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A Very Special Thread Dedicated to Wildcat23-"Syrian WMDs Came From Iraq"
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Your turn.

My turn for what?
TheRealThing Wrote:Okay, so the entire federal government of 2001-2003 shares the responsibility for the invasion of Iraq. What's the deal with blaming W for it? That is exactly what drives me up the wall. Not that you're saying it, but even Kerry and Pelosi blame the Iraq War on him, and they're on record demanding the invasion. The intelligence at the time indicated Saddam was aiding and abetting Al-Qaeda in their efforts to carry out these massive terrorist attacks on the USA.

As for the reason to invade Iraq. The idea was to take the fight to the terrorists in their own backyard. Engage them in a combat situation and fight them on even terms. Would you rather have them flying jets into buildings and possibly killing thousands with anthrax or chemical weapons on American soil? Or would you prefer to knock the crap out them over in their homeland desert regions where our trained militia could have their way with these vermin?

Suffice it to say, the congress, the president, the CIA, and military intelligence believed it enough to vote to invade. If they were all wrong they were all wrong but, here is what was written on the subject back in 2006---

Iraq's WMD Secreted in Syria, Sada Says

By IRA STOLL, Staff Reporter of the Sun | January 26, 2006

The man who served as the no. 2 official in Saddam Hussein's air force says Iraq moved weapons of mass destruction into Syria before the war by loading the weapons into civilian aircraft in which the passenger seats were removed.

The Iraqi general, Georges Sada, makes the charges in a new book, "Saddam's Secrets," released this week. He detailed the transfers in an interview yesterday with The New York Sun.

"There are weapons of mass destruction gone out from Iraq to Syria, and they must be found and returned to safe hands," Mr. Sada said. "I am confident they were taken over."

Mr. Sada's comments come just more than a month after Israel's top general during Operation Iraqi Freedom, Moshe Yaalon, told the Sun that Saddam "transferred the chemical agents from Iraq to Syria."

Democrats have made the absence of stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq a theme in their criticism of the Bush administration's decision to go to war in 2003. And President Bush himself has conceded much of the point; in a televised prime-time address to Americans last month, he said, "It is true that many nations believed that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. But much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong."

Said Mr. Bush, "We did not find those weapons."

The discovery of the weapons in Syria could alter the American political debate on the Iraq war. And even the accusations that they are there could step up international pressure on the government in Damascus. That government, led by Bashar Assad, is already facing a U.N. investigation over its alleged role in the assassination of a former prime minister of Lebanon. The Bush administration has criticized Syria for its support of terrorism and its failure to cooperate with the U.N. investigation.

The State Department recently granted visas for self-proclaimed opponents of Mr. Assad to attend a "Syrian National Council" meeting in Washington scheduled for this weekend, even though the attendees include communists, Baathists, and members of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood group to the exclusion of other, more mainstream groups.

Mr. Sada, 65, told the Sun that the pilots of the two airliners that transported the weapons of mass destruction to Syria from Iraq approached him in the middle of 2004, after Saddam was captured by American troops.

"I know them very well. They are very good friends of mine. We trust each other. We are friends as pilots," Mr. Sada said of the two pilots. He declined to disclose their names, saying they are concerned for their safety. But he said they are now employed by other airlines outside Iraq.

The pilots told Mr. Sada that two Iraqi Airways Boeings were converted to cargo planes by removing the seats, Mr. Sada said. Then Special Republican Guard brigades loaded materials onto the planes, he said, including "yellow barrels with skull and crossbones on each barrel." The pilots said there was also a ground convoy of trucks.

The flights - 56 in total, Mr. Sada said - attracted little notice because they were thought to be civilian flights providing relief from Iraq to Syria, which had suffered a flood after a dam collapse in June of 2002.

"Saddam realized, this time, the Americans are coming," Mr. Sada said. "They handed over the weapons of mass destruction to the Syrians."

