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Obama calls his words ill-chosen
TheRealVille Wrote:Yes, it was a single car wreck, mine. Get a lawyer huh,..... that is the EKY way though. Actually, I was driving a friends car, so I could have sued. I don't play like that.
I am sure you would have if it wasn't your fault..Don't **** an attitude when it was a simple question. It is what you do when bad things happen to people who deserve to get what they get! So don't play that card with me Schmo!
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:I am sure you would have if it wasn't your fault..Don't **** an attitude when it was a simple question. It is what you do when bad things happen to people who deserve to get what they get! So don't play that card with me Schmo!

No I wouldn't have. It really wasn't my fault, I crashed to avoid hitting a car backing out on the road in front of me. He left before anybody else saw him though. I have been in a couple more wrecks that I got hurt when someone else hit me or was in a car with another driver that wrecked and have never sued anybody in my life. It does seem that suing is the EKY way, it happens alot here. Some people make a good living suing other people.
That is the reason I wish KY wouldn't enact a "no fault" law like MI and FL has. People wouldn't be so quick to get a lawyer and sue their own insurance if it was going to come back on them. I also wouldn't have to pay higher insurance to cover all the other people that sue and cause insurance in this area to go up.
As far as the thread goes, I concede. I am just willing to give Obama a little time to get the economy going better. He can't do much in 6 months. I have no qualms about voting against him in 3 1/2 years if things don't get quite a bit better.
TheRealVille Wrote:As far as the thread goes, I concede. I am just willing to give Obama a little time to get the economy going better. He can't do much in 6 months. I have no qualms about voting against him in 3 1/2 years if things don't get quite a bit better.

I hope we are not completely burried at the end of 3.5 years....
TheRealVille Wrote:Feel free to take over where TH leaves off, name one thing Obama has done that has caused layoffs in EKY.

Have you not heard about a lot of local coal companies going idle?

I can name some miners that this helped caused to be laid off. You wouldn't know that, because you still know nothing of the coal industry. You might want to do a little research so you can understand what you always argue against.

SD brings up another good point, what has Obama done to add jobs in this area? Sure, "we aren't talking about that right now", but why not talk about it??? I don't know about the rest of you, but I am very concerned about the very being of this area.

RealVille, you made the statement a while back, "why would Obama do anything to help this area seeing that we as a majority didn't vote for him." Do you still stand by that statement? That it is an absolute ridiculous way to look at it. If Obama really has that attitude, then that just gives me another reason why he shouldn't be President of this Country.
outdoorsman43 Wrote:Have you not heard about a lot of local coal companies going idle?

I can name some miners that this helped caused to be laid off. You wouldn't know that, because you still know nothing of the coal industry. You might want to do a little research so you can understand what you always argue against.

SD brings up another good point, what has Obama done to add jobs in this area? Sure, "we aren't talking about that right now", but why not talk about it??? I don't know about the rest of you, but I am very concerned about the very being of this area.

RealVille, you made the statement a while back, "why would Obama do anything to help this area seeing that we as a majority didn't vote for him." Do you still stand by that statement? That it is an absolute ridiculous way to look at it. If Obama really has that attitude, then that just gives me another reason why he shouldn't be President of this Country.

Awesome Post ODM!:Thumbs::1:
outdoorsman43 Wrote:Have you not heard about a lot of local coal companies going idle?

I can name some miners that this helped caused to be laid off. You wouldn't know that, because you still know nothing of the coal industry. You might want to do a little research so you can understand what you always argue against.
What did Obama do to cause this? The economy being in a smambles and an abnormally cool summer are part of the coal problem. Another part of the coal slow down is all the gas fired powerhouses being built. I just want to know when I hear of another coal mine shutting I always hear, "Way to go Obama, kill another coal company", what has he done to hurt coal thus far. The downturn of the economy and coal slowing down was happening before he took office. Name something he has done to hurt coal.
TheRealVille Wrote:What did Obama do to cause this? The economy being in a smambles and an abnormally cool summer are part of the coal problem. Another part of the coal slow down is all the gas fired powerhouses being built. I just want to know when I hear of another coal mine shutting I always hear, "Way to go Obama, kill another coal company", what has he done to hurt coal thus far. The downturn of the economy and coal slowing down was happening before he took office. Name something he has done to hurt coal.

