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Would you like BGR to close the doors and shutdown the site?
QQ I apperciate this site. Its free and anyone who would complain about somthing thats free. beggers cant be choosers. I love this site and I hope that stays on here forever. I like all the hard work and effort that you have put into it. You have to work hard on a site like this to keep it going. youve done a good job picking your staff. If there is any thing that i could do to help you out i will. because this site has helped me out alot. wheni get upset i can get on BGR and it calms me down. I wish you the best of luck with your family and schooling. Keep up the good work.
Man QQ you cant shut down BGR its the greatest site ever its a MILLION times greater than preps (those guys are pricks btw) and its free. I dont see why you would have to be a certain age to run a message board geez but for all those who ridicule you QQ pay no attention to those fools you are doing a great job KEEP IT UP!!!!! :clap:
QQ, you know you've got my support.  Sometimes, a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch, but that isn't the case here.  Some of those idiots are here to cause a little trouble because of one thing.....they're scared, and they're getting nervous so they have to try and bring us down....I got news for all of them, it ain't happening.  Before it's all said and done, people are going to get fed up with being limited on voicing their own opinions and will eventually move ship and will cause us to grow even more.  So let them shoot their own selves in the foot....

I wouldn't let a few assholes get to ya QQ, some people can't be satisfied no matter what, and they are the ones that will be on the receiving end of things in life.  Doc said it best earlier, those idiots are the armchair quarterbacks, the bleacher refs, and the parent ass. The idiots that coach, those who think they know so much more than those who actually PLAY THE GAME or coach it.  So let's all get behind QQ and support him through all of this.  He's given us a great website for not only sports, but for everything in general.  It's time for all of us not-so-critical posters to give back to him and lend him a helping hand.  :thumpsup:         
[quote author=Bat Masterson link=topic=20496.msg205380#msg205380 date=1141681011]
I don't post a whole lot and QQ and I have had our differences in the past, no secret there.  I am not going to repeat a lot of what is already posted.  QQ knows where I stand and that is all that really matters to me.

What I do want to say is QQ and BGG have the right to run this site the way they see fit and the rest of us can take it or leave it.  None of us would even be here if not for their work and concern and effort.  So unless he is asking for your input or unless you are on the board of directors of BGR, then you don't have a dog in the fight.  So give him a little bit of rope and let him do his thing. 

Keep on keeping on, QQ.  Stay on the right course and put the bumps in the road behind you and you will get to where you are going.

Great Post !  :thumpsup:
[quote author=torQQue link=topic=20496.msg205396#msg205396 date=1141682075]
I tell you all one thing. YOU ALL ARE THE REASON I WILL NOT CLOSE BGR. People here that support BGR and efforts we make. You all are what have made this site a success not me. Without people like you BGR wouldn't be nothing but and name. And excuse my french here. But BY GOD I'll go down with my ship.

ALL these Haters and Bashers can kiss my F**KING ASS. I'm doing this for you guys that appreciate it. To take BGR away from those that support and want it to be successful would be wrong. Im going to really BEEF up staff support here and well go on banning sprees to keep this place clean of maggots. We will try to conduct a meeting tonight in the mod forum and add at least 20 more staff members.  All of you that has stood behind us can help us keep this place clean.

[glow=red,2,300]They want a god we'll give them a war !!!!!! [/glow] :pirateshoot:
[quote author=crazytaxidriver link=topic=20496.msg205803#msg205803 date=1141697251]
Do not buck up and quit.. I'll will beat you to death..  i don't know about all these other people, but dude this site means so much to me, and many other people.. This site has really done things for me that most people would laugh about.. it's kept me out of a lot of trouble, and it has kept me sane for the most part of a year.. especially when my work was getting to me.. this was a place i could come and vent or get my mind off the things that were stressing me out.. this place has really been a kind of sanctuary to me.  I know i haven't been here a lot lately, but tha'ts a little out of my control.. but believe me.. if this site were to shut down I for one would really be heartbroken.. I love this place and I look forward to conversations, and arguements with most of the people on here..  I know this site was originally created as a free alternative to the other one, but dude. I would really pay to continue to be a part on here.. if it wasnt' for this site you wouldn't have got a ticket to a free chinese dinner that you still haven't gotten yet lol.. and CD wouldn't have a punchline to all his jokes without me..  and as for beef well, he would be just another college kid, looking for someone to brag to.. lol..
This site means a lot to a lot of people, and shutting it down would be hard.. well on me at least.. so I vote to keep her open..
[/quote]Your vote doesn't even count....noone listens to you anyway.....go back in your little hole
[quote author=Pirate Pal link=topic=20496.msg205781#msg205781 date=1141696332]
I love this site and most of the people on it!  I don't want to see it shut down.  If it takes being a lot harder on the habitual offenders than I say do it!

