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Who will be Harlan County's Next Coach?
sports lover Wrote:From what I am hearing is that it has nothing to do with wins and losses

I know this is all political . I was told this was happening mid season. A few could not stand the offense, and they are trying to use anything they can find to justify this in there minds that they are right. The truth of the matter is they will never hire a coach as good as the one they got rid of.
All I can say is I'm getting behind this. From what I know its going to be good.
I think it will be good also. What concerns me is where are the assistants going to come from. One very good potential candidate has respectfully declined.

People be sure you understand...I hate the way this went down...but there is something there we don't know. True, False, otherwise....there was something else there. I'm not saying it was substantiated, and...I'm not saying it was not. I am VERY thankful for Coach Larkey, his staff, and support people....

We had a great run! While I'm thankful for the good times, I'm glad we (#66) idn't have to endure the bad. Losing breeds bad attitudes....plain and simple. Honestly, I think I know where the wheels fell off, and I think the reaction was well intended, to try to help kids that needed it while improving the overall skill level of the team, but at the end of the day it backfired and those kids we (coach) tried to help let us down...on and off the field.

I also believe there was some fundamental deficiencies in the example that needed to be set for our young men. Doesn't mean I think they are bad people or coaches, what it means is better presentation could have been observed. That comes from the pot calling the kettle black....so end of the day means nothing.

What I know is a new day is about to evolve in HC Football and the guy about to lead is no Johnny Football. He is a great young man, high football and other IQ, a d will undoubtedly do a great job.....if given the opportunity.

People if ya think we are going to conver from 2-9 to 9-2 next year, get another hit off the pipe. He wil need 3 years to get it started.... We have to find more athletes. Period! Larkey's ultimate downfall had much less to do with X's & O's and a lot to do with Jim's and Joe's....or Tucker's, Jake's. Carson's, and bro's.

If you look back through my early post on HCHS Football I ALWAYS wanted this guy to get this job when the time come, I just wish the time arrived more delicately, us better prepared. We all love to win...but like I read earlier "Who fires Larkey?" :/
I think Eddie is a great guy and he will do a good job if he surrounds himself with the right people. I still think he's got an immediate problem to deal with and that's how he left mid season. He may have had legitimate reasons, but I've heard from a couple of different kids who don't know those reasons and feel like he walked out on them when things went bad. That's something that will have to be addressed.

As far as assistants go, I hope he does the right thing. There are people who haven't been very supportive of the program who are suddenly wanting to play major roles. Be careful who you surround yourself with.
Bear_Paw Wrote:I think it will be good also. What concerns me is where are the assistants going to come from. One very good potential candidate has respectfully declined.

People be sure you understand...I hate the way this went down...but there is something there we don't know. True, False, otherwise....there was something else there. I'm not saying it was substantiated, and...I'm not saying it was not. I am VERY thankful for Coach Larkey, his staff, and support people....

We had a great run! While I'm thankful for the good times, I'm glad we (#66) idn't have to endure the bad. Losing breeds bad attitudes....plain and simple. Honestly, I think I know where the wheels fell off, and I think the reaction was well intended, to try to help kids that needed it while improving the overall skill level of the team, but at the end of the day it backfired and those kids we (coach) tried to help let us down...on and off the field.

I also believe there was some fundamental deficiencies in the example that needed to be set for our young men. Doesn't mean I think they are bad people or coaches, what it means is better presentation could have been observed. That comes from the pot calling the kettle black....so end of the day means nothing.

What I know is a new day is about to evolve in HC Football and the guy about to lead is no Johnny Football. He is a great young man, high football and other IQ, a d will undoubtedly do a great job.....if given the opportunity.

People if ya think we are going to conver from 2-9 to 9-2 next year, get another hit off the pipe. He wil need 3 years to get it started.... We have to find more athletes. Period! Larkey's ultimate downfall had much less to do with X's & O's and a lot to do with Jim's and Joe's....or Tucker's, Jake's. Carson's, and bro's.

If you look back through my early post on HCHS Football I ALWAYS wanted this guy to get this job when the time come, I just wish the time arrived more delicately, us better prepared. We all love to win...but like I read earlier "Who fires Larkey?" :/

Well DANG Bear_Paw!!! I've never read such an insightful and informative post from you in my whole life!! Also, as I'm sure you know, you have hit the nail squarely on the head, IMO!!!

Joker's Wild Wrote:I think Eddie is a great guy and he will do a good job if he surrounds himself with the right people. I still think he's got an immediate problem to deal with and that's how he left mid season. He may have had legitimate reasons, but I've heard from a couple of different kids who don't know those reasons and feel like he walked out on them when things went bad. That's something that will have to be addressed.

As far as assistants go, I hope he does the right thing. There are people who haven't been very supportive of the program who are suddenly wanting to play major roles. Be careful who you surround yourself with.

You know, him leaving mid-season is a valid question that I think he will need to address. As far as staffing goes, I have HEARD Brett Johnson, Jacob Saylor and Chad Wood. Also hearing John Reynolds and Jerry Edwards. I question Jerry Edwards a little because of his age. But he is a very knowledgeable and genuine man.