This is where you are wrong.

When Obama let the EPA and environmentalist hallucinater's run wild is what has caused this mess. Are you aware of any EPA standards? These standards are why coal companies can't get permits to mine. Especially mountain top removal mining operations, don't even get me started on that.

What about your statement that you made a while back? You going to beat around the bush like usual or are you going to explain to all of us what you meant?
outdoorsman43 Wrote:This is where you are wrong.

When Obama let the EPA and environmentalist hallucinater's run wild is what has caused this mess. Are you aware of any EPA standards? These standards are why coal companies can't get permits to mine. Especially mountain top removal mining operations, don't even get me started on that.

What about your statement that you made a while back? You going to beat around the bush like usual or are you going to explain to all of us what you meant?
Were these standards in place before he took office? I am not in any shoes to speak for Obama as to your question. So, you think the mines should just be able to run amuck and not worry about EPA standards. You do realize that down the road several generations, our enviromental actions affect your kids, kids,kids?
TheRealVille Wrote:Were these standards in place before he took office? I am not in any shoes to speak for Obama as to your question. So, you think the mines should just be able to run amuck and not worry about EPA standards. You do realize that down the road several generations, our enviromental actions affect your kids, kids,kids?

The EPA standards are now being made to hurt the mining companies. Most all coal companies followed all DEP (Department of Environmental Protection [nothing to do with EPA]) rules and regulations as best as they could to minimize pollution. There is no such thing as absolute clean coal mining (as I've tried to explain over the last few months, but none of you seem to get it) and this means there will always be some pollution released. The economy of America and the very being of EKY, West Virginia, Virginia, and surrounding areas depend on one energy source, coal.

I understand and am for following all guidelines that are possible to keep (not the ludicris excuses for rules that are being issued by the EPA). I am by all means worried about the environment and am 100% in favor of keeping it clean and safe for the next generations as well as our own generation. But, a little pollution is going to be released no matter how we mine the coal. We can't stop mining coal though, because the economy depends on it. The unavailability of mining permits is forcing coal operations to go idle and even shut down. This obviously means lay-offs for people that are just trying to make a living and provide for their families. It's only going to continue to get worse at this rate, a lot worse. Black outs, majorly high unemployeement, etc. await us.

The point is that Obama is letting all of this go on.

But hey, I guess I will let you and your "statement" go since you obviously regretted making it. :biggrin:

Sorry Realville, there are others who are better than I, so I'll just sit back and observe...

outdoorsman43 Wrote:The EPA standards are now being made to hurt the mining companies. Most all coal companies followed all DEP (Department of Environmental Protection [nothing to do with EPA]) rules and regulations as best as they could to minimize pollution. There is no such thing as absolute clean coal mining (as I've tried to explain over the last few months, but none of you seem to get it) and this means there will always be some pollution released. The economy of America and the very being of EKY, West Virginia, Virginia, and surrounding areas depend on one energy source, coal.

I understand and am for following all guidelines that are possible to keep (not the ludicris excuses for rules that are being issued by the EPA). I am by all means worried about the environment and am 100% in favor of keeping it clean and safe for the next generations as well as our own generation. But, a little pollution is going to be released no matter how we mine the coal. We can't stop mining coal though, because the economy depends on it. The unavailability of mining permits is forcing coal operations to go idle and even shut down. This obviously means lay-offs for people that are just trying to make a living and provide for their families. It's only going to continue to get worse at this rate, a lot worse. Black outs, majorly high unemployeement, etc. await us.

The point is that Obama is letting all of this go on.

