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Best Golfer
For sex and age who is the best golfer?
I like Tiger

When he is on no one cant touch him.
Tiger is good but WAY overrated. Vijay is the better player.
Comfort, you must be insane. Over the past year, on paper ViJay is a better golfer, but Tiger Woods is one of the greatest golfers of all time. And with him getting his first win of the season VERY early on, I look for him to retake his crown as the #1 golfer in the world.
I also say Tiger.
Tiga Woods ya'll
On ESPN radio they had asked Tiger this question today and he stated Vijay was number one and they stated so is he the best player and he replied Vijay is number 1.
I wonder if a 14 year old tiger could beat the 14 year old michelle..

But right now I would have to say Tiger!!
Wie prettier legs!
Wie at age 14 is the greatest golfer at this age of all-time, slightly over tiger
Wie is great just hope she doesn't burn out under all this early pressure.
i think Wie needs to dominate the ladies tour before trying to win at the mens level..
way to make a bold statement panther
Wie is going to be someone to look out for in the womens for years and years
but i would say the best has to be Tiger
has any accomplished as much as he has at such a young age?
sure hes been down lately but he will get back on top!
Tiger Woods. I think this year he gets back on track and wins a major or two even after his dissapointment in the Players Championship last week losing to some no name eight seed, but Vijay lost too. Tiger will reclaim the top this year, and will be on top of the money list again.
i think you are very right on ur prediction youknowwhoibe
this conversation is futile, ne one with a mind knows its tiger

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