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Election Coverage Discussion
4_real Wrote:You MAY be able to call me out on that, then..but tonight my friend i shalt party Smile
Party on is all I can say, but do you have family who work in coal??
Yea cause we all know the entire state of Kentucky will fall without coal. Thats the difference between a democrat and a republican, democrat are for the people, republicans are for themselves.
Yes i have family who work in coal.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:For the first time in this countries history, we officially have more welfare cases and complete idiots than civil hardworking people. Its disgusting to me to think of what we have went threw the last 4 years only to watch the "regulars" on tv shouting and screaming for a man they voted for ONLY because he is black. I dont care to say it.

I hope you liberals got your feel, because as of Jan 1st, i wont have a job.

Where's your little pic of the millionaire preacher?:hilarious: :ChairHit: This should be the Wendy Whiners thread or the dead elephant club. Play the race card all you want just shows how backwards you really are.:thatsfunn
4_real Wrote:Yea cause we all know the entire state of Kentucky will fall without coal. Thats the difference between a democrat and a republican, democrat are for the people, republicans are for themselves.

4_real Wrote:Yes i have family who work in coal.

If you did, you would know the effect.
I have seen you post several times on here and not once have you even made a somewhat intelligent post about coal.

Trust me, you think burglary, drugs, and home invasions are somewhat bad now, wait until thousands of miners are without work and trying to feed a family.

You, like the other 50,000,000 in this country that voted Obama tonight, are very naive.
4_real Wrote:the statement you just made is completely false. i dont even have to search for numbers lol.. trust me i didnt vote for you to lose your job..and i am not a liberal.

If you voted for Obama, you voted for me to lose my job.

Thats a clear fact. The man himself said he would shut down all coal.
4_real Wrote:the statement you just made is completely false. i dont even have to search for numbers lol.. trust me i didnt vote for you to lose your job..and i am not a liberal.
You are a joke because if you voted for Obama look how Kentucky went for Romney. If you went that far left then you are liberal like it or not.
Yea buddy i know the effect of coal. I lost my childhood home to a flood caused by a strip mine pond that broke loose. hmm wonder if the coal company had to pay for that? NOPE!
My dad broke his back underground only to have the coal company fight him tooth and nail for some kind of compensation. my brother inlaw lost his dad in a coal mine due to a roof fall. the creek i used to fish in as a kid was runined by a massive sludge spill. yea buddy i know the effects of coal mining.
#1YoungDawg Wrote:Say goodbye to the coal industry and after that say goodbye to kentucky!!!

It is going to be a scary thought to see EKY 3 years from now.
4_real Wrote:Yea buddy i know the effect of coal. I lost my childhood home to a flood caused by a strip mine pond that broke loose. hmm wonder if the coal company had to pay for that? NOPE!
My dad broke his back underground only to have the coal company fight him tooth and nail for some kind of compensation. my brother inlaw lost his dad in a coal mine due to a roof fall. the creek i used to fish in as a kid was runined by a massive sludge spill. yea buddy i know the effects of coal mining.

Once again....bullshit.
Yea i figured youd dispute facts.
I can't wait for 2016 when people see what Obama does when he has no reason to hold back.
Looking forward to what your saying is a destroyed country? Weird lol
Just keep this from turning into a childish Facebook argument. Keep it classy dudes.

I might go with the trend and sign up for some food stamps and goverment assistance.

Its going to be extremely hard when more people in KY are living off of the government than working.
4_real Wrote:Yes i have family who work in coal.
Ok!!! So if you have family who work in coal who did they vote for. I bet it was not Obama.
go for it lol
#1YoungDawg Wrote:Ok!!! So if you have family who work in coal who did they vote for. I bet it was not Obama.

Idk who they voted for..but id bet you could ask these nosey ass poll workers they could tell you.
I'm more worried about our economy guys. We are running into a brick wall. This shit will hurt.

Also, people don't vote Pres Obama just because he's black. A group might, but they're easily in the minority. We got beat, it's as simple as that. Most of America, especially in urban and suburban areas, don't have our problems of possibly losing our economy, lol. We lost, now we have to push ahead and keep at it.