But hey, I guess I will let you and your "statement" go since you obviously regretted making it. :biggrin:
I think we have found some middle ground that we can agree on. :Thumbs: Like I told TH last night, I have no qualms voting against Obama if things don't start happening for the good. I might not have explained that up until Obama, I have never voted for a democrat President. I couldn't bring myself to vote for McCain and take a chance on getting his barbie doll idiot for President if he died. If the republicans had ran somebody beside him and her, there would probably be a republican President right now.
TheRealVille Wrote:I think we have found some middle ground that we can agree on. :Thumbs: Like I told TH last night, I have no qualms voting against Obama if things don't start happening for the good. I might not have explained that up until Obama, I have never voted for a democrat President. I couldn't bring myself to vote for McCain and take a chance on getting his barbie doll idiot for President if he died. If the republicans had ran somebody beside him and her, there would probably be a republican President right now.

I doubt that. America was extremely desperate to get a Democrat in office after Bush was out. They would have picked Obama or Hillary regardless of whom the republican candidates were.

So what do we agree on exactly?
outdoorsman43 Wrote:I doubt that. America was extremely desperate to get a Democrat in office after Bush was out. They would have picked Obama or Hillary regardless of whom the republican candidates were.

So what do we agree on exactly?
The part about being worried about the enviroment. You do realize that our coal is only a small of the nations coal though, right?
TheRealVille Wrote:The part about being worried about the enviroment. You do realize that our coal is only a small of the nations coal though, right?

Well, if you call 20+% a small portion. West Virginia alone produces 15% of the nations coal. I don't think that is a very small portion. Don't believe me? Try websites like or and you can see some good coal statistics.
The point I've been trying to make is, don't lay around and ***** about Washington, no matter who is in office, get out and travel and provide for your family. If Obama kills my industry, I will find another to feed my family. You can't lay around EKY trying to stay home every night, if it's not providing for your family. Get out and find work, even if you have to travel, I do. I've worked in Michigan before for 2 years straight, going there on Sunday, coming home on Friday, to provide for my family. I don't depend on Washington politics, I do what I have at any certain time, be it whether republicans are in or democrats.
TheRealVille Wrote:The point I've been trying to make is, don't lay around and ***** about Washington, no matter who is in office, get out and travel and provide for your family. If Obama kills my industry, I will find another to feed my family. You can't lay around EKY trying to stay home every night, if it's not providing for your family. Get out and find work, even if you have to travel, I do. I've worked in Michigan before for 2 years straight, going there on Sunday, coming home on Friday, to provide for my family. I don't depend on Washington politics, I do what I have at any certain time, be it whether republicans are in or democrats.

Everybody got the pm that you have a nice house and a car that's almost paid for.:biggrin: But you still don't get it. People who work don't depend on Washington to make a living, it's just the opposite. People who work want ignorant government bureaucrats to stay out of their business.
jetpilot Wrote:Everybody got the pm that you have a nice house and a car that's almost paid for.:biggrin: But you still don't get it. People who work don't depend on Washington to make a living, it's just the opposite. People who work want ignorant government bureaucrats to stay out of their business.
Are you willing to travel to find work, if you get layed off, or you going to lay around EKY or quarrel about what Obama is doing wrong? Bush did many things wrong that hurt the economy? I just went and found the work. Actually, it's a house almost paid for, two almost brand new cars and a brand new Harley that are paid for. But, I don't depend on Obama for my money, I go wherever to make it. Don't lay around EKY trying to lay next to the wife, go make money and provide for your family.
I concede the thread, I quit. :igiveup:
So the miners that haven't done anything but mine all of their lives can just find work anywhere, right? Give me a break.

It's fine that you think the way you do about the whole situation. I do respect your opinion about not depending on the Government for employment. Just quit arguing about topics that you know nothing about such as the coal industry, cap-and-trade, etc.
TheRealVille Wrote:I concede the thread, I quit. :igiveup:

Again? Quitter! :biggrin:

Now that they have released the 911 call tapes from the case has it changed anyones opinion. It has reinforced what i already thought. Race was not an issue. Routine call that was met with hostility.

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