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TheRealVille Wrote:You must not listen to 101.9 in Logan. I hear the ads every morning. Vote how you want, but don't blame it all on Obama. A lot, but not all, of coal companies have shot themselves in the foot, and now look for someone to blame. Coal companies that don't protect the environment, and natural gas, and lower demand for coal are 3 major reasons for coal layoffs. But, 90% of the coal miners are republican, and they won't tell you the whole truth about it. If you want a job in coal in WV, listen to the radio, be qualified, and you can get hired. I'll get you the number in the morning, if you want it. I bolded a crucial part of your post. Think about it.

Oh baloney, I find that very hard to believe. West Virginia is one of the staunchest Democratic strongholds in the country. Not buying one word of that. If it were true, that must mean that the democratic administration is punishing the coal industry for being republican. Is that what you are saying? ...Punishing the 90% republican dominated UMWA I assume?.That doesn't even make a bit of It was pretty funny though that West Virginia democrats gave an incarcerated federal felon 40% of their vote in the West Virginia primary, wasn't it?
^Conspiracy theories! When you can't prove it just make stuff up. Confusednicker:
I used to live and work in Logan County and I can assure everybody that the UMWA is not a stronghold of Republican voters. Bob hit the nail on the head with a big hammer. RV is working hard to make a case where none can be made. If there are 50 open positions being advertised while thousands of miners are being laid off, what does that prove?

Most mining companies do not accept applications for most positions at their mining operations. They advertise and usually work through the state employment offices to fill vacancies. As long as a handful of mines are operating, there will be a few positions advertised and the companies will exaggerate how many jobs they have to ensure that they have a large pool of applications from which to pick the best candidates.

The coal industry is suffering a painful, slow death at the hands of Obama and the political hacks who dominate the EPA and other agencies that regulate the coal mining industry. Don't worry, as long as RV has a job, all is well in Obamaland.
Bob Seger Wrote:With as many mines as there are in West Virginia laying off in the hundereds and with the amount of mines being shut down , I find it hard to phathom that anybody right in the heart of the decimated area is getting on the radio begging for miners because they are booming. I would say it has more to do with replacing all the dope heads they have working for them with someone else that can pass a drug test. That is a major obstacle to overcome by the way. With as many miners as there are in the Logan vicinity being laid off, it would seem to me that they would be lined up at the door wanting jobs. Why would anybody have to advertise, unless for the reason I stated? All sounds a little fishy to me. I'm like Wildcat, I am very familiar with what goes on in Logan and all of the southern West Virginia area because I do a substantial amount of business over there, and it all stinks over there too RV, just like it does here. You're not going to convince me otherwise, because I know otherwise. Those people are hurting and hurting bad. I deal with it every single day.
The ad doesn't say why they are hiring, just that they are hiring. Do you know that it is drug related, or just speculating? Do you know how easy it is to pass a drug test? You close the door behind you, and pour pee out of a bottle. Out of hundreds of drug tests I have taken over the years, only twice has someone stood there and watched me pee. I always get to close the door. Don't talk busting drug tests bullshit to me, I know how it's done. Go up Rum creek, and look at all the coal that is being loaded up there. It takes the train 5-8 hours to clear the track that blocks the road out of just my job. Make up all the stuff you want, I'm in the midst of it all, and do hear the ads.
TheRealVille Wrote:The ad doesn't say why they are hiring, just that they are hiring. Do you know that it is drug related, or just speculating? Do you know how easy it is to pass a drug test? You close the door behind you, and pour pee out of a bottle. Go up Rum creek, and look at all the coal that is being loaded up there. It takes the train 5-8 hours to clear the track that blocks the road out of just my job. Make up all the stuff you want, I'm in the midst of it all, and do hear the ads.

