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What makes a good coach?
Everyone always complains about coaches. Just wondering what makes a great coach. Is it the fact that he screams at the refs, has knowledge of X's and O's, has control of his team....just wondering what fans think makes one a good coach?
He truly cares about his players and seeing that they reach their greatest potential.
coaches need to be passionate for the game of basketball,teach players on and off the court,have knowledge of game as far as X's and O's,be a role model by setting his own standards very high,respectful of coaching peers,be able to treat all players equal and have the ability to motivate players differently(find out what makes you tick). And last of all he must win games. Now with todays society all of these traits are not apparent in all coaches due to the lack of respect coaches get and some of them bring on themselves. Others do a great job and still get no respect. Johnny Martin is a good example of a good coach:theman:
"DTA" Wrote:coaches need to be passionate for the game of basketball,teach players on and off the court,have knowledge of game as far as X's and O's,be a role model by setting his own standards very high,respectful of coaching peers,be able to treat all players equal and have the ability to motivate players differently(find out what makes you tick). And last of all he must win games.

I agree with all that you said to this point.
  • Coaches must be passionate for the game of basketball and kids.
  • Teach players on and off the court - by asking them to perform to their max and then to exceed it. That's why they call it practise.
  • Have knowledge of game as far as X's and O's - and able to train up the next generation of coaches.
  • Be a role model by setting his own standards very high - and the standards he has for his kids on and off the court.
  • Respectful of coaching peers - most people don't know what respect means anymore.
  • Be able to treat all players equal and have the ability to motivate players differently(find out what makes you tick). - This is saddly absent in most coaches. Nearly all coaches think you must scream at all players. Some kids wil shut down if you did this.
  • And last of all he must win games. Are you the only one in the world who sees this.
"Imnottelling" Wrote:He truly cares about his players and seeing that they reach their greatest potential.
that right i totally agree.
I always thought the ability to get the most out of his players and have them become the best they could be both on and off the floor are some important qualities.
I think a great coach is someone who players can come to on and off the court as a friend or for advice. someone who worries more about d-fence then offence, and someone who is moved and does anything they can to win a ball game.
"Mr.Street" Wrote:I think a great coach is someone who players can come to on and off the court as a friend or for advice. someone who worries more about d-fence then offence, and someone who is moved and does anything they can to win a ball game.

Couldnt have said it betta myself.:Thumbs:
i think it is a coach who is a class act and knows how to get his team to trust him and want to play for him.
"fanof#45" Wrote:I agree with all that you said to this point.
  • Coaches must be passionate for the game of basketball and kids.
  • Teach players on and off the court - by asking them to perform to their max and then to exceed it. That's why they call it practise.
  • Have knowledge of game as far as X's and O's - and able to train up the next generation of coaches.
  • Be a role model by setting his own standards very high - and the standards he has for his kids on and off the court.
  • Respectful of coaching peers - most people don't know what respect means anymore.
  • Be able to treat all players equal and have the ability to motivate players differently(find out what makes you tick). - This is saddly absent in most coaches. Nearly all coaches think you must scream at all players. Some kids wil shut down if you did this.
  • And last of all he must win games. Are you the only one in the world who sees this.
good post

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