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Paintsvile Football
Now that the Paintsville Football season has ended, will the Administration make the necessary changes to save the program. No joking...what's the verdict??
What are the necessary changes?
IMO it takes more thant just administrative changes. What it the condition of the booster program, financial condition of the program? Are the parents involved? what kind of feeder program do you have? You can hire Nick Saban but if the rest of the pieces are not there..........
The money is there, the support is there. Sadly though the pride is gone. Paintsville alums will understand what I mean by this.

Now for Superman 20, And everyone else who has been on me. This is the time to question the coach not during the middle of the season. Not while his kids can get on here and see the man who is supposed to be their mentor being called out on a forum. Do I think we need a new coach? Yes I do but Jason was put in this position and the blame cannot squarely put on his shoulders. He has done quite a few things that I don't agree (anyone that knows me, knows how I feel about the spread offense). But if they fire Jason then they are going to have to have a major gut check about what else will have to be done. Who do you bring in? more importantly who would be your assistants. All I know is that a revamp of the program has to be done now if we are going to do one at all. But it has to be done right. They can't do any of this half way though because that would hurt the program more than help.
Need a changed schedule to re-build the program.
Not sure if this will help, but just going on based on LC's last seasons.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:The money is there, the support is there. Sadly though the pride is gone. Paintsville alums will understand what I mean by this.

Now for Superman 20, And everyone else who has been on me. This is the time to question the coach not during the middle of the season. Not while his kids can get on here and see the man who is supposed to be their mentor being called out on a forum. Do I think we need a new coach? Yes I do but Jason was put in this position and the blame cannot squarely put on his shoulders. He has done quite a few things that I don't agree (anyone that knows me, knows how I feel about the spread offense). But if they fire Jason then they are going to have to have a major gut check about what else will have to be done. Who do you bring in? more importantly who would be your assistants. All I know is that a revamp of the program has to be done now if we are going to do one at all. But it has to be done right. They can't do any of this half way though because that would hurt the program more than help.

Good post. Jason was criticized not only on the forum but all over town, including after the alumni weekend loss to Magoffin Co. If they were to fire him, Im not sure who they would bring in. As far as assistants go i dont think that would be a problem since their are so many alumni that are willing to help. For Jason or whoever coaches next season, the schedule wont be nearly as difficult for the young team that will play in the '11 season, but If paintsville were to lose against a weak team like Jenkins or Paris the critics will be even more harsh. From what Ive been told their wont be any changes made at the head coaching position , but I could be wrong.
Tiger27 Wrote:Good post. Jason was criticized not only on the forum but all over town, including after the alumni weekend loss to Magoffin Co. If they were to fire him, Im not sure who they would bring in. As far as assistants go i dont think that would be a problem since their are so many alumni that are willing to help. For Jason or whoever coaches next season, the schedule wont be nearly as difficult for the young team that will play in the '11 season, but If paintsville were to lose against a weak team like Jenkins or Paris the critics will be even more harsh. From what Ive been told their wont be any changes made at the head coaching position , but I could be wrong.

Honestly I hope there isn't change at the Head Coach position unless they would be willing to do a complete revamp of the program. Like I said earlier, this cannot be done halfway.
The ball is in the courts of the powers at be now that the season has ended. It will be an interesting few weeks or even months to see how things shake out in Tiger-land. Agreed with all other posters, if a change is made it cannot be done half way.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:Honestly I hope there isn't change at the Head Coach position unless they would be willing to do a complete revamp of the program. Like I said earlier, this cannot be done halfway.
If the coach were changed, and I for one do not believe that it will, would that not be a large step in the revamping or structureing of the program? I have heard many comments on here as to who,that the resources of the school are limited and other factors that would point to keeping things as they are. To not do anything, if you believe there truly is a problem is to become a part of the problem. If one buys into the theory that the system is economicaly strained to the point that a big time hire is not possible,(which very well may be true), there are other viable alternatives. This for at least a stop gap fix. It is not my job to find and alter a cource of direction. Sometimes when you miss a turn in the road it become necessary to turn around and find that route you passed.
mr.charlie hustle Wrote:If the coach were changed, and I for one do not believe that it will, would that not be a large step in the revamping or structureing of the program? I have heard many comments on here as to who,that the resources of the school are limited and other factors that would point to keeping things as they are. To not do anything, if you believe there truly is a problem is to become a part of the problem. If one buys into the theory that the system is economicaly strained to the point that a big time hire is not possible,(which very well may be true), there are other viable alternatives. This for at least a stop gap fix. It is not my job to find and alter a cource of direction. Sometimes when you miss a turn in the road it become necessary to turn around and find that route you passed.