Good luck Black Bears!! Everyone please remember that even Phillip Haywood had to "start" sometime. Everyone has to "start" in order to have experience. I for one will get behind this coaching staff and the Black Bears with my 110% full support.
First off I don't know the situation down at Harlan as to why Larkey was really let go, and on reading here only one or two people may actually know. It seems very fishy that they would hire a coach who quit the team and kids mid season last year when things were not going very well. I don't want to come off the wrong way but I am curious to how this hiring is a good thing. Again I don't know the situation or the people involved as I'm sure many others on this board don't, but I would like to hear how it is a better option then coach Larkey. Was Larkey the problem before or was it the coaching staff as a whole, I haven't been able to get a clear explanation on that either by reading previous post.
It's difficult to explain what you don't know! I would love to know the true reasons why Larkey was fired, but doubt seriously that we EVER will know! As far as saying this is a better option, I don't believe anyone has said that. Larkey being fired was not a community decision, and in my opinion, was politically motivated. So the decision to hire wasn't a "better option", it was just moving forward from a difficult position.
From what I can gather just by piecing together conversations from different people involved, there were a few different factors involved. I think it originated from higher up within the district and others jumped on when they thought they could benefit personally. From what I can hear, these people began to question the character of some of the coaches--there were several rumors about some questionable behavior at some public events and at the fieldhouse. I don't know if any of those rumors are true as the people I've heard repeating those rumors were anti-Larkey anyway. I've still heard that he could have saved his job by firing one of his assistants, but he wasn't willing to do that. I have no idea how Mrs. Burkhart felt personally, but I know that she was either encouraged or given the go ahead to fire him from people above her.

I'm still really unsure about Eddie and his reasons for leaving. He very well may have had solid reasons and just didn't want to throw someone else under the bus by revealing those reasons. After accepting this position, I don't see how he has any choice now.

I honestly believe that there had been conversations with Eddie about this position before Larkey was ever fired and maybe even right after he left. There's very few times in this district where someone is let go without someone else lined up to replace them--this wasn't one of those cases. The administration knew who they were hiring before Larkey was let go.

I'll be clear that I think Eddie is a great guy and think he can do a great job as coach. I do want to see who he lines up as his assistants and what he has them doing. If he doesn't get off on the right foot there, he may have issues for years to come.
Eddie had NOTHING to do with Larkey's situation. He will tell you anytime you ask him why he left. I also know hat two other head coaches were ask about this job and they told them no and turned the administration down. That is what brings us back to Coach Creech, that and the kids. So to even think or even hint that Coach Creech threw anyone under the bus is absolutely not true. Matter of fact may have been the other way around.
Maybe be wrong,but I would say that Eddie's Christian faith had a lot to do with him leaving the situation last year. I don't think he agrees with things that was taking place.. JMO
Flicka Wrote:Eddie had NOTHING to do with Larkey's situation. He will tell you anytime you ask him why he left. I also know hat two other head coaches were ask about this job and they told them no and turned the administration down. That is what brings us back to Coach Creech, that and the kids. So to even think or even hint that Coach Creech threw anyone under the bus is absolutely not true. Matter of fact may have been the other way around.

I didn't say that Eddie had anything to do the Larkey leaving or that he threw anyone under the bus. What I was trying to say is that the players aren't really clear on why he left. I said that maybe he didn't reveal his reasons for leaving to keep from throwing anyone under the bus. From what I know about Eddie he is a really good guy. I didn't mean to imply any differently. I'm just saying that he will have to give the players an explanation. I don't need one. I have nothing to do with it either way.

As for other coaches turning them down--I have no idea. I've just been led to believe from people who know that Eddie has been the choice all along. Seemed logical to me since no interviews were conducted with anyone else who applied.
That's exactly how I understood your first post.

I'm not sure why Eddie left when he did. And by the way Flicka, I did ask him but he preferred not to say. I find it impressive that he was delivered a petition signed by most of the football players asking him to take this position. He also told me that he "accepted" the position when it was offered to him.

I don't know if anyone applied or not. Do you guys?
Talking to an assistant principal last night ive learned alot about this. Most of which I promised not to repeat but from what I was told he has lined up a pretty decent staff. One that I can definitely get behind and everyone that knows me and some thats read my post im pretty picky about this team and staff. HC will be just fine. Dont look for them to walk over anyone next year but look for them to be back in dominant form the following years. They could even surprise a few this coming season because of the skill players they will have. But in the end it will come down to play calling and if they can shore up the defense. Im actually excited for this. No sense in worrying about whats happened or how because its done and everyone is moving forward so might as well get behind the kids and support them. I for one will be back in the stands on fridays, even living out of town I'll still be there...
Anyone have a football bio of Mr.Creech?
Iam4thecats Wrote:Anyone have a football bio of Mr.Creech?
I just know a little about his playing days and who coached him in High school. Granny might have more knowledge on that.
I am sorry for misunderstanding your post. I to do not think we should continue to discuss what happen and move forward. There are seemily a few that do know what happen and it can not be good. Eddie played at Cumberland and was a great QB. He played for Frank Viccini there. Do not know much about what happened in college. Great Christian Man, wish him the best.
Flicka Wrote:I am sorry for misunderstanding your post. I to do not think we should continue to discuss what happen and move forward. There are seemily a few that do know what happen and it can not be good. Eddie played at Cumberland and was a great QB. He played for Frank Viccini there. Do not know much about what happened in college. Great Christian Man, wish him the best.

So he isn't actually a coach?
Iam4thecats Wrote:So he isn't actually a coach?
He was an assistant and is actually a very smart man when it comes to football and a good Christian man. He is getting his firat Head coaching chance now. Just like Granny said, even Phillip Haywood was a young coach at one point. But he is surrounding himself with a quality staff which has been one of my problems under the last staff. He will have 8 assistants I think they told me last night which is more than we've had previously.
Assistant where and when? I'm trying to figure this out.
For HC and Larkey
Iam4thecats Wrote:Assistant where and when? I'm trying to figure this out.
I think all the assistants will be onboard immediately for the exception of Two that will join after basketball season. They are from cumberland. They all are from within the county that are or have been assistants..Sorry im not throwing names out yet but I'm waiting for the announcement to be made. That was the deal when I talked to the asst. Principal.
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