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Donald Trump = Dick Nixon
the urban sombrero Wrote:a sitting president fires the fbi director who is investigating his campaign, associates, and him. And that's the best you got? You minions yammer on and on about how you honor the constitution, until, until, it's convenient not to. An orange is orange. An apple is red. Grab the tail in front and in a stupor be led.

the urban sombrero Wrote:what, now you're a parrot? Minion.

A sitting president fired the fbi director investigating his campaign, his associates, and him. "ah, no problem, man, abuse of power is what the other team does." now, i am not saying democrats are not capable of the same kind of abuse of power. Because they are. Had obama fired comey while he was investigating clinton, i would have said the same: Abuse of power. Context matters: Comey has been far from perfect in my view, but a president just can't do what trump just did. Period.

the urban sombrero Wrote:find one post where i called for comey's resignation. Yes, he did do it, and joined dick nixon in history. And, in good time, if he continues on this trajectory, he just may join him in infamy. All of you tail-grabbers constantly lash out at this monolithic left. And that's fine. But, i have yet to unload on comey, still haven't, and won't. The most i've said is that he fell short in his overall handling of the whole clinton email mess, in my view. That's it. And, never once have i suggested comey cost hillary the election.
And, if you are defending, nay, cheering a sitting president firing the director of the fbi who was currently investigating his campaign, his associates, and he himself, you may not be a minion, but you're wearing the uniform. Own it.

Bob Seger Wrote:liar!!

Ah, swinging on a rusty gate, crowing from the poison vine of technicality. Don't swallow the plum, Nursery Rhyme Boy, you might choke.
the urban sombrero Wrote:you may dance on the head of a pin all you like. Donald trump just linked his name to richard nixon. Donald trump just orchestrated a pretext and conjoined the justice department. The sitting president just fired the director of the fbi who was investigating his campaign, his associates, and he himself. grasp the tail, walk with eyes cast upon the ground, try not to track in the dung (or keep flinging the spin).

Bob Seger Wrote:liar!!

Don't choke
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆️
Bill Clinton fired Sessions for breach of ethics. Look it up. Donald Trump fired the person who was investigating him. If you can't see that as Nixonian, then either you lack the intelligence I think you have, or you grasp the tail and fling the dung. I say the latter. Beware the rabbit hole, tail-grasper. Beware the rabbit hole. Donald Trump's name will now be linked with Richard Nixon's for perpetuity. By the way, "dance on the head of a pin" is common parlance. You did not originate it, nor do you own it. Get over yourself, friendo. Reel in that unfurled ego lest the hot air winds from your keyboard rip your sails.

Compulsive LIAR!!
Bob Seger Wrote:Compulsive LIAR!!

Don't choke
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Yes, Richardson and Rucklehaus resigned when Nixon said, "Fire him." Since there is no special prosecutor, per Cox, it is Comey who was lead investigating Trump, his associates, his campaign. Thus, the parallel applies, and Trump and Nixon are now conjoined for perpetuity. Keep on tail-grasping and flinging dung, friendos.

Pathological LIAR!!
Let's see, the President pretty clearly sought to obstruct justice. So, I will latch on to a technicality, believe I am on the offensive, and snap my pathetic backside on a swinging, rusty gate. Amusing.
the urban sombrero Wrote:"um, bill clinton asked nixon for advice."

yes, yes, this equates to a sitting president firing the fbi director investigating him, his associates, and his campaign. You guys don't pass the laughable test, let alone the smell test. Ya stank!! Get out.

liar!! Liar!! Liar!!
the urban sombrero Wrote:ultimately, like dick nixon, donald trump fired the person in charge of investigating him, his associates, and his campaign. Despite obfuscations, misdirections, and "fluffery," this remains true, and forever marries nixon and trump in american history. And no amount of patti partisan wet-cat screeching can change that.

liar, liar, pants on fire
the urban sombrero Wrote:"comey is said to have"... By whom? The man whose associates and campaign are being investigated. In what is now known as that "strange little paragraph?" join trt in the arms up, eyes and ego skyward line. This just in: El chapo thanks the prosecutor he fired for whispering to him three times, "you're off the hook." the ultimate end of the investigation is not really the point. the sitting president fired the individual charged with investigating him, his associates, his campaign.

the urban sombrero Wrote:you know, i wouldn't use that phrase. I thought director comey got caught up in the lights a bit, made a few mistakes, but at no time did i advocate for his dismissal. President trump fired the fbi director who was investigating him, his associates, and his campaign. Pretext, misdirection, "fluffery," and puffery don't change that.

big fat liar!!
the urban sombrero Wrote:thank you for your brief remarks.