Amen !!!  :thumpsup:

I have been here since the beginning and I love this site. As many of you know I live in Winchester,Ky and have for the last 4 years and I do not get to go home to Pike Co. all that much. This site has helped me to stay in touch with friends back home and to root on my beloved Pirates from 4 counties away. I have also had the chance to meet QQ, BGG and their 2 children and they are some of the best people I have ever met.

I recently got the chance to meet Mr.Incredible, Elasticgirl, 15thRegionCrazy,Football05, Tweety,PiratePal, Dreamweaver, blackcats75,jayblackcat2006 and catsfan72 and although 5 out of those 9 were P'Burg fans, I won't hold it against them... :lol: Seriously they are really great !

The point of all my rambling is that I have made lifelong friendships on this board to some people that I have met and to some I havent met yet but look foward to doing so....

I will not be one to stand idly by and let some ignorant assholes come in and try to tear down what we have done here in 14 months !!!

We have not yet begun to fight.......Long live Bluegrass Rivals !!!  :pirateshoot:
This site is awesome! It has to take alot of time and effort to keep one of these things up and youve already put so much work into it. I really appreciate what youve done and i support this site 100%!!!!!
[quote author=gobles_girl40 link=topic=20496.msg206470#msg206470 date=1141863975]
This site is awesome! It has to take alot of time and effort to keep one of these things up and youve already put so much work into it. I really appreciate what youve done and i support this site 100%!!!!!

Thanks :thumpsup:
QQ you are exactly right who really cares if you spell a word wrong on here i don't and to think ppl actually dis you because you try your hardest to make every one happy its unbeleavable.................QQ no worry's keep up the good even i don't get see it till you make a big change since i play XboX live all day......NEVER EVER SHUT BGR DOWN............
[quote author=Beef link=topic=20496.msg206231#msg206231 date=1141709086]
[quote author=crazytaxidriver link=topic=20496.msg205803#msg205803 date=1141697251]
Do not buck up and quit.. I'll will beat you to death..  i don't know about all these other people, but dude this site means so much to me, and many other people.. This site has really done things for me that most people would laugh about.. it's kept me out of a lot of trouble, and it has kept me sane for the most part of a year.. especially when my work was getting to me.. this was a place i could come and vent or get my mind off the things that were stressing me out.. this place has really been a kind of sanctuary to me.  I know i haven't been here a lot lately, but tha'ts a little out of my control.. but believe me.. if this site were to shut down I for one would really be heartbroken.. I love this place and I look forward to conversations, and arguements with most of the people on here..  I know this site was originally created as a free alternative to the other one, but dude. I would really pay to continue to be a part on here.. if it wasnt' for this site you wouldn't have got a ticket to a free chinese dinner that you still haven't gotten yet lol.. and CD wouldn't have a punchline to all his jokes without me..  and as for beef well, he would be just another college kid, looking for someone to brag to.. lol..
This site means a lot to a lot of people, and shutting it down would be hard.. well on me at least.. so I vote to keep her open..
[/quote]Your vote doesn't even count....noone listens to you anyway.....go back in your little hole

hahaah bite me bubby.. i knew you would reply to it lol.
[quote author=Yellow Snow link=topic=20496.msg205341#msg205341 date=1141678288]
[quote author=BFritz link=topic=20496.msg205332#msg205332 date=1141676104]
I love this site because you don't gotta worry about things like grammatical errors and stuff like that.

I met theguru and had no problem with him. However, my problem comes in when being high up on the priority list means you can do anything on BGP. I.E. Birdsfan thought I was 20, in a stolen car, and that I knew the state that the driver was in when I decided to get in that stolen car, all of which are false. He proceedes to make comments about how I don't deserve anything, how I'm a dick, and how I'm just trying to robb people. I ask theguru about it, get blown off and told Birdsfan was "trying to help me." Someone want to try and explain that to me? So, alls I say is "a moderator offended me," and I get kicked off the site for good. If anyone would like to take a stab at that and tell me how it's not bullshit, please, feel free.

