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IRS will ENFORCE Obamacare

Now we know where the promised 'new' jobs will be created!We also come to the full realization of who is footing the bill(s)!!!
16,500 new IRS employees should really give the economy a boost. At least H & R Block will be happy with this news.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:16,500 new IRS employees should really give the economy a boost. At least H & R Block will be happy with this news.

That is oh, so true!!! I have been reading and watching news reports of the rally against healthcare 'reform' in DC yesterday - I wish I could have been there. It leaves you with a feeling of helplessness to watch and not participate. Five years ago I was randomly selected to participate in surveys through Knowledge Network. On Friday, the survey I had been hoping for showed up - it was about healthcare 'reform' and B. Hussein's job performance! :flame: That is what I did to the 'reform' and his performance. Believe it or not, Saturday afternoon the phone rang and it was a telephone survey with general subject questions such as the economy, realty, stocks, mutuals, etc., and then some questions about B. Hussein's job performance and the annointed one's policies. :devilflam At the end of the survey, turns out it was a Rassmussen daily tracking Poll. I feel so much better now...:biggrin:
Joe Friday Wrote:That is oh, so true!!! I have been reading and watching news reports of the rally against healthcare 'reform' in DC yesterday - I wish I could have been there. It leaves you with a feeling of helplessness to watch and not participate. Five years ago I was randomly selected to participate in surveys through Knowledge Network. On Friday, the survey I had been hoping for showed up - it was about healthcare 'reform' and B. Hussein's job performance! :flame: That is what I did to the 'reform' and his performance. Believe it or not, Saturday afternoon the phone rang and it was a telephone survey with general subject questions such as the economy, realty, stocks, mutuals, etc., and then some questions about B. Hussein's job performance and the annointed one's policies. :devilflam At the end of the survey, turns out it was a Rassmussen daily tracking Poll. I feel so much better now...:biggrin:
Congratulations on getting to vent in a Rasmussen survey. I have never been called but I check Rasmussen's Daily Presidential Tracking poll almost daily. Seeing that the majority of Americans disapprove of Obama's job performance and that more than 40% strongly disagree with his policies is my daily shot of caffeine. :biggrin:

Like you, I wish that I could have been in Washington yesterday. My current contract gig ends in a little more than a month, so maybe I will find a job a little closer to DC and be able to attend a future Tea Party rally. I am currently working in a state government agency, so I have kept a low profile politically - even though I don't think Gov. Barbour would mind if I showed up at a local Tea Party rally.
The following comment from the article makes me feel good especially knowing the way our government operates. All one has to do is look at how other government agencies are managed, I really wonder how bad will they screw this up.

Among the new powers the IRS would assume, the report says: The authority to confiscate tax refunds, to impose fines of over $2,200 per taxpayer, and to verify whether taxpayers' health insurance coverage is "acceptable."

I have to wonder what acceptable means? I'm sure no one in DC does.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Congratulations on getting to vent in a Rasmussen survey. I have never been called but I check Rasmussen's Daily Presidential Tracking poll almost daily. Seeing that the majority of Americans disapprove of Obama's job performance and that more than 40% strongly disagree with his policies is my daily shot of caffeine. :biggrin:

Like you, I wish that I could have been in Washington yesterday. My current contract gig ends in a little more than a month, so maybe I will find a job a little closer to DC and be able to attend a future Tea Party rally. I am currently working in a state government agency, so I have kept a low profile politically - even though I don't think Gov. Barbour would mind if I showed up at a local Tea Party rally.

Governor Barbour is a very impressive individual. He did an excellent job in the 90s getting the Common Sense Republicans back into power. I believe he would / could make an excellent President!
Old School Wrote:The following comment from the article makes me feel good especially knowing the way our government operates. All one has to do is look at how other government agencies are managed, I really wonder how bad will they screw this up.

Among the new powers the IRS would assume, the report says: The authority to confiscate tax refunds, to impose fines of over $2,200 per taxpayer, and to verify whether taxpayers' health insurance coverage is "acceptable."

