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Deer Season: Fall/Winter 2009/2010
Should be getting out this weekend to hunt with the ole Bear Bow. Anyone else going? Oldwarrior?
MiddlesboroAlumni Wrote:Should be getting out this weekend to hunt with the ole Bear Bow. Anyone else going? Oldwarrior?
No, I plan on filling up a couple feeders and cutting a tree down that is partially blocking a shooting lane, I have'nt bow hunted since 1995, when I fell out of my treestand, my son is going though, the deers around here are primarily moving at night, but with the cool weather we've been having, the rut should hit during the gun season, good luck and be safe.:biggrin:
ive been a few time...just not got the shots...i saw 4 different shooters and when i say shooters i mean shooters...i shoot no small deer...
Bow hunted and filled up the feeders yesterday. Seen a few does, no bucks. But did see plenty of buck sign. The bucks are starting to scrape and should start making rub lines literally any time now.
I'm seeing scrapes all over. Now is the time to set up on active scrapes and rattle a big boy in. I used the horns this past weekend and had 2 bucks snort wheezing at me. Saw a nice 10 make a scrape and came within 5ft of my shooting lane but turned around. talk about 6th sense. Anyway, the rut will be in full swing in the next week or two. The bucks i've seen are actively checking scrapes and are very territorial right now. Get out n' hunt. Use some estrous scent and take a Primos estrous bleat can with you if you have no rattling bags or grunt calls. Filling feeders won't get you squat unless where you hunt doesn't have any acorns. Deer are hammering acorns right now and won't touch any other food source. IMO corn is better as a late season food source.
this will be on my wall after Taken at my feeder
Not seen one scrape yet. Seen several rubs...but they dont appear to be to aggressive. LOL...maybe the deer are just not as big where Im
Birdlegs Wrote:this will be on my wall after Taken at my feeder

Great buck??what county you from
I've got some good news. The 2009 rut is on!!! Bucks are out in full force right now chasing does. I'm thankful it is occuring a week before gun.....Gives us bowhunters a good chance.
I'm in PIKE co.,and yes the rut is in full force.Good luck to everyone and lets see those deer pics
Well I hate bowhunting right now..I see bucks they just will not slow down running..but good luck and be safe this weekend in the woods
Will there be more than average deer killed on opening weekend or not? I say not because of the weather...75 degree is to warm
I agree VILLE. The bucks' hormones are booming right now. Taking a buck with a bow right now would be one tall task.

Gun season starts tomorrow in Kentucky. This is what we've all been waiting for. I wish I everyone the best of luck. Remember, safety first.
Went out today saw 5 deer and only 1buck and it was not very big a 5 point. So i let him walk..everyone i talked to didnt see any...I think the weather is a big HOTT
Seen one deer today. It was a pretty nice eight point. He came stomping through the woods around 8:15 this morning about 70-80 yards away. I couldn't stand it and I took him. Probably a 15-inch spread and tines weren't too tall, but what can I say? I don't have to have a monster. :biggrin:

Anyone else do any good?
outdoorsman43 Wrote:Seen one deer today. It was a pretty nice eight point. He came stomping through the woods around 8:15 this morning about 70-80 yards away. I couldn't stand it and I took him. Probably a 15-inch spread and tines weren't too tall, but what can I say? I don't have to have a monster. :biggrin:

Anyone else do any good?

Went out today and saw about 115-125 ELK. and 4 deer..I saw one shooter and he came in behind me
Been sittin in my office all day with my rifle. No deer yet. May have to expand search to beyond downtown Louisa............
Well the black powder season comes in Saturday the 12th, looks like cold weather forecast, possibly some snow, is anyone looking for that last chanch at that big one.
Keying in on food sources is the only way to hunt this time of year. A farm, food plot, feeders, etc. would be great to hunt this time of year. If you don't have that luxury, then putting out some whole-kernel corn or some Acorn Rage. Anything to that effect will only help.

Good luck to everyone in this muzzle-loader season.
so how did everyone do this season??

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