By the way, I doubt many of you know the true story and none of you know how financially destroyed my family has been with no help from anyone, so please think about if you're going to form an opinion that's similar to Birdsfan

Heh........Birdsfan was one of three people there who wanted me booted off.....and we used to PM all the time.? He even shared some personal info with me about a poster there he was sweet on...... go figure.? You just can't trust some people.

BTW.......Birdie has spinabifita (sp?) or some ailment similar and confined to a wheelchair. Don't know if you knew that or not.

I knew he had spina bifida  (I looked up how to spell it, I'm not that smart or anything), which is unfortunate, and he uses BGP on a power trip to make up for what he lacks physically (That's just my opinion, but it's the impression I get from his posts, how he criticized me in PMs and what he told me he thought about me). 
QQ...There are jerks everywhere we go in life, at work, at school, and on discussion forums.
I have learned in life that there are far and above more good people than there are A**holes.
Hang in there, disregard the minority and keep this incredible site rolling.
QQ you know that we are all willing to do what we can to make the site run smoothly. If you need donations so be it, if we need more staff, if we need assigned forums, whatever it takes to keep the site up. Alot of idiots try to cause problems because those are the same ones who have no lives and just want to cause trouble with whatever they can. I mean how cool are the users that create multiple accounts and emailing addresses just to get on here and post lies about players and shit. NO LIVES! It's absolutely ridiculous some of the things that we have to put up with on here but if it's 1 out of 10 posters which I don't even think that it's that much, I know you QQ and you would be willing to run the site for those 9 other great people who want to talk sports. You are a great guy torQQue and no one should insult you in any way. People do type fast and spelling doesn't matter, that 36 on ACT, getting your Master's and the coding on this board speaks for itself. You don't have to answer to anyone insulting your intellegence. In fact, you are the smartest person that I know. You and BGG have a beautiful family so just ban those people that bring your wife and children into anything. I've read the post from the specific member that has questioned all of these things and it's pathetic people like that who try to cause shit that just need to stop being jealous of your success and just run back and hide under the wings of the staff of BGP AND KyPreps. We don't need them here. We have it ALL under control. Like James Frey said "Let the haters hate and the doubters doubt."
[quote author=thetribe link=topic=20496.msg207218#msg207218 date=1141920880]
QQ you know that we are all willing to do what we can to make the site run smoothly. If you need donations so be it, if we need more staff, if we need assigned forums, whatever it takes to keep the site up. Alot of idiots try to cause problems because those are the same ones who have no lives and just want to cause trouble with whatever they can. I mean how cool are the users that create multiple accounts and emailing addresses just to get on here and post lies about players and shit. NO LIVES! It's absolutely ridiculous some of the things that we have to put up with on here but if it's 1 out of 10 posters which I don't even think that it's that much, I know you QQ and you would be willing to run the site for those 9 other great people who want to talk sports. You are a great guy torQQue and no one should insult you in any way. People do type fast and spelling doesn't matter, that 36 on ACT, getting your Master's and the coding on this board speaks for itself. You don't have to answer to anyone insulting your intellegence. In fact, you are the smartest person that I know. You and BGG have a beautiful family so just ban those people that bring your wife and children into anything. I've read the post from the specific member that has questioned all of these things and it's pathetic people like that who try to cause shit that just need to stop being jealous of your success and just run back and hide under the wings of the staff of BGP AND KyPreps. We don't need them here. We have it ALL under control. Like James Frey said "Let the haters hate and the doubters doubt."

Good post Tribe... I agree with you 100%
I'm definitely supporting the site! I think you have done an outstanding job!
as a part time scout i check numerous sites every day and this by far is the best site going.and there are quite afew college coaches that cruise this site in all sports and that gets these young athletes some much needed attention.keep up the good work.
This is a great site, Granted I don't have a lot of time to get on here everyday due to my Job. I get on as much as possible......Torque you have done a great Job here. Definitely don't shut it down..... :thumpsup:
[quote author=corndog23 link=topic=20496.msg205618#msg205618 date=1141689944]
why the sudden change of heart TheRevelation??  Get booted off of BGP or something?