I have to wonder what acceptable means? I'm sure no one in DC does.

Excellent point!!! It looks like the house will pass that crap sandwich tonight. It will be interesting to see what happens when it makes its way through the senate.
Joe Friday Wrote:Governor Barbour is a very impressive individual. He did an excellent job in the 90s getting the Common Sense Republicans back into power. I believe he would / could make an excellent President!
:Thumbs: I agree. I lived in Indiana for seven years and I believe that Mitch Daniels would also make an excellent president. Daniels may be the smartest person in politics today and he has plenty of experience in the private sector as well. Both men would make great presidents, IMO, and I hope that they both decide to run.
NewsMax is pretty much as biased and often untrue as Fox News.
There is Medicare payroll tax on people making over $200,000 a year or couples making over $250,000 a year. I don't fall into that.
And reform will create millions of private industry jobs in the country. To begin with there will be 32 million more people getting medical care,prescription drugs and insurance coverage. That will take a lot of employees.
The sections described below are taken from HR 3590 as agreed to by the Senate and from the reconciliation bill as displayed by the Rules Committee.

1. You are young and don’t want health insurance? You are starting up a small business and need to minimize expenses, and one way to do that is to forego health insurance? Tough. You have to pay $750 annually for the “privilege.” (Section 1501)

2. You are young and healthy and want to pay for insurance that reflects that status? Tough. You’ll have to pay for premiums that cover not only you, but also the guy who smokes three packs a day, drink a gallon of whiskey and eats chicken fat off the floor. That’s because insurance companies will no longer be able to underwrite on the basis of a person’s health status. (Section 2701).

4. Think you’d like a policy that is cheaper because it doesn’t cover preventive care or requires cost-sharing for such care? Tough. Health insurers will no longer be able to offer policies that do not cover preventive services or offer them with cost-sharing, even if that’s what the customer wants. (Section 2712).

5. You are an employer and you would like to offer coverage that doesn’t allow your employers’ slacker children to stay on the policy until age 26? Tough. (Section 2714).

6. You must buy a policy that covers ambulatory patient services, emergency services, hospitalization, maternity and newborn care, mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment; prescription drugs; rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices; laboratory services; preventive and wellness services; chronic disease management; and pediatric services, including oral and vision care.
You’re a single guy without children? Tough, your policy must cover pediatric services. You’re a woman who can’t have children? Tough, your policy must cover maternity services. You’re a teetotaler? Tough, your policy must cover substance abuse treatment. (Add your own violation of personal freedom here.) (Section 1302)

Check out the link below for the remaining 15 ways Obamacare will take away our freedoms.
bulldog149 Wrote:NewsMax is pretty much as biased and often untrue as Fox News.
There is Medicare payroll tax on people making over $200,000 a year or couples making over $250,000 a year. I don't fall into that.
And reform will create millions of private industry jobs in the country. To begin with there will be 32 million more people getting medical care,prescription drugs and insurance coverage. That will take a lot of employees.
Where are the millions of green jobs that Obama promised? Obama does not know the first thing about creating a job, nor does he care. Under Obama's rule if you don't already qualify for a tax hike, then you just need to be patient. Your turn will come.
bulldog149 Wrote:NewsMax is pretty much as biased and often untrue as Fox News.
There is Medicare payroll tax on people making over $200,000 a year or couples making over $250,000 a year. I don't fall into that.
And reform will create millions of private industry jobs in the country. To begin with there will be 32 million more people getting medical care,prescription drugs and insurance coverage. That will take a lot of employees.

