complete because you love them and have a plan for their lives, just as you do with our lives now.
So my prayer, as we leave today, that we are united as one because of you. We love you and thank you. In Jesus name, amen.

About 3,000 people attend the event including Obama, pro-abortion Vice President Joe Biden, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, the pro-abortion Prime Minister of Spain and Chairman of the European Union, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, pro-life Senator Orrin Hatch and the keynote speaker, pro-abortion Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The prayer breakfast was organized by the group Fellowship Foundation.

[ame=""]YouTube- Tim Tebow closes National Prayer Breakfast (Christianity Today)[/ame]

What an amazing young man!:rockon:
A prayer I completely agree with. I've read Tim Tebow's story about his birth, and it's a great story.

When CBS airs a Super Bowl commercial produced by Focus on the Family that honors Tim Tebow and his family for their pro-life convictions, the ad will have the support of a majority of Americans. By a 2-1 margin, a new Marist College poll finds strong support for the commercial.

[ame=""]YouTube- Tebow Responds to Ad Controversy[/ame]
God bless him!
President Tebow?

Maybe one day.
Beetle01 Wrote:President Tebow?

Maybe one day.

Whatever he choses to do he will succeed. I would imagine any business would certainly be happy to hire a man with character, backbone, determination, and one who stands up for what he believes!

There should be a few pro-abortion groups out there with egg on their face tonight, I would think. This was a humorous and touching video.

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