Lets see, how many times do I have to say this........I am not a member of BGP. You guys need to get a life and run this site not worry what BlueGrassPreps or KentuckyPreps are doing. Show some class BFritz and YellowSnow, personal attacks the last time there were rules was not permitted.
You have to admit Rev, you are the one that gave torQQue all that shit for trying to provide us with an amazing and FREE site! What more could you ask for? I love this site and I only visit it, myspace, and check my email when I'm on the net, without the site I wouldn't know where to go so I appreciate it. YOU my friend made personal attacks fair game when you brought QQ's family into it.
Go ahead, shut it down QQ you *****.  I don't think you have the balls.  :lol:  Just kiddin man.

I can go back to my early days on BGP's and remember that QQ, CTD, BP, and Beef were the main ones that I talked to.  I found it an absolute honor when QQ asked me to be apart of the staff at BGR's.  I knew he was taking a long shot in the dark by starting this site, but I had total faith in him and his work.  Now here we are about 2 years later and look what this site has grown into.  The staff hasn't changed and I still have my buddies here to talk to. (Except CTD who is too pussywhipped to get on here much anymore  :lolSmile
QQ, look at it this way man, if these people didn't like the site, then they wouldn't have taken the time out to join.  Some people just crave attention and that's all they wanted.  Screw what a couple people have said about BGR's.  If they don't like it then they can pay 12 bucks to talk about sports.  That's their decision.  This isn't a competition to see who has more members, it's a privalage to talk about high school sports and other topics FOR FREE!!  Now I don't know too many people that don't like free stuff.  I say keep it going and if you shut it down, I swear to God I will kill you.  :lol: :lmao:
[quote author=thetribe link=topic=20496.msg209177#msg209177 date=1142127716]
You have to admit Rev, you are the one that gave torQQue all that shit for trying to provide us with an amazing and FREE site! What more could you ask for? I love this site and I only visit it, myspace, and check my email when I'm on the net, without the site I wouldn't know where to go so I appreciate it. YOU my friend made personal attacks fair game when you brought QQ's family into it.

How did I bring his family into it? So its ok for people here to attack me and others, but if I say anything back then I get banned? I want a answer on this.
your comments about taking care of his wife and kids instead of the site, you made it sound as if he was taking food off the plate.
I never meant to upset anyone, but I think that sooner or later he will have to take donations or something. What everyone got so tore up about was my questioning of the settings of the users online. Its easy to see who was right about that now. Posters might not like what the Rev says, but I tell the truth. I just think that everyone should be treated the same.
If he has to take donations then so be it. I'd try to be the first in line to help and you aren't getting banned for stating your opinion, WE aren't like that. Family is a low blow here so bringing that into it is where you went wrong. BUT anyway, the setting now clearly says how many minutes it has been. The staff could have been misinformed about the timing, QQ told you exactly how many it was. No one is perfect though so please overlook our mistake, our bad.
[quote author=TheRevelation link=topic=20496.msg209352#msg209352 date=1142134436]
I never meant to upset anyone, but I think that sooner or later he will have to take donations or something. What everyone got so tore up about was my questioning of the settings of the users online. Its easy to see who was right about that now. Posters might not like what the Rev says, but I tell the truth. I just think that everyone should be treated the same.

Let's just say for now that money isn't an issue anymore nor should it be in the future.  So if you or anyone else is waiting for the site to go under or for it to have to start charging it isn't going to happen so everyone can stop dreaming.  BGR is here to stay and to stay FREE!
Preach it CD!
[quote author=TheRevelation link=topic=20496.msg209258#msg209258 date=1142131601]
[quote author=thetribe link=topic=20496.msg209177#msg209177 date=1142127716]
You have to admit Rev, you are the one that gave torQQue all that shit for trying to provide us with an amazing and FREE site! What more could you ask for? I love this site and I only visit it, myspace, and check my email when I'm on the net, without the site I wouldn't know where to go so I appreciate it. YOU my friend made personal attacks fair game when you brought QQ's family into it.

How did I bring his family into it? So its ok for people here to attack me and others, but if I say anything back then I get banned? I want a answer on this.

Maam no disrespect to you, but I have no problem with your husband. He just needs to shoot straight with everyone. I think that one cannot always foot the bill out of pocket when he could be buying his very nice wife and kids something. And to curse me in front of all these kids........Makes you wonder who is leading this trainwreck.........And with that last comment, I am done with this thread

Quote from the server upgrade thread.

Now tell me am I reading something into this, or did you say buy something for his wife and kids instead of keeping the site running.

As far as a donation button I asked QQ to add one over 5 months ago.
And when he does I will donate that very second.

I really don't care which site you are for or with i can only state one fact for some reason YOU seem to have a personal problem with this site.

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