Isn't this evidence a little more damning than just saying it's all Bush's fault for purely political reasons

This is all word for word what I have already posted TRT, but this is all this kid knows how to do. It's all the same mentality with his claiming not long ago of how great the economy was is in this area. Oh he knows he's wrong, but it's just like I stated in post #1. He's not going to own up to not knowing what he's spouting off about. I knew exactly how it would He's got what's known as the foot in mouth disease and he's found out there is no way for him to back out of the dumb things he's stated and save face.
Bob Seger Wrote:This is all word for word what I have already posted TRT, but this is all this kid knows how to do. It's all the same mentality with his claiming not long ago of how great the economy was is in this area. Oh he knows he's wrong, but it's just like I stated in post #1. He's not going to own up to not knowing what he's spouting off about. I knew exactly how it would He's got what's known as the foot in mouth disease and he's found out there is no way for him to back out of the dumb things he's stated and save face.

I know what you mean Bob. Here is what makes me furious with the eveready bunny of lies--the democratic party. They knew all too well, back in 2006 that Syria got the WMD's from Iraq. But, they also knew they might have an opportunity to make a 'barn load' of political hay, by making W look like a war mongering cowboy, who jumped up and trashed Iraq for no good reason. The dems knew there was no way to verify Syria had them, becuase our tenuous foreign relations picture makes the Syrians a key piece of the middle eastern puzzle, and we have more to lose by insulting them, (not that they'd ever cooperate with us anyway) So, to cash in on their dioblolical sceme to gain an advantage, they called it W's war and called him a liar, when in truth, THEY were the ones knowingly misrepresenting the facts, knowing the truth was safely tucked away in Syrian bunkers somewhere. Oh, there is a shread of truth in the story, in that the WMD's weren't actually in Iraq by the time we got there. I just wonder where people's minds have gone? We've got Saddam's number two man saying the weapons were transported to Syria. We've got intel showing the WMD truck convoys enroute to Syria with them, we know Saddam converted two 747's to fly some of the stuff to Syria complete with verifiable flight plans, and we know Syria has a bulging arsenal of chemical and biological weapons (even though they don't have anything near the capability of developing and manufacturing them.)

The dems are putting party ahead of country. But even worse, they're wiling to actually do real damage to the US in order to seize and maintain power. I worry about the rationale of folks who support the dems without question. People can live in denial, but we're talking a whole new level here. How can the average democrat accept that kind of behavior out of their leadership? All they would need to do, to shock unscrupulous and out of control leaders out of their destructive ways, is hold them responsible in just one election by showing them the door. If it happens once, the effects would resonate for years to come, we'd start to get our budget back under control. And maybe, most of us will be able to afford to eat this decade. Now, I know we can't count on the entitlement-bought voters, but maybe the dems that are actually knocking themselves out to make a living for their family everyday are starting to get the picture a little.
Stardust Wrote:He did, kind of sorta.... Don't get me wrong, I'm on your side, but there was so much pressure on the White House regarding where the WMD's were, he had to say there was nothing to find:

"BUSH: Now, look, I -- part of the reason we went into Iraq was -- the main reason we went into Iraq at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction...

You know, I've heard this theory about, you know, everything was just fine until we arrived and, you know, kind of -- the "stir up the hornet's nest" theory. It just doesn't hold water as far as I'm concerned. The terrorists attacked us and killed 3,000 of our citizens before we started the freedom agenda in the Middle East. They were --

Monday August 21, 2006 - A full transcript of the president's remarks follow:

Wonder why he did not respond to this response?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Wonder why he did not respond to this response?

Listen, sorry to gang up on you Wildcat. Dusty was agreeing with me for the most part. Quote-- "He did, kind of sorta.... Don't get me wrong, I'm on your side". My comment wasn't a quote, it was a paraphrase for the sake of clarity. I remember the epic 'tit for tat' between the Bush admin and the flesh eating dems seeking to destroy W's credibility, in vivid detail. And, I just outlined the dems true intentions and background information in my last post. I didn't respond to Dusty's comment because his was one of support. If you're having that much difficulty discerning which way the evidence is pointing, I'll give you the capsulated version--- The ones who lack the thinnest shred of proof to support their position are the dems. Let me guide you through how ridiculous what they said really is.

