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Donald Trump = Dick Nixon
TheRealThing Wrote:If anything Trump said is wrong, post it. Otherwise you're repeating little more than gossip. The Secretary of State and the National Security Advisor among certain other notables in attendance at the meeting in question, say The President said nothing he shouldn't have.

This all has been a traitorous political witch hunt by defeated Democrats. Democrats for whom the mid terms of 2018 will reveal, the carnage is not over.

I have no certainty about 2018, yet. However, given the way this WH changes rationale and story from day to day, I'm not sure your swashbuckling is wise.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I have no certainty about 2018, yet. However, given the way this WH changes rationale and story from day to day, I'm not sure your swashbuckling is wise.

Really now? Despite the fact that you can't back up the first word of all your Presidential assaults, you're on here rooting for the demise of a legitimately elected President. That in my view is nothing short of the overthrow of the government of the people. Further, you've rah-rahed all the manufactured foment and upheaval, and gone to bat for the left at every possible turn. But you know what is wise huh? :please:
TheRealThing Wrote:Really now? Despite the fact that you can't back up the first word of all your Presidential assaults, you're on here rooting for the demise of a legitimately elected President. That in my view is nothing short of the overthrow of the government of the people. Further, you've rah-rahed all the manufactured foment and upheaval, and gone to bat for the left at every possible turn. But you know what is wise huh? :please:

Pure straw: I have not "rooted" for Trump's demise. I said once that if he continued on current trajectory he might be headed in Nixon's direction. That is hardly "rooting." President Trump fired the FBI Director who was investigating him, his associates, his campaign. That was unwise. He got in a braggard's mood and babbled intelligence to career Russian insiders. That was unwise. He tweets things like threats to fired FBI Directors. That is unwise. Were you not so dug in the partisan's trench, you could lift your head from 'twixt your glutes and see those are FACTS.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Pure straw: I have not "rooted" for Trump's demise. I said once that if he continued on current trajectory he might be headed in Nixon's direction. That is hardly "rooting." President Trump fired the FBI Director who was investigating him, his associates, his campaign. That was unwise. He got in a braggard's mood and babbled intelligence to career Russian insiders. That was unwise. He tweets things like threats to fired FBI Directors. That is unwise. Were you not so dug in the partisan's trench, you could lift your head from 'twixt your glutes and see those are FACTS.

Yeah that's what House & Senate Democrats have been saying in fake justification of their calls for impeachment.

Funny, your parrotings are only and always DNC talking points.
TheRealThing Wrote:Yeah that's what House & Senate Democrats have been saying in fake justification of their calls for impeachment.

Funny, your parrotings are only and always DNC talking points.

Funny, how selectively you read all posts other than your own lengthy posts. Early on, I said of Comey's firing "Nixon Light." Nowhere have I mentioned impeachment. In other places, I stated that, in my view, President Trump was seeking to follow a "peace through strength" foreign policy strategy and that needed to be given time to develop. I have also stated that Trump using twitter to speak directly to supporters is understandable. However, President Trump has shown extremely poor judgment and lack of discipline, and it is not "treason" to state that view. In fact, it is about as American as it gets, unless the Constitution is just a talking point.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Funny, how selectively you read all posts other than your own lengthy posts. Early on, I said of Comey's firing "Nixon Light." Nowhere have I mentioned impeachment. In other places, I stated that, in my view, President Trump was seeking to follow a "peace through strength" foreign policy strategy and that needed to be given time to develop. I have also stated that Trump using twitter to speak directly to supporters is understandable. However, President Trump has shown extremely poor judgment and lack of discipline, and it is not "treason" to state that view. In fact, it is about as American as it gets, unless the Constitution is just a talking point.

Just because you throw in the occasional disclaimer does not mean you can wash your hands of YOUR lengthy string of unAmerican and unfounded slurs. Slurs in which you have failed to adequately disguise the euphoric zeal and fulfillment you feel when you propagate the lies and distortions of those whose mission it is to unseat the President.
TheRealThing Wrote:Just because you throw in the occasional disclaimer does not mean you can wash your hands of YOUR lengthy string of unAmerican and unfounded slurs. Slurs in which you have failed to adequately disguise the euphoric zeal and fulfillment you feel when you propagate the lies and distortions of those whose mission it is to unseat the President.

Note: in my view, President Trump should not be subjected to impeachment talk for his poor judgment and lack of wisdom. The Constitutional requirements of impeachment are not in play.

I understand the Partisan criticizes opponents vehemently and calls it patriotic, while calling it "unAmerican" if their champion is attacked. That's just politics.