Yes I do know how drug testing works. I spend what seems to be a fortune on it every year. Where I have my drug testing done, it is virtually impossible to cheat on one in the manner you suggest. I've had em try it before, and been caught red handed trying it. Body temperatures have to match the sample temperature when collected, for one thing.
Bob Seger Wrote:Yes I do know how drug testing works. I spend what seems to be a fortune on it every year. Where I have my drug testing done, it is virtually impossible to cheat on one. I've had em try it before, and been caught red handed trying it. Perhaps you are not as up to date on the procedure as you think.
I took a drug test in Logan, at the premiere place that test miners btw, and I closed the door behind me. I take about 4-5 test a year. I'd say I'm very up on procedure. If they don't look at the guys junk while they are peeing, it is very possible to cheat. You can bet your ass I'm up to date on the drug tests procedure. I'd almost bet I have took one where you test your people, and I'd also bet that the people don't watch your people pee. They might have been caught with too cold pee, but it takes an idiot to fail a drug test where they don't look at your junk while peeing, and a very minute few do that.
^So, we're saying the massive layoffs in West Virginia and Kentucky are due to a lack of adequate pee testing protocol?
TheRealThing Wrote:^So, we're saying the massive layoffs in West Virginia and Kentucky are due to a lack of adequate pee testing protocol?
That's what Bob seems to think. But it probably is due to the price of coal, demand for coal, and the price of natural gas. Of course you people here won't be honest enough to admit that.
TheRealThing Wrote:^So, we're saying the massive layoffs in West Virginia and Kentucky are due to a lack of adequate pee testing protocol?
I guess what Bob is saying, since they have hiring ads all over the radio in Logan, it's because they can't find any drug free workers. We can assume by that, that the massive layoffs are due to people busting drug tests. :biggrin: Demand for coal, price of coal, price of natural gas, and drug tests. The reasons for layoffs keep adding up.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I for one will be Voting for Romney . YEs you can Quote that Smile
You will be voting for the same kind of policies that put us in a very deep recession, which we are still trying to recover from. I for one, will never pull a republican lever.
TheRealVille Wrote:You will be voting for the same kind of policies that put us in a very deep recession, which we are still trying to recover from. I for one, will never pull a republican lever.

You keep saying stuff like this but, you can't back what you're saying up with a single example of anything remotely similar to success for any Obama policies. In lieu of statistics or numbers (like the 8+ unemployment rate that plagues us to this very day) you all say if Obama hadn't come in and blown 5.3 trillion dollars in three years we would really be in trouble. What a crock. If we'd taken that money and used it wisely, which means NOT spending a lot of it, we would be in much better condidtion right now. You tell me, which is better, having a few trillion laying around you haven't spent yet or going out and borrowing over 5 trillion to just give away. Not exactly rocket science is it?
TheRealThing Wrote:You keep saying stuff like this but, you can't back what you're saying up with a single example of anything remotely similar to success for any Obama policies. In lieu of statistics or numbers (like the 8+ unemployment rate that plagues us to this very day) you all say if Obama hadn't come in and blown 5.3 trillion dollars in three years we would really be in trouble. What a crock. If we'd taken that money and used it wisely, which means NOT spending a lot of it, we would be in much better condidtion right now. You tell me, which is better, having a few trillion laying around you haven't spent yet or going out and borrowing over 5 trillion to just give away. Not exactly rocket science is it?
I didn't say anything about Obama's policies, but I know what Bush's policies brought us to. Obama isn't doing much, but it is improving at least a little. If elected, Romney will dig us deeper into the hole that Bush put us in, and Obama isn't getting us out of very quick. I'd rather take my chances on a slow recovery, than a sinking back into the hole even deeper.
TheRealVille Wrote:I didn't say anything about Obama's policies, but I know what Bush's policies brought us to. Obama isn't doing much, but it is improving at least a little. If elected, Romney will dig us deeper into the hole that Bush put us in, and Obama isn't getting us out of very quick. I'd rather take my chances on a slow recovery, than a sinking back into the hole even deeper.