The dems have accused Bush of just inventing the existance of WMD's in Iraq as an excuse to invade. All the intel was beyon question as it was presented to the US congress for the vote. You can't just say they got WMD's and then take a vote. Real evidence had to be presented along with pictures and etc. The Bush administration simply said, and without any dancing around about it, that by the time we got there, the WMD's were gone, most likely to Syria. Where, pray tell, is the lie in that statement? We have an ever expanding resource of intel supporting the validity of the present whereabouts of the WMD's located in Syria. Including aerial photographic intel, the real flight manifests, and the General in charge. The Bush administration didn't whine about the missing WMD's, though their presence would have given him the vidication he would later need in the face of viscious and wholly fabricated charges of having a happy trigger finger. Rather, W merely acknowleged the unfortunate timing and shouldered the blame.

It would be one thing if the charges leveled by the dems were true. However, one would have to assume men and women worthy of world leadership would have just a tad more integrity than to vote for war one minute and and feign innocence the next. They knew the whole intelligence picture back when W was president. They knew exactly what kinds of WMD's Saddam had and relatively how many. Not much later they knew the WMD's were in Syria. They recognized the opportunity to destroy W's reputation lay before them. They then seized the opportunity without the slightest pang of conscience. I contend such are not the actions of men and women who love their country. The whole sordid mess has diminished our national reputation. But, in the mind of today's democrat, a nose diving economy, grid locked government, global consternation and trading our national integrity for the image of lying if it suits us, are acceptable concessions in the pursuit of power.

In short, there is a mountain of evidence (already outlined) which supports the developement and deployment of biological and chemical agents deliverable in what are known as WMD's by the regime of Saddam Hussein. Those same kinds of WMD's are now known to have been transported to Syria, from Iraq, where they remain to this day. So the dems argument that they never existed is not supported by any known evidence. And the only people saying this are the Saddam Hussein Regime and certain democrat members of the congress of the United States. Now, maybe that gives you some measure of comfort but, I think it's strange bedfellows indeed. Isn't that taking the old axiom of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" to extremes? We got members of the democrat party backing up members of Saddam's ba'ath party. :please:
TheRealThing Wrote:Listen, sorry to gang up on you Wildcat. Dusty was agreeing with me for the most part. Quote-- "He did, kind of sorta.... Don't get me wrong, I'm on your side". My comment wasn't a quote, it was a paraphrase for the sake of clarity. I remember the epic 'tit for tat' between the Bush admin and the flesh eating dems seeking to destroy W's credibility, in vivid detail. And, I just outlined the dems true intentions and background information in my last post. I didn't respond to Dusty's comment because his was one of support. If you're having that much difficulty discerning which way the evidence is pointing, I'll give you the capsulated version--- The ones who lack the thinnest shred of proof to support their position are the dems. Let me guide you through how ridiculous what they said really is.

The dems have accused Bush of just inventing the existance of WMD's in Iraq as an excuse to invade. All the intel was beyon question as it was presented to the US congress for the vote. You can't just say they got WMD's and then take a vote. Real evidence had to be presented along with pictures and etc. The Bush administration simply said, and without any dancing around about it, that by the time we got there, the WMD's were gone, most likely to Syria. Where, pray tell, is the lie in that statement? We have an ever expanding resource of intel supporting the validity of the present whereabouts of the WMD's located in Syria. Including aerial photographic intel, the real flight manifests, and the General in charge. The Bush administration didn't whine about the missing WMD's, though their presence would have given him the vidication he would later need in the face of viscious and wholly fabricated charges of having a happy trigger finger. Rather, W merely acknowleged the unfortunate timing and shouldered the blame.