However, "euphoric zeal" is inaccurate. Those lectures about feelings you give? How you like me now, Snookie?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Note: in my view, President Trump should not be subjected to impeachment talk for his poor judgment and lack of wisdom. The Constitutional requirements of impeachment are not in play.

I understand the Partisan criticizes opponents vehemently and calls it patriotic, while calling it "unAmerican" if their champion is attacked. That's just politics.

However, "euphoric zeal" is inaccurate. Those lectures about feelings you give? How you like me now, Snookie?

You might as well try to sell that to someone else cause I ain't buying.
TheRealThing Wrote:You might as well try to sell that to someone else cause I ain't buying.

Ultimately, President Trump fired James Comey for purely political, self-serving, and survivalist reasons. That may or may not prove to rise to the level of obstruction of justice. The special counsel will eventually make a finding, issue a report, assess or not assess criminal liability. I will accept that finding.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Ultimately, President Trump fired James Comey for purely political, self-serving, and survivalist reasons. That may or may not prove to rise to the level of obstruction of justice. The special counsel will eventually make a finding, issue a report, assess or not assess criminal liability. I will accept that finding.

:hilarious: And that means what to anybody other than you and Gitback?
TheRealThing Wrote::hilarious: And that means what to anybody other than you and Gitback?

It means, that though this be but BGR, a forum made up of mostly folks east of Lexington, I am an American. Thus, my opinion is a voice, yes, but one voice, but a voice. So, if the lead investigator makes a finding that you embrace with zeal and enthusiam, I don't do what I see conservatives already doing: hedging bets on Mueller by damning with faint praise and little digs. Again, this is simple politics. Democrats did it when Bill Clinton was on the rack. Republicans did it for a long time with Nixon, and now Trump. It's politics. Neither party's politicians wear wings and halos. To embrace a political philosophy made up of many policies is not to, then, lose sight of the science of politics and the realities of human nature so clearly to be seen in politicians, the blindness of the Patti Partisan notwithstanding.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:It means, that though this be but BGR, a forum made up of mostly folks east of Lexington, I am an American. Thus, my opinion is a voice, yes, but one voice, but a voice. So, if the lead investigator makes a finding that you embrace with zeal and enthusiam, I don't do what I see conservatives already doing: hedging bets on Mueller by damning with faint praise and little digs. Again, this is simple politics. Democrats did it when Bill Clinton was on the rack. Republicans did it for a long time with Nixon, and now Trump. It's politics. Neither party's politicians wear wings and halos. To embrace a political philosophy made up of many policies is not to, then, lose sight of the science of politics and the realities of human nature so clearly to be seen in politicians, the blindness of the Patti Partisan notwithstanding.

Clinton deserved it as was evidenced by the federal judge who fined him 90 thousand dollars and disbarred him. You're wrong, no Republican ever led a formal resistance, inciting riots and civil unrest. Dems do without question.
TheRealThing Wrote:Clinton deserved it as was evidenced by the federal judge who fined him 90 thousand dollars and disbarred him. You're wrong, no Republican ever led a formal resistance, inciting riots and civil unrest. Dems do without question.

Other things being equal, conservatives say of college kids at lunch counters "rabble rousers," "law breakers," "inciters of violence," while progressives use words like "freedom riders," "justice workers" and the like. Nixon looks at Kent State and thinks "law and order." Clinton has his moment of sexual intimacy with "that woman," and deserves it. Nixon undermines vital institutions and breaks the law, and, what? If Trump is found to have obstructed justice and, again, undermined vital institutions, what? It's the media's fault? So says the Conquistador of the conspiracy theory? Amusing.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Other things being equal, conservatives say of college kids at lunch counters "rabble rousers," "law breakers," "inciters of violence," while progressives use words like "freedom riders," "justice workers" and the like. Nixon looks at Kent State and thinks "law and order." Clinton has his moment of sexual intimacy with "that woman," and deserves it. Nixon undermines vital institutions and breaks the law, and, what? If Trump is found to have obstructed justice and, again, undermined vital institutions, what? It's the media's fault? So says the Conquistador of the conspiracy theory? Amusing.

Still better than being General of the willfully gullible. But try to understand how an administration works, the Director of the FBI works for the President. Now, last I checked the boss has a right to know what a subordinate spends his time on, and has every right to question that subordinate's rationale.

Say what you want about Nixon though eavesdropping on aspiring campaign planners brought him down, that was hardly comparable in magnitude to amassing wiretapped information and spreading it to 17 federal agencies ala your hero. And when it was widely reported that HE eavesdropped on the Republican Party nominee, all you could talk about was the fact that Trump tweeted about it, and even then his tweet was only after he had moved into the White House. At least Nixon had character enough to step down for the good of the country. Obama is running a shadow government and you're fine with that.
⬆️ A shadow government?