Bush certainly wasn't perfect. My contention is this, most presidents have governed to a certain standard and some have governed to a higher standard. Take Reagan and Clinton. While I do not accept or condone Bill's moral lapses in governance and personal escapades, I do admit he governed to a standard which is higher than most. And, I contend that Reagan set the table for him to have a very smooth 8 year tenure. We had 16 glorious years of good governance and economically it showed. Now, I must qualify this support of Clinton with the fact that he began policies that caused the decline of the US Armed Services, but, nobody's perfect right?

Saying all that to say this. Obama is in a whole nother galaxy when it comes to presidential comparatives. He's like nobody else I know. In other words, there is everybody else and waaay down under the sheet of paper where presidents are compaired and rated, scratched on a napkin with mustard stains on it, is your hero. I think he lives in a world that exists primarily between his own ears and he values his own council above everybody else's. Which, gets him into more and more trouble. But, no matter how nuclear the implosion of his administration waxes, he will absolutely not budge. Now, you can go on and on about never pulling a republican handle all you want. Lining up with this president isn't going to get you a lot of atta boys from anybody, but other liberals lost in la-la land.

So, yes, a lot of what we are suffering right now is indeed a culmination of uh-ohs and left turns. Like Johnson's notion of 'the great society', which of course was nothing more than welfare on steriods. But, 5.3 trillion and counting of debt and we're still in his first term. None of you all want to admit that number eclipses George W's debt for 8 years of service which included the absorption of the mother of all financial loss catalysts, 9/11. Plus the amature hour foriegn policy blinders, complete with white house 'leaked' color commentary, skyrocketing energy and cost of living increases, dogged adherence to the so-called green agenda, nixing the Canadian Pipe Line, the ObamaCare fiasco, his stooge Harry Reid's obvious stone walling anything coming up out of the house of representatives, Eric Holder and his antics, and on and on. Puts this administration in a hole by itself, devoid of company for all time, I would wager. It's one thing to say we've got a fire to put out, it's quite another to pour gallons and gallons of gas on it and keep saying, it's the guy who started it's fault.

It's time to let someone else have a go at running the country. You guys can regroup and get a candidate groomed who is more than a 'self proclaimed' genius.
TheRealVille Wrote:They are, in WV. Yea, WC23, think with your own head, you might see that layoffs are because of other reasons. Like natural gas being dirt cheap right now, and a lower demand for coal. I have no doubt that permits are harder for some companies to get coal, but some of my coal buddies say their companies have no problem getting permits. Maybe it might be because they protect the environment more?

What companies are getting permits? All companies are getting state approved permits, but in order to start a permit that is in jurisdictional waters you must have a 404 and NPDES/NWP which are approved by the EPA. Hal Rogers ask Lisa Jackson at a hearing recently how many permit they have approved during her tenure and her staff said later that 6 the EPA had approved 6 permits in the last three years.
Bob Seger Wrote:With as many mines as there are in West Virginia laying off in the hundereds and with the amount of mines being shut down , I find it hard to phathom that anybody right in the heart of the decimated area is getting on the radio begging for miners because they are booming. I would say it has more to do with replacing all the dope heads they have working for them with someone else that can pass a drug test. That is a major obstacle to overcome by the way. With as many miners as there are in the Logan vicinity being laid off, it would seem to me that they would be lined up at the door wanting jobs. Why would anybody have to advertise, unless for the reason I stated? All sounds a little fishy to me. I'm like Wildcat, I am very familiar with what goes on in Logan and all of the southern West Virginia area because I do a substantial amount of business over there, and it all stinks over there too RV, just like it does here. You're not going to convince me otherwise, because I know otherwise. Those people are hurting and hurting bad. I deal with it every single day.

Bob, the bolded is very true, we always lose a few employees everytime we drug test. Whenever we interview for a operators position we will interview on average 6 to 8 people before one can pass a drug test.

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