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Israeli PM gets home support in dispute with U.S.
I hope vundy33 doesn't mind if I continue this topic.

t4p3r8 Wrote:When we turn our back on Israel, which is apparently what the guy currently in the White House is doing, Be sure God will turn his back on this country.

:thumpsup: Good post. America should be careful.

Genesis 12 (KJV):
2)And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
3)And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."

I think they're talking about Israel in these two bible verses.

Wildcatk23 Wrote:Really? So whats he doing for us now?

America is known to be one of the strongest nations in the world. Both our military and economy are known to be the one of best of the world - at least, it used to.

TheRealVille Wrote:What if there is no god?

Bible Prophecies!!!:biggrin:

thecavemaster Wrote:If Israel has policies and practices that directly contradict the teachings of jesus, what then? jesus himself wept as he looked at jerusalem and knew it would be left desolate, not one stone not turned upon another. jesus was simple but not simplistic... there's a big difference. If I find fault with my child's behavior, that isn't to "turn my back on them." In fact, by addressing it, I actually show the utmost of respect and love...and that's biblical too, ain't it, boys? Or do you fellers just prefer the whole ear scratching kind of stuff?

Jesus would be very much against the sinful policies and practices of Israel.

I think God turned his back on Israel because Israel wouldn't repent of their sins. Therefore, it isn't God's fault but Israel's. By the way, I'm not sure where it says this in the bible so I would appreciate it if someone found it for me. Thanks.:biggrin:

By the way, some of these questions that are about Christianity would make a good topic by itself! *Hint* :biggrin:
Deathstar 80 Wrote:I hope vundy33 doesn't mind if I continue this topic.

:thumpsup: Good post. America should be careful.

Genesis 12 (KJV):
2)And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
3)And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."

I think they're talking about Israel in these two bible verses.

America is known to be one of the strongest nations in the world. Both our military and economy are known to be the one of best of the world - at least, it used to.

Bible Prophecies!!!:biggrin:

Jesus would be very much against the sinful policies and practices of Israel.

I think God turned his back on Israel because Israel wouldn't repent of their sins. Therefore, it isn't God's fault but Israel's. By the way, I'm not sure where it says this in the bible so I would appreciate it if someone found it for me. Thanks.:biggrin:

By the way, some of these questions that are about Christianity would make a good topic by itself! *Hint* :biggrin:

Our military is still the strongest in the world. I don't think any other country in the world could fight the two wars we've fought at the same time for the last 7 years.
Deathstar 80 Wrote:Bible Prophecies!!!:biggrin:
Yes, I think you should start a topic about this subject. Maybe you could start with this idea. I think we can all agree that the US is probably the biggest powered country in the world. It is also the country with the most "christians", and the country that spreads the word of Jesus more than any other. The people of the US probably, mostly single handedly, spread the gospel more than any other peoples. Why then, is there nothing in the bible about America?
TidesHoss32 Wrote:If anybody on this sight ever wants proof that HE exists, let me show you what I survived. The ONLY reason I am here, is because of Him and His mercy. Six federal and state mine inspectors have told me after the investigation, that there is no way that any man should have survived what I did. I didnt. It was all Him.
TH32, your accident and getting over it isn't really any proof of anything, other than your will to live and good doctors piecing you back together. If no doctors touched you after your accident, and God miracously healed you with no outside help, then you could make a case. I honestly respect everybody's right to believe, it's everyone's right to believe or not. I personally don't know the answer, and have many unanswered questions. What I am glad for, is that you survived a horendous accident.
TheRealVille Wrote:TH32, your accident and getting over it isn't really any proof of anything, other than your will to live and good doctors piecing you back together. If no doctors touched you after your accident, and God miracously healed you with no outside help, then you could make a case. I honestly respect everybody's right to believe, it's everyone's right to believe or not. I personally don't know the answer, and have many unanswered questions. What I am glad for, is that you survived a horendous accident.
Edited to add: What I do know, is that if there is a God and heaven and **** are real, siding or not siding with Israel isn't going to get you to either one, or gain anybody any favor with God. What you do with Jesus will. Believing in God, and siding with Israel, won't get anybody to heaven any quicker than an atheist not believing will get him to ****.
Aslan Wrote:Why is there evil in the world? God gave mindkind a choice. We don't have to be "good". Were not forced to love and obey God.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, there's no proof of God's existence but there's no proof that he don't exist either. If God did take away everyones doubts and show mankind of his existance, then there would be no faith required. The theory of evolition has a ton of holes in it and the big band theory has even more. Many scientists are switching there view to intelligent design. Not saying they believe in God, but they believe there design behind the universe, it's not just random or a coincidence, like the theorys of evolution and big bang.
Considering how many galaxies scientists have found and Earth is the only planet that can substain human life, is imo evidence of God's existance. Earth is the perfect distance from the sun, the perfect size, axis is tilted at the perfect angle, etc. I don't beleive that's all just a coincidence, there design behind it, God's design.
Agree with me, disagree with me, idc. There's people who share this view and others that don't. No use in crossing the line with name calling and such.