"collution"? What parlance is that? Is that smog in a city?

Love comey? Please, kellyanne: the sitting president, changing story hourly, fired the fbi director who was investigating him, his associates, his campaign. Nixonian.

Bob Seger Wrote:big fat liar!!

Context, so, nope

We'll see

Timing, so, nope
the urban sombrero Wrote:pure straw: I have not "rooted" for trump's demise. I said once that if he continued on current trajectory he might be headed in nixon's direction. That is hardly "rooting." [b][b] president trump fired the fbi director who was investigating him[/b][/b], his associates, his campaign. That was unwise. He got in a braggard's mood and babbled intelligence to career russian insiders. That was unwise. He tweets things like threats to fired fbi directors. That is unwise. Were you not so dug in the partisan's trench, you could lift your head from 'twixt your glutes and see those are facts.

The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Ultimately, President Trump fired James Comey for purely political, self-serving, and survivalist reasons. That may or may not prove to rise to the level of obstruction of justice. The special counsel will eventually make a finding, issue a report, assess or not assess criminal liability. I will accept that finding.

So now your are telling the biggest lie of them all!! You are not a man of your word!!
Bob Seger Wrote:So now your are telling the biggest lie of them all!! You are not a man of your word!!

⬆ Large Print Version, King Bob's Booble

Supersized misdirection and technicality tooling doesn't change what happened NINE times in not much over 100 days: a sustained attempt to obstruct justice.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆ Large Print Version, King Bob's Booble

Supersized misdirection and technicality tooling doesn't change what happened NINE times in not much over 100 days: a sustained attempt to obstruct justice.
Obstruct justice??

Hey stupid, you don't even have enough sense or knowledge of how the system works to know that all Trump has to say is INVESTIGATION OVER!! And then it's OVER!!...The power of the president offers him that privilege. Yet he never did that.

Everything you post is just a flat out and out lie or not knowing the first thing that you are talking about due to ignorance.
Bob Seger Wrote:Obstruct justice??

Hey stupid, you don't even have enough sense or knowledge of how the system works to know that all Trump has to say is INVESTIGATION OVER!! And then it's OVER!!...The power of the president offers him that privilege. Yet he never did that.

Everything you post is just a flat out and out lie or not knowing the first thing that you are talking about due to ignorance.

Sure, Bob, sure. If this kind of hustle gets you through the night, shuffle on off to nighty-nite Buffalo, Bob, due to delusion.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Sure, Bob, sure. If this kind of hustle gets you through the night, shuffle on off to nighty-nite Buffalo, Bob, due to delusion.

That's exactly what I thought...You didn't even stop to think about that or was just too friggin dumb to realize it.

My theory is the latter.
Bob Seger Wrote:That's exactly what I thought...You didn't even stop to think about that or was just too friggin dumb to realize it.

My theory is the latter.

My theory is you're ol' cranky pants this far after the sun goes down.

NINE times in a bit over hundred days: a sustained attempt to obstruct justice. "Hey, ol' buddy Jim, get off Flynn."
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:My theory is you're ol' cranky pants this far after the sun goes down.

NINE times in a bit over hundred days: a sustained attempt to obstruct justice. "Hey, ol' buddy Jim, get off Flynn."

O' ye, of who you couldn't beat the truth out of with a stick.

How about this? Jim, this investigation stops, and it stops NOW?
Bob Seger Wrote:O' ye, of who you couldn't beat the truth out of with a stick.

How about this? Jim, this investigation stops, and it stops NOW?

Well, Nixon tried that at the Saturday Night Massacre. Now, you may desire to live in a land with some ponderous Potentate or Imperial Wizard. But that's not America.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Well, Nixon tried that at the Saturday Night Massacre. Now, you may desire to live in a land with some ponderous Potentate or Imperial Wizard. But that's not America.

So now you're starting your answers off with the word well followed by a comma. I don't know if I can get through a dinner with you without laughing in your face.
TheRealThing Wrote:So now you're starting your answers off with the word well followed by a comma. I don't know if I can get through a dinner with you without laughing in your face.

Edna Prude no bed unmade
crying over book bindings frayed.

The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Edna Prude no bed unmade
crying over book bindings frayed.


His own imagination totally lacking,

the copycat used the work of others to do his attacking.

Laugh that off. Confusednicker:
TheRealThing Wrote:His own imagination totally lacking,

the copycat used the work of others to do his attacking.

Laugh that off. Confusednicker:

The ego big as can be
Self-aggrandizer, TRT

Your poem lacks rhythm.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:The ego big as can be
Self-aggrandizer, TRT

Your poem lacks rhythm.

But not accuracy.
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