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South Floyd V.S. Perry Count Central 1/17
why wouldnt Ethan play?????
what time does this game start?
"Barney_fife" Wrote:why wouldnt Ethan play?????
I asked the same thing and no one ever replys, so it may be a ploy to make SF look undermaned without the top player.
good post ace u should be a moderator!!! LOL jes playing ace but seriously.
:giveup: i dont rlly know who will win this one its a tough call on both sides if the 2 players mentioned are gonna be out of this game then it could swing either way,but if either one of the teams has one of the players then look for the game to go in their favor.Im not gonna give a prediction because of the missing info about the two playersSmile
"THUNDERCHILD" Wrote:I asked the same thing and no one ever replys, so it may be a ploy to make SF look undermaned without the top player.

Ethan isn't playing because he couldn't find his shoes..........are you happy now
"rebel_fan_2420" Wrote:PCC the only reason SF ever wins games is because they have 2 fight where ever they go
well sfhs players and fans like to kno they no one can beat them at ball and cant not whip them ethier cause we was all born to win unlike some other schools. in the 58th
but im going to go with sf by 7 if ethan gets to play i dont kno if thats true or not..... but if he doesnt play im sry sf but PC by 5

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