The money is there, trust me with burr running the show as treasurer there is more money than the system would ever need lol. They just have to do something to get people to buy into the program again. And bring back the pride.
First off, IF they allow Kinner to return, then it just shows how messed up that place really is. Mainly because they gave JTA 2 years, and showed him the door and he had better records than Kinner has had. Second, if they are going to make a hire, then I feel as though the need to go OUTSIDE the school system. Get somebody willing to try and rebuild a program and who will do things the way they want, and not the way some other people want it done. If Jason stays then there needs to be a change in their offensive and defensive schemes, mainly defense. It doesn't matter if you score 6 points or 40 points, if you are giving up 60 multiple times in a season then there is no hope for the offense. As for the offensive scheme, Paintsville needs to eliminate the spread and go back to what made it so successful in years past. The Power-I was Brugh's bread and butter, but his teams consistently led the area in fewest points allowed also. The only high school football team that I have seen in recent years that is suitable for running the spread offense is Ft. Thomas Highlands. Paintsville's line doesn't have the athleticism or quickness to block in the spread (no offense to anybody, but this is just my opinion). But something has to be done to try and fix things at PHS. If we only win 3 games this year, and they were against the 3 worst teams in the district, then there is something bad wrong. I hope they get things right, for the sake of the kids and the tradition of the program.
Pupaw Wrote:First off, IF they allow Kinner to return, then it just shows how messed up that place really is. Mainly because they gave JTA 2 years, and showed him the door and he had better records than Kinner has had. Second, if they are going to make a hire, then I feel as though the need to go OUTSIDE the school system. Get somebody willing to try and rebuild a program and who will do things the way they want, and not the way some other people want it done. If Jason stays then there needs to be a change in their offensive and defensive schemes, mainly defense. It doesn't matter if you score 6 points or 40 points, if you are giving up 60 multiple times in a season then there is no hope for the offense. As for the offensive scheme, Paintsville needs to eliminate the spread and go back to what made it so successful in years past. The Power-I was Brugh's bread and butter, but his teams consistently led the area in fewest points allowed also. The only high school football team that I have seen in recent years that is suitable for running the spread offense is Ft. Thomas Highlands. Paintsville's line doesn't have the athleticism or quickness to block in the spread (no offense to anybody, but this is just my opinion). But something has to be done to try and fix things at PHS. If we only win 3 games this year, and they were against the 3 worst teams in the district, then there is something bad wrong. I hope they get things right, for the sake of the kids and the tradition of the program.

Those two points are exactly right. The defense can't be blamed for as much as people want to blame it for. The offense would average 4-5 turnovers a game ON A GOOD NIGHT. This put the defense in impossible situations. That along with inneffective schemes on both sides of the ball was the problem all year.
Pupaw Wrote:First off, IF they allow Kinner to return, then it just shows how messed up that place really is. Mainly because they gave JTA 2 years, and showed him the door and he had better records than Kinner has had. Second, if they are going to make a hire, then I feel as though the need to go OUTSIDE the school system. Get somebody willing to try and rebuild a program and who will do things the way they want, and not the way some other people want it done. If Jason stays then there needs to be a change in their offensive and defensive schemes, mainly defense. It doesn't matter if you score 6 points or 40 points, if you are giving up 60 multiple times in a season then there is no hope for the offense. As for the offensive scheme, Paintsville needs to eliminate the spread and go back to what made it so successful in years past. The Power-I was Brugh's bread and butter, but his teams consistently led the area in fewest points allowed also. The only high school football team that I have seen in recent years that is suitable for running the spread offense is Ft. Thomas Highlands. Paintsville's line doesn't have the athleticism or quickness to block in the spread (no offense to anybody, but this is just my opinion). But something has to be done to try and fix things at PHS. If we only win 3 games this year, and they were against the 3 worst teams in the district, then there is something bad wrong. I hope they get things right, for the sake of the kids and the tradition of the program.

A change needs to be made and your post is accurate. When JT Allen was let go, it was unfair from the beginning and if they give Jason more time it's just going to make that situation with Coach Allen look even worse.
PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:Those two points are exactly right. The defense can't be blamed for as much as people want to blame it for. The offense would average 4-5 turnovers a game ON A GOOD NIGHT. This put the defense in impossible situations. That along with inneffective schemes on both sides of the ball was the problem all year.

I agree, which hasn't happened much lately. :biggrin: A change has to be made at this time because the program is already at the lowest point it has ever been, and they have to do something to bring excitement back to the program. I think that they should look at someone outside of the program, that has been successful and throw them an offer. If they can get a successful coach to take over, the numbers would increase automatically. If it were up to me paintsville would make a call to a local county and try to work out a deal with a local coach that has a good win-loss record, is young and brings a lot of energy, and has past success against some of the best coaches in eastern KY. People can say that money is an issue for getting a good coach, but I dont see how thats possible considering all of the wealthy alumni that donate to the paintsville school system. BTW, Paintsville Tiger Fan I will agree that my timing wasn't the best for criticism, but what I was saying wasn't and still isn't a secret and has been said all over town by pretty much anyone with common sense. I will agree though that myself and others should have waited till the end of the season. :Thumbs:
Considering the last three years of football at PHS, the last two years have yielded the lowest two years of production in the last 13. 09,205 pts. were scored and we had 383 gives. In 10 we scored 186 and gave 463. It depends on how you feel but I am inclined to believe that O puts points on the board a D wins games. When you spend all your time on an offense that can't work in this program and obviously not much time on D what can you expect. In 3 years of football 718 pts.have been scored and 1183 have been given. In this same time frame,the Tigers won 2 non-district regular season games and lost 13. In terms of District regular season play,they won 10 and lost 5.This inSuper Dist. 8.(KHSAA-webb).The Lemaster/Brugh years look like chapters from the "Packers". From1998 until 2004 while at the helm for those 7 years Lemaster had 57W's and 28L's for I believe 67%. From 2008 until 2010 The Tigers had 13W's and 21L's for 38% in 3 years. In considering other years Runyon was10-3 for 77% in 05and Allen was at the helm in 06/07winning 11 and loosing12 for 48%
One of my biggest concerns for next season is the ammount of kids that paintsville will have on the team. Losing 10 seniors and only having a couple of current 8th grade football players, how many kids do they think will play next season?

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