I really, really hope the President and his administration will go more towards the middle an start to get things done.
We are the minority.
Whose "we" lol
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:We are the minority.
If republicans don't move closer to the middle, and get rid of the far right, your prediction will come true. If tonight isn't a wakeup for republican politicians, they can't be woke up. They are going to have to give on some issues that they cling to with a death grip.
Considering the calls of "riots" and "assassinations" if Obama were to lose, explains what we have in this country.
Below are tweets of our finest "thugs" who i now consider the majority obviously.

Supporters of President Barack Obama have continued to take to Twitter, calling for riots should Obama lose, as well as the assassination of Republican candidate Mitt Romney, throughout election day.

Here’s a small selection of tweets gathered by Paul Joseph Watson on Tuesday:

“If Romney does win, we just gone assassinate him & f-kboy Ryan.” – @AlmaBellaAbriel

“I promise I will assassinate Romney.” – @PaoloNona21

“If Romney win, ima assassinate that mf my damn self !” – @__Locc

“I would personally assassinate Mitt Romney if he wins…but I think Al Qaeda will beat me to it!” – @ShannoRFoster

“If Romney get elected , we got till January to Assassinate him *shrugs* lol” –@MrConsistent11

“So which one of us wants to assassinate romney if he wins? (which he won’t but we must be cautious)” – @violetlikecats

“Can someone just assassinate Romney please.” – @amish1979

“I am going to assassinate Mitt Romney.” – @AdventureJosh_

Other users have expressed fantasies of shooting the Republican candidate, as well as his supporters. Twitchy collected many of these. Here are a few.

“If Hitler, Romney, and myself were locked in a room and I had a gun with 2 bullets, I'd shoot Romney twice.” – @KelseyGeorge23

“Goin buy a gun tommorow Cus if Romney win I ain't goin out without a fight” – @D_kushkid

“This ****** said he voting for Romney *cocks gun* lmao” – @i_SlapSluts

“Who's voting for Romney? ... *Cocks gun *Looks around” – @_camillexoxo

“Who's voting for Romney? ... *Cocks gun.” – @imari__

“Food stamps are such a beautiful thing. Romney better hope he lose tomorrow , I cock my gun on his ass he take MY food stamps away lol” – @_MaliksWright

“I seen a suburban that had Romney 2012 , wrote in the windows .. only if i had a gun at the time -_____-“ – @datDAMN_TB


Remember, after the Gabrielle Giffords shooting last year, when the establishment left called for conservatives and libertarians to “tone down the rhetoric”? Well, that apparently doesn’t apply to them, as no repercussions have come to these Twitter users.

“Threatening to kill a public figure is a felony punishable by up to 5 years in prison,” writes Watson. “However, the vast majority of these individuals will face no retribution whatsoever, partly because of the mass media’s blanket refusal to treat the issue seriously, a stance that only served to embolden thousands more Twitter users to echo the threats.”

Though the Secret Service has said that they are aware of the threats and are monitoring them, the Twitter users continue to call for violence.

But it’s not just users of Twitter, though, who have been making threats against Romney and his supporters.

On Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday, host Maher made a joke suggesting violence against white people who vote for Romney: “I would like to make this one plea. Black people know who you are and they will come after you.”
I think its very possible that protest and revolts here could end up being worse than anything the middle east has ever seen.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:If you voted for Obama, you voted for me to lose my job.

Thats a clear fact. The man himself said he would shut down all coal.
And for me to keep mine.
buddy those are tweets you live in these hollers like the rest of us and know its not hard to go find some good ol boy who says he'd kill that n word if he had the chance.
You have to be shitting me man. I could take 5 mins and get a bunch of dumbass FB statuses and tweets by both Obama haters and supporters. It's ridiculous. But people say this stupid crap quite a bit, gathering it up after we get beat and hold it up and use it as an excuse is pathetic. We lost, now we have to keep going. Dumbass excuses won't work, we don't do that, they do, get it right.
I wonder how many times the name Chris Christie will be on fox in the months to come lmao
Ill pray for a better tomorrow and move on.

I can promise to you that you will no longer see RunItUpTheGut on the political forum, and maybe BGR with the way the economy is going, paying for internet will be a stretch.

I will leave you with this though.....So help us God, before the next four years are over, this country will either be in complete shambles with millions starving to death, or it will be in war with itself, and ill hope for your sake and mine, you choose the right side to be on when that war comes, whether it be a physical war, or a political one.

I can only ask for your prayers as i try to figure out what im going to do with 80000 of debt and no job.

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