If your referring to be doing the name calling you seen something wrong lol.
vundy33 Wrote:lol, oh yeah, I act like I can whip anyone over an internet board.

And stop with the check day ****, come on, not everyone around here is on a "check" or whatever we call it these days.

You actually didn't say that I shouldn't believe in God, you said "God and faith are wishful thinking", and "god is nothing more then a childhood belief that has been clung to". Just a little harsh, don't you think?

As Mr. Kimball told me, you're in over your head kid.

No one is going to take you seriously until you square your spelling and grammar away.

The check day was for Kimball....

And the phrase I put is in a book I’m reading. You know I attended Church for 13 years. Never missed a day of it. Then my uncle dies in a car crush hit by a drunk driver. Why? Why not the drunk driver? Why Anyone? How is it that there is so many crack heads and drug dealers but innocent god loving and believers die every day? Yes they go to a better place the bible says. But what about that mans daughter who was 4 years old left without a daddy and someone to provide for her?? How is it God, Great and Powerful as he is "allows" such evil to exist and such good people to be taken away from their families.

How is it god could allow the government to become a corrupt as it has. I hear everyday how Obama and the Government is ruining the world. Sending men to war to die out of the greed of men. Weather you agree with my political views or not you can agree its corrupt. What happens to other faiths? These children were never taught the word of Jesus, Should they be ****ed to ****?

You know I wish I could look in the sky at night and have that sign of relief that when I die I have something better waiting. I would like to get that feeling that I could fly when the preacher is raising his voice preaching god’s word. I’m happy for you guys. I have read the Bible twice. It's the most incredible and confusing book I have ever read. I believed it once. I'm lost now. Do I preach the word that he is not real? No. But I’m not going to lie and say I’m a Christian either. Only god can judge me. You can put a tag on me whether or not I’m a believer or not. At the end of the day only I and God will know.
TheRealVille Wrote:What if there is no god?

For me, that question has been answered. God is real and he is alive. He has proven that to me. Lets just say that I'm wrong, which I know I'm not. I would rather die believing what I do than die believing there is no God.
TheRealVille Wrote:Yes, I think you should start a topic about this subject. Maybe you could start with this idea. I think we can all agree that the US is probably the biggest powered country in the world. It is also the country with the most "christians", and the country that spreads the word of Jesus more than any other. The people of the US probably, mostly single handedly, spread the gospel more than any other peoples. Why then, is there nothing in the bible about America?

I agree! Except for the part that says the U.S. is the country that spreads the word of Jesus more than any other... (I think it's South Korea)... but that doesn't really matter to this subject. About your question: First of all, I'd like to say I'm not a bible expert. ;( My best answer is this. The times I've read the bible, it usually talks good about Israel rather than any other country. When another country other than Israel is mentioned, it usually is involved with Israel, the Jews, or a bible prophecy. In other words, the bible usually is focused on the country Israel... and that's it. Once again, I'm not an expert and I could be wrong about this!!! But if you expect me to answer that, that's my best answer.:biggrin:

Wildcatk23 Wrote:And the phrase I put is in a book I’m reading. You know I attended Church for 13 years. Never missed a day of it. Then my uncle dies in a car crush hit by a drunk driver. Why? Why not the drunk driver? Why Anyone? How is it that there is so many crack heads and drug dealers but innocent god loving and believers die every day? Yes they go to a better place the bible says. But what about that mans daughter who was 4 years old left without a daddy and someone to provide for her?? How is it God, Great and Powerful as he is "allows" such evil to exist and such good people to be taken away from their families.