Because you do not agree with the facts presented by organizations such as Newsmax and Fox News does not mean that they are not facts. Besides, how many of the 32 million are illegals? What are you spiking your Kool-aid with?
Joe Friday Wrote:Because you do not agree with the facts presented by organizations such as Newsmax and Fox News does not mean that they are not facts. Besides, how many of the 32 million are illegals? What are you spiking your Kool-aid with?
If Bulldog and CM turned off their TVs, those poor, tortured souls at MSNBC could turn off the transmitter and reduce GE's big carbon footprint. :biggrin:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If Bulldog and CM turned off their TVs, those poor, tortured souls at MSNBC could turn off the transmitter and reduce GE's big carbon footprint. :biggrin:

:lmao: That is a fact!
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If Bulldog and CM turned off their TVs, those poor, tortured souls at MSNBC could turn off the transmitter and reduce GE's big carbon footprint. :biggrin:

My particular cable carrier doesn't provide MSNBC, which I wouldn't watch if it did. I watch C-SPAN, read the paper, and read books and articles. And you? Remember, if you aren't honest, we won't know, but "god" will.
thecavemaster Wrote:My particular cable carrier doesn't provide MSNBC, which I wouldn't watch if it did. I watch C-SPAN, read the paper, and read books and articles. And you? Remember, if you aren't honest, we won't know, but "god" will.
Who, contrary to what YOU might believe, isnt the president of the United States.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Who, contrary to what YOU might believe, isnt the president of the United States.

Barack Obama, former US Senator from Illinois, a politician, is President of the United States. The "anointed one," a term you Flirties so like to fling around, is the Judaeo-Christian concept of the Messiah, who "christians" claim to be jesus, notwithstanding, ToadHussy, your little illiteracies.
thecavemaster Wrote:Barack Obama, former US Senator from Illinois, a politician, is President of the United States. The "anointed one," a term you Flirties so like to fling around, is the Judaeo-Christian concept of the Messiah, who "christians" claim to be jesus, notwithstanding, ToadHussy, your little illiteracies.

  1. the state or quality of being illiterate; lack of education or culture; esp., an inability to read or write
  2. pl. illiteracies -·cies a mistake (in writing or speaking) suggesting poor or inadequate education
Now that you aware what the definition of illiteracies is, please tell me HOW it fits the statement I made. I simply stated to you that your president is not God. How does illiteracies fit this statement? Or, my guess being, was it that you couldnt find another word to use to make you sound smart, so you threw that one in there?
Try this one on for size.
There are but a select few on this tidy earth, that can call themselves brilliant. And you, cavemoron, are not one of them. There are but a select few on this tidy earth, that can call themselves smart. And you, cavemoron, are not one of them. There are but a few on this tidy earth, that can call themselves intelligent. And you, cavemoron, although you desperately try to be, are not one of them. However, there are many on this tidy earth, that can call themselves true idiots, and you, cavemoron, take the cake. I know, I know, me and my feeble ruminations, right?
TidesHoss32 Wrote:illiteracies-

  1. the state or quality of being illiterate; lack of education or culture; esp., an inability to read or write
  2. pl. illiteracies -·cies a mistake (in writing or speaking) suggesting poor or inadequate education
Now that you aware what the definition of illiteracies is, please tell me HOW it fits the statement I made. I simply stated to you that your president is not God. How does illiteracies fit this statement? Or, my guess being, was it that you couldnt find another word to use to make you sound smart, so you threw that one in there?
Try this one on for size.
There are but a select few on this tidy earth, that can call themselves brilliant. And you, cavemoron, are not one of them. There are but a select few on this tidy earth, that can call themselves smart. And you, cavemoron, are not one of them. There are but a few on this tidy earth, that can call themselves intelligent. And you, cavemoron, although you desperately try to be, are not one of them. However, there are many on this tidy earth, that can call themselves true idiots, and you, cavemoron, take the cake. I know, I know, me and my feeble ruminations, right?

Dearest ToadHussy: you appear to be of the sort that can dish it out, but not take it. Ben Johnson once said, "I should be offended if certain people thought well of me." As to "illiteracies," I would count it one when one has to continually distort in order to argue. Thanks for the quaint little lecture though. Nice use of parallel language. Remember, ToadHussy, no one can make you feel inferior without your permission.

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