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George Rogers Clark High Apologizes For "Insensitive" Signs At Football Game
Granny Bear Wrote:I used to drive I-75 from Harlan to Lexington every four days. At one point in time, I posted a list of folks who should NEVER be allowed to drive....ANYWHERE. They included 1) 99.9% of all females (I, of course was part of that .1%) 2) large black cars from Pulaski County 3) dual cab pick up trucks from Laurel County 4) 100% of the cars from Ohio and 5) 98% of the cars from Michighan.

I still stand by that list!!

I would not have used that term personally, but it was used....get over it.

Confusednicker: must be hell inside your head, at times!!!

I guess you could call it that :HitWall:
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:No worse than the result of some of Obama's policies. All this being "sensitive" is destroying the country. All these pansies who are continually "offended" should get real or lock themselves in their basements.

Guarantee the person that was so offended and complained is a Grimes supporter no doubt. But getting back to the sign, it happened over 200 years ago, if you guys that are offended start a thread about what the Viet Cong did to our POW's
TigerBlues Wrote:Guarantee the person that was so offended and complained is a Grimes supporter no doubt. But getting back to the sign, it happened over 200 years ago, if you guys that are offended start a thread about what the Viet Cong did to our POW's

it happened in the 1830's:blondetea
pjdoug Wrote:it happened in the 1830's:blondetea

Just rounding off Doug, hope I didn't offend you
TigerBlues Wrote:Just rounding off Doug, hope I didn't offend you

You offended me by rounding up 25 years Confusednicker:
I played cowboys and indians as a kid. Should I seek psychotherapy?
Edit to add: I was always a cowboy.
mayfield_9 Wrote:I played cowboys and indians as a kid. Should I seek psychotherapy?
Edit to add: I was always a cowboy.

I thought it was a clever pun. the Redskins are as derogatory as it gets, and nothing is done about that. So, with that being said, why stress so much over a sign that is made to be tore down in the first place?

And yes. I know a lot about the trail of tears. I also know that it took place a long long time ago. These are high school kids with maybe a tad bit of misguided school spirit. Kids will be kids.
Props to the Pep section though. They made a sign good enough to garner state-wide attention!
papagrit Wrote:Dougie, you would probably appreciate the Volunteer jokes more, being from Whitley County.
Why did Tennesee pick orange for it's football colors?

So the footballl players could play ball on Saturday, go hunting on Sunday and pick up trash on the side of the road the rest of the week.

An oldie, but still a goodie.:biggrin:

You know, when I was a kid, especially in high school in the late 90's, there was idiot TN fans down here everywhere. Hell, people were naming there twins Peyton and Manning, and youd think Williamsburg was a Phillip Fulmer turd.

Now, they suck. TN fans are very few and far between on this side of the border. Imagine that. They realized orange is only good for prison attire, and that maybe, just maybe, they were really just bandwagon fans.
Pantherfan59 Wrote:I thought it was a clever pun. the Redskins are as derogatory as it gets, and nothing is done about that. So, with that being said, why stress so much over a sign that is made to be tore down in the first place?

And yes. I know a lot about the trail of tears. I also know that it took place a long long time ago. These are high school kids with maybe a tad bit of misguided school spirit. Kids will be kids.

I was trying to figure out why fans of a mediocre team such as Clark County would make such a sign in the first place.were they referring to themselves crying?:pondering:
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:You know, when I was a kid, especially in high school in the late 90's, there was idiot TN fans down here everywhere. Hell, people were naming there twins Peyton and Manning, and youd think Williamsburg was a Phillip Fulmer turd.

Now, they suck. TN fans are very few and far between on this side of the border. Imagine that. They realized orange is only good for prison attire, and that maybe, just maybe, they were really just bandwagon fans.

is that the real reason that Williamsburg has Orange Jackets?
panther nation Wrote:If we don't have freedom of speach in this country then I guess we should have let the Germans win the damn war and then they would tell us what we can say. Oh shi$ that happening now isn't! Thank you Mr Obama for turning this country into a bunch of wusses! Where no person can make a sign or remark without getting into hot bs water.

Still chuckling over this.....^

That's a new humdinger pn. I'm going to need to find a way to use hot bs water in a sentence today!

I'm not a fan of political correctness either. However, we don't see high schools using "holocaust" on banners for a reason. This was the Indians holocaust and an apology is appropriate. Could have used a lot more metaphors without upsetting the apple cart.

So need need to stir the hot bs water...:biggrin: There I did it!

Have a great rest of the weekend! Confusednicker:

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
i know, right? Wrote:That is whats wrong with todays society. Everybody is to sensitive! It is sad how soft this world has gotten in the last 10 years...

only going to get worse..
Spirit100 Wrote:Still chuckling over this.....^

That's a new humdinger pn. I'm going to need to find a way to use hot bs water in a sentence today!

I'm not a fan of political correctness either. However, we don't see high schools using "holocaust" on banners for a reason. This was the Indians holocaust and an apology is appropriate. Could have used a lot more metaphors without upsetting the apple cart.

So need need to stir the hot bs water...:biggrin: There I did it!

Have a great rest of the weekend! Confusednicker:

I agree.I didn't notice hot bs water. that's some angry water:biglmao:
That's why people in Central Ky aren't fans of Madison Central...ask Chuck Smith!
Leonidas Wrote:It was a nice play on words...end of story.

Freedom of speech is no more.

I call bullshi+

So I guess you wouldn't have had a problem if there were a sign talking about lynching someone either, would you? :Shaking: There is "political correctness" and then there is just plain WRONG. Sadly, you people don't seem to care.
panther nation Wrote:If we don't have freedom of speach in this country then I guess we should have let the Germans win the damn war and then they would tell us what we can say. Oh shi$ that happening now isn't! Thank you Mr Obama for turning this country into a bunch of wusses! Where no person can make a sign or remark without getting into hot bs water.

Do you realize who was president of the United States when the USA Patriot Act was signed? Yeah, wasn't this current one. But, go ahead, blame the current leader for taking away our individual freedoms because the previous president didn't do anything to help out, did he? :ChairHit: Gee whiz. Do some research.
dawgeers Wrote:So I guess you wouldn't have had a problem if there were a sign talking about lynching someone either, would you? :Shaking: There is "political correctness" and then there is just plain WRONG. Sadly, you people don't seem to care.

No problem whatsoever. And, you are correct. I certainly don't care.

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