How is it god could allow the government to become a corrupt as it has. I hear everyday how Obama and the Government is ruining the world. Sending men to war to die out of the greed of men. Weather you agree with my political views or not you can agree its corrupt. What happens to other faiths? These children were never taught the word of Jesus, Should they be ****ed to ****?

You know I wish I could look in the sky at night and have that sign of relief that when I die I have something better waiting. I would like to get that feeling that I could fly when the preacher is raising his voice preaching god’s word. I’m happy for you guys. I have read the Bible twice. It's the most incredible and confusing book I have ever read. I believed it once. I'm lost now. Do I preach the word that he is not real? No. But I’m not going to lie and say I’m a Christian either. Only god can judge me. You can put a tag on me whether or not I’m a believer or not. At the end of the day only I and God will know.

I'm sorry to hear about your uncle. The bible says bad things happen to both good and bad people.

Matthew 5:
44) "But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,"
45) "that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust."

In other words, bad times can come to Christians or sinners. This world is a bad place to live. And God did make a way to where we don't have to live in this world. You probably already know that it's through believing in and following Jesus that we can go to heaven and encourage others to believe in and follow God.

The question about corruption and soldiers having to go to war for politicians, that wouldn't be God's fault (I'm not sure if that was your question or not). For the question about what happens to those who haven't heard about giving their life to God when they die, it's not 100% known. I personally believe they will go to heaven since they didn't intentionally sin against God, but whatever happens to them, God is just and will judge them correctly. What I do know, though, is that us as Christians are to tell others to give their lives to God.

It's true in your last paragraph that nobody can judge you. Only God can truly judge any of us. I'm glad that you tell the truth instead of lying that you're a Christian! :thumpsup:

As I usually like to say in my posts that involve biblical material, it's best to double check or even triple check whether or not this information is correct. A good way to check if this information is correct is by reading the bible and checking it yourself, which I think you said you have already read the bible twice. That's about one-and-a-half more times than I've read it! :thumpsup:
Deathstar 80 Wrote:I agree! Except for the part that says the U.S. is the country that spreads the word of Jesus more than any other... (I think it's South Korea)... but that doesn't really matter to this subject. About your question: First of all, I'd like to say I'm not a bible expert. ;( My best answer is this. The times I've read the bible, it usually talks good about Israel rather than any other country. When another country other than Israel is mentioned, it usually is involved with Israel, the Jews, or a bible prophecy. In other words, the bible usually is focused on the country Israel... and that's it. Once again, I'm not an expert and I could be wrong about this!!! But if you expect me to answer that, that's my best answer.:biggrin:

I'm sorry to hear about your uncle. The bible says bad things happen to both good and bad people.

Matthew 5:
44) "But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,"
45) "that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust."

In other words, bad times can come to Christians or sinners. This world is a bad place to live. And God did make a way to where we don't have to live in this world. You probably already know that it's through believing in and following Jesus that we can go to heaven and encourage others to believe in and follow God.

The question about corruption and soldiers having to go to war for politicians, that wouldn't be God's fault (I'm not sure if that was your question or not). For the question about what happens to those who haven't heard about giving their life to God when they die, it's not 100% known. I personally believe they will go to heaven since they didn't intentionally sin against God, but whatever happens to them, God is just and will judge them correctly. What I do know, though, is that us as Christians are to tell others to give their lives to God.

It's true in your last paragraph that nobody can judge you. Only God can truly judge any of us. I'm glad that you tell the truth instead of lying that you're a Christian! :thumpsup:

As I usually like to say in my posts that involve biblical material, it's best to double check or even triple check whether or not this information is correct. A good way to check if this information is correct is by reading the bible and checking it yourself, which I think you said you have already read the bible twice. That's about one-and-a-half more times than I've read it! :thumpsup:

They used to hand out the small colored bibles at church all the time when i was younger. I was fascinated and would read them after i had a nightmare or such. I would sleep with a bible under my pillow. But then things changed.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:They used to hand out the small colored bibles at church all the time when i was younger. I was fascinated and would read them after i had a nightmare or such. I would sleep with a bible under my pillow. But then things changed.

To my understanding, a lot of people experience great times in their lives to where they prefer things not to change.

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