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Pike County Bowl 2011
HawksRule Wrote:Pike Central gets no credit around here. Yes they have just up and started their success, but they will be no flash in the pan. They will continue to have great success in the future. Pikeville lives in the past and thrives on history kind of like loitering. They have no rush for progression it's all about we won 3 state titles in the 80's and such and such. I'm not dissing Pikeville at all I'm just stating the obvious. The reason Chapman is a hero for winning a Regional Runner-Up is because he took a team from a 4 win season to a 7 win team. He lead them to their first home playoff game and their first playoff win in school history. There is a huge difference in Pikeville and Pike Central.

Yes I agree. There is a BIG difference in Pikeville and Pike Central. Pike Central is the most arrogant (for no reason) group I have ever seen. They act like because the won couple of games we all need to clear the schedule for the Super Bowl. Demanding respect is not how you get it. Using inelligible players is also not a way to get the respect you desire. This Chapman man that is revered, is the one that blantantly snubbed his nose at the rules of KHSAA. That doesnt earn you respect either. You have to walk before you run. Its gonna take a lot of hard work and winning seasons to earn the respect and get you where you want to be. Schools like Pikeville and Belfry have a reputation for hard work, they earned their history. IF Pike Central gets there, they must walk the same road as Belfry and Pikeville.
Pike Central got caught doing what Pikeville and Belfry has done for years, so don't shoot your mouth off about Pike Central.
If Pikeville and Belfry are doing the same thing why aren't they being investigated and penalized for it. How can anyone defend the actions of the coaching staff of PCC as for the kids it is a shame they have to be in this situation. the punishment did not fit the crime. every team wants to win most try and do it with the kids they have.
Was it really necessary to bump a 5 month old thread?

grlzbball&cheer Wrote:Yes I agree. There is a BIG difference in Pikeville and Pike Central. Pike Central is the most arrogant (for no reason) group I have ever seen. They act like because the won couple of games we all need to clear the schedule for the Super Bowl. Demanding respect is not how you get it. Using inelligible players is also not a way to get the respect you desire. This Chapman man that is revered, is the one that blantantly snubbed his nose at the rules of KHSAA. That doesnt earn you respect either. You have to walk before you run. Its gonna take a lot of hard work and winning seasons to earn the respect and get you where you want to be. Schools like Pikeville and Belfry have a reputation for hard work, they earned their history. IF Pike Central gets there, they must walk the same road as Belfry and Pikeville.

So did Pike Central beat your team last year? Because I am not sure what fans you are talking about. They are no more arrogant than any other fans. Just because we have faith in our team, regardless of all the stuff that is said about them, and everything they have all been through in the last year. Those boys hold their heads high, because they believe in themselves, not due to arrogance. There is a difference in Cocky and Confidence, a difference you apparently know nothing about. Pike Central fans are proud of the boys regardless of all the smack talk and never ending gossip that is said about them. The majority of it comes from this site. People on here sit around and talk about kids worse than a group of old ladies. Chapman is respected because he is a good coach, despite rumors..The KHSAA investigation has been over for quite some time now & this article has for some reason just came out, but we wont go there..that is OLD news that keeps getting drug back up. No one wants anyone to lay out the red carpet either. These boys worked hard and are still working hard, and because everyone is use to and still wants them to be that pushover team they have always been, no one likes it. If Pike Central would have had a losing season last year, no one would be complaining or gossiping nearly as much. I will say this also, you do not win games with just 2 boys, it takes more than one. So the transfer gossip is you-know-what. These boys are a TEAM. They play as a TEAM. It takes more than two in this case. Not saying the boys didn't make a difference because they did, but there are other kids on that field as well. Take the same road as Belfry and Pikeville? PLEASE. You are going to sit there and tell me that they don't have 'transfers' because everyone and their mother knows that they do. Nothing is said to them because it is political, and they are Belfry and Pikeville. I will give credit where credit is due here, they earned their wins but they still had their share of transfers, so do not sit back and act like they don't do it too.. EVERYONE knows they do, whether they want to admit it or not. The whole subject is ludicrous, and people are tired of hearing it. Just when it started to go away, this last article comes out and brings the mudslingers right back out, and here we go again folks. So frustrating and just all around exhausting. I mean come on, how are you people not tired of this yet?!

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