It would be one thing if the charges leveled by the dems were true. However, one would have to assume men and women worthy of world leadership would have just a tad more integrity than to vote for war one minute and and feign innocence the next. They knew the whole intelligence picture back when W was president. They knew exactly what kinds of WMD's Saddam had and relatively how many. Not much later they knew the WMD's were in Syria. They recognized the opportunity to destroy W's reputation lay before them. They then seized the opportunity without the slightest pang of conscience. I contend such are not the actions of men and women who love their country. The whole sordid mess has diminished our national reputation. But, in the mind of today's democrat, a nose diving economy, grid locked government, global consternation and trading our national integrity for the image of lying if it suits us, are acceptable concessions in the pursuit of power.

In short, there is a mountain of evidence (already outlined) which supports the developement and deployment of biological and chemical agents deliverable in what are known as WMD's by the regime of Saddam Hussein. Those same kinds of WMD's are now known to have been transported to Syria, from Iraq, where they remain to this day. So the dems argument that they never existed is not supported by any known evidence. And the only people saying this are the Saddam Hussein Regime and certain democrat members of the congress of the United States. Now, maybe that gives you some measure of comfort but, I think it's strange bedfellows indeed. Isn't that taking the old axiom of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" to extremes? We got members of the democrat party backing up members of Saddam's ba'ath party. :please:

just 1 question where are they at?
vector Wrote:just 1 question where are they at?

TheRealThing Wrote:syria
TheRealThing Wrote:syria

prove it
TheRealThing Wrote:syria

i believe therealthing is the one who gave dick & george the intelligence
that the wmd's was in iraq but since we have not found them he now
say's they are in syria instead of therealthing it should be thewrongthing
RV, you and the parrot on your shoulder laughing in the face of the evidence posted on here is the number one bob and weave of choice, for liberal democrats. It doesn't work with me. I will take the word of General Georges Sada of the Iraqi Air Force over you and Confusednicker: vector.

There is a good laugh to be had here though, I will grant you that one. What possible reason could an Iraqi General of high rank, possibly the highest rank in Iraq, have for siding with the infidels of the west, if what he says is not true? The notion is an absurdity of the highest degree. Of course, it would necessarily take a predilection for the absurd, to make some of the arguments liberals make. Even more absurd is the liberal democrats of the US Congress siding with the arab world against their own nation. Two groups of people say the WMD's never existed, American liberal democrats and those who have sworn Jehad against our land.

You ignore mountains of evidence to believe a lie.
TheRealThing Wrote:RV, you and the parrot on your shoulder laughing in the face of the evidence posted on here is the number one bob and weave of choice, for liberal democrats. It doesn't work with me. I will take the word of General Georges Sada of the Iraqi Air Force over you and Confusednicker: vector.

There is a good laugh to be had here though, I will grant you that one. What possible reason could an Iraqi General of high rank, possibly the highest rank in Iraq, have for siding with the infidels of the west, if what he says is not true? The notion is an absurdity of the highest degree. Of course, it would necessarily take a predilection for the absurd, to make some of the arguments liberals make. Even more absurd is the liberal democrats of the US Congress siding with the arab world against their own nation. Two groups of people say the WMD's never existed, American liberal democrats and those who have sworn Jehad against our land.

You ignore mountains of evidence to believe a lie.

So since Syria has the WMD will we be invading them soon?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:So since Syria has the WMD will we be invading them soon?

The problem is this. IF, Syrian president Bashar al-Assad is deposed. There is a stockpile of WMD's, yes the very same ones that Saddam sent there, which will become haddable to some very bad boys. Therefore, since the regime is shaky, folks that know about the weapons are concerned terrorists will get their hands on them and folks in England and Israel are totally concerned what could happen.

It's unfinished business resultant from our late arrival in Iraq, and who knows what will come of it all.
TheRealThing Wrote:RV, you and the parrot on your shoulder laughing in the face of the evidence posted on here is the number one bob and weave of choice, for liberal democrats. It doesn't work with me. I will take the word of General Georges Sada of the Iraqi Air Force over you and Confusednicker: vector.

