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Who has the loudest GYMS in the 15th.
Paintsville's is very loud b/c its so small and the crowd is right in your face...
definitely pburgs student section
P-burg hasn't had a student section since 2003. I would say that P- burgs is the wildest but only when fans show up which isn't too often during basketball season.
Paintsville and Johnson Central has the two louds gyms in the 15th region.
Shelby Valley's Gym was pretty loud during the tourney last year!
Paintsville's gym is very loud..

1. Because of its size
2. When the tigers play it is normally packed so that helps

also Prestonsburg's gym was pretty loud during the regional tournament in 04
"Laffy Taffy" Wrote:Paintsville has the loudest gym hands down. Its very hard to come in there and make it through a game its so hot and loud let alone get a win there.

Paintsville's gym doesn't hold 70 people. It's very small. It stays hot all the time because BMR turns up the heat on the opposing teams. Smile
Paintsvilles is the loudest by far...even though it's small
"dirty30" Wrote:I wish i could say every game is loud for Pikeville, but it seems like the fans only show up at the big games (ex. Pike Central or District Tourny) but trust me when they are there it usually gets pretty loud
I remember they used to be real loud, not so much anymore though

i agree
centrals fans gets all hyped up when baskteball season rolls around! Which makes our gym the loudest! GO HAWKS!!!!!
Allen Central gets loud at times to.....even though they had a 3 win season last year....they still had alot of support from the fans....and thats gonna be the same story this year
Paintsville's student section, "Runyon's Rowdies" in the 2002-03 season was absolutely CRAZY. Those Arm's twins and crew with their bodies painted, or dressing up as players from the 70's with the afro wigs and short shorts and knee high socks, all the football players with their jerseys. That was one of the best student sections I have seen in Paintsville in a LONG time. I believe that fans came just to watch them sometimes, they were exciting and LOUD, I wouldn't have wanted to be warming up on that side of the gym like all the opposing teams did. I can remember the Arms twins grabbing the other teams balls and shooting them, blockin their shots from behind, doing chin-ups on the bars of the goal, they were nuts.
SF had the lounest gym when micheal hall played but know they have just went down hill...did he make that big of a difference...
Johnson Centrals and Painstvilles gets really loud when they play each other....its and awesome atmosphere
One of the loudest games was ER VS AC @ P-burg a couple years ago! And also one of the craziest!lol
Paintsville hands down
Paintsville and JC as bad as i hate to remember it. SF use to have the crazies but the last couple of years they've not have anything but parents. I wish the crazies would come to BL lol

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