I get that you think it's fine for a sitting President to fire the lead investigator. I get it that you have a soft spot for Nixon. Hardly the stuff of "Breaking News."
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆️ A shadow government?

I get that you think it's fine for a sitting President to fire the lead investigator. I get it that you have a soft spot for Nixon. Hardly the stuff of "Breaking News."

Still better than what 'breaks' in your posts, and has the distinction of being historically accurate. But yeah, I think it is more than fine for a President to fire a lead investigator. And FTR, only a sitting President would have the power to do anything, what's with the 'sitting' deal all the time? You just think that sounds official or something?
TheRealThing Wrote:Still better than what 'breaks' in your posts, and has the distinction of being historically accurate. But yeah, I think it is more than fine for a President to fire a lead investigator. And FTR, only a sitting President would have the power to do anything, what's with the 'sitting' deal all the time? You just think that sounds official or something?

"Historically accurate"...that brought a chuckle. Based on your reasoning, it was fine for Nixon to orchestrate the Saturday night massacre. I think I'll just leave it right there. It says more than I ever could about the danger of a turbo-charged partisanship.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆️ A shadow government?

I get that you think it's fine for a sitting President to fire the lead investigator. I get it that you have a soft spot for Nixon. Hardly the stuff of "Breaking News."

Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) alleged during a private speech that former President Barack Obama is living in Washington to run a secret operation to take down President Trump.

“President Obama himself said he was going to stay in Washington until his daughter graduated,” Kelly said at the event in remarks caught on video.

“I think we ought to pitch in to let him go someplace else because he’s only there for one purpose and one purpose only, and that is to run a shadow government that is going to totally upset the new agenda.”

Seriously, how many references would it take to convince you there's something to it?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"Historically accurate"...that brought a chuckle. Based on your reasoning, it was fine for Nixon to orchestrate the Saturday night massacre. I think I'll just leave it right there. It says more than I ever could about the danger of a turbo-charged partisanship.

What ever you said would be ridiculous revisionist baloney. Oh and BTW, there is no evidence against Trump and he's not under investigation that you or anybody else knows of.
TheRealThing Wrote:What ever you said would be ridiculous revisionist baloney. Oh and BTW, there is no evidence against Trump and he's not under investigation that you or anybody else knows of.

We'll see. With the appointing of a special counsel, I am content, for my part, to let them investigate and make a finding. You talk about projection A LOT and call me a revisionist? Physician, heal thyself.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:We'll see. With the appointing of a special counsel, I am content, for my part, to let them investigate and make a finding. You talk about projection A LOT and call me a revisionist? Physician, heal thyself.

Your so dependent upon my work for relevancy on your part, that you can't even come up with your own material to insult me with. I do talk about Projection because you suffer mightily with it, that much you got right.
TheRealThing Wrote:Your so dependent upon my work for relevancy on your part, that you can't even come up with your own material to insult me with. I do talk about Projection because you suffer mightily with it, that much you got right.

You're a legend in your own mind. "Projection" on political forums is a charge most often leveled by folks who stumbled upon it as a panacea to all that ails their reasoning. Physician, heal thyself.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:You're a legend in your own mind. "Projection" on political forums is a charge most often leveled by folks who stumbled upon it as a panacea to all that ails their reasoning. Physician, heal thyself.

If it was you wouldn't know it. I don't have to rely on other people's work to express myself, that's your speciality.
TheRealThing Wrote:If it was you wouldn't know it. I don't have to rely on other people's work to express myself, that's your speciality.

"Rely on other people's work"

Isn't self-aggrandizement, hey, wait, Donald Trump is your model conservative. Never mind.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"Rely on other people's work"

Isn't self-aggrandizement, hey, wait, Donald Trump is your model conservative. Never mind.

the urban sombrero Wrote:a sitting president fires the fbi director investigating him and his campaign, and it's obama's fault, and you can't see a nixon comparison? "tuesday night massacre light" suggests no exact comparison being made, but a comparison nonetheless.

the urban sombrero Wrote:second time in us history something akin has happened. The sitting president just fired the fbi director investigating his campaign and him. Archibald cox, anyone? This just in: El chapo has fired the lead investigator in his case and will appoint a replacement tomorrow.

the urban sombrero Wrote:it would have been inappropriate for president obama to fire comey, but less so than the sitting president to fire an fbi director in the middle of an investigation involving his campaign, his associates, and he himself. In other words, homer, speaks volumes about you.

Bob Seger Wrote:liar

Ah, I notice you've edited the passage. Typical. Propogandist, put on your cap.

We'll see, Homer, we'll see.

As to obstruction, Donald Trump = Dick Nixon.
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