There is a good laugh to be had here though, I will grant you that one. What possible reason could an Iraqi General of high rank, possibly the highest rank in Iraq, have for siding with the infidels of the west, if what he says is not true? The notion is an absurdity of the highest degree. Of course, it would necessarily take a predilection for the absurd, to make some of the arguments liberals make. Even more absurd is the liberal democrats of the US Congress siding with the arab world against their own nation. Two groups of people say the WMD's never existed, American liberal democrats and those who have sworn Jehad against our land.

You ignore mountains of evidence to believe a lie.
Just one iota of real proof that the Iraq WMD's are in in Syria, or shut the hell up about it.
TheRealVille Wrote:Just one iota of real proof that the Iraq WMD's are in in Syria, or shut the hell up about it.

Guess what? You don't tell me to do a thing, much less shut up.
TheRealThing Wrote:Guess what? You don't tell me to do a thing, much less shut up.
That's what I thought. No proof.
TheRealVille Wrote:That's what I thought. No proof.

Fair enough, since you like the put up or shut up approach. It's my turn. I have posted several 'proofs' to support my views. Let's see something other than the, LMAO LARGE icon button being punched or some ridiculous DNC talking point, to back up your claim. Got any proof the WMD's are not in Syria? Let's see something.
TheRealThing Wrote:Fair enough, since you like the put up or shut up approach. It's my turn. I have posted several 'proofs' to support my views. Let's see something other than the, LMAO LARGE icon button being punched or some ridiculous DNC talking point, to back up your claim. Got any proof the WMD's are not in Syria? Let's see something.
I don't need any proof. It was your "bubby" that said they had them and went to war over it,costing me, and others, billions of dollars. I don't have to prove anything, they weren't where they were said o be.
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't need any proof. It was your "bubby" that said they had them and went to war over it,costing me, and others, billions of dollars. I don't have to prove anything, they weren't where they were said o be.

That's not exactly the whole story now is it? My "bubby" did his part, but, 29 top democratic senators and 85 house dems did their part too. Some of the those dems who voted to go to war were on the various intelligence committees presenting the evidence to the president that Saddam had developed, manufactured, and deployed WMD's against the Kurds.
TheRealThing Wrote:That's not exactly the whole story now is it? My "bubby" did his part, but, 29 top democratic senators and 85 house dems did their part too. Some of the those dems who voted to go to war were on the various intelligence committees presenting the evidence to the president that Saddam had developed, manufactured, and deployed WMD's against the Kurds.
Just like you say with Obama, the "buck stops here". Bubby was the Prez.
TheRealVille Wrote:Just like you say with Obama, the "buck stops here". Bubby was the Prez.

Suits me. But you can't say Saddam didn't have WMD's. As many as 7,000 Kurds are said to have been killed and as many as 20,000 maimed or injured, by chemical and biological bomb drops prior to 2003.
Is anyone else excited we only have to put up with Barry fr a few more months??
TheRealThing Wrote:Fair enough, since you like the put up or shut up approach. It's my turn. I have posted several 'proofs' to support my views. Let's see something other than the, LMAO LARGE icon button being punched or some ridiculous DNC talking point, to back up your claim. Got any proof the WMD's are not in Syria? Let's see something.

it's not on FAUX news

vector Wrote:it's not on FAUX news


Ouch! You really cut me to the quick with that one. Of course, the source you cited is always killer too, the biglmao.
vector Wrote:it's not on FAUX news

you should really stay away from that channel it's not very acurate

You might want to try
vector Wrote:it's not on FAUX news


Since I think are meaning to say Fox News, the only way you could know something like that either way would be because you are a regular viewer. Hmmm, how about it?
nky Wrote:you should really stay away from that channel it's not very acurate

You might want to try

I'd still like for someone to post something plausible to explain how Saddam Killed 7,000 and injured 20,000 with chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction if he didn't have them.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Is anyone else excited we only have to put up with Barry fr a few more months??


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